HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-06-15 Bt s meeting of the Bosrd of Supervisors of ~lbemsrle Oounty Vs.. held st the Court House of ssi~ Oounty. o~ the 15th of June 1921, Present:. Hollis ~ine- herr, Chairmen, $,~.Oslhoun,~,, J.~.~rsy, e.L.Pl~ 'tts, O.Purcel! ~c~ue, end C..~.~iller~ end ~¥.~',Long, Commissioner of ~coounts. The minutes of the t~st meeting were re~d ~nd ~pproved, ViR GiNi~: - ~t ~ Circuit Court continued ~nd held for the Oounty of~l~.em~rte ~ednesd~y, ~'une l~th, 1921. Present :- Hon John W.~ishburne, Judge. In the ~tter of the issue of Bonds For the ~urpose of Constructing, ~sc~d~mizing, or otherwise ~rmsnently improving the' public rosds in Charlottesville ~Distriot, Riv~nn~ District, ivy District end White H~ll District, in s~id County of ~lbem~rle. It ~ppe~ring to the Court from the report of the Oommissioners of the election held on the £6th. d~y of ~pril, 19£1, that ~ m~jority of the qualified voters voting upon the question in £~vor of the issuring of bonds for the purpose ~forementioned, h~ve voted in f~vor of the issuing of such bonds for the purpose ~fore- s~id, in Charlottesville District, i~ivsrn~ District, Ivy District ~nd ~hite H~ll Dis- trict, in ~lben~rle Co~at~, s~duplic~te of which report of ssid Commissioners in field with this order, the Court hereby enters of record, ~nd doth order end require the Bosrd of Supervisors of the Oounty of ~lbemsrle to proceed st their ne~t meeting te csrry out the wishes of the voters ss expressed st s~id election, in the ~Districts ~foressid. ~nd the ¢ierk of this Court sh~tl certify s copy of this~ order to the s~id Bosrd of Suim~ rvisors. true copy-tee ~e :- C.~.~or~n, ~UDG~T ~OR ~LB~>/~EI~ O0'oi~TY. July ist, 1921 to J~n. let, 1922. Oounty ~evy for yesr 1921-22 fEstimsted) Oounty Bridges (~sintensnce) County Bridges (Heptscement; Oounty Ro~ds Ssl~ries Poor Oourt House, Clerks & Tre~s~ Offices ~9~,&15.90 8,000.00 ~,000.00 t6,000.00 5,500.00 &,O00.O0 1,000.00 ~le ct ions Health Jail Juries Oorner~s Inquest &Oom. of insanity ~arm m Home Demonstrators ~ire Protection B choo!s Mis celiane cue 600. O0 ,TSO.O0 150. O0 SO0.O0 £00.00 ,600. O0 500.00 6O0.0O S,. O_o.o ,500.00 On motion of the following resolution was unanimously adopted:-- IT ~H~.L~ B~ 'u~L~W~bI~ for shy vehicle using ~he pm~iic highwssy this 0o~smty to carry ~ !ced in excess off six ~houssnd pouads (6000.). ~ny person vic!sting this enactment o~ the Board off Supervisors sh~il be ff~ed mot less ten {~10.00) ~oi!srs nor more than ffiffty do!isrs {~50.00). ~ copy off this ordinance sh~.l be published in the Ohsriottesvit!e 2rogress end posted st every voting precinct in the 0ounty off .21bemsrte. Howardsvil!e V~. June !t, 19£1~. T.o the Honorable ~osrd of Sul~rvisors of ~lbemarle Co., Charlottemvil!e, V~. Pz~rsusnt to the order appointing us commissioners to make report ~on the advisability of closing the Old Howsrdsville road between Greenfield and ~one Oak farm, we, j,~.tlancock, j.i~.Irving, Jr. Trsvis ~lex~nder and j. beg to submit the following report: Having viewed the said road, 2098 feet between ~reenfield and Done Oak farm, which has been discontinued because o£ a relocation and having ascertained that notices b~ve been duly posted according to alw, we, the said commissioners, advise the closing of the old road and state tlust, in our opinion, no one will be damaged thereby. nespectfully, J ,.~. Han c o ck. ~.~.irving, ~r. J.m.i~amsey. O o~niss ioners. The following c!sims were presen~e~,~ examined., s!lowed end ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for pay-merit, viz: Burnlsy ~ros 0.&.~. Ry 0o. ~ .~. 0s!houne Daily Progress miss Bessie Dunn Everett ~addey & 00. Wood, Vest & Co. ~'ife ~ Pitts Dr. B.H.Esrly Dr. Ohss. l~c~ullock Henry Gibbs Geo. M.~hite Geo .~.~obinSon C. G. (;r e er C. S · H~fms n Leoy ~ ~rnett D.H.Psge j.~. Jones Dr. P.P.~elson Dr. Cos! etc. Light for Jail ~ O. House Pinance Committee etc. hdv. i~ome Demon. ~ooks Coal etc. ~tty. flee flor def. Prisoner Lzmscy L~cy Lzmscy ~srmer for Home Dem. S~moning 4 Commissioners ~epsirs st C. Ho~e L~s L~scy Southern S-t~mp & Stationery Co. O .i~.T~omas I.~.Vsn ¥oorhis ~ .~.Bezme t't Vs. Printing ~hite Store ~tamps etc. Serving 9 notices for Pens ~siary ~egsl ~ or ~ ~room~ 8.42 20.FO 9.5O 116.68 4:5.1'7 74.10 25.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 .V5 !.00 SO. O0 2.00 1.89 5.00 1.00 6.00 6.00 ~6.59 4.50 ~.80 92 ~9~ 56.25 4.25 It appearing to the Board that it will be necessary to borrow some money with which to pay Oounty expenses between now end th~ collection o£ 1921 t~es.'~ It is therefore ordered that the 0harimsn o£ the Board be, end he is ? hereby authorized in the name, end on behalf of the Oounty of ~l~emsrle, to make srsngements with some bank or banks for t_em to dvsnce the necessary amounts, not to exceed ~15,000.00 end to execute such obli, gstion or obligations in the n~me, end on behal£ of said Oounty sS may be necessary ~to secure such advancement or sdvence- merits, end also by such obligation or obligations pledge 1921 taxes for same. ,2t the regular ~[ay meeting of the Board of Sepervisors of ~lbemsr!e 0otimty, Vs. a tie vote resulted on the motion m..~de and duly seconded that the stun of ~500.00 be appropriated for the captoze and conviction of ellecit distillers under ~uthority given the Board of Supervisors by Chapter ~9~ of the ~cts of the ~ '&eneral ~ssembly of Virginia of 1920 pa. ge 585 and the question wes continued to the reg~.~ar june 19~ mee- ting o£ the said Board to be decided. :Zherefore in ¢ompliisnce with' section 2Vi7 of the Oode of Virginia of 1919, in-regard to s tie vote, %~.F,Long t_he Oon~nissioner des l~on~ ted by the Court to cast the deciding vote appeared this day end after hearing the evidence, voted s~sinst the approproation. In the matter of plastering st the County Home the several bids were opened and the_~osrd being of ~pinion that the bids were too high postponed the matter until a later date. in the matter cfi the law of£ices owned by the Oounty o£ ~lbemsrle. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the sum o£ ~5.00 per month for each room be charged Ss rent for said o~?.fice beginning ~anusry 1st, 1920. , ~Ohsrimsn ~t s nee:ting of the Board o£ Supervisors of ~lbemarle Oounty Vs. held the Oourt Piouse o£ said Oounty cfi the 20th of ~uly.1921, Present: Hollis ~inehart, Ohairm~n, ~.~.o lhoun ~~ j.'~.~ray, J.~.~itts, O.Purcell ~cOue end O.~.Miller The minutes of the last meeting were reed end ~ppreved. It sppesring to the Board of Supervisors' that the Oireuit Oourt of ~lbem~rle ~ounty h~s, st this June ~erm, certiflied 'to this Board that at the election held on the E6th day o£ ~pril, 1921 a majority cfi the voters in ~iv~nns, ivy, .~hite H~ll end Oharlottesville 2~sgisterisl Districts have voted for a bond issue'for good roads, this Board doth now determine that it is expedient to issue flor the purpose of i~proving the said roads in ~hite Hell ~iagisterial District thirty thousand dollars (¥J0,000.00), a pert of said bonds, at this time, so authorized by the voters 0£ ~hit~ H~ll Magisterial District, it is hereby entered of record that said smOunt of ~J0,000.- 00 of bonds 'flor ~said District shall presently be issued and that the said bonds shell ~be sold so as to net the county not less than par. Asy ~.~arwick, O.~.Haden and ~.~. Carter, Jr. are hereby appointed agents to sell said bonds, without commission, soon as the s~le of said bonds has been negotiated it is directed that the same be -framed and issued in acc'ordsnce with ~ection 212& of the Oode of Virginia of 1919 the. bonds to be delivered to the Treasurer of this Oounty and by him accounted for in cordance with law. Said bonds shall beer date the let day o£ ~eptember, 1921, end shs] r~mu for s period of twenty-five (25') years, to be redeemable as ffollows:-- That a2y tim.~aflter five ~5) years from the date hereof any o£ said bonds, at the ~option of this Board, may be paid off, but in case it is desired to pay any one of more of said