HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-06-20 ~herefore in compliance with' section ~i7 of the Oode of -Virginis of 19!9, in regsrd to s tie vote, ~¢~.F.Long t~h~ Commissioner designsted by the Court to csst the deciding vote sppesred this day end sfter hosting the evidence, voted s~sinst the 'approproation, in the mstter of pisstering at the County Home the several b~ds were opened ~nd the ~o~rd being of io~inion that the bids were ~0o high postponed the mstter until a later date. in the matter of the tsw offices owned .by the Oounty of ~lbem~rte. on motion duly seconded it is ordered tibet the s~m of ~5.00 per month for esch room be chsrged ss rent for ssid office beginming jsnu~ry 1st, 19~0. .......... .... , Ohsrimsn ~t a meeting of the Board of~ Supervisors of ~lbem~rle County V~. held at the ~ourt House of s~id Oounty o~ the ~Oth of July.19E1, Present: Hollis ~ineh~rt, Ch~irm~n, S.~.C~lhoun, ~ j.~.Pr~y, g.m.~itts, O.Purcell ~cOue, ~nd C.~.Miller, The minutes of the l~st meeting were reed end ~pproved. It ~ppesring to the Bosrd of Supervisors that the Circuit Court of ~lbem~rle County h~s, ~t this June .term, certified te this Board that mt the election held on the B6th day of ~pril, 19S1 a m~jority of the voters in Eiv~nn~, ivy, ~fhite H~ll ~nd Oh~rlottesville ~gisteri~l Districts hsve voted for ~ bond issue~ for good ro~ds, this Bosrd doth now determine that it is expedient to issue for the purpose of improving the staid ro~ds in White H~ll magisterial District thirty thousand dollars ~0,000.00), ~ pert of s~id bonds, at this time, so ~u~horized by the voters of '~hite H~ll ~gisterial District, it is hereby entered of record that s~id ~mount of ~ZO,000.- O0 of bonds for ~s~id District sh~ll presently be issued and that the said bonds sh~ll be sold so as to net the 0ounty not less th~n par. ~ay W.~rwitk, O.~.Haden and W.~. C~rter, ~r. ~re~hereby ~ppointed agents to sell s~id bonds, without commission. soon ~s the ssle of s~id bonds h~s been negotiated it is directed that the s~me be -fr~med ~nd issued in ~ccordsnce with ~ection EIS~ of the Oode of Virgini~ of 1919, the bonds to be delivered to the Treasurer of this Oounty ~nd by him ~ccounted for in ~c- cordance with law. ~id bonds sh~ll bear d~te the 1st day of September, 19El, ~nd sh~l ru~ for ~ period of twenty-five ~25~ yesrs, to be redeemsble ss follows:-- That five 16) years from the d~te hereof ~ny of seid bonds, at the ~option of t'his Board, m~y be paid off, but in case it is desired to p~y tony one of more of said bonds after the exp'ir~tion of 5 years, said bond shell.be selected by l~ and notice shell be given by publication in some newspaper published in the Oity of Oharlottes- villa or Ooun2y of '~lbemsrle for st least one week, for four consecutive weeks, of the numbers o£ the bonds so selected, and thereupon this Board may pay off the bonds so selected upon shy interest period after said selection by lot of said bonds shall have been mede end publication given; end thereupon interest shall cease upon the bond or bonds so selected, at the next period a£ter the same shall'have been so selected for payment, end this method of payment may be continued after said period o£ ~ive years from the date of the bonds from time to time until all of said bonds are paid off. The following Justices ef the Peace appeared before the Board in person with their fine books end are entitled to the amount opposite their names, viz: ~ .~ .~ l~nn~ o~n ~2.50 Jotm ~. Gsrth 2.50 T .~. ~s upin 2.90 0. ~. ~srdley ~ 1.60 ~-. H. Ohildre ss ~ .50 J.~ .~elfe 2,90 ~ .a. Bls ir ~. 50 jacks on Besl 3.50 'Henry Gibbs ~.50 ~.~. ~ghes ~. ~0 ~ll the rest of the justices hsd thei~ ffi~e boo~s~ beffere the boerd, although they did not appear in person. On motion of J.~.F-rsy end seconded by C..Furcell ~cOue it is unmnimously ordered that the sslsry of the ~ame warden be continued as before, the state payinE ~600.00 end the County ~600.00. 2 Delegation of citizens from Orozet appeared before the beard ~nd asked that two smell bridges on the road from Orozet to ~he foot of the Blue ~idge be buil~ in order that the orchard owners might get their fruit to market without being delayed by ~igh water; therefore on motion of j.~.~'rsy end seconded by O.Purcell mcOue i~:is Ordered that E.~.~ee, ~o~uty miansger, meet the citizens o£ Orozet ss soon ss possible at the ~ ~ s~es of the proposed bridges and report back to the board st its next regular meeting the probable cost of the construction of said bridges. On motion of O.Purcell Mc0ue end seconded by O..~.~i!ler it is ordered that ell County Warrants be mailed within ten ~lO) days from the date of the meeting o£ the Board st which they were passed to the parties entitled to them. On motion of ~'.M.~rsy end seconded by C.Purcell MeOue it is ordered, that the Chairmen, nollis Eonehart., be smd he is hereby authorized in the aame and on behalf of the CoUnty o£ ~lbe~rle to sign the contract-on the road from White Hell te Crozet upon the recommendation of G.~.~fil!er, Supervisor from ~nlze Hall District. On the motion of. the pay of Laborers enployed on the Bridge end Eosd forces respectively e£ the County, on.~motion of J.M. Frsy and seconded by ~.. 0.Miller i~ is ordered that the Day of skilled labor on the Bridge f$~$e be cut~ to ~3.00 per day I ~nd common labor for both Road and ~ridgs £e~ces be cut to l~½ cents per hour. I In the matter o£ the Bridge across the G.~.Bmith appeared before the board and guaranteed to and make ~ll necessary fills to the said bridge, therefore the advertized bids asked were opened this day and the 0hampion B~idge Co. being the lowest bidder, on motion of C.Purcell ~f~cOue.snd seconded by J.L.Pitts it is ordered ths~t the bid of the said Champion Bridge Co. be accepted and that the bridge be built. i/ Hardware Eiver at Gsrlsnd~s Stort, do all the hauling from the ~epo~ The following clsi~ were ~eaent~d, examined, sllowed and ordered to be ~o~mti£ied to the Tr~esurer for payment, viz:-- ~lbemsrle Hone Mutisl fire ins. Co.~ssessment ~o. l0 ¥ 37.95 11o20~ t1.~5 2.00 22.00 ~- 5.2t 143.50 30.00~ 1.00 2.75~ 100.00~ 9.00 1.50 14 0 · 00 I.~0 2.00~ 50.60 14.50~ 9.75~ 3. O0 !. 00~- 1.00 1.0G 1.00~' 1.00 1.00 -~lbemsrle Telephone ~o-. ~tbemarle Tetep~iSne Bstesville Printing O.onwsy Printing ~o. C.&.~,.Ry. Co. ' Daily P~ogress C.G.~reer G.Stusrt R.F. Harris& Co. [~elt on Jones J.H. Jones J.T. Jacks on Michie Publishing 0o. Hin~hszt & Dennis Co. O .M.Thomss ~.O.Thomss P~. Co. ~I.C,Thomss ~ur. Co. Vs. otstionery Co. O .~. ~s rdley J.G. Jo~ms on J~ ius 0bsrdoffer John ~ .Nells R. E. Yowe ll Telephone ~r' ~. Office Telephone for Clerk's" Receipt pads for ~-r. Printing election tickets Lights Pub. County e~penses 0oi. ~rm. er Dem. Rep. on adding machine Rep. on lawn mower ~ame Warden salary Lost warrants 54,65&10~ ±iepairs to typewriter Printing Ospt tax list Telegrams Corners Jury ~cct. f~. for ~-sil Resk for Tress. office Paper towels 0orner~ Jury 0orner~ jury 0 erner~ Jury 0 o me. rs Jury Oorner~ Jury Corners jury 0 orners jury Ohs i'~msn