HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-05-18 ~t m meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemsr!e 0ounty, Va. held st the Court House of said County of the 18th of ~ay 1921, Present: Hollis Kine- hart, Chairman, S.~;Calho~m, ~-~-~-~-y, j.~,,~.~ray, J.L.Pitts, C.Purcell ~,~cCue, and O.~ .Miller. The minutes of the last meeting were reed end approved. in the matter of closing the o~d howardsvi!!e County road ~ich lies between the Greenfield end Lone Oak Farm, being a distance o£ 2098 feet long, v?nich has been discontinued ss s public r~ad because of s relocation it ~:~p~.earing that the notices having been duly posted according to law and regularly continued to this day, but that 8ommissioners have not heretofore been appointed. it is therefore orde~red t_~.t j.~.~sncock, e.g,.irving, jr. Trsvis ~le~:- snder and Jo~i. Eams.ey ere appointed Co~mr~issioners whose duty it shell be to meet on the premises and make report to the ~osrd the advisability of closing said Old _arm s distance ~owardsville County road between the said Greenfield end Lone Oak of 2098 feet, and' whether anyone will be damaged by the closing of said ro~d and ~nske their report-to the ~osrd off ~upervisors of ~lbemarle County on the 15th day of june 1921. ~t s meeting of the Board Of ~upervz~ors held at the Court S~ouse on the 18th day of ~iay, 1921, in the matter of the road issuing of bonds for same, ~i~.E~o the citizens have agreed to purchase the bonds, it is, E~0L¥~D, at the recommendation of the ~upervisor from White Hall Dis= trier, that plans and esti~nstes for the construction of this section of Oounty High- way Nun~ber F, our ~) be mede end submitted to the Highway Co~nissioner for approval, with the request tb~t he advertise st once for bids for the construction. in the ~stter of tb~ sale of the ~300,000.00 of ~lbemarle County bonds to immediately in. rove the road between ivy and the Louise County Line in the County of ~lbema'rle, it being a section of ~tste i~ighwsy ~o. 9. On naotion duly seconded it is ordered that nollis Rinehart, 0hsirmsn of this Board, be, end he is hereby authorized in the na~ne and on behsl£ of said ~ounty of 21~emsrle to enter into s conzrsct for the sale of s~id ~]~00,000.00 of bonds on the best tern~ he can make. .in the matter of the petition of citizens for s relocation and improve- merit of the 01d .~ynchburg Road which [~ between the recently constructed road st Fry's Spring ~snd the point of f~,iatthew's 0hspel where a graded road connects it with Red Hill, it-is referred to ~i[r. Lee, County f~Isnsger, to go over the proposed changes end iraprovements in said road and report at the ne~t regular meeting of the Board. ~ com~ittee f~om the Ls~s end Order League appeared before the Board end requested that Chapter '39~ o£.~the ~cts of ~ssembly o£ Virginia of 19SO page 585 be adopted by the board. Therefore on the motion of ~, Pzzrce!l McOue end seconded by J.L. Pitts that.said set be adopted end the sum of ~500.00 be sppmepristed to carry out said set resulted in the following tie vote. ~ye, S,~.Cslhoun, J,L.Pitts and C.Purcell !ucOue. No. Hollis Einehsrt, J.if. Frsy and C.~.~{iller. the ~$11 the members of the Board were present and voting end it being desire of some members thst the tie be broken, therefore it re-ordered theft st the next regular June 1921 meeting of the Board the Commissioner desio~nsted by the judge to cas~the deciding vote in case of s tie be present end that the tie be broken in conformity to section 271V of the Code of Virginia of 1919. The £otlowing claims were presented, examined, allowed end ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for p~n~ent, vi~: &, ~. Ry. Co. Greet Jones W,T.~gsr.tin Hdwe. Co. Suber ~r]mdsle Co. C,M.Thomas Jsi! etc'; Light Col. ~armer Dem. Posting Election l~totices Elec~.0ric bulbs for Jail 3/5 of 2.~0 ~nv e 1 op es Surmmonsing 11 witnesses V~orret! ~[snf. 0e. St, Lewis 1,fo. Desinfe'ctsnt for Jsi! Dr. J.E. [~sr!y Dr. J.O,Coulter Claude F,, Yardley J. B. S utherland Burruss ~ntrim C.R.~nderson J, W.~ t in J. O.Boucock S. L. B~ks J.S .B~temsn ~.H.Birc~head Geo, E.Besver Lucian Brown Sidny Berne tt ~. B. Bowd en Elmer ~,Bstten H. B, Seddows C .O.Cook W.2 .Carpenter E.L. Oslho~m R.~.C~lho~ S. 2, Cs lhoun W,Z.Cstterton E.D,Oox J.E .Csskie Lunecy Lunacy Quarter ending ~pr. ],st 1921. ~lection 14.55 ~ 50.00~' 5.00~ 1.44 ,~ 5.50r 5.50~ 90.00~ 5.00 5.00~' 2.00~ 181. ~0 ~ 5.00~ 5.00~ 7.60. ~.00,, 9.00, $ .00~ t.00, 5.00- S.O0~ $ .00, S .00~ 5.00 5.00~ $.O0 S .0~ 8.00~ .5.00~ 1.00.~ 1.OO, D. .W.Driscoll R.~ .HoPoster W,$.Perish Jss. H.Grinstead E. G~rr is on .L. ~Ge tidy Y.~.Gill~ B.G.=srth, Jr. J,E.Gibson J.E. Gibson, Jr. S.H. Gibson ~. Gibs on O. Hs flow E. Hs r i ow E.0.Hall L. H~nb ert J.t~.Haggsrd W. HouChens · ii. Ha rr ingt on ,~. Hs~e r ~. Hughes L.C.H~f Z. Irving .W. js rm~n T.H. jsrmsn Corp. 0.~ .~. J.H. Jones Eing Solomon Lodge .W.McGee . }is hsnes . ~v~s hsnes Joi~u ~ inor .Mill er P.H.Msloney .E. M~dy . l~fmud ~ y W.E.N~pier ~ndrew ~ orve!!e H.R.Norvelte J.H. z,~orris J.T. O' Neill . Pugh .Psge D.H.Psge H.P. Pettit Election J.O0¢ J.O0~¢ a.O0¢ 5.9¢~ z.oq S. 00/ 3.0(~ $.O0~ S.O0~ S.O0,~' $. 00,,' S .00~ 9.90~, J.OQ $.O0~ 3.00~ lo.~q 9.20 ~ $.O0~ $.O0~' 6.20¢ 9.00v 1.00/ 1.00~ 3.00~ t,00~ $.O0~ 3:.00 ~ S.O0,/ $ .00 ~ 3.00 ,~ 3.00 8.60~ S.00~ S.O0~ S · 00,,,' S .0e $, O0~ 10. O0 ~ ~ .00~' S .00 ~ !0.00 1.00 ¢ 8.80 James ~ .Payne Elect ion G.D. pa yne " W. 3f. Ps yne " M.L. Pr ice " J. E. Rive rcomb L. C. Rcs inkr ~ns " W.H.Eogers " W.B.Scri]Jner " 0,0 .Shsckelford " W,H.Smith " J.D.Smith G.W.Smith ~. Y,S uthe rlsnd ~V ..~. Shelt on E.W.S~ndrid~e D.L.Sendridge J. 0. T bur ms n " S .0. Taylor J. B. T homps 'on ~ .I~. Vis " J. J.Wingfield I ,L ,Woods on R, B. W or thingt on Harry Wsddetl " T. ~, Wys nt ~ 11 en Whit e S .T.White T. L. White " S .O0~x $ .00~ S.O0,, S. 00~ 3.00" 5.90" S .00~ 3. Oe 8.00~' V.80~ $. 00~ 4.00' S .00~ S.O0 7.60 $ ,00~ $ .00~ ~.00,~ 8:80~ S .00~ $.O0~ S .00~ $. 00~ S. O0,, 3.00 $. 00~ 1.00~ 4: .OOv !. 00~ S .00~ Bt s special meeting of the Board of $~!pervisors of _21bemarle County, Va. held at the Court House of said County oh the &th day of ,Tune, 1921, Present: Ho%~is ~inehsrt, 0h~irman, ~.~.C~lhoun, ~,Z[.Prsy, O.Pmrcell ilc0ue end C.~ .Miller. REo0LVKD: That the Board of Supervisors of ~,,lbemarle Cotmty do hereby adopt as their seal two circles with the Words ~'Bo~rd of Supervisors of 21bemsrle County" within the two circles, and the word ~Virginis" in the center. ~'o_-oe rvis or J.'l~%~ ..~ ~ ~ray introduced the foil.owing resolution which was seconded by Supervisor S.~.Osll~oun: