HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-06-17System Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1942, for the County of Albemarle, N0~, ~PfEEEF~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia,that the Budget presented to this Board be ~and the same is hereby approved. The matter of a~epting a Payroll Deduction Plan for the purchase of War Savings Stamps and Bonds was discussed. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the Chair~n of this Board address a letter to each employee requesting that the Board be informed as to what extent each employee would be willing to purchase bonds and stamps monthly. Claims against the County, amounting to $42,800.84, were p~esented, examined, and allowed a~d ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds~ General School Crozet Fire District Dog Tax Rivanna District Road Debt Samuel Miller District Road Debt Commonwealth of Virginia $ 9,548.91 31~250.~2 46.~l 2~0.00 62~.00 ...... 863.40 Total $42,800.~4. Upon mo$ion, the meeting adjournede A regula~'ueeting ef the Board of Ooumtyt Supervisors of AXbe~le Coumty, Virginia: was held at the Office ~. ~ the said County c~ the 17th day of June, Presen%~ ~essrs. J. )~. Fray,.;iE. J. Ballard~ P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby HaxTtS~ an~ Co Purcell ~Cue, and ])r. ~ Q. Roberts. A.bsent-~ None. ~ffieers present: C~m~y Executive and Sheriff. leee~e~, Dr. L, G, Robe=ts was re.,appointed a member of the Boea. d of ~e W~e f~ a au~o~z~ ~e ~d~ of C~ty ~~sors to ap~t a ~d ~ ~za~, ~s C~]~r e~ess~-his o~ ~t ~o Act is ~d ~ ~t it w~ ~ ~o~r for ~s ~e~ders were ap~ted ~ ~titute a ~d of ~~ti~ f~ ~e C~ of ~b~le ~e fer each ~e ~~ ~e ~o~g ~e ~uties of ~e ,/ 10~ Cc~pensaticn of Clerk 218 Telephcae and Telegr~.a~_.Serviee 220 TA-a~ Expenses 3X9 -StatiCaery,~ ~Printed Forms, Total The felleeing Reeoluti~a was uaan~aously adoptedg ~E IT RESOLVED 'by the Beard of Cmmt~ Superv/s~s of ~be~le C~ty, V~~, ~t T. C~ ~e~ ~'Cm~ ~ ~ ~pl~ ~ a~t ~e a~ts ~ ?~s of ~e ~ty of ~b~le~ ~1~ ~ ~~t ~of ~b~c We~e, for ~e ye~-~ ~ ~, 1~, 'f~ ~e ~ ~ $5~.~. ~ ~ht ~ ~e att~ti~ of ~e ~ ~t no date ~ ~ ~ f~r ~e ~e ~y~s.' ~ or ~J~ ~c~~ti~e Xt ~ ~der~ ~t each Co~ty ~ a ~ ~ ~ ef ~s ~ ~._~e y~' e~ ~e ~, X~, the g~ts ~ ~ ~ ~e d~s d~e ~. d~s or ~t ~e ~ ~ ~ pres~ted ~"ap~~ Albeaarle County,s Sha~-e of #A~usted Co. pen- Charlottesville Cbarlettesville's Share of "Adjusted. C~apensa- ~tseellaaem 1,62~.00 550.00. 550.~ ~0.~ Exeeut/ve with power to oeeupied by C. C. C. ~p ~~ ~om ~ Oo~~ of Assis~ss Statee proved, The ~get for the Department of Publie Welfare for the year beg:1.tming ~ 1, 19~2, ameunti~ng to .$57,525.~4, was presented and approved. Walker Williams~ Attorney, appeared concerning a proposed road between Route and Route ~. It was understood that it would be neeessary for such a road to go through the .property of ~rs. Dur~ette and I&. ~,ll~s was requested to contact ~rs. Durrette anal, asee~ain ~mde~ '~t ecaditio~s she would be willing for the r~ad to Be established report baek at' the next regalar meeting. The Co~t~ Ex~ative rep.~ted that he had arranged with ~r. ~eorge Gilmer, Attorney te prosecute tax s~Lite to enforce the e ..~llectien of delinquent land tax~s, which ar~ang~t provides that ~ro CzLlmer is to reeeive the eust<~ary Attorney's'Fee, plus a fee of ~5.00 ~ait an~ the 5~-~ssioner,s fee and the fee allowed by law for deed to the pur~e~r; In lthe event'it is neeessary for the County to. ~shase the land to protect itself, Mr. G~tmor would only expe~ his fees to be based upon the highest~'~bid ~eeeiVed frcm~a~;flo~si~er. O~ all taxes collected-without neeessity of a su~t, ~h~. Gilmer is to receive 15~ ~f~the amoumt eelle~$~d*~ UPT~. mo~ou, duly ma~e and see~nded, this arrangement was approved~ 460 men%"of ~md~Tire'fi~t~ug equipment Wh~eh'has been purehased ~the Scottsville Volunteer Fire Ccmpam~ which it will use in the suppression ~f fires not only in the To~n of Scotts- vllle, bat the surrounding crease. Upca motiea, duly made and seeemted, an appropriatica of $700.0~ was ~deto assist the Seottsville Volunteer Fire Cempany in the purchase of fire figh$~ing ~p~t, if the Ce~a~nweslthtS Attorney is of the opinica that ~his B~a~d has th~ au~hority ~ ~ke an appropriatie~~ f~r such a ~e, by the fell~ing recorded Pureell ~e, and'Dr. L. Claims against the Co~n~.,~ amounting to $19,.69X.25~ were presented, qxa~ined, and allowed, and ordered eertffied te the Director of Finauee for payment~ and eharged against ~he following funds~ ~eneral Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Read Debt= Rivanna -Distriot S-~,el Niller District ~hito Hall District ~Cc~onweal~ of Vir~a 3,55%21 Upen ~otien~ the meeting.' adj.~rmed. A regular meeting ~f the ~d of Co,tory.SupervisOrs ~f AXbemarle County, Virginia. was held at ;e~ae Offiee-:Buil~.tag ef the said ~nty ma the 1~ ~ of ~uly, l~e Presen%~ Nessrs. $. ~. Frey, E. ~. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H, Ashby Ham~s, cud Co l~2A*cell Ile~e, and Dro L. G. Robex'~so A~ent: Officers ~eSO~%~ County E~eeutive and .Sheriff. g~mmunieatima from Col, E. V. ~lksr, C~ealth's Attorney, expressing his cpiaiea of the action of the Board in assisting the Sco%%sville Volmnteer PAre Company'in the atvchase of fire fighting equipment, was p~esented, Upca ruction, ~ made and seconded, the :emmeawealth's Attorney was requested to prepare a ce~tract between this Board and the ~Se~tt- ville Volunteer Ft~e Company, pr. eying fe~ f~ protection by the Scottsville Volunteer Fire Campa~y ca the sa~Ja side of the County for ecmsidoration of ~he payment of ~.00; the term of +Jae contract to be f~ the life ef the equipment. The ~rman of this B0ar~ 'was &uthoriz~ to ex, cute this centrac% ia the .arum ef amd on behalf of th!~:.Board. · -Communication fram Col. E, V. Walker,'Commeawealth's Attorney, regarding excess fees of the Clerk of the Circuit Comx~ for the year 1~41, was presented, Upon motion, d~ made and secemded, the G~unty Exe~ was instructed to eemmuainate with the Cempensatiea Beard amd .request an adJustmen% of the population bas~s of this county ia order that the ex- cess fees may be ealeulate~ on a basis of a pepulati~ of The County Exe~m~Ave reported that he had cemm--~cated with ~udge ~oward N, Smith concerning a Conscientious OBJec~ars' Camp at ~hite Hall and that ~e $mith had been ad- vised by the ~ar Department that the matter would be considered. The following Reaolu%ica, 'offered by .Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconde~ by Mr. E. ~. ~llard, was unanimousXy adepted~: ~tEREA~, fram $~hae to tim~ bonds of the several District