HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-06-04SPECIALJsmss ~ .PsYne Election S.00: G. ~. Pa yne " S. 00~, E.L .Price " ~.00~ J. E. Rive rc omb ~ S. 00' L. C. Rcs inkr ~ns " 5.90 ~ W. ~. ~loge rs " ~. W.B.Scri~ner " O. 0 .Shsckelford " S. 00~ W .H.Smith ~ V. 80 J.D.Smith w G.W.Smith " 4,00~ ~, Y.Sut he rlsnd ~ 3. O0~ W.~.Shelton " $.00~ E.W.Ssndridge " 7.60 ~ D. L. $ sndr id ge " S, 0~~ J. 0.Th~o~msn " 3.00~ S .C.Tsylor ~' ~. 00,~~ J. B. Thomps on " 8 ~ 80 ~ W .!~i. Vis '~ ~. 00 ~ J.J.Wingfield " 3.00~ I .L, Woods on " 3.00~ R. B. ~?or t'hingt on " ~. 00~ Hsrry Wsddell " ~. 00 ~ ~. K. ~Jysnt Jr. ~' 1.O0~ ~llen ¥Mait e " 4.00 ~ $. T. ~ i t e " i. 00~ T. L. Whit e " ~ .00~ ~t s s~oeciel meeting of the Boerd of Supervisors of ~lbemsrle 0ounty, V~. held st the 0curt House of ssid 0ounty oh the &th day of June, 1921, Present: tick, is ~inehart. 0h~irmsn, S.~.0~thoun, ~,~.Prsy, 0.Pt~cell ~,~,tcOue end C.~. Eiller. R]{o0LV~D: Thst the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemsrle County do hereby adopt ss their sesl two circles with the Words ~Bosrd of Supervisors of ~lbemsrle County" %vithin the two circles, and the word ~'Virginis~ in the center. So;oervisor J.l~.Brsy introduced the following resolution which ~s seconded' by Supervisor S.~.Csl~oun: ¥~f~,~S st a meeting of this Board o£ Supervisors held on the 18th day of ~y, 1921, the 0hsirman of This Bos~rd was authorized to contract for the sale o£ the ~300,000. ~tbemsrte 0ounty, Vs. Road bonds, end ~J~R~$ said t~ol!is Rinehart, 0hs~rmsn of This Board h~s contracted with R,~,/[.Grsnt & 0ompsny, of New York 0ity, for the sale of ssi& bonds, end the said R,i[.0=rsnt & 0ompsny has conditioned its bid of per end accrued interest upon the funds arising from the sss! of said bonds being p!sced on deposit with them free of interest for sn average period of six montlms ss £otto~: June ~, 1921. 0hsirmsn ~osrd Supervisors, ~!'bemsrle Oounty, Va. The attached bid; off which this memorandum is hereby made s pert, of 'oar snd accrued interest, for your ,i~300,000, ~Ibemsr!e County, Vs. 6~ Road Bonds is made with the tu~derstsr~ding that~ the funds arising £rom the sale of the Bonds are to be left on deposit with us, free of interest, for sn average period of si~: months end after the funds h~ve been on deposit with us £or such s period, end in such amotu~ts ss will pro~uce sn average deposit of six months, of the- ftu~¢ls remaining unexpended and left on deposit with us, we soiree to pay interest st the r~te o£ four & 1/~_ per cent on such funds; ~during the average deposit of sL~ months, the ftu~ds ere to be de-oosited with us free of interest) ~[e will guarantee the deposit by the bonds themselves, or bonds of equal vs!ue or certified check. Very truly yo~s, ~.,~g.~srsnt & 0ompsny, By M.F.Schtster ~B~E~S said smendstory contract meets with the approval of this Board. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that said smendstory contract be, end the same is hereby approved end confirmed, end that the said ~unds arising from the sale of the ;$~00,000. ~lbemarle County, Vs. 5% Road Bonds be deposite~ with '~ '~'~ Gr~nt ~ Company, of New York 0ity, for ~n average period of si~ months. The foregoing resolution wes upon roll call ~dopted by the following vote: O.~.Ei!!er. Yearn.- Hollis Rinehsrt, S.R.Osihoun, ~.~.~,~,~ ~ = .... C.Purcell l~,~cOue, end None. Supervisor C.Purcetl i~![cOue introduced the following resolution which w~s seconded by Supervisor C.~.~iller. W~iNS~8 the immediate constr~ction of the ¥~estern end E~stern State Roed rmm~ing from Charlottesville to the 0r~ge or Louisa ~ounty lines is of the utmost importance to the County of ~lbemarle and the inhabitants thereof, ~nd ~P~R~S it is decided to construct said highway under the supervison of the State Highway Conuuissioner and to borrow for ~th~t purpose on the bonds of the Oo-~_uty tlue sum of ~SO0,O00. under the provisions of ~hspter l~ of the Laws of Virgir~ie W?2,]P3,~tS the meeting of this Board of Supervisors held on the t8th day of ~iay, 1921, the Chairman of this Board was authorized to contract for the sale of such bonds of ~lbemarie Oounty, smd with R.i%.~srent Co. f~ew' York City for the sale of said bonds, sub~ect to the approval of this Board, which said contract is in condition and figures ss follo~ :-- Chsi~msn Bosrd of Supervisors, ~!oem~r!e 0ounty, Ys Dear Sir: For ~00,000. 6~$ ~lbemarle County, Va, Road Bonds, maturing te~ years after date, optional two years after date, interest and principal payable ~t z~ew York City, coupon~ bonds in the denomination o£ ~1000. we will pay you par and accrued interest'.- We' ~mderstsnd the bonds are the direct general obligations of the entire 0ounty of~lbem~rle you agreeing to £urnish us with ~ll legal papers had in connection with the issuance of the~bonds, evidencing to the satisfaction of 0Chh O,Thor~oson, Esq. i,~ew i'ork City, or some other bonds attorney of national reputation theft the bonds are legally and rag~ ulsrly issued and that the tax provisions are Very truly yours, E.m.,arant ~ Oompany, By i~.P.~chlster Z~R~u~, B.E i'~~ idESOLVED that said contract be and the same is hereby approved and conffirmed ~ be it ~urther resolved that there be issued by 21bemarle County, Virginia ~00,000. of bonds of said County, n~bered from I to ~00~ inclusive, off the denomination off ~,000.00 each, dated j~e let, 192~, p~y- able June let, 19~l, redeemable at the option of ~lbem~rle County on shy interest ps~ent date occurring sifter the expiration off two ~srs from the date off said bonds~, bearing interest st the rate off s~ per centum per s~, payable semi-annually on the let days off ~ end December, z~otice by publication in some newspaper publishe, in the City of Charlottesville or in the Oomuty off ~lbemarle, once-~ week for four consecutive weeks, shall be given of the inEertion off said County to redeem Shy of said bonds prior to maturi2y; the nmnber ef the bonds so selected for red, emOtion to be determined by lot speciffi~d in sa~ notice of redemption. Said bonds shall be signed by the Chairman of this Board and countsrsi~ed by the Clerk of said Board and shall ~ve the corporate seal of said ~Co~ty affixed thereto. The interse coupo~:sttsched to said bonds shall be executed with the f~c-simile signatures of said Chairman and s~id 0lark and said bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the ffollowing fform, to-wit:-- ~'z'~'E 0~~ Vi~GiNi~ ~l ,000. The County of ~lbemsrle in the State of Virginia, for value received acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to bearer One Tho~snd Dollars ($1.000.00) on the first day of 0une 19al, together with interest thereon st the rate of six per centum per annum, payable Seml-~rauuaily on the first d~ys of June ~nd December in each year upon presentation end surrender~ o£ the ~nne~ed interes~ eouDons ~s they severally ~scome due ~nd~p~ymble, both Princip~l s~d interest being ~y~ble in gold eoim of the ~nited states ef~.~meric~ of the present standard'weight end fineness st the office of R,!t~. Grsnt& Oomp~ny, ~ew York, ~.Y. The Cowry of ~'lbemsrie reserves the right to redeem this ~bond on:shy interest pa~mnt date after ~une 1st, 1923, if the n~ber of this bond s~ll be selected by lot for redemption, upon publicst~on of s notice stating the n~bers off the bonds so selected for recemption, in'scm8 newspaper published in the City of Charlottesville or in the Oo~ty of 21bemsrle for st least once a w~ek for four consecutive weeks and in the event-this b6nd is not presented for ps~ent on the date so ffi~ed for redemption it shall c~ase' to beer interest from end after said date. This bond may be registered in the msme of the holder in a book to be kept by the Oounty Treasurer ss to principal only which re~isterstion shall be noted hereon, end thereafter the principal hereof shell be payable to the registered owner, but this bond may be discharged from ragistry by being reg.istered ss psysb'le to bearer. ~fter registration this bond may be trsnsff'erred on said book by the , registered owner in person or by attorney end every transfer hereoff when registered be vsli~d only when mede upon said book, The registration hereof as to principal shell not restrain the ne~oz~so~z~y of the couoo~ hereto attached by delivery merely. This bond is issued for the purpose off constructing, under the supervis- ion 0ff the ~tste Highway Commissioner off the portion of the Eastern end Western Sate Road, r~ning fro~ Charlottesville, to the Orange or Louisa C0~ty lines, ~der end ~o~susnt to the provisions of the Constitution end Statutes of the State of Virginia, including among other Ohspt~r 1~5 of the L~sws of 19S0 end ~cts smendstory thereof end supplemental~ thereto end pursuant to s resolution of the Board o~ Super- visors of 21bemsrle Cowry, ~dlpted on the &th day of j~e 19~l. ~ ~T~'~'~ ~ND DECL~R~ that el! acts conditions IT IS ~-i~BZ O~!~i~, ~~ , ~nd things required to exist, happened and to be ~srformed precedent ~o end in the issuance of this bond have e~cistsd, have happened ~nd have been performed in due time form end mmnner ~s required by law end that the amount of-this bond., together - with all~other indebtedness of ~lben~rie Oo~tyj does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of.the State of Virgini~ rand that the ~u!! %sith, credit end revenues of~tbemsrle County are hereb~ irrevocso ey .~}0~edged_ to the punc- tual ps~ent of the principal end interest off this bond. This bond is exempt for taxation by ~lbemarle Cowry Virginia. IN Write, ESS ~E0~' the 0ounty of ~lbemsr~, Virginia, has caulked this bond to be sig~ed by the 0hsirmsn of the Sosrd of Superv~ors, c6~ter~igned by the Clerk of said Board end the corporate seal~ of said Co~ty to be hereunto affixed, smd the interest coupons hereto s~exed to be signed with the fac-simile signatures of said Chairman end Clerk end this bond to be d~ted the f~st day of J~e 1921. 0hairman, r~oard of Supervisors, ~!bem~rie 0ounty, Virginia. C]~erk of the Board of Supervisors, ~ i~ema rle ~ ~ County, Virginia. ( POS_}~ OP OOUIPON) ~.SO.O0_ On the first day of Jtme December, 19 the County o£ 21bemsrle in the State Of Virginia will pay to bearer Thirty Doltsrs (~50.00), in gold coin of the United. States of .~,merica st the of_race of R.H.~rant smd Oompsny SI Nassau Street ~ew ~ork N.Y. being six months interest then due on its Road Bond dsted June 1921,. ~o. L ..... · Chairman, Board of Supervisors, 2!~emsrie County, Virginia. Clerk, Board of Supervisors, ~ibemerle 0ounty, Virginia ~ROVIS iOz~ P0i:~ F~Gio ,N_sm~..o.~; ._~¢.g ~,s.t er.ed .~o!~z. er: - p ount_y ~[.re ss.urer, ,% BE IT P'tFRTHE'~I RESOLVED that all ,Utate and Pedera! funds re~,eived by ¢lbemsrle 0omnty in aid off the construction off ~he Road flor whieh said bonds issued are hereby appropriated smd pledged to the ps~mmnt off the princips! interest off said bon~ smd flor the purpose off supplementing said ffund sn~ provid~:~ ing flor the ps~eh$ off the principal and interest off said bonds as the same become due and ~s~bie, th~e sh~tl snnus!!y be assessed, lev~ed and colleeted umon the property Of',ssid ~oun~ty subject to Oo~'ty tsxstion, s tax s~i'icient to provide for the peyment of the interest on ssid bonds snd the principal thereof when the same beceme due ~nd p~y~ble., ~nd ssid t~x sh~ll ~nnu~lly be sssessed, levied ~nd collected 8t the ssm~ time smd in the s~me ~er ss other County taxes are sssessed, levied smd collected. The foregoing resolution wss upon roll call sdopted by the following votes: ~,~ ays: