HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-08-17 ~t ~ meeting of the Board of ~uper~isors of ~lbemsrle County Vs. held' st the~ Court ~ouse of said County on the l~th 0~ ~Ugust 19El, Present: i~ollis Rinehart, Chsirmsn, S.~.C~lhoun, j.~.~r~y, J.L.Pitts, ~nd Oo~.~,?~iller. The minutes of the lest meeting were re~d end ~pproved. ~E~0L¥~D, That the County sell the several buildings on the Court ~ouse squ~re occupied respectively by [~l~ E.E.~ood ~nd L.~.Wood, L.T.~nckel, jr, ~bove; (E) Brooks & Grove, end Perkins, ~lker ~nd B~ttle, sbove; e×cept the one story sddition occupied by 0.D.Shsckelford, ~) Hon. ~ohn ~'.~ishburne, Perkins, ~#~lker ~ ~sttle, sbove; (~ the wes~ room of Duke & Duke's office, Hsnekel & Son, sbove, being ~ll west of p~rtition in Duke & Duke's office, which sSles shell be sub~ect to the following provisions: (l~ Thst possession of the seversl buildings shell be given ~s soon ~s possession s~hsll be delivered te the County. ~ That the seversl buildings shell be removed within thirty alsys possession sh~ll hsve been delivered to the purch~serso The wells shell be t~ken down to_one foot below the surfsce of the ground outside the w~lls end ell debris removed from the lot, but no grsding or~ smoothing o~ the surfsce will be required of the purch~- ~ set. Removsl sh~ll be conducted in s csreful end skiElful m~nner so ss to ~void injury to person or property. The Oounty s~hll ~ssume no responsibility for the condition of ~ny of the buildings or in connection with their remov~l~ which sh~ll be wholley the risk of the purc~ssers, if the removal of the buildings end clesring of the deb- ris be not completed within the time ~£oressid, the Oounty sh~.ll h~ve the right to com- plete the work ~nd ell expense so ine~red by the Oounty sh~ll be p~id by the purchaser in default. iS) The purchssers shell scquire no right in l~nd or in he~ting or light- ing equipment end ~pp~r~tus in the~buildings, but shell hsve the right of removsI of the several buildings only, The Ohsirm~n is suthorized end directed to proceed to sdver~ise for bids, to be opened st such time in the nest fut~re ss he m~y think be~t, giving notice .in such m~nner ss he m~y think best. The Bosrd of Supervisors reserves the right to ~ccept bods or to reject sny end ell bids. ~'[q~n~S in the opinion of the Bosrd of ~upervisors it hss become necesssry for this Oounty to erect s Court House, with a proper fireproof Clerk's Office, ss provided by lsw, to which construction the Oity of Ohs, rlottesville slso shell contribute end it is necesssry for ssid purpose to hsve an issue of bonds to the extent o£ one hundred end twenty-five thoussnd dollsr~ t~125,000.00), this ~osrd hereby. ~£SOL~:-- Thst the erection of such ~ Oo~t house ~nd Olerk~s Office in conj~mction with the Oity of Chsrlottesville is necesssry, end for thst purpose slosn should be contrscted on the credit o£ the Oounty, to the extent ef one hundred end ~wen- ty five thousand dollsrs ~125,000.00), and it is hereby ordered thst this sction on the part of the ~oard of ~upervisors sh~ll be certified to the Judge of the Oircuit 0curt of this C~unty for his ~pproval, ~nd that ~n election shall be pr~yed for and held under ~ection ~9~8 of the Code of 1919, ~t such time as the said judge may ~ppoint, ~fter he approves ~of the s~id loan and bond issue and sh~ll enter his approval on record, and he is hereby requested to m~ke such mpproval~ and to enter sn order under ~ectioh P~Z8 requiring the ~'udge of ~lection to open ~ pol~ ~nd take the sense of the q~sli£ied vo~ers of the ~ounty on the question whether the ~oard of ~upervisors shall issue said bonds for the aforementioned purpose. in the matter of the ~-~rmsns~ ~sp ~oad from Orozet to ~amuet Willer District line end the issuring of bonds for construction of same, whereas the citizens have' agreed to purchase the bonds, it is mEO0LV~D, st the recommendation o£ the Supervisor from White Hell District that plans end estimates for the construction o£ this section of road be m~de and submitted to the Orate lqighwsy Commissioner for approvel with the r~quest that he advertise a~t once. for bids for construction. ~epsrste proposals to be received, ~irst for the grading end drainage, second for the macadamizing. t in the matter of rent of the offices owned by the Coun y and occupied by ~,H. & D.W.~ood and ~.T.il~nckel & Son, as offices the board at s former meeting fixed the rent at $5.00 per month commincing j.~nusry let, 1920 .for each room end ordered the Clerk to notify said occupp~uts end it appearing that said occupsnZ refus to pay the rent fi~ed by this Board. Therefore on motion of j.D.Pitts end seconded by J.~[.~'ray it i.s orderei that R.H.Wood, ~.W.~'~ood and the L.T.Hsne~el-& Son firms be notified to vacate the ssi~ offices within thirty ('50) days from the passage of this resolution. in the matter of the erroneous assessment of 65 cents for every on~ hundred dollars worth of Bank Stock by the ]oosrd of Supervosors of ~lbemsrle, for County and District purposes, it is ordered that the erroneous tax be ref'muded by the treasurer to the holders of said bank stock upon presentment of their tax tickets The roil'owing claims were presented, examined, allowed end ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment, viz:--- ~.N.21e×snder Election ~ $ 3.00 ~ J.W.~ust in " 8.00 ~ ~nd ers on ~' 3.00~ Bins " ~. OC~ Bsl!srd " 5.90 ~ . Z. BI~ ir " lB. 00~ Birckhe~d ~ 1.00~ Zucisn B~own E.G.~stten Sidney ~srnett S .L. Burke J.0.Bowcock 0h'Ville Hdw. Coo W .~, C arpent er W.~ .Clarke J.~.Oaskie g~mes 0ranwell Eddie 0oles T.H.Ohildress W.Z.0atterton S .~ .Calhoun E.L .0slhoun W.W.Dris toll J~s ~.Dorrier ~. E .Dunn W.G.~rish E.L.Geddy G.~ .Gibson S. H. Gibs on H.H.Garth ~urrell G~rth ~.E. Geedwin R.~.Goodman Law_fence Gianniny W.E. Garrison R.~ .H~mner J. ~. Haggard ~. M. Ha rringt on Lewis Huff H.E.Hsrlow 21onza Hughes J.~,Hancock H.2 .S. Hamilt on W .W, Hicks O. S. Hu£fma n R.R .Howard H. ~shby Harris E.F.aarris M.0 .Hsrris B. Z. Irving T.WoodS Jarmsn T.H. Jsrman Election · 5.00 ~' 5.00~ 9.00 ~ 6 .I0 ~ 5.00~ ~.00~' 5.00, 3.00' 1.00'~ ~..00 ZoO0'~~ S.O0 ~ ;5.00 !.00 ~ V.80' ~.00v 5.00'~ 15.~0 ~ 8.~0~ ~ !.00'~ ~.00~ ~.00~~ ~ .0~ 10.00 ~ ~.00~ ~ 5.80 ~ 8.80~ 5.00v t. 00~ ~.00~ ll .VOw 1.00~ · 5.00~ 5.00~/ 9.20v 9.00~ ~.00~ 5.00'/ 1.00'/ t!,'00 ~ 6.EO ~ 9.20 ~ ~.00 ~ J.H. Jones jr. 0.~ .~. I£ing Solomon Lodge J,0.~eske W. H. Msrt in Dsn~l Msrtin P.H.~slorey ~. ~.hichie gohn Minor P.~.Minor ~ .T. ~i~ h~n es jo~ Msyo W .B. ~i~p hy J.H.Norris J. ~. 0 ~ Ne ill J.~,Ps~ne W.M.Psyne D.H. Psge P,K.P~ge ~vi.~,~ Pit ts H,~.Pettitt B. i~ .E ogers W.H,Rogers J.E .Rive r c omb J. ~i. Esms ~y Rivers ide Librsry Chss ~hodes G.~V,Smith W,H.Smith h~. 'Y. Sutherls nd H,E .0 csntling O. 0. ~hs ckelford G. B. 8 t ephens ~ .H.~tsrgall ~, 0.Th~msn Town off Scotsvilie ~ry ~.Thoms s M.~i. Vsn Doren i,L.Woods on S.T.~hite H,G.Wsddell T,E.Wilhoit T.D.Willisr~ Election 3.00/ t.00~, 1.00v 3.00r 3.00'/ 5.00~ ~ .00'~ 8.40~' 8.80¢ 5,00r S. OOx ~.00~' 3.0Or' S. O0~ ti. O0 v 3.00 ¢ ;5.00 , 3.00~' 1.00" S,00/ 9.00,, ;5.00v- 8.80¢ 5.O0'x $.O0" ;5.00`/. S .00 ~ 1.00¢ !.00 ,¢ 6.~0 3.00 ~ 3.00,/ 8.00¢ 5.20 ~ ;5.00 ~ S.O0 ~ 1.00'/ 1.00¢ 3.00 '¢ ;5.00 ,~ 1.00/ ~.00 ~ ~.40 ~ ;5.00 / i~lbemsrle Tele. T ,H, Childr ess D~ x~B.L. Dillard Dr B.E,~Esrly Oolonisl ~otel Oonw~y Printing Bess ie Dunn Frick Bros Dr. B.L .Dillsrd Dr. B,H.~rly H.~,O;lesson ~ Co O.6.Rreer Dr. B.H,Esrly Dr. Chss ~icOullock i~enry Gibbs O .S, Huff me n G.Stusrt Hsmm O ,B, Jones Dr. L.(~.~oberts Dr. F,P.~ielson j.i~. jones ~;~. L .Ms upin %~m. Msnn Co M.li. Smith j. mss on Smith Surber ~rundsle Go O ,M,Thomss Dr, J, bi. ~telt on Dr, P,P,~elson ~,L, Sne~d' Dr. S.M,Melton Dr, F,P,l~els on j,~ ,~ol~e h,L,~nesd WOod Vest Claude ~,'lsrdley O ,M.Thomas ~. G. Burne tt P.~,~qorvell E,T.Garth ~'. j, jo~s on G.W,Bishop ~,~,¥~hite ~srm. Dem. Luns cy Bal. for mesls for jury Printing election notices june ~ O~uly Demonstrstion Pen for Court koom Lunecy Broo~ etc. for Col. karm Dem, Posting not ice's ~lsking out voting list Pos ting notices Copying voting ~l~t sbstract etc. ~-gross ~o 2 pencils Jsil repsirs etc, Posting notices envelopes Posting notices Oeal for co~t house 0orner Summering Ocr. Ocr ~y Ocr Ocr Ocr. Ocr J~y Outs ide psuper 10.00 3.00 5.00 5.00~' 9.00 ~/ !.25~ 116.68 / ~4.75 / 6.20 / 5.50 / 5.00 x 5 .~3 ,/ 50.00 ~' 6.00 ~ 5.00 ~ 2.50~ 6.00,/ !VI. 60 ~' 3.V0~ 5.50 x' 5.90/ 6.00 ~-' t19,40~,' 3.55 5,75 5.00 5.V5 7.50 2.00 5.00 5.00 1,00¢ 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 V.50¢ s.oo.: 2.00 t,00 1.00~' 1.00 1,00v i.00 !.00 6&. O0 J.~.~prouse Ohss T,£sge J.T.nouohe~s 0utside peuper &5.00 55.50 12.00.~ The Boerd ed,~ourned to meet agein ~ept. 9th 19~t. Chairmen At ~ special meeting of the Board of Supervisors held on the 9th day of ~eptembez 19~l, et the Oourt House of seid County_. Present: Hollis Rinehart, Oh~irmen, S.~. Calhoun, J~t. Frey, o.Purcell ~cOue ~nd O.~.~iller. The minutes of the last meeting were read ~n ~pproved. ~H~E~S a lerge number of citizens cZ ~cottsville ~¢~gisteri~l District h~ve presented petitions requesting that ~n election be held to obtain the sense of the queli£ied voters in that D~strict in the metter of insuing bonds For ro~d con- struction; end W~-~S plans and esti~n~tes h~ve been prepared for this construction; J~E iT H~BOL¥~N, That this Board petition the Judge of the Circuit Court to order an election to vote on the matter o£ issuing bonds For the construction of the following sections o£ ro~d; ~-County Ro~.d z~o. ~ From ~¢onticello through ~imeon to Overton. B-County Road ~o. & From Norvell~s ~tore through Porter's, ~smont, ~nd ~eene to ~lberene. C-Roed £ro~_ Howerdsville to County Howsrdsville to Couhty icighway ~ st ~orvell~s ~tore. D-Section o£ County nighwey z~o. I between ~lendower through Keene C~rter's Bridge to the 0h~rlottesville District Line. 23E iT ~On.~-n~-I¢ H2~OLV~D: '~'het the estimates o£ the costs o£ this con- struction prepared by the County ~ngineer, which ere ~s Follows: ~-County i~o~d ~o. ~ from ~,~onticello to Overton B-Co~uty Roed No. ~ £r0m £~orvell~s S~tore to ~erene C-Roed From Howerdsville to ~orvell~s store D.Oounty ~oad i'io. I £rom Glendower to Charlottesville District ~ine :56,£5T,58 ~ be spproved and Zorw~rded to the ~tate Highwey Oon~nissioner, with the request that if he epproves same, he oerti£y the amounts to the gudge o£ the Court, ~s required by the lew governing District elections For bonds. ~20~,504:.06