HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-02-16 ~t s regular meeting of the ooard of ~upervisors of ~lbemsrte CoUnty, Virgini~ held at the Court House of said 0ounty on the Jrd day of Js.nusry 1921, Present, Hollis Rinehard, Chairmen, S.~.Oalhoune, J.~-.~rly, J.~.~rs.y, j.L. Pitts a. nd C. Purcell ~o~ue. The minutes of the last m'eeting 'were read s.nd ~pprovedo 'The following Just-ices of the Fesce appeared before the ~o~r~ in person with their ~ine ~ook~ viz- ~.G.D~wson~ J.E.Gibson, Claude E.k~srdley,. ~.S.~lsnnagsn, henry Gibbs, T.R.~upin, J.~.~ood, T.H. Ohildress, H.L. Josselyn, j, hn ~.G~rth end j.~. ~olfe ~ll ,the other justices h~ their ~ine Books before the Board though not sppe~rmng in person. ~~ ~~ ~t s meeting of the ~oord of Supervisors of ~lbem~rTe County, Vs.. held ~t the Court House of said County on the 16th d~y of ~eby. 19S1. Present: J.~.~ray, Temporary Chairman, S.~.Calhoun, j.W. Eerly, j.I~.Pitts end C.Purcell ~:cCue. The minutes of the !sst meeting were read end spporved. On motion duly seconded ~.M~'rsy was uns~emons!y elected the ~osrd for the year ending ~ecember 5!st 1921. Tempors.ry Chairman of Presid~ent ~eorge ~.B.~ichie of the Peoples ~stionet ~'6snk of Charlottesville, appeared before 'the Soard and reev. ested that the three-de,mend notes o£ the County held by said PeOples ,~snk, nsmely, one for ~1000.00 drawn July 19th 1919, one for .~lO00.00 drs~,~rn july 23rd 1919 end one fsr ~2000.00 drsv.,m ~uly 24th 1919 be taken up wmt_ interest from Dec 1st, 1920 and that one note to cover said dem,:nd-notes ~with interest from Dec. 1st, .1920 be given~ therefor~it is ordered that the Treasurer of .~lbemarle Cou_uty be and he is hereby authorized on heh~_lf of the Oozmty to draw one note for ~4000.~0 payeble six noi~hs after dete to the Peoples ~stionsl Bank of Charlottesville, Vs. with interest from Dec. 1st. 1920. The. Board after fully d~scussing the ~.~200.00 claim of ~.~.Hsrris for !end dsm~g~ flor s change o£ the ~cottsville Ziosd through his~land end the giving by the said of the small strip of ~snd out off by said change to the Cozuaty or any one the county m~y designate, was of opinion that said clain with the shove g~£t w~s just smd fair there~fo~ on motion duly seconded it is orde_em that a warrant for ~200.00 be drav, m in favor of the said J.~oHarris, chargeable to the concrete road f~.nad of Scottsville District, s-nd that j..2.Harris convey to ~ohn N.Tidd the small strip ss above stated. R.E.Lee ~ounty Engineer who was directed to go over the proposed change of the ~zplebery ~tn. road ~nd make report to the Board as to the probable cost and ~visibi] of such chs~s that the ors.Efi~ ,over said road would not justify the cost of s, re!ocstion Thez~ore the ~oard ~jl~:~the petition of the citizens, asking for said chsnge, ity ~,~0~,~%~EN.-- That the following equipment be p~zrchased from the State Highway Co~mission for ~e in the construction and m~intsnanoe of County roads: i £~ash-Qusd Truck ~!83 - cost st Richmond t ~mmunition Wagon - cost ! set of Hsrness ,- cost t steel Body for Truck, out down and fitted with end gate, to be used as s dump ~ody - cost shout ~277.94 25.00 5.00 £5.00 ~332.94 ~ In the matter of an appropaiation for Porest Fire pro~eetion for ~lbemsrie on motion duly seconded it is ordered that the .sum of ~300,00 be appropriated ss the County's part for said pro~eotion. Polled v.0te unanimous · ~il the papers in regard to the election to be held in the 0h~r!ottesvi!t'e, ivy, Samuel miller, White Hal! Smd Rivanms District for s bond issue for tb_e im~orve- ments o£ raods hsv~ng been duly ce_~tifie~ according to isw it is ordered that said election be held on the 26th day o£ ~prii 1921. The bill of ~.G.Ross & ~o. for a balance cz~,imed for cosi sold to the ~onnty Home, was again p~sented to the Board and after a thorough investigation the Board ~' is satisfied that there was s misunderstanding between both parties to the contract ther~ffor ss a compromise the Board mgreed to pay said 0os! ~o st the reate of V0 cents' per tom on ~8 tons o£ cesl, which would make the b~d of said Ross Coal 0o. the same as Burn!ay Bros. the next lowest bidder. The following claims were presented,oexamined, e!iowed, and ordered to be- certified to the Treas~zrer for payment viz: ~!b. Home ~utuai Pire insurance ~!b. Telephone Co. z.~. B~l~ ..oo. Ohsrlottesville ice Co. J.T.O~rpenter T. E. element ~o~ B. ~{inor J.O.Boaz J.P.G~rth eeo. T. 0mohundro B. i{. Jena s s .S .Carpenter Bessie Bunn Everett 37.95 ~ 34 44.25 .gT.0!~ 4.00~ s, 30 39.50~ $6.00~ SO. O0 ~ 48.00' SS. 2 6' 12.00~ t0.00~ t0.00' 2.00- 58.S$ J.W.Parly 2us'tin Plint' Frick Bros. J.M.Prsy C,L, Gillispie C. G, Greet H.N,Gleason & H.M.Gleason & ~lelt on ~ones Eldrid ge 0~ones Wm. N~ Co. ~Iidlsnd Chemiesl Lsbor~tories D.H.Psge Dr. E.L.P~ge Dr. F.P.i~elson J.D. Rudis ill ~vi, E.Smith J.E.Tste C.M,Thomss ~.C.Thomss ~'~. 0o. V~. Pr iht ing C o. i'. ~ ,-~sn Vo orhis T. D. Willisms Dr. B.L,Dillsrd Dr. L.R.Stinson Isssc Lewis ~.i~. White Co. Wood VeSt & Co. Wood Vest & Co. R.H.Wood Ol~ude E. Ysrdley Dr, ~. L. iqes Dr. T.H.D~niel Dr. T,C.mcCue Dr. J.E.Esrly E.E. Lee Ross Cosl Co. 2,3,99 12. O0 28 .&O 23.99 '7.20 60. O0 48.00 2.70 66.6V 8& ,00 25.00 186.25 150,00 3.50 6.00 6.00 2.50 11.28 28,5O 9.00 19.80 23. O0 2.26 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 .'~ 64.50 3.00 216.50 3~i .41 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5~00 50'7 .'72 33.60 ~ De!egstion 'of Doctors snd the-0!ty of Chsrlottesville, Board and unsnimously urged thst citizens interested in the heslth conditions of bothI snd the 0ounty of.,:, ~lbem~rle ~ before the I' the heslth bosrd~ of ssid 0ity & County be consolids~ed under the msnsge~ent of Dr. ~%etster who has speci~!ized in hestth work, snd thst 8 sufficient sum be appropristed by the county to meet a sum to be sppropristed by the city for the conduction of said work, the Bosrd being of opinion that such s con- solidstion would be beneficial to both county and city thereof. Be it. Eesolved:-- Thst the sum of $2500.00 be-sppropriated ss the county's portion of said ~und upon condition that the city appropriated ~ZS00.O0 as its~ portion end that the joint fund be under the management of Dr. ~eister, and Be it ~urther Rosolved that the p~esent county health tn~r&, be ~nd it is hereby appointed a con~nittee Go confer with ~ conzmittee appointed by the city in reg¥~d to an equitable solution of the health work to be conducted in the s~id City of Charlottesville, Va, ~nd the s~id County of ~lbemarle, ~respectively. IN THE ~I~TTER O~ THE OBoTRUCTi0N OB~ THE E0~D I~DIi~G ~RO~ ~WiC~£ TO BO'Y~D'S T~VERN, TH~O0(~H THE L~Iw~ O~ ~,iELSOi~ ~Si~O~, S~LLIE ~SHTO~, Ei~.',~UDDY, fND OTH~_~RS: It appearing to the Bcerd that there has been placed on said road, which is' ~ public ro~d, an obstruction, it is there£ore ordered that the road commissioner for ~lbemarle County, i{,L.~arth, shall proceed tO have said obstruction removed, taking such steps as is neoessmry to ~ccomplish the removal of said obstruction~. ~t m meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbem~rle Oounty, Va. held at the 'Court House of s~id County on the 16th d~y of march 19El, Present: Hollis Rine- hart, Chairman, S.~,Calhoun, J.~.~rly, J.~.~r~y, J.L.i~itts, and C.Purcell ~¢Cue. The minutes of the last meeting were read mhd approved. On motion of j.L.Pitts and seconded by C.P~cell ~cOue, Hollis Eineh~rd~ was unani,mously held Chairman of the Board for the year ending Dec. Jlst, 1921. ~ letter from the S$cretary of the ¥irgini~ ~ire ~.ssoci~tion requesting ~n ~exhibit from ~lbemarle Oounty ~t the fmir to be held in Eichmond, Va this year w~s re~d ~and the Board being of opinion that such exhibit would be to the County's interest ,therefore on motion of O.P~rche!l ~,~cOue and seconded by J.LoPitts it is order- ed t~t a~ sum not to exceed ~00.00 be appropriated for said exhibit. Polled vote, ~nanimous. In the m~tter of ~ chang~ in the Bro~s Gap ~o~d,it is ordered t!mt the sum not to exceed ¥1~0.00 be appropriated to ~,B.E~rly to build fences. In the matter of nowardville Eosd, it is ordered that R.E. Lee, County Engineer, go over the proposed road ~nd get bids for the contraction of said ro~d and report at the next meeting of the Board. in the matter of cutting trees from the sides of the road from ±~ortonsville to ~srlysville, on motion of ~.~.~ray and-seconded By ~.~.~arly it is ordered tD~t Warth, ~oad Commissioner be authorized to make the best arrangement with the parties along said road as he c~n, ~ delegation of citizens appeared before the Board in interest ef the state road from Oharlottesville to the i~elson COunty line and ~s the matter is entirely up to the Highway 0ommission~r, the board w~s of opin$on that ~. ~cO~e ~nd a delegation of citizens should go to Hichmond to see s~id Commissioner. The following clsims were presented, ex,mined, allowed and ordered to be certified to the ~l~essurer for p~yrnent viz: T.H. Ohildress 0.B.Hall Whitter De,ne 0. R o Dr umhe 1t er J.L.Desne J.R.Weed Edger Wood 0.&.~.Ry. Co C.. iE. $a~ne tt R.Hoy Howard G. ~. Hughes James ~!. l~oge rs E.M. Ether t on Thomss ~.Ethert on C .p. G~rth W. D. Holls d my R.T,.Sprous e JSrrrmn Book Co. Surber-~rund~le Co. C.¥V.Spencer i~. R .Smith O. M.Thomas Tressurer of Virginia Dr. J'.~i. ~elt on Dr. H.L.BaPtist J.~¥.Wolfe ~elt on Jones 01aude H. Y~rdley J.Msson Smith Dr. ~.L.Rea Dr. ~.E.Esrly Dr. J.C.McCue 0. E. Thorns s i~iss Bess ie Dunn C. G. ~re er ~.00 1.~0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 t.00 1£ .&2 l0,00 !0.00 ~..50 1.00~ 1.00 1.00~ t.00~ 1 · 00~ 1.00~ 9.10~ 142,50~. 1S. 60 ~ i0.00~ 5,50- 5,50~ g .50~ ,.5~3 .;55~ 9.0~ ~.00~ 10.00~ ~.0@ g.50~ .6,9 ,50. O0 ~t a c~lle, d m~eting of the Bo'~rd o~ Supervisors of ~!bemsrle 0ounty, held at the Court House of s~id County on the £Sth day of ~rch 19B1, Present: Hollis Rinehart, Chairman, S.~,Calhoun., j.~.~r~y, J.W, Early and ~.Purcell ~c~ue. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. }~!r. H.L.Garth, Road commissioner, tendered his resignation to the B'osrd to take effect immedeately, therefore oh motion duly seconded the board ~fter due consideration accepted ~ir. Garth~'s resignation and combined the offices of County Engineer and ~ounty Road Cormmissioner under one head with ~f~. R.E.Lee as manager~ with jurisdiction ~lso over the County Bridge Commissioner, st an additional salary of ~50.00 per month. ~t s former meeting of the Board of Supervisors the sum of ~SSO0.O0 was appropriated upon condition that the City of Charlottesville appropriated ~3~00.00 for the combination of the health boards of the City and County under the management of'Dr. Eeister, but the city ss yet has not ~ppropri~ted said s~ of ~5500.00 for the combination of said health boards,, the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemsrle deem it necessary that some steps be taken st once toward c~rrying on the health work in the County, therefore on motion of C.Purcell 5~c0ue ~nd seconded by S.~,Cslhou~a the sum of ~ZS00,00 is appropriated by the County of ~lbemarle for the health work for the ~ year under Dr. ~teister~s management. Polled vote, unanimous. ~t a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~$1benmrle County held at the 0curt House of said County on the $0th d~y of ~pril 19~l, Present: Hollis Einehart, Ohs irmsn. 19~1. ~ quorum not being present the board adjourned to meet again ~pril Egth