HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-01-03~t a regular meeting of the ~oard of ~upervisors of ~lbemarte oounty, Virginia
held at ~ ~
oh~ Court House of said 0ounty on the Jrd day of January !92!-, Present,
Hollis Rinehard, 0hairman, S.~..Calhoune, J.¥~.~rly, ~.~a.~ray, J.L. Pitts and C. Purcell
'i~he minutes of the last ~eting 'were read and approved.
'The following ~ust&ces of the Feace appeared before the ~osrd in person with
their ~'ine Oooks viz: ~.G.Dswson, ~.E.Gibson, Claude ~.~ r~ley,~ ~.S.~lannagsn henry
Gibbs, T.E.Maupin, j.~.Wood, T.H.Ohildress, H.L. Josselyn, John ~.Garth end j.~. ~olfe
211 ,the ether justices h~ their ~ine Books before the Board though not appearing
in person. ~~ ~~
~t a meeting of the Boord of Supervisors of ~!bemar'le County, Va. held at the
Court House of said County on the 16th day of ~eby. 1921.
Present: J.k~.Fray, Temporary Chairmen, ~.¢.Calhoun, j.W. Early, j.L.Pitts end
C.Purcell ~icCue.
The minutes of the !sst meeting were read and apporved.
On motion duly seconded ¢._~d.Fray was unanemonsly elected Temporary Chairman of
the ~osrd ¢ -*
~o~ the year ending ,December 5ist 1921.
Presid, ent ~eorge ~.B.~ichie of the Peoples i, iational Bank of Charlottesville,
appeared 'before '-the ~oard and requested that the three-aeCm~nd notes of the Oou~zty
, . ar~,,~.n july !gth 1919 one flor
held by s~ PeOples ~snk namely one for ~!000 00 ~ ~- ,
;~000.00 drm~m Cuzy 23rd 1919 end one for ~2000.00 drawn Culy 24th 1919 be taken up
with interest from Dec 1st, 1920 smd that one note to cover said dens:nd notes-with
interest from Dec. 1st,-1920 be give~therefo~it is ordered that the Trea, surer of
~b .~=rle County be and he is hereby ~,uohorzzed on behalf of the County to drew one
~ ~ o__e Peoples i~stionsl Bank of
note for ,~OQ0.u0 payable s~ non, ha after date to ~h
Charlottesville, Vs. with interest from Dec. lat. 1920.
The-Board after fully descussing the .~200.00 claim of ~.~.Harris for land damage
for a change of the Scottsville ~osd through his_claud end the giving by the said Herri
of the ,.~1._ strip of ~snd cut off by said change to the County or shy one the county
may des~gnso~ was o~ opinion that said clain with the shove gift wes just smd fair
therefo~ on motion duly seconded it is ordered that a warrant for ~200.00 be drs~m
in favor of the said j.~.Hsrris, chargeable to the concrete road fund of Scottsville
District, ~-mds that j.~,Hsrris, convey to ~'o~ N.Tidd the small strip ss ~oove.' stated,
~.~ee County Engineer who was directed to go over the proposed change of the
.~?p!ebery ~-tn. road and make report to the Board ~s to the probable cost and sdvisibi
of such chs~s ~ ~ ~ _. ~ ~
, ~e~o._ ~s that the cost of such ch~n~e ss proposed would be ~rest and
that the traffic over said road would not justify the cost of s relocation. Therefore
the Board '~¢j~O~ths petition off the citizens asking for said change.