HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-11-17 ~t s regular meeting of the Board of S~upervisors of ~lbemsrle County
~held'at the County ~ome of said County on the' l~th day of November 1921,Present:
J.~f,Frsy, ~cting Oh~irman, ~.m~,~Cdlhoun end C.Purcell ~IcOue,
~ quormm not being present the Board adjourned wothout transacting
any business.
~t a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of .~lbemarle Oounty
~held at. the Court House of said County on the 26th day of l~ov-ember 1921, Present:
J.~,~.Fray_, ~cting Ohsirman, J'.L,Pitts, $,~.Calhoun end ¢.Purcelt ~gcOue.
In the matter of the erroneous sssessrnent of ~snk stoc~ the board
'after careful consideration acc'epted the compromise offerd ~y ~he banks whereby the' cou~
,agrees-to refund to the stock holders ten cents on every one hundred dollars worth of
bank stock.
2t a regular meeting of the Board of Super¥isors of ~bem~rle
County held at the Court House of said County on the 21st d~y of December 1921, Presen
Hollis Rinehart Chairman, J.~.~.Prsy, ~.L.Pitts, $.~.Calhoun, ~O.Purcell f~cCue end
~-ii[1 er.
The minutes of the lest meeting were read and approved.
the term of office of the County Bridge Commissioner expires
on the 3%st day Of this month; ~nd
~~S all County brid.~e matters have by previous order of this
Board been placed in the hands of the County ~:~snager; it is
Resolved: T~t no further appointment to the office of Bridge
Oommissioner be mede.
It appearing to the Board that it vould be advisable for the County
t~lanager to have a cash fund at his disposal with which to meet eme~gencey expenditures
it is
i~2~d0LV~D: ~hat he be s!iowed to draw from the genersi County fzuud,
in advance of expenditure, five hundred dollars ('~500.00). This amo~z~t to be kept
intact from month t,o month, subject to shy order of the Board