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~'-nent of- mOd~-n"T~reT'xgh~ing equipment.which'has 'been purchased bZ the Soettsville Volunteer
Fire Company which it will use in the euppressie~ of fi~es nOt'only-in the Tm of Scotts-
valle, b~t the' surrounding areas. Upe~ tactics, duly made and seconded, an appropria%ica
of $700.00 was ~l.e'to aesis% the Seottsville Volunteer Fire Company in the purchase of
fire fighting '~qui~t, if the Ce~acnwealth'$ Attorney is of the opinion that $~ts Bear~
has the a~thcri~Y to ~ake an appro ~prtation" for such. a ~e, by the following ree~mded
vote~ Ayes~ ~s's~s~ J. M. Fray, Ee J. Ballard, P.
Pm~ell ~eOue,' and Dr. L. Ge Roberts;.. Noes:
Claims a~ainst the Co~t~..~ ammunting to $1~,691.25, were presented, qx~ine~, and
all,ed, and ~rdered eert~fied te the Director of Finance for paymen% and charged against
the following i~ds~
D~g Tax
Crozet Fire District
Read Debt=
Rtvanna .~istrict
Samael ~iller District
l~mite Hall District
Cemmcmwealth of Virginia
Upon aotion~ the ~ee%in~_'adjourned.
A regular meeting ef the Beard of Cmmty SupervisOrs ef AXiomatic Ceum%7, Virginia'
held at the Office~l~mg of the said ~cunty cu the 15th ~ay of July, 1942.
Present= ~essrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballar~, P. H. Gentry, H., Ashby Harris, and
~. l~r~ell ~cOue, and Br. Lo G. RoBerts.
Abseat $ None.
Officers ~r~%~ County Executive and
gommmieation fren Col. E. V. ~a__~, Commonwealth's Attorney, expressing
of the action of the Beard in assisting the Sco%tsville Volunteer Fire Company in the
of fire fighting equipment,--p~esented, ~Pon motion, duly ,de and seconded,
'.ommenwealth's Attcrmey was requested Se prepare a contract Between this Beard and 'the~Seott-
Volunteer Fire Company, prev!~ for fire proteetica by the Scottsville Volunteer Fire
ca the scu%h side of the Ccunty for ecaside~ation of the payment of $7~0.00; the term
the contract to be f~ the life of the equipment. The _c~_airman' of this Bear~ was authorize
execute this oeutrac~ in the name of and ca behalf of th~s. Beard.
Commuaication fre~ COl. E. V, ~alker,'Commenwealth'e Atterney~ regarding excess
fees of the Clerk off the Circuit Court fe~ the year 1941, was presented. Upon motion,
made and secce~led, the Ce~n~ Exee~ve was instructed to communicate with the Cempensatica
Board and request an adjustment of the poFelation bas~s of this county in order that the
tess fees may be calculated on a basis of a population ef
The County Executive reported that he had communicated with Judge ~eward W, ~mith
cencern~.ug a COnscientious OBjectors' Camp at ~mtte Hall and that judge S~ith had Been ad-
vised by the ~ar Department that the matte~ weald be considered.
The following Resolution, offered byDr. L. G. RoBerts, seconded BY Mr. E. J.
~allard, was unanimously
W~ERFAS, f~en time to time bends of the several District
4t ;I
Read Debt FUels have been purchased by other Cmmty
F~nds, and
WHEREAS, the current imto~est rate on securi-
ties of the ~ of Albemarle C~u~ty B~ads is a~eu%
NOg, T~'~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard
County Supervisors' 'of Albemarle County~ Virginia,
'ti~"the s~' w~e
~ ef~ee~ve ~ ~ ~torest d~ :~ ~d at~s
~r. H. A. Haden, Director of Finanos, subaitted a statement of expenses of the
Department of Finanee for the month of June, lg42, eae-thir~ of ~hieh to be borne by the
State. _Upon motion, duIy made amd seeonded, this statement was examined, verified, and ap-
The County Exeeutive recommended that the automobile authorized purchased for the
Department of Public Welfare be paid for-by the County and reinb~rsemeat from the S~ate be
based ca the mileage traveled by the aut~aohile ca official business. This toe,emendation
was_ approved a~d an approp~latica of $$8§.00 to sever the pu~ehase of this automobile was
made by the following recorded vets8 Ayes= ~essrso J.. M. Fray, E. J. ~allar~, P. H. ~ent~y,
Ashby Harris, C. Purcell MeCue, and D~* L. O. Roll.ts; Noes8 None,
Claim ef A. H. Barnett ~gainst the Dog Fund for tmrkeys alleged to have 'been
killed by dogs was presented and appr~v~ for payment.
The Board's attention was ~ to the fas% that at the April 15, X9~2, meeting
i~e pe~ diem""ra~e of"eompen~_a~' 'fimm'el-eet~-eff~eAals"was' imereased' fr~ $3.~ te $§.~
an~ it ha~ been s~ggested that the maximum all~wed per year f~r member~ ef ~he Electoral
Beard should bo similarly i~ereased. This matter was referred'to ~he Commonwealth!s Attorney
for his opinic~ as to the B6ar~'s authority for making such a ehange.
The following Re~orts were presented and ordered filed~
1. Couu%y Executive.
2, Came ffar~em. -
3o Uaiversity of Virginia Hospital.
~e Distwiet Heme~Deard.
The following ecemu~eation from the DePartaent of Highwa~ was presented aud
June 30, X9~2
AL~ COUNTY~ Seeendary Syste~
Albemarle ~ty IMmrd of Supervisorse
~harlottesvilte, Virginia.
Zoz~ resoluti~s requesting additions to the Seeondary System of Albe-
merle County have been acted ca as folI~ws -Effeetive July 1, 1942t
Additions A~mreveds
Fr~ 1o10 mile Northeast of Znterseetion Reate 67~ on R~ute
61~, to 0.,.~0 mile Southeast Route 613~ to proper~ of
W. W, Roberts, Leag~ Oe~0 ]~.le.
From Intersection Route 629, 0~ mile North of Intereec-
tica R~to' 230, to ~wn~s Cove Post 0ffieae ~ 0.15 ~ile.
From Interseetica Nc~h ~arden Road, Route 712, t~ 0.1~ Mile
Northeast to Dead Emd. ~ 0,1~ ~ile.
Fre~ Em~ Fresen% '*Maintenamos en Route G85~, South of Ce and O*-
Railroad, towards Herbert's Cold Storage. Length O.13
F~ 0.~ Mile South Iaterseetien Routes 738 and 676 to End
Present Maintenance en Route~?08. Length I*15 Miles.
Ad~iti~s A ~r ov~.d ~(Cen%inued )
Mead~wb~k Hills: From Earl Present ~ain.ten._~nee to Dr.
Levell's Restden.~,..East 0,10 Mile. Length O.XO Mile.
Years very siueerely,
The County Exeeutive was ~ise~ to tu~a the proee, ed~mthe sale of the C~m~au
~annc~ over ~0 1~ Salvage Ccamittee to'be used ~r the entertainment of s~l~iers.
Up~ motion, duly male a~d seconded, it was ~rde~ed that ~r. C. H~ Shapleigh be
~i~ for tine d~ to the ~apping ProJ. eet between ~une 12, 1942, ~md ~ume 27, 1942,
Statement ef fees received by Ceun%y Officers during 17~1, which was reeeived fr~a
~e C~apensati~ Board, was presented and ordered published according to law.
The County Executive was instructed tc e~u~er with the CommXttee f~m the Izaac
Wa~t'~-'~guw'~~a~"An-stax~'th~reerea~f~l"dam-'at~White ~ a~d ask that
a~Angements be ~ade to ¢~mplete the work in order ~hat it may be ma~e usable.
The Ccu~%y Executive was instructed to confer with the Clerk ~f the Sehool Board
ooneerning the finan~ta~ o~diti~a of the School ~rde-
C~ against the County, amounting t~ $~,28~28, were Presented, e~amined, a~d
all,wed, and ordered oertified te the Director of Finance ~ payment ~ud charged against
the following funds:
School 3,528.83
D~g Tax 1~5.~
~ Crozet ~re Dist~et
: R~d Debt8
~rlot~es~e ~striet
I~ Dis~et
~v~ Dis~iet ~,~e~
~otts~e ~8t~iet 2~eO0
~ H~ District 5~350~
Na~o~ Defoe ~a~g
Co~nwe~th of Vir~a.
Up~ ~ti~, ~e ~et~g adJc~ed.
~ , C~airmano