HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-10-14SPECIALcon ) ~ 0or ~ury Ocr Jury Cor O~ury Ocr Jury Ocr ~ury Ocr Jury Ocr jury Ocr jury Ocr jury Ocr jury Insurance On Ct. House ~.00 5.00 5. O0 2.00 !.00 1.00 !.00 1.00 1.00 S.O0 45.00 50.00 Chairmen ~t a reguslr of the ~oard of Supervisors of ~lbemsrle Oounty VsY he~d st the Court ~ouse o£ said County on the 21st o£ oeptember 1921, Fresent: S .~. Cslhoun. ~ quo.~nm not being ~.D~esent the Bosrd sd journed. ~t s specisl meeting held on ~hptember 30th 1921, st-the Oourt mouse o£ ~lbemsrle County. Present: J.M.~rsy ~cting Chsirmsn, B.~.Cslhoun, ¢,Pur~ell s nd 0 .~ .N~ill er. it ~ppe~ring to.kBo~rd that it will be necessary to~o with which to psy Oounty expenses between now end the collecting of 1' it is Ordered thst the Tressurer off this County be, s: suthorized in the anme, end on the behalf o£ the County o£ ~lbemsrle, ments with some bsnk or banks for them to sdvsnce the necesssry smoun' exceed sixteen thoussnd dollars ($16,000.00i end to execute such obligstion or 'obligstions in the name, end on behsl£ o£ said County as rosy be necesssry to secure such sdvsncement or ~dvsncements, end also by such obligation or obligations pledge 1921 taxes £or ssme. row some money ~21 taxes. ~d he is hereby to m~ke ~rr,nge~ S, not to In the matter of Feinting the ocottsville ~ridge. On motion o£ J.~.F'rey and seconded ~y B.~.C~lhoun it is ordered that et Scott~Vil~le upon, condition that ~h~-,~town ~ ~ ~ lm ~ioo~e~ill~ /h~s .p~id one~,third o£ the ~ost of repairs recently ms, de on s~id ~bridge~by~ the co~ty Bridge ~¢o~nissione. r, 0hsirm~n ~t s special meeting of the Board of ~upervis.ors held ~t th~ Court House of ssid 0ounty on the 14th d~y of October 1921, Present: J.~.Fr~y, Tempor~y Ohs~irm~ S .~. ~ lhoun, . ~ ~.Lo Pitts, CoPurcell ~c0ue ~nd O.~.Miller The minutes of the i~st meeting were re~d 2'nd 2pproved, The Oh2irman of the Board ststed that he ~nd ~r. john L.Pitts in purs.u2nce of the Resolution of the 18th d2y of Sept 1920, h~d directed the Clerk to h~ve prepared~ $80,000.00 l eight~thous~nd dol!~rs) of bonds ~t this time out of the $300,000.00 author- ized in s2id resolution ~nd d2ted 1st d~y o£ ~y. 1921 to be of -the demonstrm- tion of ~00.00 ~nd of the demonstration of $1000.00 ~nd requested theft this ststement be entered on the record of the ~o2, rd, which is ~ccordingly done~ it is understood ~nd ~greed between the members ef the Board th2t out o£ the ~80,000~00 issued of bonds sbove mentioned that $~0,000.00 will go the completion of the contract in Ohsrlottesville District end that~ $30,000.00 will go to the completion of the contr2ct in Bcottsville District. The following cisims were presented, ex~mined, ~llowed ~nd ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment, Viz:-- Dr. ~.E.Ootes ~lbemsrle Telephone ~o. R,T ,~.Duke Jr. ~. H.~ll ingt o n Frick Bros. J,E.Pr~y C .Purcell ~cOue S .~ .Oslhoune i~. G~rl~nd Dr. H.~. ~illi~ H.it.~ orvell wm, ~ Co. P. O. ~ino r 0,N.Beok Lunacy S claims Cl~rk~ s 0££ice ~ights, ju~y,. ~ug & Sept ~p~$~ to Richmond ,2.4o ~in2nce Committee ~cy~ J claims W~rrant book 0 o~is s loner Oommiss loner Commies ioner ~IV .40 10.50 16.69 !V .20 8.00 1.44 3V .50 32.00 21.00 V .~0 1V. 20 9.90 35.26 2.00 2.00 2.00 con) D.L.Kelley j.T.O'~eill Dr. George ~¢.Psrrott Dr. T.H.Daniel Dr. H.T.i4els on Claude Re Yardley ¥¢. -~ ..N or yell ~i.E.Smith ~r. ~ .M.oheppe O.M.Thomss ~,[.Timberl~ke V~rginis Printing Co. Ohas ~ cee esrnett 0.~,~ Gernet~ T · E. W~l~o it ~ilton ~ ,Harris H.~ .S, Hamilton N. W. S andridge E.B.korth~gton j.E.~bell Dr. ~.D.Psge W.~. O_,rpenter 2.G,~hite z.T .Wilbourne ,¢, N. ~hite ~ .% .S t evens S. ~. Calho~ j.M.~rsy Charles W. B~itey Oommis s ioner 2.00 P, eimbursement to hold body 20.00 ~Lmacy 5.00 Luna cy 10.00 Luna cy' 5. O0 Lunacy 5.00 L. uns cy 2. O0 Jail ~;/~5 of ~5.50 3.30 ~ut opsy !0.00 Sumneming 20 witnesses lO.O0 Toilet paper 6.00 Treasurer's Office ~.00 H~psirs at Ct. House 1.80 Witness 1.&0 " 1.40 " t .30 " 1.~0 - .90 " 1.SO " 1.10 " 1.~t0 " 2.30 ~ 1.50 " '1.50 " !.VO " !.20 " 1.20 " i.~0 " 2.00 Lunacy 5.93 ~t s regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of .~lbemsrte Oounty held et the Court House of said Oeunty on the 19th day of October 1921, Fresent: J.~.~rey, Temporadz Ohairman, S.~.Oalhoun, j.D.Fitts, O.~urcell N~cOue and O.~.~¢iller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. T~he bids for the grading and macadamizing the jsrmans' Gap Head from ~tate tiighw~ 9 ~t Orozet to the Bamue! ~itler District line at Lickingho!e Oreck