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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of the said County on the l~ day of August,.1942.
Present.: -. Mesers, J. M, Fray, E. J.. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, and H.':AshB~Harris,
and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absentt ~r. C- Pu~. cel~/cCue.
~Offieers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the De-
partment of Finance far the month .of July, 1942, One-third of which to be borne by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and' seconded, this statement was examined, verified., and approved.
~ It was Brought to the attention of the Board that i.t would require $500.00 to com-
plete and make usable the Lake near White'Hall and that the State' C~me Commission had arrang~
to provide $300..00 and the City Council $100.00, and the County was requested/.~o appropriate
the balance. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an'appropriation of $100.O0 was made to
assis~ in completing the Lake aear White Hall by the following recorded voteI Ayesl Messrs.
None.J' M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. -Gentry, and H. Ashby Harris, and Dr. L. G, Roberts; Noesl . The County Executive reported that there were certain miscellaneous ~xpenses
$200.00 fo~ Civilian Defense ~ses was ~ade by the following recorded vo~e: Ayesl
J. M~ Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. ~eatxqj, and H. Ashby.~arris, and Dr. T~. G. Roberts;
The Director of F:~v..ce was in~t~,-,zcted to reque~% the Compemsation ]~az'd. to author-
ize an increase in the salary 'of Miss Vern~lle Morris of :.$10~0 per month beginning September
The County Executive called '
the Board's attention to the fact. that bomb insurance
was available for the County buildings. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, action on this
matter was postponed.
Copy of' Tax Receipt of Moses Wood, sh~wing, the payment of taxes for +2ae year
~pon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the Clerk release $~es for this
rear and She amount involved be charged against Mr. G.~ Stuart Harem, former Treasurer.
Communication from Mr. R. B. Worrell, tendering his resignation as Assistant County
lgent, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. Worrell'w~.~esignation was ac-
cepted and the appointment of his successor was deferred for the duration of the war.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that the State Health Department had
-~banged its policy and in the future a check for one-twelfth of its annual contribution to-
wards the operation of the Joint Health Department would be deposited into the County Treasur~
non~hly. Therefore, an appropriation for this amount would be necesssm7 in order that the
~ounty might meet its obligation which would include its contribution, as well as that cf the
~tateo Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an appropriation:of $7,420.00 was made to cover
~he amount of the State's con~bution toward the operation of the Joint Health Department for
the year be~u~_July 1, !:~42, by the following recorded vote~ Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray,
The following Reports were presented and ordered fi.led%
1. County Executive.
2. Board of Equalization.
3. C~me ~arden.
4. University of Virginia
Dr. Percy Harris, regarding Contract covering the purchase of equil~
~ment for the Scotteville Valunteer Fire C~, was presented and ordered filed.
Communication from Col. E.. V.-Walker, Commenweal~k~s-Attormey, expressing his
opinion as ~to the liability of the County for fees Of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in con-
nection with Voting List~ was presented and ordered filed.
The County Executive reported that he had secured an estimate cf $275.00 for paint-
ling the interior of the Court H~use. No,further acti .c~-was taken.
Communieatic~ fr~n Col. E. V. Walker, Ccmmonwealth'~s Attorney, advising that this
Beard did not have authority to increase the compensation allowed by law for members of the
Electoral B~zrd was presented and ordered filed.
The County Executive. was aathorized to inform Nr. P. G. Ligon that no copy of the
Report of R. Stuart Royer, C. E., on the ~aterSupply at'Crozet is avai-table for his use.
Repm-t ortho State Department of Highways on c~n~ction 'and maintenance work c~
the Secondary. Highways~ in Albemarle County during the year ended June 30, 1942, was presented
a~d ordered filed~
Oommm~ication from the Compensatien Boa~, eal~ing attention to tho ~cts of-Assem-
bly -of 19~ wh~by, the Bo~rd of' 0ou~ty Su~risors ia ~e~mtred to recemmend the number of
Beputy ~heriffs necessary in this county, was presented aud referred to the 0ommenwea~th'a
~ttorn~y, $heriff, amd 0~ty Execrative ~for study and ~r~ort back at the/September, 19~,
The following Resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, a copy of a letter-from~Abram P. Staples, Attorney
General of Virginia, has been present.ed to this Boar.~ expressing
opinion':that~ po~tage~for-~tho off~-e,i'al ~ of th'e Trial Justice's
Office should be paid by the-County,
NOW, ~EREFC~E,~ ~E IT RESOLVED -by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Trial Justice be and
is hereby authorized to submit a-claim each month, or such other
period as is most convenient ta him,-for the amount expended for such
postage ~ this Beard for reimbursement.
RePort of Viewers, appointed at the April 16, 1941, meeting to view a proposed
read leading from Route 669; to Route 641', originally presented at $~he May 21, 1941', meeting
was again brought to the attention of the Beard.- Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this
Report was by unanimous action accept.de.
The Commonwealth's. Attorney and the Resident Engi~. eer of the State Department of
Highways were. requested ~o cons!al,ri further the feasibility of providing a road for the pe-
~ti-~imners referred to:above.and report Back.
Mr. George Gilmer, Tax Attorney, reported that his investigation revealed that
tract of ls-nd in the name of Abbott and Grasty .~n the Samuel Miller District, containing
240 Acres, a~ a tract of land in the name of Albemarle Orchard Company in the Samuel Miller
District, centainLug 2~0~ Acres, did not have sufficient value to:insure a bid on either
tract. The C~maty Executive was instructed to authorize the Tax. Attorney to proceed with the
suit and if no Other bids are received, bid in the name of the County and accept title in the
name of the County.
The following communications, from.George Gitmer, Tax. Attorney, were presented:
..... June 5th, 1942
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County
Charlottesville, Virginia
Mr. 'R. F. Black re,ts that the 240 acres assessed to Abbott &
Grasty on Applebury Mountain is so located that he does not think we
mould ~et a bid on the ~rooerty at a Sale. Under these circumstances
4( 5
Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle CoUnty - (Oont'd)
I also a~ked him.about the 260~ acres delinq~_ent in the
name of Albemarle Orchard Company on Applebury Mountain. He
says he does not think we could, get a bid on that if sold.
The 5 93/100 acres in the name of Robert Brown, Thomas
C~rter, Ira Yancey and Washington Walker has been d~linquen%
from 1916 to date. This is a remnant of a tract of 35 acres
off of which there have been eight conveyances. ~r. Black
2ells me that these eight conveyances took all of the tract
originally estimated as 35 acres and that there is nothing
left on the groun~ to represent the 5 93/100 acres on the ~
Yours truly,
(si ned)
July 6th, 1942
Mr. H. A. Baden
Director of Finance of Albemarle County
Charlottesville, Virginia
In Res County of Albemarle
~;~: ~. Kelley
Dear Sift
W.[N. Kelley is erroneously assessed with one acre on
the Woolen Mills Road, from 1916 to 1926. It .was dropped in
1926. The ~error occurred in this way. W.N. Kelley bought
lot'6 on the road from Charlottesville to Woolen ~ills from
A. R. Bla~ey and S. V. Southall, Trustees, by a deed dated
February 7th, 1888 and r.e, cor~.d a little over three years
later~ April 3rd , 1891, in D. B. 95, p. 99.
In the meantime W. N. Kelley and wife by dee~ dated
August ~2~. 1889 and recorded September 27th, 18~0~ in
D, B. 94, P. 137 conveyed lot 6 on the north side .~f the read
from Charlottesville to Woolen Mills containing one acre to
W. A. Giles, having been 'conveyed to W. N. Kelley by A. R.
Blakey and S. V.. Southall, Trustees February 7th, 1888.
W. A. Giles and wife conveyed this lot to C. ~ Mallory
by a deed dated September 27th, 1890 and' recorded October 30th,
1890 in D. B. 94, P. 230. Reference show these to be identical
C. A. Mallory conveyed part of this lot to the Woolen
Mills by deed dated May ~, 1896 and recorded the sam~ day
ia D. B. 105, p. 272, and conveyed the balance of the land to
the Charlottesville Woolen Mills October 16th, 1897, D. B. 109,
p. ~22.:, ~s all of this lot has been owned by the Charlottesville
Wooi~n ~ills simoe 1897 no delinquent ta~s erroneously assessed
to W. N. Kelley can now be collected.
Joe Amiss, one of the original residents at the Woolen
~ills said that Kelley sold this land to Rragg who sold it to
Mallory, who sold it to the Woolen Mills. He is right about
everything except the ~ from Kelley was to Giles and not to
Yours tru!y, ~
GT m
Augast 1st, 1942
Mr. H. A. Haden
Director of Finance of Albemarle Co.
Charlottesville, Virginia
County of Albemarle
~. O. Watson
Dear Sirs
There is 12/100 of an acre in the Fry's S~ringneighbor--
hood assessed to W. O. Watson and delinquent.This is in that
part of the County annexedby~-the City January 1st, 1939. This
.is an erroneous assessment and should be struck off the books.
~eorgeW. Hall conveyeda lot at the corner of Stribling
Avenue and the Fry's Spring Road, called University Avenue to
W. Oo Watson, D, B. 16~, p. 143. W. O. Watson conveyed off the
whole as follows~
To Dollie A. Barksdale, D. B. 173, p. 201
· To H. P. Port'er, D;'-B. 1.74, p, 6.7
and all that was left is in the deed to R. R. King, D.- B. 175,
p. 590e There was nothing left to be assessed in his name.
Yours truly,
(Signed) GEOR~E GII2~R
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Director of Finance an~ the Clerk of the
Circuit Court were instructed to drop the land referred to in the foregoing letters from
the County T~x Book. se
The 'coUnty Executive reported that two vacancies existed in the Department of P~blic
Welfare--one, a stenographer, and the other a case worker. Upc~ motion, duly made and
seconded, the County EXecutive was instructed to proceed 'with the selection of .individuals
to fill these vacancies.
Claims against the County, amounting to $15p168..~ were presented, examined, and al-
lowed, and ordered certified to the Director 0~ Finance for payment and charged against the
Upon motion,
following fundst
Dog Tax
National Defense Training
Crozet Fire District
Rivanna District Road Debt
Ail Funds --Deferred Debits
and .Credits ~ . -
Commonwealth of Virginia
the meeting adjourned.
3,359~2~ -
102.10 ·
297.26 -
, ,,, ~aiman.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, V~mrginia,
was held at the ~ce Building of the said County on the 16th day of September, 1942.
Present.- Messrso J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and O.
Purcell Mc~ue, and Dr. L. G, Roberts.
Absent= None,
Officers present= County EXecutive, Commonwealth's AttOrney, and Sheriff.
Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of the State Depar~ent-of Highways, appeared on
behalf of said Department .and recommended that certain changes in the Primary and Secondary
Systems due to relocation and construction on Route 6,r Project 68OFf, he made as hereafter set
Upon-' mot~l~n, duly'made'-and s~conded, -the .following Resotuti~-'was 'unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the following changes:~he Primary and Second-
ary Highway Systems due to relocation and construction on Route 6, Pro-
ject 680E-2, as set forth on Map of the Highway Department dated July
15, 1942, be approved and made~
1o Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, .6, .7~. ~a~d~9_ ~to_. _.,be eliminated