HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-03-17A regular, meeting of the Board of County 'Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of the said County on the 17th day of March, 1943. Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. 'Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent:. None. Officers present: County Executive. Minutes of the meeting/of February 17, 1943, were ~read and approved. Following a full discussion of the Budget, the same was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes; Messrs. J. M. ~ray, E. J. Ballard, P.H. 'Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes~ None. ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19~4 GENERAL FUND ~ear" E~ded Year Ending 1942. june 30, YEAR ENDING JUNE..-i30, Increase. O~er 'Decrease "Year~ Ending · Year 'Final ANTICIPATED ~ DELR~QUENT T~ 1940 and P~ 1941 1942 Clerk Trial Just 0ommonweali Sheriff 'Transfer Fines. BOARD .oF PRI~ Commonweal1 U. So Govex Other ~URPLUS XES: ~NS ~e h's Attorney )NERS: h of Virginia mment STATE SUPPLE ~MENTS: Pabltc He~l~th , 1/3 Department of Finance Expenses · 1Taxes Returned ~ of Sheriff's Office off,ail a~t Food for - Prisoners ~ ~ · RENTAL OF INTEREST $ 89,942.53 DOG M. P, A~D) UNCLASSIFIED $ 90,00~.O0 $100,00~.,00 1,339.8~ 1,500~00 1,500.00.~ 579.27 400%00 400.O0. 1~.09 1,500~00 1,500~00~ 13,452.98 15,000.00 15,000.00¥ 9~540.88 9,000.00 9,500~00 ~ 3,120.75 3,000~00 -o-~ 1,990.76 2,100.00 2,100o00~ 2,754.58 2,700.00 800.00~ 526.60 450.00 450.00~ 1,657.55 1,500.00 1,200.00 ~ 3,193.65 4,000,00 -o- 53.40 200~00 50~00 ~ 10.60 50~00 10.00 ~ 6,044.11 1,922.27 4,117.42 1,401.63 --- 227. ~50 3,192.02 28,120.22 (STATE AND FEDEP~L .... 39,378.~3 .... 839.26 OTHER-THAN CBPJtENT LEVY$ _215. 048. ~54 rais~d~rby Ctxrl, e~t L~vy Amount robe DelinquenTM "c'n basis' of 12% Levy Required.. Assessed Valuation of Property Rate of Levy -o-~ 7,420~00~ 6,000~00 6,500.00 2,000~00 1,800~00~ -o-- 8~600~00~ -o-~ 1,000~00 4,000.00 3,500.00~ 2,600.00 1,500.00~ 450.00 250~00~. 2,500.00 3,000.00 30,000.00 34,000.00 49,294.37' . ~o~,oQ. ....... 5oo.oo $228.744. ~7 _ $243.080 $29,717~4 _4.0~2,26 $33,769,30 $1~, 525,795.00 $.25 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR ~HE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Year Ending No. ~f 2itle of YEAR ENDED JUNE' 30. 1942 June 30, 1943 Proposed Fumction .~hncti°~ ~ ADor6Dr%a~o~. Ex?~nd~r~ App~opr~Rion Expe~d~es of o.S-pe isor. $ S 2,2sea2 S '2776. S 2'466. 1AA Spe~ s~r~es 56;~.72 4,7~.~ ~,~5.00 106,035.~ ~ C~nty E~ecutive 3~525.~ 2,7~.08 3,032.~ 3,~2.00 lO ~m~ OfFicio .5~5~00 13,~8.12 15,~5.~ ~18,9~.18 ~ Cellec~o~ of Del. T~es 900~ 478.43 -1,200.00 2,650.51 ~5,0~.00 3,4~.~ E ~rd of~zati~ 3,~'00 2,500.00 ~ Tax~pp~g ~ .~ 6,100.00 6,1~.00 4 ~o=~jf ~oc~nts %~-~ ~,o~.~ lO,~.oo lO,3eo.oo ~ C~c~t O~t 2~392.01 1,~29.16 '2~0~.86 2,042,~ .,o's Court 3,227.00 3,t65.19 '3,355.~0 155,00 's .0~. 4,160.O0 4,030.O0 '4,360.00 4,560.00 6A Pol!cing.~d Investigating 10,745.~ 9,564e17 13,054.00 14,409.00 60 Confinement and 0are of " PriSonersi , 2,980.OO · ~e.~r~y~nti°n,, and E~ $i0,ooo. oo $ 7,420.00 500.00 8,600.00 1,000.00 500.00 4,000.00 200.00 500.00 1,100~0~ 200.0( -0- 6,794.3~ . YEAR ENDING .'JUNE 30. Increase Ove~ Decreas Year Ending~ Year E June~O,, !943 J-ue 30 '$ 90.00 $ le 10,550.® 4,20 60.00 -~ 3,s97'lS 30 1,300.00 *o 61.00 1,5~, I68.0~ 1( 240.00 2S 15.~0 -¢ '. ' 25.00' ,~ 200.~ -~ 1,755.00 4C 2,406.46 -3,062.00 3,197.00 160.00 1944 Under xding Allowed 1943 ~ Board ).oo $105,39o.oo ~.00 ::'~19,192.18 ! .oo D. O0 D.O0 5.00 ~o. of Title of~ ~mc,ti0~ Fanction ~B Public Assistam~ 50 County Assistant< ~D Lunacy Oommissi~ Pablic Health Advancement of l amd Home Economi, L3 Elections ~ Maintenance of Bt Grounds ~c~t~e $ ~ BOARD OF CODNTY ~UPERVISORS: L00 CompensatiOn of liN. mb, rs LO9 Compensation of Clerk )~L2 Insurance Premit ms - SUr~ BonOs )20 Traveling EXpen.~ ~0 Adjusted Compem 6~ BoARo ~ co,,. s~ ~ SPECIAL SERVIOF~: .99 Read Viewers L99a Tax Refunds !00 Advertising !01 Auditing. )06 Dues League of ~a. Counties ~3 Iasmranee Pre~ ams - Compen- sation and .~ ~ .)~ Safe Deposit Bqx K~at )18 Telephone and ~elegraph Serv. ~9 Contributions:fi~..II Chamber of Cg~erce: ~.~aI $2qo.~o State ~..~ $~00 $ 275.00 Civilian Defen~ ~ And war Effort~ City L~b~ary Stationery and Miscellaneous Notor Truck Pmrehase of ~ EXPENDITURE-'ESTIMATES ('C~n%'d) ~mmmAL M~m (con~,~) SUMMARY (Cent ' d) Year Ending...-~' ...... ~ ..... Inc~ea~.e. 0~er Decrease Under .YEAR t!2tl)F~ JUNE' 30, 1942 . J:tm.e 30,_.!_~t, ': ProPosed 8,930.00 ' 8,~.42 ~,130.~ 7,130.00 700.00 53~.~ Z~ 700.0O 5~.00 7,5~.00 6,~8.~ '~,570~00 ~,~.~ · Year Ending year' Ending Allowed ~u~e 30. '1943 June 30. 195} B~ Boa~d $ .... '280;O0" $13,604.00 $ 58,131.00 , 250.00 250.00 -o- 200.00 330.00 1,670.00 5~,290.D0 4,788.34 ~ 5,592,00 .... 6,822.00 1,230.O0 -o- 6,917.00 1,755e00 1,600.83 1,755,O0 1,755.00 -o- . ...... -o- ..... 7,925~,00 ~ -4.A99.24 $213.323.73 $140.361.45 6,0~6,00 . 6,101,00~. 22~.00 . .220,00.. . " $~6.1~9.~6_ $~.72.7~.0/. .~a,036,.1~ . $z~,~29,00_ ~:~,¢.. $2,000.00 120.00 120.00 $2,_0o0,~ $2,000.oo $-o- $-o- ~120.00 120.00 -o- -o- ~s 25-0.00 160.12 - 250.00 ation -o- -o- 106700 PERVISORS ...... ,$2,,,.37.0I $2.280.12 $_2.4.76.00 .- - ~.' :'J.: 2. ',~: ,, ,, $ 50.00 $ 10.00 150'00 178141 100.00 93.75 560.00 360100 50.00 50;00 75.00 25.O0 25.00 5~ 150.00 100.00 56o100 50.00 1,000.O0 800.00 1,325;00 ?tinted 'Forms 25 1,OOO.O0 500.00 25°00 6;58 751oo 25.00 25;00 90.00 90.00 -o- 250.00 -o- -o- 6~00 . ..-o- ...... 100.00 ., ',12.46,6.00 i_'_ ~90.00_ . ~lod.oo~ 5o..~. $ -o- $ -o- 200.00 50.00 -o- 100.00 -o- -o- 560.b0 -o- -o- 50.90 -o- -o- 75.00 25.~00 -o- -o- 25.00 ~o- -o- 1,325~O0- 2,r ~5~ 2 ' ~5 ~ '~ 6'25 25.00 25.00 -o- -o- 151~00 1,000;00 1,000.00 :~-o- 30~.47 500.00_ 100.00 _ -o- 400.00 -o- 1,000~00 1,O00.pO -o- -o- ~)! 4H Club Camp ~32 Mapping Projee~ ~9 Unappropriated ~OTAL. SPECIAL SER,VI( ~ COUNTY EXECUTIVE :i :02 Compensation o¢ LOc) Compensation of !06 Daes and Subsm .)12 Premium Surety '~8 Telephone and ~0 Traveling Expez $19 Stationery., Pr~ ~5 Office Equipmez ~00 Adjusted Compez :OTAL C0~tTY EXEC~ ~.¢ DEPARTMENT OF FIN .02 Compensation of ~05 Recording of Del ~09 Compensation of Elva M. Beale Kathleen Adams Lucii~ e Jones~ June Thomas 5 Assessors @ $§ Extra Help !OD Advertising Reserve 500.00 693~62 250.00 750.08 500.00 -o- 3,800.00 1,627~98 ': 3~800;00.~ -o- ~ -o- : 3~800.00 .4.7.956,72 Stenographer t,200.O0 Lptions ~onds 25.00 ~legraph Serv. 100.00 ?s 50.00 ted Forms, etc. 750.00 }a~ica ¢oo.0o $ 3,800.00 350.00 7,9?0.00 150.00 10.00 20~O0 ~CE: )irector ~mquents ~ssist~nts: $1,380.00 960.00 960.00 1,080.~O 960.60 900.00 0 2,500.00 1.000,00 :04 Bookbinding :06 Dues and Subsc~i ~tions .~12 I~s ,ur. anco Premi~ ~-~, 'Surety Bonds ~8 Telephone and !20 Traveling Expens $19 ~taticmery, Pri~ $99 Miscellaneous ~05 Office Equipme~2 125.00 .,graph Serv. 150.00 ~s 400.00 ~ed Ferns, etC. 1,800.00 20,00 500.00 $1,2oo;oo ~!,20o;.0o' ¢z,20o.~ $,,,- -o-. 1,200.00 1,200.00 : 1,26~_.00. 60.00 -0- 25.00 25. O0 25.00 -o- -o- g6.97 : 100~00 : 100.00 -o- -e- 2.35 25.00 ...... 25.00 -o- -o- 1Z6.60 ~ 150.00 150.00 -~- -o- 9e,16 2oo,po ..... 200.00.. -o.- -o.. ,00 -o- -o- 00 -o- $ 3,800.00 $ 3,.~p,O0 $ 3,800.00 $ -0- 299.10 - :' 350.00 350.00 -o- -o- 6,773.52 7,460,00 .9,560o00 2,100.00 80.45 150.00 150.00 -o- -o- 6.00 10.00 10'00 -0- 20.00 20.00 20.00 -o& -o- 89.53 125.00 1,809.18 1,684.18 78.23 150.00 150.00 -e- -e- 199.01 400.00 300.00 -o- 1,565.79 '1,800.00 1,800.00 _e- -o- -o- 20.00 20.00 -o-. -o,- 516.49 500.O0 300.00 -o- 2200.00 $4,050.00 N)O Adjusted Compensi~tion ~ -0- . ' -o- __ ' ~6O.00 ~ ' .... 0 ' 1 ' /.3R-12 ~OTAL DEPARTMENT OF ?INANCE $15.2~5.0 $ 3.-4~.. $1~,345.00 ~D COLLECTION ~ OF D~QUENT LAND TAXES: LO2 Compensation of ~ttorney '~ $90.0,00 _ $478.23 $1,200.00 ~OTAL COLLECTION oF D,,~INQUENT TA~, .. $900.00 ~¢+78;23 .81.200.90 ~ .... ,,: ......... · 67~,00 .... ,' 113.00 -o- , , $1~.942.18 .,. $3.8.97,~8 - $~80.00 I.$1q.lg2.18. 02.~00.00 , .$1,300.00 -e-,I ... '$2.500.OO' ' $1.300.OO _ ' -p- I .,, EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES (Cont'd) ~~ ~nm (Cent' YEaR ~ii~D,~'30. 1942 To'attEnding '~In~rease Over No. of Nc ~ Jtme 30,, 1943 .~. Propo..s=ed Year Ending Year Ending Fun~c,,tiq~ item-i, TI,T,LE GF.tTEM ADDropria~tion'Expenditt~es, Appropriation Expenditlu.,e, J, ume 30. 1943 J~me 30. !.943 Decrease Under Allowed , 30.oo $2, 04.00 ..... ' $2,6 5.00 S-o- $ ,175.00 360.00 t85.00 ?20.00 ~ 360.00 -c- 360.00. ."'o',,, --o' . -o.. 25.00 25.00 .o,,. ~ 30.00 - 29.16 75.00 75.00 -o- -0- 200.00 130.85 ~ 200.00 200.00 -o- h1-0- 160.0o. 1.50 loo. O0 5'0.00 -e- 50;00 -e- -c- 105.00 100.O0 -c- 5.00 -o- -o- _-o-. 36,p0 .t6,00 ' ' ~,,-o,,-' $3.1 .0o $2 65 oo . .o.,0 ' ' ' . 0 $5_'000.00 $3.471. '$61. I mm:mmmmmm mlm i i i ~ , ' , $~, ~CO 102 Compensa~ie~ of Emgineer 109 Co~pensa'~iom of Assistant. 220 Mileage 319 Statione~y~ Printed Forms, etc. 1000 Adjusted ICompensation 4 RECORDING .~.F DOODMENTS: 101 CompeuSa~i~n of Clerk 105 Certifyin~g Voting List ~ 109 Compensat, ion of Assistants: W. L. Maqpin $2,520.00 Helen H. Humbert . 900.00 201 204 212 215 Repairs 218 T~elephon~ 317 Record Be 317a R~e-Inde~ 319 S~tati~e: 399~ Miscell~ 405 Office E¢ 1000 Adjusted T~A~ REco~.~ A~diting Bookbind~g Premium du Surety Bonds , amd Telegraph Serv. ,oks ' Books y, ,Printed Fprms, etc. .eo~ ~pmeat Compensation -o- -o-- .12Q.00 -c- -o- 120.OO ~(M- --O-- --O- $3,6oo.oo $_3,600,~'~ ~$~..), ~o.oo 150.00 -o- -150.00 54 CIRCUIT C0~ 102 Compensat 103 Relief 41 121 Jurors az 122 Jury COnm 218 TelephOn~ 314 Librarie~ 317~.Record~B¢ 5B TRIAL JUST~ 101 Oompensai 102 Compensa~ 109 Substitut 120 Substitut 218 Telephon~ 317 Record I ~ 319 Stationex ,ibm of Judge ,torneys d Nitnesses ission and Telegraph Serv. y, .Printed F~orms,, etc. co~. -' ~,40o.0o ~o- !$1oo. oo 3,360.00 -o- -o.- 120,00 -o... -o- 120.00 -o- -o- 168,O0 168.00 ' $z6 .oo $lOO,O0 $ ~3,780.00 $180.00 iS.o-- 150.00 -o- -o- 4,080.00 2,~990.00 4~,.260.00 4,320.00 150.00 _ 65.37 100.00 100.00 500.00 456.55' 500.00 500.00 25.00 30.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 -o- 10.00 -o- 100.00 83.95 100.00 100.00 600.00 477.84 600.00 500.00 60.00 -o- 25.00 25.~00 400.00 216.12 300.00" '300~00 lO.OO ~ 59.91 - lO.OO 10,0o 200.O0 .116.40 200.00 120.00 $1,207.01 $1,~52.86 $1~,152.86 $1,152.86 -50.00 -10.00 50.00 50.00.. -o- 1,000.00 459.50 ~700.00 700.00. -30.00 -45.00 30.00 45.00..~ 15.00 ,6o.oo ~ 55.8o 60.00 60.00. ~ 25.00 6.00 25.00 25.00. -10.00 -o- -o- -c- O0 -o- CE'S COURT: ion of Clerk $1,O00.00 ion of Justice e Clerk -c- e Jttstiee 100.00 · a~d Telegraph Serv. -12.00 .ks ~ 10.00 y;~ Printed Forms, etc. -75.00 5.00 ~ 25.00 3~9 Miscel ~. ecrus 1000 Adjusted ICompensation T...OTAL TRIAL J~STIOE'S. COURT $3.227.00 0MNI:NWEALt~'H" ' ' 50 O ~S ATTO~'S OFFICE: 102 CompenSation a~ Expenses of Commonwealth ~ s Attorney $4,000.00 iIi ~etor~IFees (Corem. r) ~ 50.00 218 Teleph°n~ and Telegraph Serv. 10.O0 220 Traveltn~ ExPenses ~ _ 50.00 399 Miscellaneous 50.00 10(K). Adj~ste~ ~ompe~s~tien ~ 64 POLICING A~D INVESTIGATING~ 102 Compensation of Sheriff ~i~3,~00.00 106 Compensation of Deputies. w. A.-Smi~ ~ $1,620,O0 os. wom. 1,5oe m ¢. $.~ H~m~ 1,50o~Oo W. ~. ¢~ook 1,500.~0 J. N. Campbe!~ ~ 212 InsUrance 218 Telephone 220~ Mileage 220a Traveling 319 Statiome~ 325 UnifOrms 399 400 Pr emtum-Sur, e~ Bonds and Telegraph Serv. Printed Forms, etc. Mis cel.l?~'eous A~tomobi~e Par,has, 5,080.00 ~:55.00 125.00 50.00 3.00.00 - 50.00 200.00 - 25.00 $1,O40.00 $1~,000.00 .~ 2~000.00 2~000.00 -o- -o- -o., 50.00 -o- -o- 73.37 100,00 -o- -o- - -24,10 50.00 50.00 -o-. , -o.- 25.00 50.00 25.00 -17.72 50.00 25.00 -o,,, · -o-. 5.00 5,00 -10.00 25.00 25.00 -o-., . >u,uu -c.- -o.- $4,oo0.00 $4,0oo.oo $~2~.~o .$2o~.oo 5.00 50.00 50.00 -e- . ~o- 10,00 10,00 -o- _ 25.00 50.00 50.00 -o- ~o- 50,00 ~ _50.00 -~ -o.,. 200,00 200, -o.- $3,0oo.oo S Y~ooo.oo _$z3,3oo.oo $ 3o0.oo 4,907.00 5O.OO ~ 77.63 36.16 ~ 30.74 95.29 6,180.00 55.00 ' 125.O0 50.00 ' 1OO.OO 50.00 ' 200.00 25.OO ' 750.00 7,380,00 6~D.O0 125.00 50,00 100.00 50.00 200,00 25~00 1, 200.00 5.~0 -~- 250.00 ,,000.00 50,00 100~00 25.00 ,2.2;5,~00 ' , ': '"0" __ '~'/ Year ~tng Increase Over D~erea:se;-:~er. Allowed {o. of No, - June 30,1943 Proposed Year Ending Year Endtng', By - . .~etion Item TITtLe. OF ITEN~ ..... Approoria~ion Expemdit~res A~o~Ei~%i~-~n~i~e~:~:301';~l~3(~.;~,~3~¥~!~B~d' ~ POLICING AND I~ESTIGATING: (C~t~d) ~00~3 Automobile Maintenance ~0~4 Automobile Maintenance ~05 Office E~nipmeat }99~ Police Equips(n% Adjusted Compensation ~OTAL POLICING AND INVESTIGATI~NG CONFINEMENT AND CARE OF PRISONERS: L02 Compensation of Jailor LO6 Compensation of Cook Doctors Telephone and Telegraph Serv. Food Supplies Fuel Stationery, Printed Forms, et,. 399 ~isce!laneous II Adj~stod ~mpsasa~on ~ 500.00 ~$ 360.00 $ 500.~ .....$ ....... ~.00_:. $ -o- $10o.00 500,0.0 _ 2~%06 50o,oo 40o,po -o- 100.oo 10.00 ~ -o- ~ 10.00 = ~0. O0 -~- 70- 50.00 177.59 50.00 50.00 -o- -o-- O0 O0 $L1~.0o ~,1oo.oo $L140~oo SL.~.0o .~..oo 10.00 1.50 10.00 10.00 -, ~. 50.00 43. ~5 75 .~ 50.00 -~ 25400 1, 5~.~ ~ ~97 1, 5~,~ 1,500.00 -~ ~O0 _ -~. -o- 1~.00 100.00 10.~ 1.~ .10.~ 10.00' 10.~ ~ -~ t0.~0 10.~ ~ -~ O0 ;00 ~ OO Z08 Forest ~re E~inetz~ 8~ee 3B ~BLIO ~SIST~0]: LO0 Com~nsation m d T~vel of Mam~rs ef ~rd LO2 Cem~msatiom e~ L~ 0om~msation e~ 4o~se A. ~oH. Le~ng, Case .... , ~se , Case ~ther~e Co~elly, ~t~een ~, S~ ~09 Frei~t, ~re~ s ~ ~ge ~ ~e~ ~ety Bond ~ Rent ~8 Telephone ~d ~ele~a~ Se~ce ~20 ~teage $19 S~tione~, Pr: nted F~ms, etc. $20 Te~ooks ~r ~ $25 ~te~s fe~~ ~e~ng Roe~ ~05 Office ~e~t ~ ~scel~eous ~ 1 ~9 T~sfer te V. ~P. A. ~d ~ Adj~ted Oompe~ti~ 30 COUNTY ASSISTA2~C~ ?01 University' 70la Samatoria Care ?Olb St~ Anne's.'Pr~ ?02 ~ ~hildren' a Hom'~ Local C. HI S, of--Va. 103 Child Welfare- Distriet Home Oonfederate 3D LUNACY 00MMIOS~ ~24 0ompensstionf O AS' 418 Home Demonstrat ~rs. BesSie Dun~' M!3 ~rs. Rm/~h B. Hmff 2.18 Telephbne and 39~ Miscellaneous ~+O5 Office EquiPmm ~00 Adjusted Compe~ Superintend.mt Assistamts: ~ase Worker $1,260.0O ~ WOrker 1, 260.00 Worker 1,620.0~ - Worker 1, 200.~0 - Stenographer 1,020.00~ .ographer 8~0,'00 6,240.00 Hospital :~T. B. Patients sntorium $300.00 200~Oq ssociati~ - sioms Members EONS tal Stat&sties ~oi~t Health Dept. 5,780.00 7,020.00 7,200.00- 180.00 100.00 22.85 5.0o 5,.00 1,111.~ ~ 125.~ 156.~6 1,320.00 1,330.47 30O. 0o .400.17 400.000 ,338.78 k,ooo.0o Lo4z.79 350.00 ~ 233.54 50.00 %54 53,00'7.0o 45,231.35 t000~00 t00.00 -o- -~ %00 5,00 -o- -o. 125.000 ~5'00 -~ -~ 1,500.00 1,O~.~ -~ 5~ 400.-~ ~0.~ -~ -~ ~.00 400,00 -o- -~ 1~.~ 100.00 -~ -~ .50.00 .~ ~.00 -o- -o- 56,~670.00 45~00.00 -o- 11,1~( ~00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500-00 $-0- $~ 1,080.00 -552°82 1,O80.OO 1,080.00 -o- -o' -O- --O~ ~O' 20OEO0 20OEO0 450.0o _ 450.00 ~0.00 ~0.00 50.00 100.00 ~ 100.00 100.00 !00.00 -o- 2,5000.00 2,487.60 2,5000.00 $70o.0o oo OO $700.00 $531.~4 $700.00 ELICULTORE AND HOME $ 600.0o $ ~ 60o.00 $ ~50.0o $ 050.0o $-o- 150.00 - 120.25 150,00 150.00 -e- 6_.,~,~,0o$.~8.&$ 14,17o.oo ~.5oo.~ . ~.oo , ' 6,9vs. .9oo,oo Stenographer $1,780.00 6{DO,O0 ors; let $1,1~.000 $1,320.00 1,320.00 1,620.00 1,320.00 1,080.O0 $7,50O.OO '00 ,00 ~.00 $500~00 ,o-~ $20(..00 0 o .$50o.o0 ~ . ~o $ ~8,~eO0 $ 470.83 $ 480.O0 $ 780.00 $ 300.00 -o- 2,9~.oo 2,A76.67 2,960.00 3,64_ 0,00 ......... 6~0.00 1,600.00 1,600,.000 1,650.00 1,900.00 250-00 ~legraph Service 125.00 ~ 123.61 125,00 X25.00 -o- - '~ 25.00 15.17 25~.~0 ~ 25.OO -e- t 1000.00 ' 102.06 100.00 100.00 _-0'. ~-o- ,, 2;~2~00 , '252,~00 _ satien HOME ECON KE ANO OMICS $~290.00 ~ $~.788.34 ' ~.592.00 · ~ $6.$22.00 $1.230,00 $1,780.00 1,320.000- $1,127.~O 808.00 ~o, of No. of 222 Voting List, Preparing? Printing ami Posting 319 Stationery, Printed For~s, etc. 399 .. Mise®tlaneous 1~ ~AINTENANCE O~ BUILDINGS AND GROB~S'~ 19 Oapital OUtlay 119 Compensation of Janitors 20~ Electric Current 210 Fire Insurance Premiums 215 Repairs 223 Water Service 306 Cleaning M?terials and Supplies 311- t~.. el 399 ]liseellaneous 403 Pmmiture and Fixtures 1000 Adjusted ~ompensation 8G POOR RELI~ r: 703 Genera~ ] ,lief 'Old Age .Aissistance ~ t~ t~e B~nd 706 Aid to DSpemlent Children Transfer from General Fumd ~o, of ~o. lof ~1 .i~. ~ orion. Item, TITLE GF I~, 116 317 319 399 4OO 501 5O2 5O3 504 5O5 1000 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND (Cont'd) Year Ending . YF~LR ENDING-~ ~'0_ 1~ z .... - Imerease Over DeCrease ~hdsrAllowe~ Jmle 30, 1943 Proposed Year~En~L~g ~ear Ending By. . Aooro~riation EXpen.ditures. A~orooriation Emoend~iture... J~¢.~ e~ 30;1943. ~une 30.1~Z3. Board_. 75.00 73,00 75.00 75.00 -o- -o- 15.00 . ~. ,o. ..... ~ .. .15.00 15.00 -o- -o- 150,00 74.75 . 150.00 ' 150e00 -o- -o- 15.00 ~ 12.91,, , 1;5.00 $1.755.00 ~ $1.600.83- · $2.500.00 $-o- $._.5~.0o $ 500.00 1,000.00 946.41 1,020.00 1,000.00 -o- 1,500.00 1,620.13 1,500.00. 1,500.00 -o- -o- 75.00 46.10 175e00 400.00 225000 1,000.00 579.67 1,000.00 1,O00.OO -o- -o- 250.00 245.08 250.00 250.00 -.o~ -o- 500.00 317, 28 500.00 400.00 -o- 100cO0 500.00 4~4~.71. 500.00 400.00 -O- 100.00 100.00 66.90 100.0~0 100.O0 -O- -Oo 500.00 232.96 500.00 500.00 -O- -O- ~EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND $ 9,966.63 $ 9,710.65 $12,000.00 $ '8,500.00 -o- 23,396.75 22,469.65 26,160'00 24,000.00 2,587.00 2,406.00 2,844.00 2, 50Oe00 'O' 12.506.75 10.618.05 1~,666.00 13.000.00 $~.~s7.1s..,. m5.204.s~, $~6.~0.00' ~ $~S~0°0.00, - ,-~,, REVENUE ESTIMATES VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTAN~OE.FUND . Year Ended Year Ending J~e 30, 1 J~me 30, 1943 T, , (actual) ~: (ltsti~atea) - E~ $45.226.35 $56.670.00 Increase Over De( mtagive Year Ending $48.000,00 $2.773..6~ ~3,500.00 2,160.00 344.00 2,666e O0 670.00 1744 - reuse UnEer Year Ending ~'1 ne 30, 1943_ ~ EXPENDI~ ESTImTES . ....... ])DO TAX FUND ' YEAR ENDING' JUNE ~0, 1944~ ./YE~R~ ENDED JUNE 30. 1742 Year Ending .... Imcrease O~er De{ reaae~ Under Allowe~ June 30,~ 1943 ProPosed Year Ending Year Ending By Appr~riat. i~n Expen~itnre Appropriation Expemtiture JOne~:3~$-~l~2J~uaex~O:;'l~3~' Board $/'35.oo $ 3o0.~ $ 3oo.oo $ 36o°o0 $ 6o.00 2~0~00 -o- 250.00 -o- -o- i25.00 131.85 125,00 150.00 25.00 5.00 -o- 5e00 ,5,00 -o- 10.00 -o- 10.00 10.00 -o- 275.00 210.97 275.00 300.00 25. O0 200,00 67.85 150.00 250°00 100o00 1,000..00 765.99 1,000.00 1,140.00 140.00 10o00 -o- 10o00 lOoOO -o- 825.00 921. O0 825.00 900.00 75.00 2,500.00 3,192.02 2,550°00 2,875.00 325.00 $5.$ee,00, ~.589.68 $5..500.00$6,00o.oo $750;;~3 roUE ESTIMATES DOG TAX FROND 'Year 'Emi*fi- ..... Year'Ending June 30,1.~2.;!June I~¢rease' Over- I~ Ten%ati~e Year Est~ ~_te 250,00 ~O~ -O- -O- -O- -o' 2,815.0{ $2~o, o0~ crease- ]2ruder L,. L_ Fowl Cla~ Livesto~ Rabies Ts 15% Due ~ Transfer Adjusted : Claims ,eatme~t Irate to ~enoral Fund Compensation ON OF ,LI~TOCK AND FOWLS Sale of Dog muctio~! Item · D FIRE PROTECTION: [9 Capital O~%lay [9 C~nsation of ~ Electric Se~ ZO ~s~ance Pr~i' ~ Rental ~re Hyd: L5 Re.irs 23 Water Set.ce ~ Auto Tires. Rep ~2 Gas. Oil. ~d ~ ~ ~s~llane~ ~ ~ AdjUred Compem 0TAL F-IRE PROTEOTI01 1942 mount to be Raised elinquents on Basis evy Required ssessed Value of Pr, ate of Levy TITLE OF F1 m.e~ No. of ~e~. Item D MAINTENANCE OF St 15 .Repairs 19/.1 1942 0TAL REVENUE. OTNER .J mount te be Raise.4 ~ elinquents on Basins i svy Required - ' ssessed Value of Prc ate of Levy TITLE OF. ~ o. ~f No. of X- DEBT SERVICE: 90 Redemption of Bc )3 ~mterest an $111 ~ mm sm~o £SCELLA~EOUS REVENU~ Detimquent Taxes Interest on Investm City's Share of In~ ~OTAL RE~E~, E ~meunt to be Raised NOTION , ,, . _~.e_ ..30,11943 Proposed T, ITLE ,OF ITEM Appropriation,, , ~ ,x~e. mii~,~K,e,. :,ApproP, riatio,,n, Expenditure, , , ,~ Janitor ~ants irs, and Upkeep id Loan Repayment ~atien EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES CROZET FIRE DIS TRIOT FUND YEAR ENDING JU~E $0. 1944 yEAR ENDED ~ 30. 1942 year Ending. '"i..' ''. '~'".'i.. rIhcrease Over'Decrease° Under Allowed Year Ending Year Ending .By 15e~ 13e20 ~. 15 s~0 "~ 15e00 -O- - .- 16.00 8.00 16.00 lO0.00 84.00 - ,- 462.-~ 260.00 ~.00 ? 462;00 -o 10.00 13.80 ~ 10.00 ~ 10..O0 - -o- -o- 18.00 9.00 18.00 18.OO -o- 30.00 13,,20 30.00 30.00 -o- -~- 25.oo : 18',75 .... : 25,~ . ~ 25.00 -o- ,?- 20.00 2~.0~ 30,00 30.00 -o- 75°00 4.00 ?5.00 ?5.00 -o- ~,. O0 , $5~ ~.00 ~ ESTIMATES ....... YEAR E~.D, ING J'd}~ ~. 19~ Year ~d~ Y~r~. ~d~g . ~~ . ~ease ~er Decreas~ ~er J~ 30, 1942 J~e 30, !94~/.~._ Tentative Year ~ng Year E~ding _F~al ' ~ 1 ~%~te ~ ',,, . _ (Act~l) '(Est~ted) :' ~st~te 'J~e 30. 1943 J~e 30. 943 ~.40 $10.~ ............. $~5.00 $~5.~ 1~.47 . 3~.~0'. - · 25..~ ,-~ 10, ~ . a~ c~ ~Y ~~ 0~5..~ $50.00 . $~5.0o. - $~o, ~ of ~% ~ ~rt7 $~,465.0o ~ ~ : ~ $.10 ~ION Y~ E~ED ~ 30. 1942 year ~d~ In.ease ~er' Deer°, se Under ~1~ J~e 30, 1943 ~ Proposed Year ~ng Yea~ ~g ,TIT~ OF IT~ Aooroo~a~ion ~dit~e Appropriation' E~en~t~e, J~e 30.1943 j~e 20.1943 Board ~GE SYST~: ' . . , ,-~, , ,-~- , ...... s~~ a~s~ $~, -~' , , , , ~.~ -~ - ~ ~TI~ WOrN ~S ~IT~Y DIS~IGT F~ J~e 30, 19~ J~e ~, 1943'_ ..... _Ten+~t~ve .... ~e~ ~ Year ~4ing ~nal , , , .... , , ~ ' , , aAN c~mm, T L~ y Current Levy of 1~% ~rts $59.OO $61,~74°00 $~0 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FU~ ..... YEAR ENDING.. JUNE ~0, 194~ ~I~R .-- YEA~R ENDED 'JUNE -:0 l'j--'_ ~ Year Ending ~_ · Increase Over Decrease Under J~e 30, ~742 Proposed Year E~ding Year Ending ~I~' A_-_r_ fiat!on E~. pe.ndi~ure.. Approbation- Exne..nditure June ~0.~ 1943 June 30, 1943 ~ds $1o,ooo.°0 $ 9,2oo.0o $ .5,.~.~.0° $'5,~0°~0o $~00.0° $- 000°00 _.5~53Q,~63.33. ..... 5.650__.00 . 5.550 0~O__ _-q- _ 1~ .... ' . $~. ., ~...863.33 ,~]..;,150.oo,, $u.350.00.:, ~300.,09.. $.',. (]tARII)TTESFI~ NISTR!CT ]tOAD DEBT FOND ......... ~ ENDING. g]3NE S Year Ended~ . Year Ending June 30, '19Z.2 June 30, 1943 Tentative ~) ' ,r (EStimated).,,,- EStima%e $~,o22..8~ $1,ooo,0o $ ?oo~O0 mrs 721.25 1,800.00 1,800°00 ~rest 900.00 _ 900.00 ' qO0.0O ['HAN, CURRENT LEVY my Ourrent Levy .$?,950.~ Increase Over Decrea Year Ending Year June 30. 19~ June -o- $30 Allowed Board se Under Ending Fi~!al 800 Re~emp%ic of Bonds 803 I~terest MISCEmO~S ~9~ lnter~t on ~ves~ents ~t to be ~s~ ~ ~r~tyLe~ Delinquents ez ~sis of L~ R~r~ ~sessed Val~ of ~epe~y ~te ef Le~ ~PENDITU~ ESTIMATF~ IVY DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FblID ENDED ~J~N_E_ 30. 1942_ Year Ending June 30 $3,700.00 4.tO0.00 . . 49! YE~ ENDING JUNE 0 1 In,ease Over Decrease Under All~ed Year Ending year Ending By B~d ~ $3,846.03 $2~ 500,00 .. $2,300.00 -o- -o- 4.tOO,tO ,0,. 4,.,,100.00 4.100.00 $7.946.03 $6.600,00 $6.400.00 ~UE ESTIMATES IVY DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND , YEAR ENDING J~NE ~q~ L'- ..... Year Ended Year Ending ~ .... Incr~se_Over Decres ~e Under J~e 30, 1942 June. 3~, .1~43 . T~tative. Year Ending ~Y~ ~nding Final - (A¢_--~) (~+_.-h,,~d.~ ,E?~t~t,e, ~une ~0, !943, ,Tune ~. ~. 1943~s~mat~ $2W.~6 $ 300.0o .... $_/~.~-.; .... ~*- - 163.61 200.00 200.00 -o- -~- VlX~5o , !,GOO,GQ . '1-,0~..o0 $1.500.00 -.~ . $81~8.27 . $4,9oo.0o $1,588,142.00 $.35 EXPENDITUP~ EST/NATES RIVANNA DISTEICT ROAD DEBT FUND Function Ite~. TITLE OF II~.I~ Appr. opri~;~tio.n Expenditure 33 DEBT SERVI~E: '800 Red~ptio~ of B~ds $ 5,?O0.00 $ 4,!98.50 - le.651.67 . ~ 10.?~0.00 803 Interest~ ~ $20~.000.00 iTOTAL' DEBT SER~_CE $1?.lSO. O0 '~'$17.&50.00-, ,$,600.00 , , :$30D?00 RIVANNA DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND j'Year':E~-d~_':i_..Ypar .E~d~/,~; ...... Increase Over DecreaSe Un~er ~e 30, 1942 June 30, 1943 .Tent~ .t$.~e Year Ending Year Endin (ACtual) '(Estimat. ed). . Esti~._te ..... .J__~e 30. 1943 J~e 30. Interest on Investments TOTALREVENUE~,~THANCURRENT, LEVy · ::Amstar to be-Baised~by .Current Levy iDelinquents ~n Basis of 12% Levy Required Assesse~ Value of Property Rate of Levy ..... ~...~p _~E307 Year Ending ' ' Increase Over Decre~e Under AllOWed J~ne 30, 19~3 Proposed Year Ending "year,ding By Appropriation Exppndi~. p J~e 30. 1943 JUne~ 1943 B~d. $ .6,40Q.OQ .... $ 7.000o~ $600.00 $-o~ . 10.750.00 ~0.45Q,00, -~ ..... 300.00 $ 308.82 $ ..5_00_.~ $ ~ 500.00 -e- -o- ~68.53 .' ?00.~.. , 700;o0 -o- -o- " 9?2.50, 2;'400,00 . .2~,4oo;~ -o- .. .. -o- ~ $2.,049.8:5. $3,1,600.00 ', $3.600500'- .-~- _ _ __-o- " $13,850.00 $2,615,825.00 $.60 Year Ending June 30, 1943 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES ~ANUEL MILLER DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND tm~R ENDED J~E 30. !942 ' F~CSZ ,,,~ .. ~f Proposed Final Estt~te _ 30. 1944 , Increase Over Decre~ soU:rider Allowed Year Ending Year !lEnding by 34 DEBT Smv'JqOE': 800 Redemptf.~ Of Bonds 803 Internist In Bonds MISCELLANEOUS:I Delinquent ~? axes fi1941 1942 ~mo~% to be 1~ Delinqmeats on Levy Require~ Assessed Valme ' 'RA~e 'Of'Levy TITLE GF ITEM Appropriation Expenditure Appropriat_ion EXpendit~e June 30~..1943 June ~0,1943 . B~rd ~,~,., , _ ~ ... ~ - _- _ . - ....... ! _ ' ' '. ' ........ . . _ $ 6,400.00 $10,534.72 . $ 7',$O0.O0 :$ 899~$00:''¢'j' $~O0.00 $ ~ '11,950.00 9.575.00 11.300.00 ~ 10.100.00~ .-~ 1 200.00 $18.350.00 ' $20.109o72. $19.100.00. $19,0_~%00 $900:00 $1.~00.00 ..... "'-- - ~ ' '' - ' - ' ~i' ' ' ' ' REVENUE ESTIMATES SA~'~L ~[T.T.Ea D~Sr~CT ROAD DE~ ~XmD. .. YEAR ENDING JU~ 30~' 19/~ Year Ende~ Year Ending Increase Over Decrease · der ' ' Ju~% 30, 1942 June 30~ 1943 Tent~ative Year Ending Year Endin _ Fill ,, -,' , ~ (Actual) (E~tima%ed) Esti.~ate J~.~.e 30. 1943 June 30..15 OEEa,,,~ C~T LE~ aised by C~re~t .Le~y ~Basis of 12%. of. PropertY 308.82 $ 500.00 $ 200.00 ~.53 ..!.o00.oq . soo.~o -o- $300.0' -o-_ .... 200o0C $3..o7%35 ~_$1.5~,.o0 $1.o00,oo.__. .o- $5oo.oc $18,000.00 $20,45o.00 $2,727,2&3.00 $'?~ 4.92 EXPE}~)ITURE ESTIMATES SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ROAD DEBT Fb~ND : ~ ~DING ..~ 30. i 19A4 _ TI. TLE OF'~ON ~ ~E~DE~i.J~ 30; 1942' YearEn~g '~ :. ~ereaSe Over Decrease ~n4er~ Allewed {e. cf ' No. of ' ..... ~ F ~1...- ~ June .30, 1943 PropOse~ .~ Year Ending Year E~LnE By ~c.~ti.._qn., It.~.em_~.~ TI.._TLE__~OF~I~'..E_.M_.__-A~o~a~..~t.~.'o~x~_E.~_d~_~r~e~A~9~ation.Ex~2en~di~t..~e J~me..~.O~ 1~ J, u~_e~_O_~lq~ B_o. ard~_. ~0 a~emPti~ of ~nds $ 6,~O0.~ ~03 Interest ~O~,.~:-.S~eE, ~~ ~T~T~ S0~TS~LE. DIS~IOT R~ , ~ E~ING ~ 30. 19~ Year :~ded_: Year ~ _ ..... ~:~r~ase ~e.r DecreaSe U~er . - J~e 30,:19~ J~e 30~' 1943. Ten,tire .... ~.:~g ...... Ye~ ~dimg ~1 .. .. '. (Act~) .(E~i~t~) Estate J~e '30. 1943 J~e 3. 1943 E~ti~e' ~ISCELLANEOUS: DeliuqUent Taxes: 1942 ~OTAL REFENUE OTHER ~ou~t to be Raised 3elinqments o~ Basi~ 4evy Requ~ed ~ssessed Valuation ~te ef Levy TITLE, OF ~o. of' No. of .,~action. ~.. Item $6 DEBT SERVIOE: 800 Redemption 803 Interest ~.OTAL DEBT,' SERVICE.,~ ~SCELLANEOUS: Delinquent Taxes: 1941 1942 ~aount to be )elinquemts ~ Basi: ~.evy Required ~ssessed Value of P: ~te of Levy THAN CURRENT. LEVY by Current Levy ofk~ f ~o~r~ 3NCTION $ _ 341e15 854.45 700.00 700.00 -o- $20,951.00 $2, ~65,537. oo EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES WHITE HALL DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND YEAR ENDING JUNE 3o ENDED JUNE 30. 1742_ Year .Eroding ~ ~ I$crea-Se._~er. ~De. 2r~as! J~ue 30,1943 Proposed ~ear ~mng , : ~e~: ~ 'Bonds "'$5,600.00 $6~036~74 $6,000.00 $5,500.~ -o- ....... $5,5( ,ends ~.950~oo 3.950.0 3.9~0..00:- ~ 3.950.00 ' -~- by Ourremt Levy of 12% operty $9,950,00 $9,A~0.00 ...... ,o- ........ $5;5( REVENUE ESTIMATES WHITE EELL DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND Year Ended Year-Ending . _ ... . June 30 1942 30, :1943 Tentative Increase Over Dec~eas~ Year Ending . Year ~TATE FUNDS: General Appropria' .ion Supervision Vocational Educat~ on Special Education Superintendent~ ~aIa~7 Music Education Transportation~ ~OUNTY FUNDS: Delinquent Taxes Gash Appropriatie 3~HER FUNDS:' D$~.wson Fund Tuition - Other D~ ~isions Tuition.- Private So~rces Sale of Smpplies Sale of Real Estate Rents, Rebates, ~scellameous Gasoline Tax Re~d~ Jeanes Fund t{ ? Textbooks Literary Fam. d Deb{ (Ofty) Adult Education Surplus ~OUNTY TAXES ~RAND TOTA~ ~lincuents en Basi~ ~T~IAN CURKENT LEVY by Current Levy of 12% $24/3;95 $ ' 300.00 $ 300,00 6,?.~;,~ :7o.0,00 .', ~ 70o,00 ' $667t~? $1,000.00 ,, ~.000.00, ' ' '$8,450.00 $9,602.00 $1,591,083.00 $.60 REVENUE ESTIMATES SCHOOL FUND Year E~ded Year Ending June 30,1942 . June 30, 1943 Tentative (A~etual) (Estimated) Estimate $100,965,38 4,540.00 6,556.17 1~300-00 995.00 5.00 $110,880.O0 4,863.33 7,200.00 1,100.0~ 1~006.29 100.00 $108,720.00.~ 4,960.00 7,3~0.00~ 240.00~ 1,295.00 7,500,00 9,193.96 6,0<~D.O0 6,000.OO ~ 998.75 319.50 223.80 396.83 640°00 574.21 1,896.74 4,457.09 1,21~8.00 1,03OEO0 35,635.44 ,.a::u,~ By 0.00 O.O0. Under Final YEAR ENDING JUNE ~30, 19Z2~ ..... .~c~aS.erOVer Decreas~ Umder Year .Ending.. Y~ear~. E~ding Finale June ~0~ 1943" j~e ~OJ.. 194~' EStimate, 1~.00 00.. 7,5~.00 975.00 975°00 ~ -o- -o- 200.00 2~.00 ~ -o- - 200.00 ..... 1{2)0.00 <~ -o- 10( 200.00 100.00 ~ -o- 10( 500.00 300,00,~ -0- 20( 600.00 500.O0 ~ -o- 10( 1,60~ o00 %,800.00 ~ 200.00 ~00'00 100.00 ~ -o- -o- l, 069.15 ' 9g0,74 -o-, · '0-- -0-- -0-- 20,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 -o- $130,929.70 O0 .00 .00 .00 ¸.7 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES SCHOOL FUN0 ~- _ YEAR.. ~!NG JENE 30. 1944_... TITLE OF F~NCTIDN . . _YEAR ENDED. JUNE 30. 1942 Year Ending Increase Over'- Decrease U~der Allowe~ No. of No. of Jmue 30, 1943 Proposed Year. Fmding Year Ending By Fanctiea Item. TITLE OF, ITE~,~ Appropriatipn,' .Expend.it?.e Appropriation. Expenditure J~ue 30. 1943 June 30.1943 Board .... ~ ~ I1' i Ij II ~ i ~ L _,~ ~ ~ ~ _ = i~ g I · ii , i I 17A SCHOOL BOARDt 100 gompeusation'of Members $ 600.00 $ "375,00 $ 900.00 $ 9OO.00 $ -~- $ 206 D~es and ~Jbscriptions '6.00 6eeo 6.00 ~6.O0 -o- 220 Traveling Expenses ~ 260.00 120.20 200.00 200.00 298 Community Activities and l~om- memo.merit Costs 1~.00 79,17 ~00.00 1OO.00 -0- 299 Distribu%ion of Textbooks 140.00 - 89.65 140.00 140.'00 299x Sale of Textbooks -o- 4,457.09 6,000.00 5,0OO.00 -o- I, O00.O0 999 U~appropriated Reserve ~ ~-O- ~o- . -'o- .. 18,~00..00 18.5000.00 . -o~ 102 Compensation of Superintendent and Cler~ ' 135 Secretary 214 Box Rent 215A Pix%utes and Repairs 218 Telephone and Telegraph 220 Tray.el o~ Superimtenden~ 319 Statmonery, ~rin~ing, Postage a~d Supplies 405. ~ Office Equipment 133a Principals ~hite M~le -- 133b Principals~1[* -' White - Female 1~3o Prim¢ipa ,~s"' ~ Neg~O~- Male ~ 133~ Principals- ~ Negre~.:' Female 134a 134b 1340 134~ 13~e 134f 13~g 134h 134i 134j $3~.00 $3,780.00 $4,200.00 $4,200.00 $-o- 1,060.OO 1,O85.32 1,~00~00 1,80~.00~ 300~OO ~6~OO 6.~0 -6,00 ~,00 -o- 75.~0 -o- 50.00 50.OO -o- 5OO,00 247~46 500.00 4~0,00 -o- 1,050.O0 856.27 1,2OO.O0 1~350.O0 150.00 50.00 2~.02. ~0.00 ~O.00. . -~. $6.656.00 ~6.2~6.B2. $77641.0~ $ 15,394.19 1'13~83 Teachers -~H. $. -White - Male 8~683047 Teachers - Female 18,9~6.75 Tea~ers Tea~ers - H. S.'--Ne~-Fe~le 2,186,84 Teachers Teachers ~ ~. - ~ite--Fe~le 7~8.36 Teachers Teachers r Elem. - Negro - Female ~ Teachers - ~ocatiom~l - White - Male Teachers - Vocational - Negro- Jale Teachers - Special E~ucation 19,67o.31 6,674180 1,189.20 1,511.50 ~ 134k Sfek 135a Compensation and Travel . -. SupervisOrs.:- White 135b O~a~en-~d Travel . Sepe~s~s- Ne~e ~3 ~s~eme~ Pre~ - Wor~' s C~pemsa~ion ' ~220 Travel - ~o~tio~l Teachers ~d Hmg~ School ~e~sors ~ Travel -Home Econo. cs Teachers ~b Travel - Vo~~l Agric~t~e - $ 15,493.58 $~16,627.50 · ~903.70 1,080.00 1~148,68 1,327.50 4,221.15 4~662o00 22,658.20 28,144.O0 770.05 945.00 2,239.05 2,934.00 903.70 1,035.00 ?8,?90.98 90,055.20 1,023.32 1,368~00 18!~63.69 24,507.00 6,248.08 7,420.00 1~200.70 1,440.00 4,442.81 1,620~00 '*- 1, O00eO0 $ 17,002.50 1,182.50 1,~30~00 3,817,50 100~00 $450.00 $100. OO Negro 221 T~ition 305 Classroo~ 305b Stamdardi 313 Laberater2 31~ Li~ 3~b S~ial 3~e ~ysi~l 3~ Ve~tio~ $ 375.oo $ -o- 102.50 -o- 102.50 -e- 29~01.00 1,357.00 -o- -~- -o- 945.00 3,842.50 908.50 -o~ -o- 1,,035.00 93,372.41 3,317~21 -o- 777.50 -o- 590.50 '26,41~.00 1~910.00 -o- 7,260.00 1,512.50 72.50 -o- 360.00 -o- !~260.0~ 1, O00eO0 -~- 6,91~.57 6,984.31 7,530-03 7,580.03 1,160.55 1,171.00 1,350.00 .OO 6.00 995e00 671.00 995.00 67~.00 /+32.90 675.00 50.00 2,900.00 Supplies 1,000.00 zed Tests 50.00 Supplies 500.00 pplies 1,475000 plies 200.~ ~UCatiom Supplies 3~.~0 Education Supplies -o- 1 Education Supplies ___~50.00 123 Salaries, R~irman and Helpers $1,8~0.00 136 Drivers, 0ounty Owned Buses 6,435.00 211 Insuranc~ t,300.O0 218 Telephone - Repair Shop 56.00 219 Contractors 1,728.00 300 Repairs ~ Tires and Upkeep 5,200.00 312 Gasoline, Oil and Grease 4.5OO~00 1,452.50 6.00 TATIGN 50,00 -0- 102.50 - -o- 995.00 -o- -o- · 675.00 -o- -o- 50.00 50.00 3,309.96 3,0OO.00 438.12 800.00 1.05 150.00 73.08 500.OO 1,191.97 1,625oOO 14.9.31 200.00 298.98 300.00 299,91 5~b.'00 50,00 3,300.00 800.00 100.00 5OO.00 1,675~00 200.OO 300.00 592.50 550.00 :"$206.251.44 $ 1,989.48 $ 2,160.00 $ 2,260.00 5,946.24 9,540.00 12,375.00 1,1~9.51 1,3ob.c0 1,300.o0 56.70 56.00 60.00 747e00 855000 1,170.00 5,871.82 6,000.00 7,000.00 6.282~56 5.500,00 6,~00~00 _ ~0o00 50,00 592.50 $ 100.00 2,835.00 4.00 315.00 1,000.00 1,000~00 85.25~,oo 50,00 .-0~ -0-' .TITLE OF I~NOTION _ ,~o.' of No. of ~unetion Item L?F HOUSING~ LO5 Recording of Documents L19 Wages 'of Janitors ~23 Salaries, R-~airman and Helpers 207 Electric Curr_ent LI0 Insurance on B~ildings ~lOa Boiler Insuran~ ~lSa Repair amd Upk~ ep of Buildings and Grounds ~lSb Maintenance of Floors ~-15d Repairs on FuE itu~e and Fixtures ntire Telephone - MC Water Service Tires, Tubes a man' s Truck Janitor' s Supp~ Fuel Gas, Oil and ~ Truck Wells Unclassiffe~ C,0TA .0usm L9 CAPITAL OUTLAY.' ~23 Improvement of 322 Vocational Lq= ~00 Replacement of ~OOa Service Truck ~03 Furnit~e ~1 N~w Building [ ! ,0TAL CAPITAL OUTL~.]. ~0 DEBT SERVEE~ ~01 Principal ~- Li~ ~04 Interest - Li~ ?OTAL DEBT SERVICE. ,, ~ational Bank and ~ ~ille, Virginia ?eoples National Bm ~terary Fund of Vix _ ~T_I_TLE 0_F.~_ ~o. of No. of . ~unction Item ~ ~roadus ~ood High S~ ~ozet High Sch~l ~eenwo~ High S~ho( ~c~t~e High Scho.~ ~eriwe~er Lewis Hi ~ed Hill High Soho9] ~eot~ville High ~rle Training ~0TAL d Parts - Repair- les ease - Repairman's ~rounds pment Buses ~rary Fund erary Fund~ EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES (Cont'd) SCHOOL FUND (Cont'd) __. YEAR ENDTNG JU~ 30, 19ZA ENDED ~ 30. 19~ Year ~g~ ......... Increase ~er Decrease Under All.ed J~e 30,~ 19~3 ~.po~ed _-Y~d~g Ye~ ~ng ~ Appropriati~ ~endi~es Appropriation E~en~t~e J~e 30, 1943 .J~e 30~1943 Board $ 20.~0 $ 8.~ $ 20.00 $ 15.00 $-o- $ 5~O 3,8I~.00 3,668.85 4~455.00 4,788.00 .333.00 -~- · 1,000.~ 1, O59.50 1~440.00 1,755.00 315.00 -o- 1,2~0.00 1,3~3.45 1~309,00 . 1,~00.O0 ~.-~ -o- 1,700o00 596.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 -o- -o- -o- Jo- ~25.00 -o- -o- 325~00 '3,500.00 2,635.59 4,BOO.C0 4,000,_00 59D. 00 263.28 5~0,00 5~. O0 1,109.00 1,766.81 1,500.00 1, 5~00.00 -o- -o- 49.10 46.32 49.10 50.00 '90 -o- 600.~ 383.33 600e00 600.00 -o~ -o- 100.OO 101.10 1~.00 100.O0 -o- -o- 1~$~O0 1,323.95 1/500.00 1,500',O~ -o- -o- 5,OO0,~ 5,O30.2~ 5,DO0.OO 5,300.00 300.00 -o- 200.00 200.00 -o- ~00.00 1,000.00 ..600.00 900.00 . 8DO.00 -o- 200. O0 134.29 7OO.00 264.64 5 .oo $ 209. 591.38 362.O0 9,500.00 1,000.00 645.86 1oo oo I 400.00 400.00 -o- -o- iO,DO0.O0 -o- -o- 10,000. -o- 800°00 800.00 400.00 -o- 400. .-O' _ -~ -O- -- -O- $ 7,579.00 $ 7,s 9.® $ 6,675.00 $ -o- $1, oo, _ ---:0!.50 .- 39%.50 5'.~1.00 4.8~.,~' ,-o- 267 $!~8~ ~ ~0_ O. .~11..?~ O0 $1 267. . . $10.A~.00 -o~ , Year Ended- Jnno' 30, 1942 ust Co., Charlottes- Charlottesville, ginia NOTION ITLE OF ITEM hool -0- ~ School -o- ool -o- abool , -o- O0 -- ~ --0' ~ . i $985'95~ $2.850.00 $2,7oo,q0 --O-- --O-- --0' -o- 15¢ .00 9153.36 $ 321.43 $_ ]~!.43. 11~.69 321.~3 321.43 174.30 321.43 321.43 -o- 6O0.00 &50.O0 167.65 321.42 321.42 167.03 321.43 321.43 178.92 321.43 321.43 30.00 321.43 321.~ ....... $11.64!.3S 5. 6.6S $11.60o.e0 $1. 00.00 _ $8oo.oo $1o,6Oo, .SO REV~CcE ESTI~XTES SCHOOL (NclN~ ~ST ~) - _ . ZNG 30,, ~e~ ~d~g !nc~eas~ ~r. Decrease J~e ~, 19~ Ten~ti~ . Year. ~ng . Y~_ ~g. Fill ~Esti~d) . Esti~te . J~e ~0, 1943 J~e~ ~i,~ ~43 Est~a~te $ ~9.96 $1,125. ~ 91,125.00 -O- $-~ ~2.50 ~ 1,125.O~ 1,~5.~ -~ ~. ...... ~0,00 450.~ -o- 150.O0 E~IE ~TES ~ ~G ~ ~0, ,, ~'~ J~ 30,~ 19~. Year ~ding ~ ~ In~rease ~er Decreas Under ~ ~ J~e 3P, 17+3 Proposed Year ~ding_ Yea~. ~dimg 495 The Beard proceeded, to lay the Co~ty Levies for the Year 1943 and ordered that the Director of Finance of the County of Albe_~m~_:rle assess and collect on all taxable .real es- tate and all ta~able tangible personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate at the general reassessment of lands in 1925, used or emploYed in ~ manufac- turing or mi~E business taxable by the S~ate on 0apital; including Public service corpora- tion property (except the rolling stock of railroads operated by steam), based upon the assessment fixed by the State Corporation Commission and certified by it to the Board of 0ounty Supervisors both as to location and valuation. For General County purposes, Twenty-five Cents ($0.25) on e~ery One Hundred Dollars ~ o£ said property. For Operation of School purposes, One Dollar ($1.00) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For the purpose of Interest and Retirement of County School Indebtedness Ten Cents ~$,.10) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Interest and Sinking Fund for District Road Bonds, the Director of Finance shall levy and collect on all of said property as follows to-wit: (1) In the Charlottesville District Thirty-five Cents ($0.35) on every One Hundred Dollars wor~ of said property.. (2) In the Ivy District Thirty-five Cents ($0.35') on avery One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (3) In the Rivanna District Sixty Cents ($0.60) on every 0n~ Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (4) In the Samuel Miller District Seventy-five Cents ($0~75) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said propertY. (5) In the ScottSviile District Eighty-five Cents ($0.85) on every One -Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (6) In the White~Hall District Sixty Cents ($0.60) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Operating Expenses in the Woolen Mills Sanitax-~ District, Ten Cents ($0.10) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Operat~g Ex~nses in the Crozet Fire District, Ten Cents ($0.10) on every One' Hundred Doliars worth of said property.~ The following Resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, it has been b~ought to the attention of;this Board that it is rumored that Convict Camp No. 12, now engaged in reconstruc~ Route 250, will be closed at the end of the present fiscal year, June 30, 1943, and WHEREAS, the State Highway Commission has allocated funds for the improvement of Route 230 north of Crozet and a portion of said route has been so severely damaged by the flood last fall as to become almost impassable, and WHEREAS, the present emergency requires that each farmer produce every ounce of food possible in order that the armed forces may be pro~ perly fed as well as the civili~u ~opuiation, amd WHEREAS, the work contemplated on Route 230 will facilitate the movement of supplies to ~he farm and the farm products to market, N0~, THEREFORE, BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County SuPervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,that the State Highway Commissioner be and is hereby requested to continue Convict Camp No. 12 in~ its present loca- tion in order to provide the necessary labor to complete the contemplated improvements in the western end of this county. Mr. H. A, Haden, Director of Finance~, submitted a statement of expenses of the De- .' partment of Finance for the month of February., 1943, one-third of Which to be borne by the State~ Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, veri£ied an~. ap- The following Reports were presented, examined, and ordered filed~ 1. County Executive. 2. District Board (Bi-monthly and Annual)~- 3. Board of Equalization. 4. University of Virginia Hbspital. 5. ~ame ~arden. Communications were received frOm Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the er,,. roneons assessment of certain lands in Albemarle County. Upon motion, d~ly made and seconded, the following Resolution was ~nanimously adopted~ WHEREAS, Mr, George Gi!~er, Attorney, who haw been employed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the fo!lowing par- eels of land be deleted from the CountY's Tax Rolls due to the fact that in his opimion the land is erroneously assessed:' Tax Year Name ~ Di~strict 1935 to 1943, Inc. Hem~y H. Harris 1916 to 1943, Inc. William Austin 1933 to 1943, !nc. Lucy Ages 1924 to 1943, Inc. Sallie L- Abell 1916 to 1943, Inc. Jo~m T. Anderson 1916 to 1929, Inc. C.N. Birckhead 1924 to 1943, Inc. Cornelia Boaz Estate 1916 to 1943,~ Inc. B. J. Barbour Estate' 1924 and 1925 Sarah C.. Detamore 1931 R.B. Develbiss 1932 to 1943, Inc. H.H. Brown 1924 to 1943, .Inc.' James Graves 1916 to 1943, Inc. 1916 to 1943, Inc. 1918-to 1943, Inc. 1921 to 1943, Inc. 1931 ~o 1943, Inc. 1916 to 1943, Inc. Alex Ge ~'~on A. J.. Brown~-Estate Evelena Baugher Jack Brown George Beeler George M; Bowen 7.5 8 5 10 1/3 5 5 29 Lot 35 5O 1/2 5.9 10 Scottsviile (Col. ~nite Hall Scottsviile (Col. ~hite Hall Charlottesville (Col.) Rivanna S~muel Miller Rivanna CharlottesVille Scottsville Scottsville (Col. Ivy. Scottsville White Hall ~'vy (Col,) Scottsville Scottsville NO~, ~EREFoPJ~, BE IT. RESOLVED by the Beard of C~mty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that these parcels be considered as erron- eous assessments c~ the basis of Mr. Gilmer's report and no further efforts be' made to collect the taxes on same. CommUnication from the Compausation Board, calling the Board's attention to the Fact that the County was due the State of Virginia $103.52, representing one-third of the excess fees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the year~'1942, was presented. Upon ~etion, duly made and seconded, the payment of this amount was authorized. Communication from Mr. C. VenaBle Minor, requesting an appropriation of $150.00 to cover the necessary expenses of his office-as-~ea~.S~perviscr of the Air~raft Warning Service aUtil June 30, 1943~ was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this appropriation · as made by the following recorded vote: Ayes~: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E, J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noose. None. The Board's attention ~as called to the fact that at the October 21, 1942, meeting, an appropriation of $300.00 was made to provide Uniforms for the local Company of Virginia Reserve Militia (Minute Eon), but that upon investigation, it was found that it would be in- adequate. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an additional appropriation of $1,200.00 was made for the procurement of Uniforms for the Virginia Reserve Militia by the following re- corded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and Purcell McOue, and Dr. 'L. G. Roberts; Noes.-~ None. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of the expenses of the ~heriff's Office for the month of Feb~uary, 1943, two-thirds of which ~o be borne by the State. ~on motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. Statement of co~t of maintenance of prisoners in the CoUnty Jail for the month of February, 1943, was submitted. This statement was examined, verified, and approved. A request was submitted for relief ~rom the payment of interest on taxes for the rear 1925 assessed against A. P. and C. C.Birch. The County Executive was authorized to noti- ~Mr. John S. Battle, Attorney in the case, that the Board was without authority to grant th( request. Recuest was received for a~r~mriation to assist in defra~in~ the cost of sendinm seconded, an appropriation of $150.00 was made by the following reCorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. Jo M~ Fray, E. Jo Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, amd Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None. The following Resolution was unanimously adopted: WHERFAS, it has been brought to the attention of this Board that certain individuals have been deferred from military service by ~the lo- cal Selective SerVice Board as necessary agricultural workers, and WHEREAS, it is the sense of this Board that the services of these workers should be recognized in some effective mamuer, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of-County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that his Excellency, the Governor of Vir- ginia~ be amd is hereby r6quested to take such steps as may be necessary te formulate a plan for recognizing the services of necessary agricultural workers who are contributing such unselfish services in connection with the ~ar effort. The following Resolution was unanimously adopted: ' by t~is Board ~, a Resolution was adopted/at the regu!.~ar September, 1942, meeting requesting certain changes in the Primary and Secondary Systems of Highways due t° ~<'retooation and construction on Route 6 and WHEREAS, one contemplated change was omitted, N0~4 THERE-FOBE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, 'that the .following changes in the Primary and Secondary Systems due to relocation and construction on ROute 6, Pro- Ject 680E-2, as set forth on Nap of the Highway Department dated July 15, 1942, be approved and made: i. Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and. 9 to be, eliminated from the Primary System of State Highways) 2. Section i to be eliminated 'from the State Primary System and added to the State Secondary System of Highways. Section 8 to be added to the State Secondary System of Highways. Section 10 to be abandoned. The'following ResolUtion was unamimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virgimia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby · requested to transfer the funds allocated tn the current Budget for re- pair of SecondmryRoads to repair of storm damage. Claims against the Coumty, amounting to $35,617e34, were presented, examined, and allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: ' General School Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Na~-iona ~ltDefe~se T~aining Road Debt: Ivy District Rivamua District White Hall District Commonwealth of Virginia $ 8,647.6?. 24,938.60. 29.72- 13.65 - 37.09- 400.00 . Total Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairmam.