HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-10-21 WHEREAS, the citizens Bank and Trust Compamy has
requested per-mission to have released certain securities
which it has deposited in escrow to protect the Ooumty's
deposits and has submitted A list of securities which it
is williug to depOsit in lieu thereof~
County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that
the Pe~ ~les National Bank be and is hereby authorized
to release the following securities deposited with it ~y
the Citizens Bamk and Trust Company in escrow:
Lucy A. Brown 1st Mqrt .g~age
6% R. E.' Bond due 7/26/42.
For~est S. Towe amd Helen S.
Towe 5% R. E. Bond due 6/25/46,
upon delivery to it ~y the Citizens Baz~ and Trust Company
of the following, securities:
$5,00~.00 U. S. Treasury 2~% No'es' due
Claims against the County, amounting to $42,166.13, were p~esented, examined, smd
allowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment ~and charged against the
the following funds:
~'S'chool Dog Tax
Crozet Fire Di~strict
National Defense Training
Road Debt.'
Ivy District
Rivanna District_
Charlottesville District
White Hall District~
Commonwealth of Virginia
$ 8,297.66-'
6, O0.
§~ 000;00-
6,400*00 '
Upon motion, the meeting adjomrmed.
, Ohairmane
A regular meetlag ef the Beard ef County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia
was held at the Office B~ilding ef the~ said County on the 21st day of October, 1942.
Present: Messrs. J. M.'Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. 'Gent~, ...... ~,~~hSr~:~Nar~ ~' ~ ~ · ~ ris,
smd Dr. L. G- Roberts.
Absent: Mr. C. Parce!l NeOue.
Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of September 16, 1942, were read and approved.
The following claims against%he Deg Fuad were presentedand deaied aued%olackof
evidence that the auimals were killed by dogs: George Douglas and We N. Hanckel.~
It was b~ought, te the attentiom of the Beard that the services of Miss Jearme
Fournier, am~employee in the County Ageat's Office, would be required .fpll time rather tha~
part time as in the past.
Therefore, mp~ mo%i~ ~uly made-'am~' se~on~e~,
Niss Jeanne Fournier was fixed at $60.00 per month,~effective November !, 1942.
Communications were received from Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the
erroneoms assessment of certain la, ds in Albemarle County. Upon motiea, d~ly made and
seconded, the following reselutiom was unanimously adopted:
WheREAS, Mr. Ge~rgeGitmer, AttOrney, who has been employed
to collect de~qu~l~d~s, ~s recordist ~hefell~-
~g ~cels of~ be~l~'~~ ~e Co~s Tax Roils due ~
~e fact ~at tn~ e~nion~the ~d is:~eo~Xyassess~:
Aanie Wash
To Alonzo Trice
Polly B. Thompse~
Sta~leten S~eed*s Estate
NOW, ~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLED by the Board of
County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that
these parcels Be considered as erroneous assessments on
the basis of ~r. Gilmer'.$ report a~d no further efforts
be made to collect the taxes on same.
Communication from Mr. Berlin Eye, District Forester, with reference to Chapter
413 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1942, was presented and ordered filed.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an appropriation off $333.33 was made to o~ver
~he Starers share of the excess fees of the Clerk's Office for the caIenda~ year 1941 By
the following re~rded vote.: Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray~ Eo J. Ballard, Po H. Gentry, and
H. Ashby Harris, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes~ None.
Communication from Gene J°' A. Anders~n, Commissioner of Highways, w~th reference
to additi~ and abandonments in-~he Secondary 'System of HighwayS.~:'was-pr~'~sn%ed and-ore, red
ffiled. Upon motion, duly'made"~and seconded~ the sa~ry and'traveling expense:~li~w~nce.
Hufff was fixed at the rate of $?OOeO0 per year effective October 1, 1942~
Report of To Coleman Andrews and Oompany on audit of the County's records for the
year which ended June 30, 1942, as Well as lette~ of approval off L. Mc0ar~hy Downs, Auditor
of Public Accounts, were presented ~n~ ordered filede
The Board's attention was called %o the fact that several employees of the Depart-
of Finance were at this time entitled %o slight increases in' sa!~ries. Upon motton~
[~uly made and seconded, the salaries of William T. 0annon, Eathleen Adams, and Lucille Jones
were fixed at $65,00 per"month, effective 0etcher;I, 1942.
~omm~mication from Mr. J. Ho ~yse, State Co-ordinator of 0ivilian Defense, enclosing'
Executive Order ~o. 89 issued by the Governor of Virginia, was presented and ordered filed~
Communication ~as received from Mr. E. H. Bain requesting an appropriation of
$300°00 to defray the cost of uniforms for the Company of Minute Men of tkis county. Upon
motion, duly made and seconded, an appropriation of $300.00 was made fc~ the purpose of
purchasing uniforms for the local Company of Minut~ Men by the following recorded vote=
Ayes~ Messrs. Jo M. Fray, E. J. R~!!ard, P. ~ Gentry, and ~. Ashby Harris~ and Dr° L° G,
IRober~s; Noes~ None, .
Mr~-~H;-'A° H~den-; D~r'eet~r "of Finance," "submitted a statement "of expenses~:,of~the De-
!State:. Upon motif,-duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and ap-
The following Reports were presented, examined, and ordered filed~
Board of Equalization°
University of Virginia Hospital.
Game ~arden,
Communication from Mr. A. H. Pettigrew, Right of ~ay Engineer, State Department of
Highways, calling the Boardts attention to the fact that a small piece of right of waywa~
was p~ese~ted,
necessary in connection with the cons+~ueticn of Route 655,/This matter was referred to the
County Executive and the C~mmonwealth ~s Attorney with instructions to pro,ute the right of
way either By purchase or condemnation.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that the apparent, reduction in the
assessed value of property owned by the Virginia Public SerVice Compar~ in the 0harlottesvill~
District was brought at,ut by anerrorinreportingpropertyin the Rivamua District that'~
I shou!d have been in the Charlottesville District, which error has been corrected by an cn~cle~
the State Corporation Commissions
The following Ordinance, which was presented at the last regular meeting and pub-
li~hed according to law, was adop~d by the fol. low~lmoo~ded vote~ /Bres~ ~essrs. ~. M,
Fray, E. J. Ballard, Po H. Gentry, and Ho Ashby Harris, and Dfc Lo G. Roberts; Noes,
BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
C~Auty, Virginia, as follows::
No Person, firm or corporation shall suffer or permit a~v dog
bel~ging ~to him or it or under.the qeatroI of him or it and known or
tenably suspected eT being dangerevs or of bef~g i~feoted with
...hies or of having b~tten a person, to ran or'go at large in the County
1of Albemarle, or to be kept in said County at any time except in ~ s%riet
~onfineme~t in such manner as to be safe for the pvblie. Any violation
· of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00,
nor mere ~than $25.00 and each day sUch ~dog is'allowed at large shall
constitute a separate offense°
If the owner of such dog shall fail to ~ake it into custody af-
ter being notified to do so by the s~eriff ~f this County the said dog
may be kille~ by an~ officer who may deem it necessary for the safe%y
of the publi~. Upon complaint or warrant alleging that such dog is
being all~ed to run at large in said Comity, or is not being confined
in such manner as to be safe for the public, the owner, or person, fir~
or corporation in control of such dog shall be brought before the Trial
JuStice of said County and after inquiry into the faets~ sm~h Justice
shall order such dog killed ~y the said Sheriff or make such ~er
disposition of the ease as ~shall insvre the fature~safe%y of the public
from danger from such dog, and all cost amd expenses incurred in keeping
such dog confined in aecor~ee with the decision of said Justice shall
be borne ~y the owner of such dog. If smch.owner or party in control
of such dog cannot be ascertained, then such dog shall be 'taken into
custody by the Sheriff and tried and disposed of as hereinbefore pro-
vided jas% as if the owner er ~arty ia control of such dog were present.
This ordinance shall be im full fOrce and effect on and after
the date of its passage.
A group of citizens a~peared and requested that a .road leading west from the
Lottesville-Scottsville Highway, jus% north of.~ay's Store for a distance of approximately
one-half mile. be taken into the Secondary System of Highways. This m~tter was referred to
Nr. R. C. Ambler, Residen~ Engineer of Highways, for investigation and report.
Cewmunicationwas received fromthe peoples National Bank, requesting.~that it be
~rmitted .to take down e~rtain securities it had deposited ia escrow With the National ~Bank
~d Trust Company to pro%eot the Co~ty's deposits amd substitute therefor securities to be
selected from a list submitted to the Beard. U~on motion, d~ly made and seconded, the
Following Resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the Peoples National Bank has requested permission
to take down certain securities which it had deposited With the
National Bam~and Trmst Company in escrow toprotect the ~ounty~s
deposits in the Peoples National Bank andput upin exchange other
NO~, THEREF0~E, BE IT RESOLVE~ by the Board of Oovnty Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the PeOples NationaX Bank
be authorized ~o take down and the National Bank and Trust Company
be authorized to release the following securities:
State of NississiPpi 3~%Highway B~nds
State of Mississippi.~%HighwayBonds,
State of Nts~issippi ~Htghway Bond~
and the Peoples National Bank be directed~oputupwith the National
Bank and Trust Company the following seeurities and the NationalBaak
and Trust GomRany be requested to aooept these securities upon release
of ~e securities above referred to:
Suffolk, Va.,-Public Imp. t.7~ Bonds dye
Nisstssippi, Hi~y, ~ ~ ~ue 2~
~WN~ York ~ty ~ ~ ~ 12/1/46
N~ York City 2 3/4% ~s ef 12~/51
T~ of ~h~d~, ~a., ~ H~ro ~eotrie
Pl~t B~ds due ~1/~
S~te of ~ssee ~~ ~ ~s
Upon motion, duly ma~e and seconded, the follow~ngReSolutionwas mmanimously
~EREAS it has been brought to the attention of this Beard
that the Bridge at Rio Mill was recently washed away by high water,
(Continued on Page473)
County Supervisors or'Albemarle C~nty, Virginia, ~hat
this bridge Be dropped, from the Secondary System o£
Highways and that the Resident Engineer ~f Highways
Be requested to salvage the bridge for r~pairing other
bridges in this county.
The following Resolution was unanimously adopted.'
WHEREAS, Honorable J. Emmett Gleason, ~ayor of the City of .Char-
lottesville, appeared before this Beard concerning the portion of the
operating and maintenance' expense of the Albemarle County Court House
and Office Building which should Be Borne by the. City of Charlottesville,
on;~account ~f~.:the use of same by City residents and taxpayers, and sug-
gested that the Judge of the Corporation Court of the City of Oharlottes-
ville would Be willing t~ hold the' 'seSsions of the said Court in the r~om
now occupied by the Civil and Police Justice of the City of Charlottes-
ville; and
WHEREAS, the county records show that the ao~l use of said
Court House by the Corporation Court, as disting~shed from its avail-
abili~ for such use, is a very small part of the use of said Building
by City residents, and space in said Buildings is furnished not only for
.the Clerk of the Corporation Court, the State Police, the National Youth
Administration and the American Legion, but the Court House is constantly
used By various organimatiens for Both day and night'meetings, which or~
ganizations are made up of County and City residents alike, a~d the
Court House is kept available for such ~use at thehOounty's expense~ in--
eluding capital,, upkeep, ..'.~aintenanoe ~md all costs of operation, eEo~pt
f~r the contx~ll~tion which is now made t~ward same by the~City; and
WHEREAS, this Board has no desire t~ accept a reimbursement
the City of a larger p~rti~n of the operating and mai~t~m~ expense
than is Just and proper, taking into consideration the various purposes
for which it is used, an~ made available f~r use~ in which City residen%s
are interested; a~d
WHEREAS, it is believed that ~he c~tinued Joint use o~~ said
property will be of inestimable ~alue to both City and'~Ceusty residents
alike~ and will.pr~aote a feeling of coope~atic~ and good will Between
the citizens of the County and City,
NOW, ~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ef:')~%y ~upervisors
of' Albemarle County, that the Mayor of .the City of Charlottesville Be
informed that this Beard is willing to enter into an agreement providing
for the Use of said County property, for a period of five years, Beginning
De~ember 21st, 1942, for the sum of $2,40~.00 per annum, payable monthly.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Glerk of this Board Be and she is
hereby au~horlzed and directed to send a ~p~ of this resolution to the
Honorable J.' Emmett ~leasen, Mayor of the City of Charlottesvillee
Claims against the County, amounting to $62,789.83, ~we~e presented, examined, and
allowed, and ordered certified to the Director o~Finanee for payment aad charged against the
following f~nds~
Dog Tax 286.~2.
Crozet Fire District 110.3~.
~i~ Hall Dis~i~ R~d
Deleted Debi~ ~d ~e~ts
Cash In H~ds of
Eeon~Cs Tea~ers
He~th ~ment R~ol~g
~d 250.00
C~onweal~ of Vir~nia
Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned,