HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-05-20for each offense. The authorities of this county shall not allow any such Carnival to open until the license required is ~xhibited to them. This ~dinance shall be in force from its passage. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.~ A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of the said count~ on the 20th day of Nay, 1942. Present: Messrs. J. N. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. Ho Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell MeOme, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent Officers pre~sent~ County Exeeutive~?a~d Sheriff. Minutes of the meetings of April 15, 1942, and Nay 4, 1942, were read and approved. The following Resolution, regarding the continuation of the C. C. Co. Camp at White Hal~ was unanimomsly adopteds State. proved. ~HEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of this Board that many CCC Camps in Virginia are being closed and, WHEREAS, Camp S-60 located at l~hite Hall, Virginia, has dane very excellent work in forest fire prevention and control and, ~/~EREAS, the artificial lake near the camp has not yet bee~ completed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~ the Board of County Super-' visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that ~he Federal ~authorities be and are hereby requested to locate a permanent Veterans' Camp at White Hall in this county in order that the artificial lake maybe completed and the-very excellent forest fire prevention and control work in this county be continued. '~ Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of F~uance, submitted a statement of the expenses of the Department of Finance f~r the month of April, 1942~ one-third of wb~eh to be borne by the Upon ~otion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examimed~ verified andap- Claim far goats, alleged to have been killed by dogs, was presented by the Society of the Precio,me BloOd, and referred to the. Commonwealth's Attorney for his opinio:l. The following Reports were prea~nted and ordered filed: 1. C ~ou~ nty Executive. 2. University of Virginia ~osPital, 3. District Home Board. 4- Game Warden. Commmmication from Gen. J. A. Anderson, State Highw~ COmmission~, acknowledging receipt of Resolution adopted by tb/s Board on Nare~ 18, 1942, regarding the 'entrance to Mc- Intire Righ School, was presented. Statement, showing the allocation of Secondary Road F~nds 'for the year beginning Yuiy 1, 1942, was presented. The 0ounty Executive reported that the W. P. A~~ Project for the preparation of the ~ax Nap of Albem~ie County would cease to function aft&r June, 1942, and suggested that a Committee Be appointed to investigate the .wiSdom of continuing the project.. The Chairman appointed a Oommittee, consisting of Dr. L. G. Roberts, ~r..Po H. Gentry, and the CoUnty Executive, to investigate and report back. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L..G. ~ober~s, seconded by Mr. ~.~bF ~arris, was ~sly adopted~ WHEREAS, Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of Highways for System Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1942, for the County of Albemarle, N0~ ~P~EF0~E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia,that the Budget presented to this Board be ~and the same is hereby approved. The matter of adepting a Payroll Deduction Plan for the purChase of War Savings Stamps and Bonds was discussed. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the Chair~ of this Board address a letter to each employee requesting that the Board be .inferme as to what extent eaCh employee would be willing to purchase bonds and stamps monthly. Claims against the County, amounting to $42,800.84, were presented, e_~__~ined, and allc~ed a~d ordered certified to the Director of Finanee for payment and charged against the following fundS~ General School Orozet Fire District Dog Tax Rivanna District Road Debt Samuel Miller District Road Debt Commonwealth of Virginia $ 9,548.91 31,250.02 46.41 217.10 250,00 625,00 863.40 Total $42,800.84. Upon mo~ion, the meeting adjourned. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supe~eisors of Alb~le County, Virginia, vas held at the OFfiee B~. :~ting ~f the said County ca the l?th day of. June, Present= Hessrs. J. M. Fray,..:E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and Purcell ~eCae, a~d' Dr.: L.. Go. Roberts. Absent'= Ncae. O~fioers pres~mt.- ~m~y Executive and Shorifff. optnien as to ~he ~a~idity of an Act of the ~eneral Assembly of Virginia at the 19~2 Session authorizing the ~ of County Supervisors to appoint a Board of Equalization, was presented ~Walkor expressed~his opinion that the Act is valid and that it would be proper for this Board to proceed t~ ma~e the appointment. Upon motim, duly made and seeonded, '.~e~£ollowing fX~eholders were appointed to eonstitute a Bonrd o£ Equalization for the Co~n%y of Albe~mrle for 1~2~ lesbos. C.~. Garnett, J. B. Xegloy, and P. C. ~he following Resolution was ad~ptad~'~c~wing recorded v~te~ Ayes~ Messrs. IRobez'te; Noes~ None, BE IT RESOLVED b~ the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Camaty't '~.z.gtmia, that the ~pensation of the mmbers of the Board of Equalizatien be fixer at $7e00 per day, plus mileage at ~ per nile for each nile ~ed while performing the duties of the office. ~E IT FUR~ RESOLVED that the Budget for the year beginning July 1,1942, be amended to inelude the £ello~ug~ BOARD ~F EQUALIZATI~.' 100 Ccapensatica of Members $3,800.00 457