HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-11-18State. proved. A regular meeting of'the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at'the ~ffice~Building of the said County on the 18th day of November, 1942. Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Narris, and C,'Purc~II McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: N~ne. .- Officers present~ County Executive and Sheriff. Minutes oft~e meeting of OCtober 2I, I942, were read:'~and approved. It was~brought to. the attention of:the Board'that the'value at which taxpayers are permitted~to'declare sheep is out off Iine with the present market. It was, therefore, ordered that owners be~ permitted to Bav~.Sheep assessed %'b~ginnimgwith I9~3 at no%~more than $i2.00per head. The following reports were presented and ordered filed~ 1. County Executive. 2. Board of Equalization. 3. .District Home Board. 4. University of Virginia Hospital. 5. Game ~arden. Nr. H.A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of the ex~enses of the ~epartment of Finance for the~?~month ofOctober, 1942, one-third of which to ~be borne by the Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was e~mzined, verified, and ap- The County Executive recommended the appointment of Mr. H. M. Rrumbackas Assistant County Agent effective January 1, 1943, at a total-an~ua~ salary ah~ travel allowance of $2,400.00, $I~200.0Oofwhichto be paid by the County and the remainder to be provided by the Extension Department. Upon motion, dulymade and seconded, the County~Executive!s recommendation was approved. Mr. C. T. O'Neill, Chairman of the Regional'Planning'Committee, ~equested..anap- propriation of $2~0.00 to assist in defraying expenses of a Survey of this section and printing the report of such Survey° Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an appropriation of $250.00 was made for this purpose by the following recorded vote~ Ayes! Messrs. J. ~. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. ~. Roberts; Noes~ None. Miss India White irequested the Board to carry out a verbal agreement made between the County's rePresentativ~ and her mother some years ag~regarding the erection of a fence along her property where the road was re-located. The OountyExecutive was instructed to arrange a cash settlement with Miss White in view of the fact that it is not feasible to construct a fence during the present emergency and report ~o the Board what arrangement has been made. Communications were received from Mr..George Gilmer, Attorney,. concerning the erroneous assessment of certain lands in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly ma~e and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted~ WHEREAS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, ~ho has been employed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the follow- ing parcels of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls dueto the fact that in his opinion the land iS.errc~eouslya~sessed: Name Acreage District__ Sophie Mills W. S. Madison Edward F. Pegram Henry A. Puryear Bud Shiflett Fannie R. Payne ~itliam Prtt~hett 10 White Hall (Col.) 10 Rivamua 28: 42/160 - Rivanna 21 Samuel Miller · 4 Rivanna (23 60/160 Charlottesville 3o 105/16o vauna NOW, THEP~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that these parcels be considered as erroneous assessments on the basis of Mr. Gilmer's report and no further ~fforts be made 2o collect the taxes on same. The following Resolution was unanimously adopted~ WHERFAS Section 372 of the Tax Code of Virginia provides that the Director of Finance Shall advertise what day or days he will be in convenient locations in each Magisterial District to receive current taxes,and ~EREAS, this section provides that these sittings may be dispensed with upon authority from this Board,and WHEREAS, it has been fOr a number of years a custom of the Department of Finance to mail tax bills to each taxpayer thirty days on or before the 5th o~ December, WgEREAS, it is the sense of this Board that no g~od purpose will be served by the Director of Finance sitting in each Magis- terial Dis~ict, NOW, ~HER~RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the. Board of County Super- visors ~of,.Albemarle County, Virginia, tha~ the Director of. Finance be and is hereby authorized to dispense with the si~ttings provided by'Section 372 of the Tax'Code of Virginia until further notice. ?he matter of taxes on 10 Acres of Land near the White Hall Lake held by the ~rustees was presented ~o the Board. The County Executive was instructed to' suggest to the ~rustees that this property be transferred to the County, in which event the land will be dropped from the Tax Roils. 1930 Mr. Arthur Smith submitted receipt for payment of/Taxes to apPly on Emma Smith ~ticket dated November 9, 1931, w~ich~had not been proper~ly credited on ~be County's records. Upon motion, duly made and seconded~ it was ordered that credit be Allowed by the Clerk for the amount of this receipt and the amount involved be charged against Mr. G. Stuart Harem, former Treasurer. Communication from the Solicitation-Committee of the Crippled Children's Hospital, requesting an appropriation to thisinstitution, was presented and the County Executive was instructed to reply thereto.- ~ne matter of some steel 'shel?ing. and ~ile oases removed from the old Clerkts Of- fice 'was again brought to the attention of the Board and the County Executive was instructed to dispose of this to the best possible advantage. Claim of John D.' B0Wen for the loss of cae sheep by dogs was presented and approved for payment. . The matter of schedule for payment of. t~rkeys'; killed-by dogs was Brought to the attention ~f the Board and a Committee, consisting of Messrs. ~C. Purcell McCue and H. Ashby Harris and the County Ex~cutive, was appointed to revise this Schedule and report back at the next regular meeting. Claim of A. T. ~Durrer for the loss of 64 Turkeys by dogs was presented and approved for payment in such amount as may be determined by the committee for the payment of such fu- ture -'claims~ . The following Resolution was ,m_~nimously adopteds WHEREAS, the northern section of this county has recently been visited by a flood of unprecedented proportions and WHEREAS, Route No. 230 from White Hall to Stanardsville has at some points been .completely obliterated, the only evidence that a road ever existed at said places being the road signs indicating curves, otc., WHEREAS, the people in the section served by this .read are com- pletely i~tated, having no other access to the markets for their ~ruits, livestock, and grain and WHEREAS, the citizens of the community have offered to furnish a Committee of reputable citizens to secure rights of way in order to re- locate th. is road above the high water mark, NOW, ~EFtEFOKE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SuperviSors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby urged tc relocate Route 230 from White Hall to Stanardsville above the higher, water mark with such a road as in its judgment will serve the community at the earliest possible moment. In the opinion of this Board, it would not require a road of an expensive type. BE IT FURTHE~ RESOLVED that this Beard offer to the Highway Commission its fullest cooperati°n in relieving the situation ia the present emergency. BE' IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County ~Executive ~e and is hereby directed to invite Mr. E. H. Poindexter, a member of the State Highway commission representing this district, ~to travel over t~s road and _make a Personal inspection at as early a date as convenient. BE IT E1RTH~ RF~OLVED that the Clerk of this Beard be and is hereby directed to farward a copy of these -resolutions to ~en. J. A.. Anderson, Ohatrman of the State Highway Commission, And the other members of the State Highway Commission, and Messrs. R. Io Mount, District Engineer, and R~ C. Ambler, Resident Engineer. The following Resolution was unanimously adopted~ WHEREAS, it has been b~aght Se the attention of this Beard that it is the wish of the State Department of Highways t~at all recammendations for additions to the SeCondary System be presented in early Feb~,_~ax~ of each year, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~by '~the Beard of County Super-. visors of Albemarle County,Virginia, that_January of each year be and is hereby designated as the meeting at which requests far addi- tions to the Secondary Sys tern of Highways in this county will be considered. ' Mr. R. S. Adams, a member of the City Council, appeared before the Board concerming a new Contract for the rental of a portion of the County's property by the City. Following this conference with Mr. Adams, the Board ordered that a new COntract be prepared for a period of five years beginning December 21, 1942, with the rental fixed at$1,800.C0 per for the first year; $2, I00.00 per annum for the second year; and, $2,400.00 for each year thereafter for the five-year period, 'subject to cancellation at any time by either party upon tw~tve months'written motice. It was brought to the attention of the Board that-f~mds would be available for the purchase of additional securities the early part of B~ee~. Upon. motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that all funds not otherwise invested be invested in Umited ~tates Government Series G 2~% Defense Bonds. Claims against the County, amounting to $44,066.52, were presented, e~mmined, and allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following f~mds: ~eneral School Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Road Debt: Rivanna District Samuel Niller District Mclntire Tm~st Deferred Debits and Credits Commonwealth of Virginia $ 8,~5.10 ~,691.~ 250.~O 625o~0 50.15 50.00 Total $~4,066.52. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.