HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-10-19(con~ D.L.KelleY J.T.O'~eill Dr. George N.P~rrott Dr. T.H.Deniel Dr. H,T.~els on Claude R. Yerdley ~. ~ .N or ye ll ~i.R.~mith Dr.~.E.~heppe O.~oThom~s ~L.~ imbe rl ~ke V~rg~ni~ Printing Ohos ~.Wheet- muscoe ~rnett 0 .:~.* G~rnett T. E. W~l~oit ~ilton ~ .Herris H.~ .~$. H~milt on ~. ~. S endridge E.B. Worthingt on j,E.~bell Dr. H.D.P~ge ~V. ~. C~ rpe nt er J' G. ~hite ~ .T. ¥~il bourne ~.N.White ~ .L.Stevens S .~. C~lhouu j.N.~rsy Chsrles W. Beiley Commies loner Reimbursement to hold body L~m~cy Lunacy ~unecy J~il g.:/;5 of ~5.50 g ut eps y S~eming 80 witnessss Toigot p~per Treasurer ~s Office R~p~irs ~t Ct. Ho~e Witness L~cy 2.00 20.00 5.00 '10. O0 5.00 J.O0 £ .00 J.JO 10. O0 10.00 6.00 ~.00 1.80 1 .~0 1.~0 1.J0 1.~0 .90 1.J0 1.10 t.&O S.ZO 1.60 t.60 !.VO 1.20 t .20 i.~o ~.00 5.95 ~t s regulsr meeting of the Bosrd of Supervisors of ~lbemsrte oounty held st the Oourt House of ssid County on the 19th d~y of October 19El, Present: J.m.~rsy, TemporsC 0heirmsn, S.~.0elhoun, J.L.Pitts, O.~%urcell ~ic0ue end O.~.~iller. The minutes of the lest meeting were reed end epproved. The bids for the grsding end m~cedemizing the ~rmens~ Gsp ~osd from ? State Highwey~ ~ 9 ~t Crozet to the ~emue! miller District line et ~ickinghole 0reek were opened on Oct. tTth 19S1 end ~unter, Lessley & Co. of Star. ton Ve. being the low bidders it is ordered that the contrect for the bDilding of said toed be let to the ssid ~iunter, Lessiey & Co. It eppeerin~ to the Boerd of Supervisors that the Circuit Court of ~lbe- m~rle County has, et this june term, certified to the Bosrd thst st the election held on the £6th d~y of ~pril, 19S1 ~ me jority of the voters in Rivenn~, ivy, White- Hell end 0h~rlottesville Districts here voted for ~ bond issue for good rosds, this Bosrd doth determines thet it is expedient to issue for the purpose of impro.ving the Jarm~ns~ Gap Ko~d from State ~ighway ~9 st Crozet to the $~muel ~iller District line in the s~id White ~ell ~sgisteriel ~m~trmct, Thirty Thousend Dollars ($~0.000.00} ~ pert of ssid bonds, st this time, so euthorized by the votere of ~hite Hell ~mgis- teri~l District, it is hereby entered of record thst s~id amount 'of ~S0,000.00 of bonds for ssid"'District sh~ll be issued and that the ssid bonds sh~ll be sold so ss s~d bonds be framed to net the County not less then p~r. it is directed thst the ~' and issued in ~ccor~nce with ~ection Bl~ of the Oode of Virginie of 1919, the bonds to be delivered to the Treesurer o£ this County and by him ~ccounted for in accordsnce with lsw. ~aid bonds sh~ll beer d~te the 1st dsy of December 19El ~nd shall run for ~ period of twenty-five ~6t years, to be redeemsble ss follm~s :-- That at ~ny time ~fter five (~ years from the dete hereof shy of ssid. bonds, st the~mption of the Bosrd, may he'paid off, but in c~se it is desired to psy any one o~ more or s~id bond's ~fter the expirstion of ~ years, s~id bonds shell be selected by lot and notice sh~ll be given by publicstion in some newspsper published in the City of Charlottesville or Oounty of ~lbemerle for ~t lesst one week, for four consecutive weeks, of th~ numbers' of the bonds so selected, ~nd thereupon this Bosrd msy psy off the bonds so selected upon shy inter®st period sfter ssid ~election by lot of s~id bonds sh~ll hsve been made end publicstion given. ~nd thereupon interest sh~ll cesse upon the bond or bonds so select.ed, ~t the ne~xt period ~fter the s~me shall h~ve been so selectfed for pmyment, ~nd this method of p~Tnent rosy be continued sfter ssid period of five yesrs from the d~te of the bonds form time to time until ell of s~id bonds ~re peid off. The bonds ere exempt from ell local texation. . in the metter of the election of s P~rm Demonstrstor. Oolored PeNn De~onstrator- ~nd Home Demonstrstor and their s~leries ........ On motion duly seconded S.S~Teel wes elected Perm Demonstrstor for one year salary of ~900.00 per yesr ~s the co~ty's p~rt. On motion d~y seconded O.G.Greer w~s elected Colored P~rm Demonstrator for one yesr ~t ~ s~l~ry of ~S60.O0 p~ On motion d~ly s~conded ~iss sessie D~n w~s elected Home Demonstrator for one year ~t ~ s~l~ry of ~00.00 per year ~s the co~ty~s p~rt with ~n ~ssist~nt ~t ~Z00.00. The following ~pp~opri~tions were m~de for th~ office of the ~srm ~nd Home Demonstrstors, nmmely: Rent of room~by mo. ~9.00 per month ~108.00 Stenogrepher not exceeding ~80.00 Tele phone ~' " ~0.00 Total ~6~8.00 ~ha irman