HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-04-20 ~t e om!led meeting ef the BOard of~ Supervisors of ~lbem~rle County,
V~. held et the Cotu~t House of s~id County on the SSth de~ of ~.~rch 1921, Present:
Hollis Rinehmrt, Chmirmen, S,~.0alhoun,, J,~.Pr~y, J.W, Eerly end C~Purcell ~cOueL
The minutes of the l~st meeting were re~d end mpproved,
~!r, H.L.Gmrth, Ro~d C.ommissioner, tendered his resignation to the B~o~rd
to t~ke eff~ect immede~tely, therefore o~ motion duly seconded the board efter due
consideretion ~coepted ~r. Gerth~s resignation e~d combined the offices of County
Engineer ~nd County Eo~d Con,missioner under one heed with ~. R.E.Lee ms men~ger,
with jurisdiction elso over the County Bridge Commissioner, ~t ~n ~ddition~l s~lery
of ~50.00 per month.
~t ~ former meeting of the Boerd of Supervisors the sum of ~S~O0.00
w~s ~ppropri~ted upon condition that the City of 0h~rlottesville mppropri~ted ~JSO0.O0
for the combination of the hee~lth boards of the City ~nd County under the m~n~gement
~of Dr. Eeister, but the city ~s yet hes not eppropri~ted s~id sum of ~J~00.O0 for the
combination of s~id health boards, the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemarle deem it
necessary that some steps be t~ken st once towerd cerrying on the health work in the
County, therefore on motion of C.Purcell D~cOue ~nd seconded by S.~.Celho~n the sum
of ~00.00 is eppropri~ted by the County of ~lbem~rle for the hemlth work for the
yesr under Dr. i~eister's m~n~gement.
Polled vote, unmnimous.
~t ~ meeting of the Boerd of Supervisors of ~lben~rle-0ounty held ~t the
0curt House of s~id County on the 20th dey of ~pril 1921, Present: Hollis Rinehart,
Oh~ irm~n.
quorum not being present the boerd edjourned to meet ~g~in ~pril ~gth