HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-04-29 ~t ~ meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemarle County,
held at the Oourt House of said 0ounty on the 29th of ~pril 19£1, Present: Hollis
Rinehart, Chairman, 'S.-~.Calhoun, J.i~.B~ray, J,L.P'itts, C.Pureell ~cCue ~nd C.~.. Eille~.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
· ~HERE~S the Bo~rd of Supervisors of ~lbemarle County desire to
put on record ~ tribute to '.the memory of their late member, ~'ames ~V. Early ---
That in t'he death of ~. Early this Board and the County of ~lbe-
marlo have lost a most faithful and efficient servant, a~ttentive to his duties,
kind, cour'teous and pleasant in all relations with his fellow members of this Board,
and his loss will be deeply felt.
Mr. E~rly has been a member of this Board since £~ov. llth 1892 and
-was ev.e_r regular in his attendance, zealous in the discharge of his duties, and
whilst looking carefully to the interests of his 'district, never failed to regard
the 0ounty ss s whole, and always with an eye single to his duties performed every
s ~rvice.
Er. Early was a christ'ian gentleman of the highest chsrs.cter, a
geed neighbor, a kind friend, a public-spirited citizen, and his loss to his communit
is one that cannot. ~ell be over-estimanted. His bereaved widow and daughter and a
large circle o£ relatives have our earnest and sincere sympathy. ~e shall miss his
ki~dly presence and his able assistance in all of the duties required of this Board.
z~o0L¥~.~ That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the
minutes ef the Bo~rd and transmitted by the Clerk of the Board to the widow of our
l~te associate.
The Chairman of the Board stated that he and ~Ir. John Lo Pitts
in pursuance of the resolution of 15th Sept. 1920 hsd directed the 01erk to have
p~pared ~120,000 i one hundred and twenty thousand dollar) of bonds st this time
out of the ~300,000.00 authorized in said resolution. 5aid bonds to be in all
.respects in accordance with said resolution and dated 1st day of ~[sy 1921. ~orty
to be of the denomination of ~500.00 and One Hundred of the denomination of $1000.00
and requested that th~s statement be entered on-the record of the Board, which is
accordingly done.
The 01erk of this Board is ordered to give notice to all 'lawyers
occupying offices on the Court House Square ~utside of the Oourt ~ouse to ~acate same!
within six months from this date.
~nd R.T..W.Duke, ~r. ~tty. for the Commonwealth having informed
this Bo~rd that he is so situated on to said office--being personally intersted in
four of them, this Board doth hereby authorize the appointment of H.~'.~alsh a~ its
0ounSel-' in regard to all matters concerning s~id offices.
The Board proce~d.ing to tsy the County levy for the years 19~1 & 1922,
doth order that .the Treasurer of the County of 21bernsrle shall collect en all reel
and tangible property, exclusive of i~c-omes, but including ell goods, wares, merchan-
dies, end Capital of manufactures, etc. ~n hand the 1st day of Pe_bruary, 1921, whether
belonging to individuals, corporations or co~panies, including railroads, ~ except
rolling stock o£ railroads operated by steam) and telegraph and telephone con, parties,
tangible .personal property, but exclusive of shares of stock in banks', b'~king associ-
ations end other institutions enumerated in Section 1V Sc, hedule D. of ~cts spproved
.~pril the 16th, 1903, and ~cts amendatory thereof.
~or general County purposes 70 cents ($ .~0) on every one hundred dol-
lars wor.th of ,said property.
Pot County School purposes forty cents~ ($ .40) on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property, and for pension funds under ~cts approved ~src,h 'l~th
1908, -five cents ($ .05) on every one hundred~worth of said property.
~nd he shall further collect on ell of said proper,ty for district
school purposes as follows, to-wit:--
In the ~harlottesville District twenty cents ($.20) on every one
hundred Dollars worth 'of said property.
In the ivy District seventy-five cents i,$.V5) on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property.
In the White Hell District fifty cents ($.50) en every one hundred
dollars worth o£ said property.
in the Ssmuel R~iller DiStriot sixty cents ($.60) on every one hundred~1'
dollars worth of said property.
In the Scottsville District fifty cents ($.50) on every one hundred
dollars Worth of said property.
In the Rivanna District 'forty cents ($.~0) on every one hundred dol-
lars worth of said property.
~nd for district road purposes under ~cts of the General 2ssembly
approved ~eby 20th, 1892 and sets amendatory thereof, he shall collect on all ef said
property except that in incorporated towns that maintain their own streets and roads,,~
ss follov~, to-wit :--
in the Charlottesville District forty cents I$.~0) on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property ~snd also for interest on bonds issued by Said district
thirty cents ~$o~0) on every one hundred dollars worth of s~id property.
in the Ivy District' thirty-five cents ($,~S5) on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property, and also for interest on bonds issued ~y.said Dis-
trict ten cents (~.10) on every one h~mdred dollars worth of said property.
in the White Hall District forty cents ~$.~0) on every one h~dred
dollars wort~ of said property.
In the Ssmuel i~,liller District forty cents ($.~0) on every one htmdred
dollars worth of said property.
in the Scottsville District thirty cents ($,~0) on every one hundred~i
dollars worth of sai~_ property, end also for interest on bonds issued by said Dis~rict
thirty cents ($,S0) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property.
In the Hivanna District fifty cents ($.50) on every one hur~dred dollars
worth of said property.
And he shall t£urther collect under.the ~cts ~pproved st the special!
session of 1915 and ~cts mmend~tory thereof, for district ro~d purposes under the
~cts of the General ~ssembly ~DDroved ~eby 20th, 189S, ~nd ~cts amendatory thereof,
on ~ll int~ngib!e per. son~l property exclusiv~~ of incomes, but including ~ll solvent
bonds, demands, ~nd claims not otherwise taxed for ~County or District purposes~, by
whosoever held on ~eby let 19~ whether belonging to individuals or corporations,
including r~ilro~d, telegraph and telephone companies ~nd b~nks i~ the Riv~n~a, Ivy,
.Scottsville, S~muel ~iller, White Hall and Charlottesville Districts, thirty cents
~$.Z0) on every one hundred d011~rs worth of such l~st n~med proper~y, in e~ch of
s~id distriet~ respectively.
~nd he sh~ll further collect on ~ll shares ef stock in b~nks,
b~nking ~ssociations and other institutions en~tmer~ted in S~c. l~ Schedule D. of ~cts
~pproved ~pr. 8th 190~ etc. ~nd ~cts ~mend~tory thereof, other th~n upon the stocks
of b~nks, locmted ~n incorporated towns,~ for general county expemses, forty-five cents
for ~ounty SchOOl purposes twenty~five cents ~ .~) on ever~ $~00.00 worth of such s
($.~8) on every $100.00 worth of ~such stock,~for pension f~md under ~cts ~pproved
~r._ l&th 1908 five cents ($.08) on every one hundred worth of such stock, for dis-'
trict school purposes twenty cents (~.S0) on every $100.00 worth of such stock.
~nd he shmll further collect on the stock of b~nks, located in in-
corporated t~Owns for general ~ounty purposes fort~ cents ($.&0) on every $100.00
worth of such stock, which l~tter, however sh~ll be expended in the district in which
it is levi~.
~nd he ~lso shall collect for District ro~d purposes on ~ll goods,
w~res, merchandise & capit~l of merchants on h~nd the 1st d~y of Peby. 19E~, whether
belonging to individu~Is corpor~tlons or companies, thirty cents ~$.~0~ on eve.fy $100.C
werth~ of suchi pr~oper~y.
~H~RE~S, The General ~ssemb~y of Virginia has set forth in 0hspter
184, ~cts of l~.E0, that Co,reties, Districts, Private Corporations or Persons, tomy
.m~ke. ~ppliC~'~i0n to~ 1 ~' ~ the.~ State HighWay Commission' to.actieio~te~ the construction of
see~mon, or Sections, of The State Highway System.
TP~REFORE BE iT RF. SOL~r£~, Th2t the Bo~rd of Supervisors of ~lbe~narle
ake ~pP~ic io
Ooumty hereby mi ~t n to the State Highway 0on,mission to ~nticipste the
oonstructiom~ of ~lt elf the ro~d between i~'elson 0ounty and Charlottesville, being
section of ~t~te HighWay No. 28 in the 0ounty of ~lbem~rle; and
Th~t~ there is now available, or will be available on the request
of the St te Highway ~ommission Three Hundred Thousand Dollmrs t~$JO0 000 00 ) for
the construction of s~id section of ro~d; ~nd
That we ~re prepared to enter into an agreement with the State
w~y Commission f. or that purpose.
~ letter from J.J.~nderson, irvin, Y~. w~s read before the Board, in
which it states that John H.Childress, an old 0onfe~erate" Pensioner of ~lbemsrle
Co. while on ~ wisi% to Goochl~nd County, Va. died ~nd wes bu~'ied at Goochland ~ourt
House, the cost of said buriel amounting to ~9~.~0, thet the state will pey ¥~8,00
~nd Goochland 0ounty will pey $~.00 upon condition that ~lbemerle pays $S~.00, the
balance ~B£.80 ~o be peid by ~vIessrs ~nderson ~ ~iller.
The Board being of opinion that the County should help to defrsy the
expenses of the~"iburi~!~"0f~ the.s~id ~h~. H,~hil. dressl, ~deOe~sed,: ~herefore o~ ~mo~.ion
duty-~secon~e~'i-it~.is~un~nimously ordered that the ~ounty ~ppropri~te ~,5.00 ~s it's
p~rt of said burial mhd that a w~rr~nt be dr~Em in favor of J. 0~.~nderson ~nd sent to
~r. ~.E. Gibson appeared before the Beard end made complaint that the
road from 0h~rlo~tesville to Scottsville now under construction w~s changed from the
locstion recom~nended by viewers ~nd ~dopted by the 0ounty end t~hst such chenge m~de
it necesssry for him to build some fences. The ~Bo~rd sfter a thorough ex~minstion of
the m~tter is of opinion that ~r. ~ibson w~s d~m~ged .by the change ~nd that the Oounty
would erect the fences that was c~used to be built by such change.
On motion end by a uno,incus vot~ of the ~oard the following resolution
wes ~dopted: Eesolved:--- '~hat the Staunten~ _Light Co. be ~n.d it is ~uthorized to
erect end msint~in electric powers and light lines, consisting of Doles ~nd wires
from it's present line st ~iiredor along the dir~ .ro~d. ~o ~oodson~hep,~ thence slo.ng the
m~cadsm ro~d to Greenwood Station mhd from ~oodson Shop ~long the m~c~dsm ro~d to ~r.
~ewnsend for the purpos of the transmitting, distributing and supplying electricity
for light, heat or power, provided, however, thst such poles and wires shsll be
so erected'~ ~nd R~int2ined that they will, ct obstruct the use of or passage on
roads or proper drainage of s~me ~.~en completed, end provided further that t'his author-
ization sh~ll be subject to all the provisions restrictions ~nd limitations of sections
&0S~, 4037, 40Z8 ~nd~ 4041 of the 0ode of Virginia, edition of 1919, end of the ~ct of
~srch 16, 1918, being Oh~p. 28.2 of the ~cts of ~ssembly of 1918, ~nd with the dis-
trict understanding that whenever in the judgement of this ~oard er the proper Eo~d
~uthorities of this Ootun~y or Stete he ssid poles, wires etc. sh~ll be ohmzted or
removed to such places as this Board or ~oed ~uthorities aforesaid shall direct and at
the ~entire cost of s~id ~taunton Light Co.
~he following clsims were presented, examined, allowed ~nd ordered
be ar~tified to the Treasurer for p~yment, viz:-~
~lbemarle Telephone
Batesville Printing 0o.
Corbett ~ Rineh2rt
Edmonds &
¥~, R · Ell ingt on
g~i. ~,5 y
ID, ~.~eer
R.M. Hollingshe~d 0o.
~ielt on Jones
J.ti. jones
Michfe Printing 0o.
Surber ~rundsle 0o.
J.M2son Smith
M.O.Thom~s ~n, Co.
Vir~ini2 Printing Co.
Ohss. C.~est
Dr. H.L.B~ptist
Dr. J.M. ;~ielt on
~.H. ~o~es
Dr. E.D.Devis
Jehn T .Shiflett
Dr. H.L.B2pt~st
Dr. J.i~.~elton
Ctsude E. ~rdley
Dr. D.W.~ con
Dr. B.G. Shcletzer
Dr.' J.~ .~illi2ms
O12ude R. Y2rdley
O .~. He wkins
~ob~ ~ .Wells
Ju!i~ Oberdorfer
Jo~ ~ .Pege
B. S. Mort ow
H.M.Gle~son & Co.
Dr. H.L.Smptist
l~irs. ~.W.Smith
E~nest D.Or2nwe!l
~. ~. White
D. ~. Br o~
S .L.Hensley
J. J.~nderson
50 o00 ~
1. OG
8 · O0~