HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-11-26SPECIAL ,~$ s regulsr meeting of the Bosrd of Supervisors of ~tbemsrle County
'held-st the County ~iome of s~id County on the' 1Vth d~y of November 19£1,Present:
' J.lff,Fr~y, hating ~h~irm~n, S.m~jO~lhoun end C.Puraell
~ quorum not being present the Boerd ~d~ourned wothout trenssating
bus iness.
~t s speciel meeting of the Bosrd of Dupervisors of ~lbemerle Oounty
held et the Cotzrt House of seid Oounty on the $Sth d~y of ~ovember 19£1, Present:
J,M.~r~y, ~cting Oheirmen, J.L,Pitts, $.~.Celhoun end O.Purcell McOue.
In the metter o£ the erroneous sssessment of ~nk stock the bosrd
'efter csreful confider, etlon eocepted the compromise offerd by the bsnke whereby the coun
.egress to reff~ud to the stock holders ten cents on every one hundred dollars worth of
bsnk stock.
2t s regu!sr meeting of the Bosrd of Super¥isors of 21bemsrle
County held st the Court House of ssid County on the 21st dsy of December 1921, Presez
Hollis E~ne_~sr~ Ohsirmsn J.~,[,Frsy, J,L,Pitts, S.~, Celhom~, .C.Purcell ~cOue end
Mi'Il er.
The minutes of the lss,t meeting were read end spproved.
~¢H'.iTR~_~S the term of office of th8 County Bridge Oommissioner expires
on the 31st de, y Of this month; smd
~/~ff~±~.~ ell Count,y bridge mstters heys by prev:ious or~er of this
Bosrd been plsced in the bends o£ the County xt~ans~er; it is
Resolved: '.,:h~:t no further sopointment to the off£ice of Bridge.
~oomissioner be mede.
it sppesring to the Sos. rd thet it vo uld be adviseble for the County
~enager to hsves cssh £umd st his dispossl with which to meet eme~gencey expenditures
it is
i~0LVED: ~hat he be s!lowed to dr~w front the genersl County
in edvsnce of expenditure, five hundred dollsrs [~500.00). This amo~mt to be kept
intsct from month ~;c month, subject to shy order of the Bosrd.