HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-12-21 At: s regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~tbemarle County 'held'at the County ~ome of said County on the l~th d~y of November 19£1,Present: J.E,Fray, ~cting Ohairman, B.~C~lhoun and 0.Purcell ~cOue. ~ quorum net being present the Board adjourned wothout transacting bus iness. ~t a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbem~rle Oounty ~held ~t. the Court House of s~id 0ounty on the S6th d~y of ~ovember 19El,~ Present: J.M,Pray, ~cting Ohairm~n, g.~,Pitts, $,~.,Calhoun and ¢,Purc~lt McOue. In the matter of the erroneous assessment of b'~nk stock the board 'after careful consideration accepted the compromise offerd %Y ~he banks whereby the couz .agrees to ref~zud to the stock holders ten cents on every one hundred dollars worth of bank stock. ~t a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of 21bemarle County held at the Court HO~e of said Oo~u~ty on the 21st d~y of Decem?oer 1921, Presen -Hoilis Rinehart Ohairman, j.}~.Prsy, ~.L.Pitts, S.~.Oalhoun, O.Purcell f~c0ue and C..~. Mill er. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. ¥~H~F~S the term of office of th~ County Bridge Oo.~mmissioner expires on the ~lst day of this month; and V~~ all County brid~e matters have by prewious order of this Board been placed in the hands of the County a~sns, ger; it is Resolved: That no further .appointment to the off£ice of Bridge~ ~o~nissioner be made° It appearing to the Board that it vould be advisable for the County ~ianager to have a cash £umd at his disposal with which to meet eme~gencey expenditures it is .~SOLVFD: ~hat he be allowed to draw from the general County in advance of expenditure, five hundred dollars ('~500.00). This amongst to be kept intact from month ~o month, subject to shy order of the Board. ty In Re. Re-loc~o~on of the road from Oheriottesvil!.e to Rio, going mp 0ochrsn's Pond Hill through the land Of J.~. heape It is ordere~ that in consideration off W.B.~iwood end $.G,~lwood his wife re!easing the county ffrom shy claim for liability on account off the re-location off the road leading ffrom 0hsrlottesville to Rio where it runs up Cochrsn's PoHd 'Hill the Board of Supe:rvmsozs agrees to keep open the o~d road ffrom the point where the new road leaves it st the tip of the hill extending in s southerly direct'ion shout two hundred yerds"~o the present gate off W.B.~!wood smd $.~.21wood ss s public road ~nd also thet the old road be kept open ss s public road ~rom the foot off Cao~sn's ~ond Hill up ss fist as the entrance iesding to the bern off W.B.,2iwood smd-~.~.~lwood. -., . ~.~m~-~?~. C0i~,~tSSI0!~ Fii~~ 2~z.,.,iC~Ti0N ST:~Ti~,~ ~0I, i~vf ,~i[O. ~01~ HiOHW.~Y & B~IDG~ C0f~ST~UOTi0~ & R~;:50LV2tD: 'i'hat this Board hereby makes application to the State High- way 0orm~.issioner, in sccorde~nce-with the law providing State ~!toney ~id, for its appor- tionment of said fund for the year beginning ~sreh ist, 1922, the whole amotmt availabi~ being hereby applied for, %o be .used in the coz~struction or maintenance of filed later. 2 petition of Hunters for sn extension o£ the hunding season wes ~resented and on motion duly seconded the B~rd extended the Hun ins Season in ~ibemsr~e 0ounty fro~ January Ist, 1922 to january 15th 1922. In the matter of repairing and remodeling the Oourt ]~ouse on motion of J.A~i.[~?r~y e. nd seconded by C.Purcetl f~cOu'e it is ordered that Hol!is ~ineh~rt an~ ~ ~" Dee be appointed s co~mmittee to confer with s co~nittee from the City of Ohariottesvit!e in regard to said repairs, end report~ beck to the Boerd. On motion of J.~.'~itts and seconded by ~ ~-~'~,~ ~ .~ .m.~rsy it is ordered that the sum of ~200.00 be appropriated by the County of ~!bemsrle for the cspt~ure ~nd conviytion of the murderers of O.V.~srd. ' Polled vote unanimous. On motion of j.~.~rsy smd seconded by O.?urceil ~coue it is ordered that the sum of ~1960.00 be, refunded to the Ch~rlovtesvil~e-Soottsvi!le Concrete Roed fund for s bridge built smd paid for o~t of ssid fund which should have been paid for by the Count~o In the matter of the 'j~srtin Bridge on Ohsrlottesvil!e-$cottsville Concrete Road on motion of C.~urcelZ z~,tc0me end seconded by S..2.Oslho'om it is ordered that the County of ~ibemar!e build seid bridge and pay for it out the County fund. The Board being notified that there is surplus in the Confederete ~und Ln which the 0ounty is entitled to s pert, and the Board being requested to notify the '~ommittee whet to do with the County's pert, on motion dtzly seconded it is ordered that the sum 2o which the County is entitled be refunded to the county. the~ Bosrd to in the Daily the Progress. .... , klU~T L~W. It is ordered that the mstter be continued to a held on January 2nd, 1922 and the notice to that specisl meeting of effect ~e published to be certified Burro~-. ~ntriu~n John i. ~tex~ndria C .R.~nd ers on J o W. ~us t in ~. F.~i e x~ ndr i~ B .O .Baker j.~ .Batem~n 2 .Z .Blair J.C .Bing Sidney ~S~rnett F.B.Bowden N~t Burnley ~. ~. Bell H oR. Be ~ d ows ~. C. Br own Wmo ~irckhe~d ~ .L. i~ur ks Lucian ~rown ~.L .Calhoun R.L.Osihoun S .~. C W.~ .Clsrke W.~ .Carpent er L. J. Cook C .O .Cook J.~ .Csskie If.D. Cox ~rnest D.Crsnwell W.z.Ostterton Ch-vi!ie Hs rdw~_ re Fddie Coles ~ .F..Dmun W.~.Daws on J.F~,Dorrier W.W.Driscoll J.~.~llis on W.G.P~rrish J~s H.~rinst e ~d The following cisims were presented, to the Tressurer'for payment, Viz: 00 Clerk Judge Judge judge Clerk Jud ge Cie rk Room Rent judge Clerk Clerk Room Rent Judge etc Judge Judge ere Jud ge Room Rent' Jud ~ e Clsrk Room ~ent Clerk Clerk Room rent Clerk Clerk etc. Clerk Judge etc. Judge Clerk Room Rent Judge etc. J~dge examined, sllowed snd ordered ~D. 00 3.00 ~ S.00 ~ 17.90 3.00 5.00 3.00 '/ 3.00 ~ !,00~ Z.00~~ Z.00~ ~. 0O -' D .00~ 5.00~ ,5.00 i.00~ 17 .I0 3.00~ 10.20 S.00 ~l. 00 ,,, D.O0 ~.00,~ S .00~, 3.00~ 3.00~. 1.00~' 5.00 S.O0 $.oo 3.00 16.20 S.O0 10.00~,, S. O0~ S.O0_ ! .00~ $.00~ B.G.G~rth Jr. W; J.~y J.i~.Gi!iiam J.C .go odi o~e S.HoGibson J.H~. Gibs on Geo. ~.Gibsom W.F.Gsrris on J.F.Gau~t R .L. Go odmsn P. Y. Hsi! Semuei Hughes John Hensley H.~shby Hsrris H.~ .Hsrris ~.O.Ksrris g.~ .Hsncock ~lonzs I~ugh~ s C .W .Ho uchs ns J.S .Huff men G.W.Huffman R · ~. He mmn er H. ~. Ks rl ow H. ~ .S .Hsmil t on R J.L. H~flb ert L. I~;I. R~ rr ingt o n L. 0. Huff W. O.Hsrr is on W. ~?. Hicks B. Z. Irving T.Woods Jarmsn J.~. jO~eS Thcs. H. Jsrm~n King Solomon Lodge g.O;Leske H.O-, Miller ~ .~%.~[cG e e H. ~. ~srt in W.H.~s rtin W.B.M~hy Dsniel ~sr t in ~{ · H. }/isl oney S.T.i~ia~nes C J.S{- Eiohie Judge . e t c. Jud ~e Clerk Judge ~d g e Ci er k Gterk Judge sic Judge ~udge ere. Jmdge ~lerk Judge Clerk Judge fudge etc. Judge etc. Ro om P. ent Judge Judge Judge judge etc. judge et c Judge Judge etc. Clerk Judge judge etc. Judge etc. Judge e t c Clerk Room Clerk Judge Clerk Jud Olsrk Judge etc C! erk Judge IS, 60 ~ S. 00~~ S.O0~ $. 0'0~ S. 00~ $.O0~~ $,O0,~' 19,00~ $ .00~ 7.50~ $,O0 ~' $.O0 ~ S .00 ~ $ .00~ 3.00~ 23.00w 7.50/ 1.00'~ S.O0~ 3. 18. S0 .~0~ ~.00w' ,5.00''/ S.O0¥ 4,00/ S.OO~- $.00~ IV.00. i6.V0~,- 1"7.20~ .5,00, i .O0~- $ i 00'~' S .Oe $ .00~ S. OOv S~. 00~~ ~.OO~- $.00~ S.O0~ 3.00~/ W.~Hund~y ~terk _ ~.00 " S.O0 ¥' ?. O. }~in or Jol~ }~inor judge Job~ ~{syo ~lerk S.O0 j.H.~ orris Judge e~c. !8.80w J.T. 0 'Ne ill ~uage J. M. Patty O!er k ~ .~'.Pugh " S .OOw -G .D .P syne Judg~ ~v!.B.Ps~e Clerk S.00 H.P.Porter O!erk S.O0 ~' P.~.Psge Judge eto 9.00 ~, J.~, Pa ge judge etc. D.H.Psge Room Rent 1.00 E.n. Pugh Clerk H,F~.Pe ttit Judge etc. 12.80~~ W. H, H o ,~e rs Clerk J. m.ks~ ey judge J. F. i~iver comb Clerk Z. 00 W.n,Smith judge etc. 25.80 D,L.5 sndridge judge W.H.Stsrgsll jud~'e ~.00 E.W.Soott " 3.00 J,D.Smith " S.W.Smith Judge etc. 4.00 f~. k. Sut herlsnd Clerk ~.~ .S ut he rl and '~ 0.C.Sh~ckslford Judge etc. 18.~0 0. C ,Tsylor judge J. 0 .Thorns s " S.00 Hs~y Thomss Room Rent 1.00 J.s.Thomps on Judge etc. 18.00 D. }~. Vis Judge m.m.V~n Doren Clerk S.00 .~.K. Wysnt Jr. Room leent 1.00 ~. K.Wysnt ~r. Judge 5.00 T .~.}~isnt Clerk $.00 T.F.~i!hoit Judge etc. 18.90 H.e.Wsddeli Clerk S.T.White Room ~ent 1.00 T .D.Wi!lisms Clerk i ,L .Wo ods on gudse $, 00~ O.T.Zitzer Judge etc. 7,50 C,O.Woodson 0 .B,HoiZ D.L .SmLth O.E.Hsrris Jelton Jones ~.~,Oslho~ ~.T.~srtin HwR. Co Oonwsy Printing 2'veret% Wsddey Co Vs, Printing Oo Bstesville Printing Oo M.O-.Thomss ~ur. Willism Msnn Co. ~lbems~le Telephone Co. O.&.~,Ry Co, C .S. Hufffmsn O. iYL Th oma s J. ~ms off Smith H.L, jossel~ Dr. ~.Ysge ~elSon C. V.L symsn wm. i~,)Duke j. J. BOSZ ~ot~ B.~inor B.Gstes $srth ~ .T, 0mohundr o B.H~, ~ones j.~ .Garth M. Z. ~s up in ~. T. D unn H.L .Garth ~'. Csllsn Brooks O. ~. Hsi 1 ~'.L. ~¥o o ds on L. C. Gisss ~.2. Portch ',~, T. ~;ibs on ~.~. Ooles ~. ~, Gibe on L. ,!~,Tr iplett ~gbert Gsrth Psupers ere Co. Jsi! 3/5 of ~ectris! .8oerd Fiection Bsllots Stove in Or, Hoom Election Tickets Bill of Oct ~[sde for O,P. 5 bills Home. Demon. '±'sx Receipt forms. 2 bills Ivy. 0.P. Pests 4 bills 4 bills Posting notices posting order etc. Posting notices L~scy Com, Bosrd of keview 12 .i0 stt. before Clerk of Locsl Bd. Local Bd. Rosd Com. Pixing Door fee in mstter of erroneous sssessment. Ocr. ~ury Ocr. ,Jury Oor. jut y Ocr. Jury Ocr. ~ury Cor. jury ~cting Corner Ocr. jury C or, jury 40.50 ~ 7.26 ~ - 4~. 00 ?~ 6.90~ 23.61~ ! 04:. 8 O-~ 56.00 ~ 30.00 ~ ~.50 5.50~ 4 2.00v i5.75'~ 26 6.00 ~ 6.00v ;. ~;;00v 5.00~ 5 · 00~~ 55.00 v 12. O0 v 12.OOV zs.0o 8.00/ S. 00~ 8.00v $ .00~ 4t .00~ 1.00~ S50.00~ etc. 1.00 v I.O0 ~ 1 Y00~ 1 f00~ 1 f00 ~' 5.00~ !.00 ~ 1.00 ~bbott Smith ~dward Psrrott Ge o. ~.Smith 0. m ..Ail en Claude i~. Y~rdtey John ~. ~ is e mussel ~rsdfford W.~bbot ~ Smith D.W.~ owzer Cecil ~.W's tts F. ii. Ca!ho~ j.msson ~mith ~r. ~.O.Cou~ter ~r. W. ~.~ he'pp e Miss ~lts ~Iske Judge .~ ~D.Dabney Dr. Fags Z~elson Dr. L.G.Roberts ~h-vil!e Hdwe Geo. T. 0mohunaro ~.astes ~srth 0or. Jury i.00~ Cot. Jury 1.00~- Cot. Jury i.00~ Cot. jury 1.00~ Oor. '~ ~ ~ur y 6. O0 ~ Ocr. Jury t.00~' Ocr. aury t.00~ Ocr. ~ury 1.00~ Ocr. Jury to00 ~ Ocr. aury 1.~0 ~ Ocr. Jury 1.00~ Ocr. jury 7.00 ~ ,~ut opsy !0.00 ~- '~ !0. O0 ~ " I0. O0 ~±' est imony 4.75~ ~rroneous ~ssessment ect.74.50~ Aunscy 5.70~ 3.5 of .75 .45 Com. o£ ~.ev. ~383. ~' " " 320 .Z9