HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-09-30[oon ) Ocr ~ury Ocr Jury Ocr Jury 0or Jury Ocr jury Cot Jury Ocr Jury Cot jury Oor jury Ocr ~ury 0.P. Insurance On Ct. mouse J.O0 5.00 5.00 2.00 i.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ~,00 z~5.00 50.00 Chairmen ~t s regus!r o£ the Board of S. upervisors o£ ~lbemsrle OountY Vs. he~d st the Court House o£ said County on the 21st o£ ~eptember 1921, Present: S .2'. Calhoun. ~ quoins not being .,D~esent the Board sd jo~;~ned. ~t s speciel' meeting held on Shptember $0th 1921, st the Oourt ~ouse o£ ~lbemerle Oo~mty. Present: J.M.~rsy ~oting Chairmen, S.~.Cslhoun, O.Puroell ~/ioOue end O.~..Mill er. it appearing to~[~Bosrd that it. will be necessary to' ~ofr0w some money with which to pay 0ouuty expenses between now end the collecting o£ 192l taxes. it is Ordered that the Treasurer oF this County be, end he is hereby authorized in the arise, end on the behalf o£ the Oounty o£ ~lbemsrle, to make arrenge, ments with some bank or banks £or them to advance the necessary amounts, not to exceed sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000.00t and to execute such obligation or obligations in the name, end on behalf o£ said County ss may be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements, end also by such obligation or obligations pledge 1921 taxes for same. In the matter of Painting the oaottsville ~ridge. On motion o£ j.M.F'rey end seconded by ~.~.Calhoun it is ordered that st Scottsvil!e upon_ condition th~"~he~t~own :~f-.SCo~%e~itle~'h2s. p~id one:..thirS~ o£ the -~ost Off repsirs recently.mede on S~id bridge~by~ the county Bridge ~Oommissioner. Chairmen ~t'm specist meeting of the Board of ~upervisors held ~t the Oourt House of s~id ~ounty on the 14th d~y of October 19~l, Present: J.~oFr~y, Tempor~y 0h~irmm~-, S,~,O~lhoun, j.v~o Pitts, O,Purcell ~cOue ~nd O.~.~iller. The minutes of the lest meeting were re~d ~nd ~pproved. The Oh~irm~n o~ the Board stated that he ~nd ~r. ~ohn L~Pitts in pursu~r~ce of the Resolution of the lSth d~y o£ Sept 1920, h~d directed the clerk to h~ve prepsred~ ~80,000.00 {eigh~t~[thoussnd dol!~rs} of bonds ~t this time out of the ~00,000.00 ~u%hor- ized in s~id resolution ~nd d~ted tst d~y of ~y 19£1 to be of ~the demonstra- tion e£ ~500.00 ~nd of the demonstrstion of $1000.00 ~nd requested th~t this statement be entered on the record o£ the Board, which is ~ccordingly done~ it is understood ~nd ~greed between the members of the Board that out o£ the ~80,000~00 issued of bonds mbove mentioned that $~0,000.00 will go the complet~o~ o£ the contract in ~h~rlottesville District ~nd thst $~0,000.00 will go to the completion of the contract in ScottsviIle DiStrict. The £ollowing clsims were presented, ex~mined, ~.llowed ~nd ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment, Viz:-- Lun~ cy J c.lsims Clerk's 0f£ice Lights, july,. ~ug & Sept Exp~m$~~ to Eichn~ond Js il ~in~nce committee L~soy~ 3 cl~i~ W~rren$ book 0o~iSs loner O ommiss loner O onEhiss ioner ~17,40 10.50 16.69 17,20 8.00 1.44 37,50 32.00 21.00 V,V0 1V.20 9,90 ~5.26 2.00 2.00 2.00