HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-09-16 To Dollie A. Barksdale, D' B. 173, p. 201
Toll. P. Port',r, 'D,B. l?~, p. 6?
and all that was left is in the deed to R. R. King, D, B. 175,
p. 590. There was nothing left to be assessed in his name.
Yours truly,
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Director of Finance an~ the Clerk of the
Circuit Court were-instructed to drop the land referred to in the foregoing letters from
the County Tax Books.
The 'County Executive reported that two vacancies exiSted in the Department of Public
Welfare--one, a stenographer, and the other a case worker. Upon. motion, duly made and
seconded, the County EXe~dtive was instructed to proceed 'With the selection of .individuals
to fill these vacancies.
Claims against the County, amounting to $15~t~..'~. ~ were presented, ey~m~ued, and al-
lowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
following fundss
Dog Tax
National Defense Training
Crozet Fire District
Rivanna District Road Debt
All F~nds - Deferred Debits
and .Credits ~ ~
Commonwealth 'of Virginia
3,359.~28 -
297.26 -
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
.~ Ohairmane
A regular 'meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the O~2ice Building of the said County on the 16th day of September, 1942.
Present: ~essrso J. ~. Pray, E. Jo Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and
Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent~ None.
Officers present~ County Executive,'Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff.
Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engiueer of the State Department-of Highways, appeared on
behalf of said Department and recommended that certain changes in the Primary and Secondary
Systems due to relocation and construction on Route 6, Project 68~bemade as hereafter set
Upon' motion, duly'made--and seconded,-"the-following Resotut~-~as -unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of 'County Supervisor's of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the following changes:~.inf~e Primary and Second-
ary Highway Systems due to relocation and construction on Route 6, Pro-
ject 6~0EE-~2, as set forth on Map of the Highway Department dated July
1~, 1942, be approv&d and made~
1. Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7&_ap.d 9 to be eliminated
2. Section 1 to be eliminated from the State Primary
System and added to the State Secondary System of
3. Section 8 to be added to the State Secondary System
of Highways.
Mr. R. Co Ambler, Resident Engineer, presented a Revised Budget for the Secondary
of Highways in this county, necessitated on account of reduction in Secondary System
The following Resolution was unanimously adopted:
.WHERFAS~,. Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident~ Engineer of the.State
Department ' of Highways, has appeared before'this Bosrd~an~. Presented
a Revised Budget for the Secondary SyStem-.of'HighwaYs ~.~ i"0f~_: ....
this County for the year beginning July 1, 1942, necessitated by a
.reduction in Secondary Highway Funds,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle .County, Virginia, that this Revised Secondary
Highway Budget be and the same is hereby approved.
A claim, amounting to $8,82, against the Dog Fund for rabies vaccine was presented
land approved for payment;
The Director of Finance submitted assessmeh~of Public Service CorporatiOns made by
the Corporation Commission of Virginia for the year 1942. The Commonwealthts Attorney was re-
lquested to communicate with the State Corporation Commission and ask for an explanation of
the reduction in assessed value of the Virginia Public Service Oom~ y in the Charlottesville
District for the year 1942 as compared to 1941.
Mr. H. A. Baden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the De-
partment o£ Finance for the month of August, 1942, one-third of which to be borne by the
State. l/pon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and ap-
Conmnnication from Hon. Howard. W. Smith, concerning location of a conscientious
objectors' camp at White Hall, was presented and ordered filed.
t~resented and ~otiee of intention to pass said Ordinance at the regular October, 1942, meeting
the Board was ordered published according to law.
The following Resolution was ~ly adopted.'
WHEREAS, by an Act of the General Assembly of 1942, Cbmpter
386, Setion 1, gubsection (c), this Board is required~ to recommend
to the Compensation Board of Virginia the number of full-time and
part-time Deputy Sheriffs, which, in its opinion, is necessary in
this county,
NOW, THEREFORE, 'BE IT RESOLVED by the Bo~rd of' Cpunty Super-
Visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that it is hereby recommended
that the Compensation Board a~thorize the Sheriff ~f this 0ounty to
appoint six full-time Deputies and no part-time Deputies.
Uprmmot~on; ~du~y made and seconded, the following. Report of the Finance Committee
September 15, 1~42
To the Board of County Supervisors of the
County of Albemart~~, Virginia:
Your ¢omm~tee'::wi'shes'to'report that it. has authorized~the Director
ordinance to make the following inter-fund transfers on December 23, 1~41,
to cover Interest to date of payment on $1,O00.O0, par value, of Scotts-
viile District BOnds owned by the Rivanna Distric~ and $1,000.00, par value,
of Scot%sVille District Bonds owned by the White~all District and $?,000.00,
par value,-of bonds oft he Samuel MillerDistrict owned by the Charlottesville,
paidbythe debtor districts as follows~
Scottsville District ~
owned B~
~.- Amount
Bom:~ Interest
Rate of
Samuel. Miller Di. strict:.
Owned BF
A m o un t Rate of
"B~_ s .... Interes~ 2Interest,
Charlottesville District $_?.000.00 $175.00
To cover Interest to June 30, 1942, on bonds owned bX the several
funds as follows~
Sco.t~tsville District ~
Amou. nt ,,
. Bonds. . '
"Par Valve Cos~ I~.teres~
$ 63,000.00 $ 71,457.51 $1,071.87
2T, coo,oo ~:~i'TI8;$5~ - 445;78
"2~U00;~O ~'~' 2~,~ .... 36;2I
31,~0..~ 37,734,~ ' ' 566;02
$126.000.00 $14A.325.32 $2,16~,85
SAmmel Miller District:
Charlottesville Dist.
Rivanma Distr~et
..... A. mo un t
Par Value Cost~
$ 3,000.00 $ 3,704.11
35,o0peo.o ' 43.429.90
~lt. erest
$38.0~....00 _, $47.134.0~ ,, $707.01
The Board, by resolution adopted at the meeting held on July 15, 1942,
directed that Interest be charged at the' rate of 1~% on the cost of the bonds
purchased. 'This procedure has been fol!_?wed.
Your Committee requests, that you approve ~ts action in authorizing
these transfers.
Respectfully submitted,
(Si~ne~t)' C; PURCELL Me'OD'E_'
' ': "CO~TTEE
(Signed) ~. ~, RQBETS ')
Upon motio~ duly made' and seconded, the ~ollowing Sale and '-purchase of securities
was ordered:
$5,000.00, par_ valle/., U. S. Govt. Treas. 2 3/4% Bonds due
5,500.00, par value, U.-$. Treas' 2~% Bonds due 12/15/45.
$21,000.00, par value~. U, S. Govt. Series G~ RegiS%.red
Defense 2~ Bonds due twelve yea~s ~rom ~his.
The following Reports were presented, approved, and ordered filed:
1. County Executive~
2. District Board.
3. Equalization Beard.
4. University of Virginia Hospital.
5. Game ~arden.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that the Joint Defense .F~nd, which
ha~ been established by the City and County, ha~ been consumed in expenses and that an ad~Li-
tional appropriation of $500.00 should be made for this purpose. Upon motion, duly made and
seconded, an appropriation of $500.00 was. made to match au appropriation of ,an equal amount
to be made by the City Council by the following recorded vote: Ayes: ~essrs. J. M. Fray,
E. J. Bal!ard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts;
Noes: None.
Copy of Tax Receipt of J. ~. amd Jennette W. Wright, showing ~he payment of taxes
for the year 1929, which had not been properly cred/ted to the taxpayers ~ om the 0ounty~s
records, was presented. Upon motion, duly made a~ seconded, it was ordered that the Clerk
release taxes for this year and the amount involved be charged against Nr. G. Stuart Ham~,
former Treasurer.
The following communications from 6eorge Gi!mer, Tax Attorney, were p~es~nted~
4( 9
August 20th, 1942
~r. H. A. Haden
Director of Finauce of Albemarle County
Charlottesville, Virginia
Im Re:~ J. E,- Williams Estate
Dear Sir:
41/2acres and lOacres are delinquent in the name of
Jo E. Williams Estate for 1933 to 1941, and I do not k~owhow
much further back. The 10 acres he bought from Henson, D. B.
122, p. 438 and 4 55/160 acres from the County of Albemarle,
D. B. 138, p. 298. Both of these tracts he conveyed to Ac I.
Johns in July, 1912, D. B. 149, po 494. These pieces are
particularly referred to by the accurate a~reage and by refer-
once to the names of the people he bought from and the deed book
and page where the deed ~is recorded, so there can be no q~estion
about this.
~r. C, Ho Shapleigh has also checked it up and found the
same thing in regard to this Williams property. In fact Mr.
Shapleigh gave me a list of forty-seven pieces in the Rivanna
District which should come off. About a third of these I have
worked o~. It would certainly be a fine thing to get these
forty-seven p£eoes off the current ~ book a~d also to mark
them as erroneous assessments in the Clerk's Office. This would
save the ex, se of earrying themfrom year to year~ show up
better for the~County ia the matter of collections and marking
them off the record would save myself and some other tax collec-
tor a lot of work trying to collect on land that does not exist.
Yours truly,
QQ:DRC~ (Si~ed) GE~ Q~L~ER
August 20th~, 1942
Mr. H. A. Haden
Director of Finance of Albemarle County
0harlottesville, Virginia
In Re: Joseph E. Willard
Dear Sir:
5~ acres are delinquent in the name of Joseph E. Willard,
Rivanna District, 1923 to 1931. This is an erroneous assessment.
Joseph E. Willard never had a deed to but one 5~ acre tract. This
he bought from Gertrude Rives ~otts, D. B. 153, p. 184. He and
his wife conveyed this 5~ acres along with other property back to
Gertrude R. Potts by deed dated J~e 19th, 1920 and recorded Sep-
tember 13~h, 1920 in D. B. 174, p. 332. This tax should be marked
off the book.
Yours truly,
Upon motion, duly made a~d seconded, the Director of-Finance and the Clerk of the
Circuit Court were instrmcted to drop the land referred to in the foregoing letters from
the County Tax Books.
~ponmetion, duly made aud seconded, it was order~ that a copy of the ~i~ie Code
of 1942 be purchased for the Trial Justice's Office.
Communication from Mr. C. T~ O'Neill, requesting that th~ Board appoint someone to
represent th~ County on a ~omm~ty Planning Beard, which will have for its purpose the study
of the needs of the community far future deveIopment in the various fields of b~siness,
d~stry, and ed~eation,~Upon ~otiOm, duly made and seconded, the CouutyExecutive was ap-
pointed to represent the Coumtywith +~he distinct understanding that this grompwill in no
way o~ligate the Ceunty without the Beard's consent.
Oo~mmm~ication from the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, requesting permission to
exchange certain securities deposited with the Peoples Natio~_! Bank in escrow to protect
the County's deposits was presented.
WHEREAS, the citizens Bank and Trust Company has
requested permission to have released certain securities
which it has deposited in escrow to protect the County's
deposits and has submitted A list of securities which it
is willing to deposit in lieu thereof,
County S~pervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that
the Pe~les National Bank be and is hereby authorized
to reIease the following securities deposited with it by
the Citizens Bank and Trust Company in. escrow:
Lucy A. Brown 1st Nqrtgage
6% R. E.' Bond due 7/26/42.
For~est S. Towe amIHelen S.
Towe 5% R. E. Bond due 6/28/46,
upon delivery to it by the Citizens Bamkaud Trust Company
of the following.securities:
$5,000,00 U. S. TreasUry 2~% No%es due
Claims against the County, amounting to $~2~166.13, were pPesented, examined, and
allowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment 'and charged against the
the following funds:
~SChool -
Dog Tax
CrozetFire District
National. Defense Training
Road Debt~
Ivy DistriCt
Rivanna District
Charlottesville District
White Hall District
Commonwealth of Virginia
$ 8,297.66-
' 22~o00 -
5-,000;00 -
6,400~00 '
~ ~239.78.
Upon motion, the meeting'adjommed.
, Chairms~u.
A regular-meeting ~f the Bc~rd of County Supervisors ~f Albemarle County, Virginia
was held at the Office Building of the said County on the 21st day of October, 1942..
Present~ ~essrs. J. M. Fray, E. Jo Ballard, P.
and Dr. L, G. RobertS.
Absent: ~ro C. Purcell ~cOUe.
Officers present~ County Executive, C:ommcnwealth~s Attorney, and Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of September 16, 1942, were read and approved. '
The following claims against the Dog Fund were presented and denied ~ue:!ito lack of
evidence that the animals were killed by dogs~ George Douglas and I~, No Hanckel.
it was ~rbught to %he attention of the Board that the serVices of Miss Jeanne
Fournier, andemployee in the County Agent's Office, would be required f~'l time rather ~ than
part time as in the past.
Therefore, upon motion~'du~:ma~e:~an~"see~ed, %hesalsrYof~
Miss Jeanne Fournier was fixed at $60.00 per mon%h,~'~effective November !, 1~42.
Communications were received fr~aMr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the
erroneous assessment of certain lands in Albemarle County. Upon motica, duly made and
seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adoptedt
~tERFAS, Mr. George Gi!mer, AttOrney, who has ~een employed
to collect delinquent land t~.~s, has re¢~me~ded~hat the f~llow-
ingparcels of land be ~e~-!(':fr°mthe County's Tax Rolls due to
the fact that in hi,-opinion%he la~d is~eo~lyassessed~
Annie Wash
To Al~mze Trice
Polly B. Thompse~