HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-01-20 WHEREAS, the Cczucil 6f the City of Charlottesville
and the Board of County Supervisors of AIbemarle County
have agreed ~pon the terms of a new contract between the
County and the City which is to replace and supersede?the
existing contract dated March 22, 1937 and terminating
December 21, 1942, and the provisions of said new con-
tract are as hereinafter set forth;
That for and in consideration of the premises and
the mutual undertaking and agreements hereinafter contained,
it is understood and agreed between the County and the City
that the City Shall have the right to use the p~esent Clerk ts
Office, ~h~ Main Court Room, Jury Room, smd the small office
at the Northeast corner of the Main Court Room in the manner~
as the same have been used for accommodation of the said
Corp~ration Court, its Clerk's Office' and for civic gatherings,
for which, the city will pay the sums hereinafter specified
during the period covered by this contract. It is understood
that the County shall provide heat, light, water and janitor
service for said space.
This agreement shall become effective on and after
December 21, 1942, and continue in f~rce and effect for a
period of five years thereafter unless sooner terminated as
hereinafter provided for.
From December 21, 1942, until December 20, 1943, the
City will pay the County EIGHT~N HUNDRED DOLLARS ($~800e00);
from December 21, 1943, until December 20, 1944, the City
ShallOp ay the County TWENTY-ONE H~DRED DOLLAd~S ($2,100.00);
and for each year of the succeeding three years , the City
shall pay the County TWENTY-FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ($2,400.00),
each such annmal payments to be ma~e in twelve(12) equal
mon~!y installments, payable at the end of each month of the
year in which such equal payment is payable as aforesaid.
This contract may be terminated by either party at the
end of any year, that is, on December 20th of any calendar
year du~ing said five year period by notice in writing to
that effect to the other, giv&n~ not later than twelve (12)
months prior to such termination. Such notice shall be by
registered mail addressed to the City Manager of the City,
if such notice be given by the County, and to the County
Executive of the COunty, if such notice be given by the City.
In Testimony Whereof this Contract is execrated on be-
half of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County
by J. N. Fray, its Chairman, and its seal is hereto affixed
attested by its Clerk, pursuant to resolution of said Board
adopted December 16, 1942, and is executed ~u behalf of the
City of Charlottesville by J. Emmett-Gleason, its Mayor, and
its seal hereto affixed attested by J. E. Bowen, Jr., its
Clerk, pursuant to resolution of the City Council adopted
November 23, 1942, this the day and year first above written.
ATTEST: By J.M.. Fray~ (Si~ned) _
Margaret T. Mauoin. (Signed)
ATTEST: By. J. Emmett Gleasm (Signed)
Jas..... E..... Bowen. Jr. _ (Signed)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED-that th&~- Chairman-and Clerk of this-Board
be and are hereby authori*;ed'"~o
on behalf of this Board, ~hieh has been approved by the Commonwe lth s
0Iaims against the County, amounting to $159,255.60, were presented, examined, and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and ch~rged against the
Dog Tax
Orozet Fire District
Road Debt:
Charlottesville District
Zvy. Di strict
Rivanna District
Samuel Miller District
White Hall DistriCt
Ail Funds - Deferred Debits and
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
.... , Chairmane
A regular meeting of 'the Board of Comaty Supervisors of Albemarle ~ounty, Virginia,
was held at the ~ffice Building of the said County ~a the 20th day of January, 1943.-
Present: ~essrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, Ho Ashby Harris, and C.
P~rcell McOue ~
Absent: Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Officers present: 0oumty Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, a~d Sheriff.
The .BOard was called to order-and on motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. C. Par. cell
Mc0ue~was u~a~imously elected Temporary 0hairm~a.
The Temporary Chairman took the Chair and called for nominations for the Chairman
of the Board. Mr. J. M. Fray was nominated by Mr; P. H, Gentry and unanimously elected ~hair
man of the Board for the year 1943.
The Ohairma~ then called for nomim tions for Vice 0hairman. Mr. P. H. Gentry was
nominated by Mr. C. Purcell Me,me and unauimously e~lected Vice Chairman for the year 1943.
The Chairman then annon~ced the appointment of the following to compose the Finance
Committee for the'year 1943: Messrs. C. Purcell McOue,. Chairman, and P. H. Gentry, and Dr.
L. G. Roberts.
Minutes ef the meeting of December 16, 194~ were read and appr~ed.'
Communications were received frsm Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the er-
roneous assessment of certain lands in Albe~arle County. Upon motion, duly made and seconded
the following Resolution was ~uanimouSly adopted':
WHEREAS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, who has been employed to
collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the following par-
cels of landbe deleted from tzhe County's Tax Rolls due to the fact
that in his opinion the land is erroneously assessed~
Tax Year-' ' Name~
1927 te 1942, I~c. Lelia F. Jones
1916 te1942, kc. Joe Joh~sonamdA. Hicks
1916to 1942, Inc. Lou and Joe Jo_bmson
-1916 to 1942,'In~' .Dabney-'johuson
~ 'I~ strict
11 42/100 White Hall (Col.)
2 ~~ (Col.)
7 Scottsville (Col.)
NOW, THERE~E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Oo~ty Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that these parcels be considered as er-
roneous assessments on,he basis of Mr. Gilmer~s report am~mo f~rther
efforts be made to collect the taxes on same.
The foll~iugResolutien was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the National Ba~k and Trust Compamyhas?e~quested permission
to withdraw $6,000.00 Rector and Visitors U. of Vao'3 3/4% Bonds due 2/1/43,
and hassubmitted a list of bo~ds which it is willing to put up in place
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle Oounty, Virginia, that the~ National Bank and Trust Company
be permitted to take down and the Peoples Natiomal Ba~k be and is here.~y
authorized to release $6,000.00 Rector and Visitors U. of Va. 3 3/4% Bends
due 2/1/43, deposited ~ith it in escrow to protect the Coumty's deposits
and to deposit in place thereof with the Peoples National Bank the follow-
ing securmtmes.
$4,000.00 N. S. Treas. 2~% Bonds of 1955-56
7,000.00 Reconstruction Finance Corp. 1% Bonds due 4/15/44.
The DisseCtor of Finance was amthorized to refund to the Clerk of the Circuit Court
$27.58 on account of error in calculation ef delimquent taxes assessed against Wm. Roger
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the De-
~tment of Finance for the month of December, 194~, one-third of which to be borne by the
following .Reports were presented and ordered filedl
1. County Executive.
2. B~ard of Equalization.
3. District Home Board.
4. Department of Farm and Home Demonstration
5. Game Warden.
6. University of Virginia Hospital.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that if it ws~eits desire to have a
Board of Equalization for 1943, it would be necessary to appoint the members thereof. Upon
motion, duly made and seconded, the following were appointed members of the Board of Equaliza.
tion for 1943~ Messrs. C. I. Garnett, J. Bo Xegley~, amd P. C. Minor.'
The members of ~heBcard appointed to serve as members of the Compensation Board
for hearing the objections of this Board to the number and' salaries of Deputies fixed for the
~Sheriff's Office for th ar 1943 reported that they had met with the Compensation Board
~ '
in Richmond on January 7, 1943, aud satisfactory arrangements have been made.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following salaries of the Sheriff aud
lhis Deputies. were fixed effective ...Jan~ar~ 1,. 1943~.~
J..Mason Smith, Sheriff
Deputies I
W. Abbott Smith
O. S, H~ffman
W. S~ Cook
T. ~ Wolfe
P. M. Elliott
The following Resolution was unanimously adopted~
WHEREAS~ in conformity with the provision of an Act ap-
proved March 2, 1942, and published as Chapter 386, Acts of Assem-
bly of 1942, the 0ompemaation Board of Virginia has fixed the salary
oft he Sheriff aud the expenses of his office for the year 1943, in-
eluding that of Travel of Sheriff and full-time deputies on official
business, and
WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle owns the automobiles which
are used by the Sheriff and his deputies for travel in performance of
the official duties of the Office, amd
WHEREAS, it has been the practice of the County of Albemarle
to keep an accurate record of the cost of operation of these automobiles,
NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Compensation Board be
and is hereby requested to approve the payment of two-thirds of the
actual cost of operation of these automobiles, including reasonable
allowance for depreciation thezeon, such payment to be made to the County
annually atthe close of the year.
The Director of Finance reported that the new Federal Law requiring the withdrawal
~f a portion of each employee,s salary to cover the Victory Tax would require a change in
~he methodfof paying employees. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the~Director of Finance
· as authorized to se~oup a Payroll Account against which mon~hlypay checks would be drawn,
such pay checks to be signed by the Director of Finance,
The County Executive recommended an adjustment in salaries paid employees in the
~epartment of Finance. Upon ~otion, duly made and seconded, the salaries were fixed as
indicated effective January 1, 1943~
~ont~l~ salar~
J~ne Thomas
Lucille Jones
William T. Cannon
The County Executive called the Board's attention to the fact that it might be
ecessary to purc.base an additional automobile for the Department of Public ~elfare in order
Itc secure the se~rices of an additional case worker. Upon motion, duly made and seconded,
ithe County Executive was~ instructed to purchase an additional automobile for the Department
fPublic Welfare, as, and if necessary.
and the~C~nty'Exe'cut~ve was~mnstruct-ed to' communm~a~e Wi~h the manufacturer of'the boiler
and ascertain whether or not is 'his opinion such insurance is necessary.
Mrs. E. H. Taylor appeared before the Board concerning claim for sheep w~ich had
been damaged by dogs recently. Upon motion, duly made and ~seeonded, claim for thio sheep at
the assessed value was approved . for payment.
Several petitions for additions to the Secondary System of Highways were presented.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted~
HE IT RE8~ by the Board of County SUpervisors of Albe-
marle~County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and is -
here~ requested to take into 'the Secondary System of Highways the
following pieces of road~
From Route 22 to Route 231 near Cobham~ a distance of
approximately 1.4 Miles.
Extension of Route 7583 a distance of approx2mately
I Mile.
Road leading from Route 613 north of May's Store, running
westward~ a distance of approximately °50 Mile.
~laims against the County, amounting to $4~,825.94, were presented, examined, and
~llowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and cha~ged against the
~ollowing funds ~
Dog Tax
Crozet~ Fire District
National Defense Training
Road D~bt~
Charlottesville District
Ivy Disteict'
Rivauna District
Scottsville District
~aite .Hall District
Oommonwealth of Virginia
$ 9,569.16
246.~ ~
2,600°00 -
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.