HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-01-02At a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle 0onnty
held at the Court House of said Oounty en the 2nd day of January 1922, Present':
Hollis Einhhart Chairman, j.M,~'ray, J.L.Pitts, S.A.0alhoun, c.Purcell i~ic0ue and ~.
~The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.~
It appearing to the Board of Supervisors that the Circuit Court of ~lbe-
marlo 0ountY, at its June Term, 1921, certified to this Board tha~ at an election
held on the 26th ~f April, 1921, a ma jority of the voters in White ~iall ~agisterial
District voted in favor of a bond issue for permanent road improvement there~n as
White Hall Hoad from ~tate ~lighway to ~hite Hall and ~rown's ~ove
Jarman's ~ap Road from ~tate Highway to Samuel ~iller ~ine
~'ree Onion Road, from z~oormmnSs Hirer to Boonesvi!le,
54,800. O0
49, V O0. O0
Owensville Eoad, from ivy District Line to ~hite Hall,
and at the june meeting 1921 ~0,000.00, a part of said bonds were autliOrized to be
issued for the White Rall iioad, and it is now prpposed, in accordance with the law,
that other bonds shall be issued to carry out the wishes of the voters, and the
amount of ~49,000.00 being necessary to make the road from Moorman:s Hirer to Bo0nes-
ville, it is hereby entered of record that said amottut of $49,000.00 of bonds for
said Oistrict shall presently be 'issued, and that the said bonds shall be sold so
as to net the Oov_nty not less than par; and, the sale of said bonds h~ving been
negotiated at par plus accrued interest to The PeoPles ~ational ~ank of Charlottesville
¥irginia, it is now directed that ~he same be~ framed and issued in accordance with
Section 2124 of the Code of Virginia of 1919, and the act styled Chapter 28 of the
Acts of 1919. The bonds shall have coupons attached and shall have printed in ink
the following sentences: "These bonds are issued for road improvement in White s~ll
~mgisterial District but the full faith and credit of the entire County of ~lbemarle.
is hereby pledged for that payment, and a tax is to be levied upon the property in
said district to pay the interest on them and to created a sinking fund sufficient in
amo~mt to pay them upon maturity.~' The bonds shall be signed by the chairman and
countersigned by the clerk of the Board under the seal of the Board. They shall be
in denominations of ~1000.00 each; shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum
per annum, payable semi-annually at the office of the Treasurer of said county; sh211
bear da~e of the ~nd day of January 1922, and shall be payable twenty-five years
ai~ter date. '~hen thus framed the bonds shall be delivered to the i?easurer of this
County and by him delivered to the purchaser or its order, upon payment of the purchase
price therefor and shall be accounted for by him in accordance with the law. Bnd
is hereby ordered that these bonds shall each contain a provision exempting them from
all local taxation during the perRod for which said bonds~are made payable, snd the
Board of Supervisors do hereby certify, 2nd order that the bonds shall contain
certificate, that the total amount of bonds issued for ~hite Hall ~mgisterial District
does not exeeed fifteen per centum of the taxable values of all the property in said
H2~BOLV~D that the .~t9,000,00 Bonds of the 0ounty of Atbemsrle,
heretofore suthor~.zed to be issued pursuant to ~he election held in the White ~ll
~lagisterist District of said COunty on April 26, 1921, to pay the cost of rosa i~rovg-
merits in said District, sh~ti be issued in substantially the fotlowAng form:
OObi~T ~ -Of~ ADBE~RLE
~iT~ ~LL !~iSTh~iAL DiSTRiCT
~ 1,000. ~l, 000.
The 0o~ty of ~lbem~rle, in the ot~te of virgini~, hereby ~el~ow-
ledges itself indebted, mhd for v~lue received, promises to p~y t0 the bearer, or
if this bond be registered, to the registered holder hereof, the sum ef
on the~ ~nd d~y of Jmn~ry 194~, ~nd to p~y interest thereon from the d~te of this
bond ~t the r~te of six per eent~ (6~) per m~, semi-mnn~lly on S~u~ry End
rand july End in e~ch year, upon presentmtion ~nd surrender of the ~exed coupons the~
ms they severally become due, or if this bond be registered, to the person in whose
name it is registered. Both principal and interest of this bond will be p~id in gold
coin of the united States of ~meriem of the present stmndmrd of weight mhd fineness
~t the office of the Treasurer of the Co~ty of ~lbemmrle mt O~rlottesville, virgini~
At the request of the holder, this bond will be registered on the bo
of the Oo~ty of ~lbemmrle kept in the office of the cowry treasurer ~nd the
hereto annexed detached mhd cmnce!led, mhd thereafter bo~h principal ~nd interest will
be .p~ymble only to th~ registered holder hereof, ~nd no transfer of this bond s~tl be
v~li~d ~less m~de on said books by the registered holder in person or by mttorney
and noted hereon by the county Tre~s~er.
This bond is one of ~n issue of ~49,000.00 bonds of like tenor ~nd
effect issued by ~he Oo~ty of ~lbemmrle pursuant to ~n ~ct of the .~ssembly of ~ir-
gini~ entitled "~n ~et to provide for the issuing of county bonds for per~nent
ro~d or bridge i~provement in the ~mgis~erisl ~istricts of the counties of the state,
~nd repe~ling ~ll ~ets in so f~r ~s the s~me ~re in conflict herewith", ~pproved
September 5, 1919, ~nd pursu~n~0 ~o ~n election duly cmlled ~nd held in staid district c
~pril E6, 19~l, rand ~hese bonds sro issued for ro~d i~rovement in ~hite ~mll ~imgis-
teri~l ~is~rict, but the fully f~ith mhd credit of the entire Oounty of Albemarle is
hereby pledged for ~t p~y~ent, ~nd m t~x is to be levied upon the property in said
DistriCt to p~y the inter~st on them ~nd to croats m sinking f~d s~ficinet in
remount ~o p~y them upon ~tt~ity.
it is hereby certified ~nd recited that ~ll conditions, ~cts
things required by the uons~bitutiOn or s~u%es of the State of ~irgini~ to exist be
performed or hmppen precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, h~ve been
performed ~nd have ~ppen~d, and that this bond, together with roll other indebted-
ness ef s~id 0ounty or o~ s~id ~gisteri~l bistrict, is within every debt ~nd other
limit Prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of s~id stmte, ~nd that ~he to~l
~mo~t of bonds issued for s~id District does not exceed fifteen per cent~ of
totml t~x~ble v~lue thereof.
This bond is exsmpted fro~ roll local t~x~tion.
l~ v~iz~'~S ~R~0P, the County of ~lbe~rle hms cmused this bond
be executed in its n~me ~nd on its bshmlf by the 0~irm~n of the ~o~rd of ouoervi~ors
cf or
of said County and by the Clerk thereof under/the seal of said Board and County, and
the coupons hereto attached to be authenticated by the f~csimile signatures of the
said 0h~irmsn end 01erk~ and this bond to be d~ed J~nusry 2nd 1922.
"'~ 'cbSi~r~Sb' 'o~' ~0~'~~ :of Supervisors.
'' Di'e~k 0£' 'Bo~'rR 0fr ~UPervisors.
$ No.
.,~ d~y of
The County of 21bemarte, .¥irginia
194 ~._, :,~ ;-.-. ~:---~- Dollars
will pay to the bearer on the
) gold coin, being six months
interest on its White Hall ~gisterial District Eoad Bond l~o..___ : , dated~: .... 19_.
'the' Bb~:--of Supervisors
Oler~" 'o'~; %~' ~"r~d~ b~ Supervisors.
i Hs~REB'~ 0k~RTiPY that at the request of the holder of the within bond
for its conversion into s registered bond, i h~ve this day cut off and destroyed all
unmazured coupons numbered from .... to -..:.~. :_, inclusive, for the sum of .........
Dollsrs ("$ ) each, and that the within bond is hereby converted into a registered
bond wi"~h the principal and semi-annual interest thereon payable to
assignee or legal representative.
D~ted, -
A~ delegation of the fruit growers appeared before the Board and requested
that the State Cedar Hust Law be adopted in Albemarle Oounty, and the Board after
careful considerstion is of opinion that in several districts' the law should be
adopted for the protection of the fruit growers.
Therefore on motion duly seconded it is ordered that the State Cedsr Hust
Law be and it is hereby adopted for the $~muel Miller, Ivy, White Hall ~nd Char-
lottesville ~g~steria'l Districts.
On motion of O.A.Eiller and seconded by S.~,Calhoun it is resolved
that-the members of the Board and the coUnty Engineer attend the Good Road ~ssociatien
meeting to be held in Eichmond, Ya. on the 18th, 19th and E0thef January 1922 and
do wtm~ they can for the State Bond issue for Reads.
~'~ On motion duly seconded it is ordered t!mt the Clerk of the ~oard
notify i{r. J.W,Hopkins, Supt of ,the County Home to appear before the Board on Jany
l~th 1922 and bring mn inventory of all the stock, etc. at the home ~nd also the numbe~
of' inmates. ~
On motion d~uly seconded the following resotu$ion wms unani~:ous!y
adopted, the following members of the Board voting 'in the sffirmstlve: Hollis Rinehart
g.L~.Pitts, O.Purcell ~cCue, o.~.O~lhoun, 0.A.Miller ~nd ~.M. Fray. ~agative-none.
~"~t appearing to the hoard of ~upervisors that the Oircuit Court of
21bemarle Comcty, st ist june Term, 19El, ~e. rtified to this ~oard that at ~n election
held on the 26th day. of 2pril, 1921, a nm jormoy of the voters, in the charlottesville
~J~gisterisl ~strmc voted in favor of a bond issue for perH~nent road improvement
'therein as follows :--
~ Oln ~oad,
A-otony o - t
~etween f~ree ~ridge and District
~.,ine-~ength 2.08 miles; width of
roadway. 22 ft. width of bitumin-
ous macadam 15 ft.
~stimat ed cost
monticello :~os'd,
~etween Scotts~i!te noad and
45, towards monticello
Lenght .85 miles; width of ro~d-
way 22 ft. width of' concrete
psvement I6
~,sti~m ted cost
O- Jwoolen ~ml!s ~oad, ~etween Ctmr!ottesvil!e oity
lmm~ s and ~oolen ~ills property.
~sn~ht.7 miles; width of.roadway
S~ ft; width of concrete pave-
ment 15 ft.
~s t imat.ed cost
~. Hydrsulic z~osd,
between meadow Oreek and Hydr~u!ic.
~enght S.1 miles; width of road-
way 22 ft; width of bituminous
macadam 15 ft.
~timated cost
T 0~ t.a I ~166,700.00
it is hereby entered of record that the said amount of ~166,V00.00
of bonds shall presently be issued end that the said bonds shall be sold so as to net
the County not less th~n par. The said bonds to be framed and issued in accordance
with oection 2124 of the Code of ¥irginis of 1919, and the 2ct sty],ed Ol~pter 28 of th
Acts of 1919. ~aid bonds shall have coupons attached ~nd s~li be printed in ink with
the following sentence: ~hese bonds ere issued for road improvement in Otmrlot~esvzll
magisterial District, but the full faith smd credit of the entire county of Albemarle
ia hereby pledged for their payment and a tax is to be levied~ upo.n the property in
said charlottesville District to pay the interest on them and to create s sinking fund
s~fficient in amount to pay them upon maturmty. ~11 bonds shat1 be signed by the
.Chairman-/'smd countersigned by the Clerk Of the Board, under the seal of the ~oard.
They shs-ll 'be in donominations of one Thousand. ~ollars (.~1000.00) each; shall bear
iz~terest mt the rate of fiv'e per centrum ~5%) per ann~um, payable semi-a~mu~lly at the
office of the Treasurer of said Oounty; sh~!! bear ~ate on the 15th d~y of osnuary,
1922, smd shall be pey~b!e twenty-five ~25) years after date.
~hen thus framed the bonds shall be delivered to 'the ,~reaaurer of this
Oounty and bF him delivered to the purchaser'; or -its order, upon payment of the
purchase. 'price therefor, and shall be accounted for by him in accordance with the
law. And it is hereby ordere~ that these bonds shall each contain a'prqvision
exempting them from all local taxation through the period for which said bonds are
made payable, and the ooard of Supervisors does hereby certify and order that the
bonds shall contain s certificate that the total amomat of bonds issued fgr 0harlott-
esville ~gisterial ~istrict shall not exceed fifteen percentmm ~lo?~O of .the texible
value of all the property in said District for the year 1925.~
6n motion duly see.curled thefottowm'ng resolution was unanimously adooted,~ the follow-
lng members of the ooard voting in the affirmative: ~£o!lis Minebmrt, g..m.Pi~tSs, O,
Purcell ~mOue, S.~..Oalhoun, ~.2'.~.~il!er ~nd j.~{~.Fray. ~agative - none.
"it appearing to-the Board of oupervisors that the Circuit Oourt of
Albemarle County, at its ~une Term, 1921, certiffied to this Board that at an elec-
tion held on the 26th day of April, 1921, s majority off'the .voters in the kivanna
magisterial District voted in favor of a bond issue for permanent road improvement
therein as fo!lo~s:--
StOny Foint Road,
Oetween Ohsrlotteswille Dist.
Dine ~ Orange county Dine.
aenght 12.18 miles; widt~ of
roadway 20 feet; width of s~r-
facing 18 ft.
2stimated cost
F. Earlysville z¢o~d,
between ~.'ydre.ulic end Gr. eene 0o.
line- length 10.9 miles; width
of roadway 20 £t; width of sur-
' facing 18 ft.
~st imated coat
68 ,~00. co
g. $ordonsville ~oad,
between Oismont arid Louisa
Oounty lins.~ ~enght 7.~8 miles;
width of roadway 20 ft. width of surfacing
18 ft. ~stimated cost
Total cost
It is hereby entered of record that the said amount of ~2~,~60.00 of
bonds shall -presently be issued and that the said bonds shall be sold so ~s to
net the Oounty not less than par. The said bonds to be framed and issued in accor-
dance with ~ection 2124 of the Oode o~:' 'virginia of 1919 and the ~ct styled u~pt~r
28 of the ~cts of 1919. os'id bonds shall have coupons attached mud shall be pri~u-
ted in ink with the following sentence: "These bonds are issued for road ~improve-
merit in miv~nns ~agisterial District., but the full faith and credit of the entire
County of 21bemsrle is hereby pledged for their ~ent smd a ta~ is to be levied
~oon the property in said mivanna magisterial District to pay t~e interest on them
and to create a sinking f~d s~ficient in smoot to pay them upon mstt~ity.~, All
bonds sh~ll be'signed by the Chairman and co~tersigned by the 0lark off the ~osrm
under the seal of the .Board[ They s~ll be in denominations of one Thousand D011~rs
(~1000.00) each; shall bear interest at the rate of five ~.rcent~ ( ~
5.;,~) per annum.,
payable semi-annually at the office of the Treasurer of said Oo~t~; shall bear. date
on the 15th day of aanua~y 1922, and shall be payable twenty-five ~25) years af$er
"~hen thus framed the bonds shall be delivered to the Treas~er of this
County and by
price therefor, and sha!l .be accounted for by him in accordance with the laws. And it
is hereby ordered that these bonds shall' each contain a provision e~empti~ them from
'all local ta~ati6n through the period for which said bonds are ~de p~Yable, and the
Board .of ~ '
~upervmsors does hereby certify' ~nd order that the bor~ds shall cents in a
certificate that the total amount of bonds issued ..for :~ivanna ~mgisterial District sh~
not exceed fiifteen percentum f15%) of the taxible-value of all the .property in said
District for the year 1921."
him delivered to the purchaser, or its order, .upon payment of the purchSse:
On motion duly seconded the following resolution was unanimously
adopted, the. following members of the Board voting in the a.ffirmative; Hollis ~inehart
~.L.Fitts, C.Purcell ~c0ue, ~.~ calhouzi, C.~.~iller ~nd -~ ~
· ~..~. [~,ray. z~agative - none.
"it appearing to the ~oard of ~upervisors that the Oircuit Co~t
of ~lbemarle County, at its Oune Term 1921, certified to this ~oard that at an else-
.rich held on the 25th day of April 1921, a ma jority of the voters in the ivy ~gis-
terial District voted in fa~o~ of a bond issue flor permanent roads i~zprovement therein
as follows :--
Ii. Pres Onion i~oad
between Uv~ensvitle road and ~.oorman's
miver iJridge. ~enght 5 2 miles, wmdtn of
roadway 22 feet.
a~stimat ed cost
between Owensvi!te road m 0arts'
~engnt 1.0 miles width of roadway
20 feet.
n~s t imated cost
~ 300 O0
L. marracks ~oad
between ~ydraUlic ~ ~ree t~nion Road
~enght 3.0 miles; width of roadway
22 feet.
~stimsted cost
~'. -~yS[ra'ulic z~oad
~. ~.outh of ivy ~osd between ivy and ~amue! ~.il!er
District. Lenght 4.0 miles;
width of roadway 20 feet.
~stima ted cost
between O~ensville m White Mel!
District, ~.enght 2.2 miles.
,idth of roadway 20 feet.
~'st ina ted cost
Total cost
O. O~e .... vm!le mead
it is hereby entered of record that ~V5,000.O0 of said bonds shall
presently be issued and that 'the said bo~ds shell be sold so as to net the county not,
less than par. The said bonds to be framed, and issued in accordance with Section
212& of the 'oode of 'Virginia, of 1919, ~nd the ~ct styled Otmpter. 28 .of the Acts of
1919. ~aid bonds shall have coupons attached and shall be printed in ink with the
fei&owing sentence: WThese bonds are issued for road improvement in ivy z~agisterial
Distrisct but the full faith and credit of the er~tire Oounty of ~lbemarle is he coy
pledged for their payment and a tax is to be levied upon the property im said ivy
District to pay the interest on them and to create a sinking fund s~£ficient in amount
· to :pay hem upon maturity.~ ~ll bonds Shall be signed by the Chairman end counter-
signed by the Clerk of the Board, under the seal of the _~oard. The~-shall be in
.~enominations o£ One Thousand Dollars ~1000.00~ each; shell bear inter~st~ at the rate
of five ~oeroentu~ ~'~
~/~) per annum, payable semiannually, at the office of the Treasurer
of said County; shall bear date on the 15th day of ~anus~y 1922, and shall be payable
twenty-five ~5~ years s'fter date.
When thus £ramed the bonds shall be del'
mv.r~d to the Treasurer of this
County and by him delivered to the purchaser, or its order, upon psymen~ of the
purchase price therefor, and sh~!l be accounted for by him in accorAsnce with the
law. And it is hereby ordered that these bonds shall each contain a pro.vision
exempting them £rom all local taxation through the period £o~ which said bonds are
made payable, and the ~oard of ~upervisors does hereby certi£y ~nd order that, the
bonds s~ml! contain a certificate that the total amount of bonds issued £or ivy
~mgisteriat ~istrict s~ll not ~xceed fi£teen percent ~1~) of the ta~ib!e value of
all the property in said ¢!istrict £or the year 1921.
On motion duly seconded the following resolution was unanimous!.y ~dopte~,
the £oliowim~g members of the ~oard voting 'in 'the affirmative: 'Holtis [~ne'hs:~%,
Pitts; O.Purceli ~cOue, ~o.~.Oathoun, 0.~.~ii!ler and j:~. ~ray. £~egative - none.
"it appearing to the ~oard of ~upervisors that the. Circuit Oourt
~!bemarle County, at its S~une Term 1921, certified to this Board that at an election
held on the 26th day of ~prii 1921, a ma jority of the voters in the White Hall
teria! ~istrict ~oted in favor of a bond issue for permanent roads improvement there~n
as follows :--
Beginning at the point of the ~tate Highway, at the' underpass at
Orozet, and th'eno, westwardly, parale!ling the Chesapeake a~ Ohio
way tracks to the BuiCk mountain mead, amd ~henee along said Buck
I~fo~tain head %o the ~hite ~I1 Road, and along same to White ~ali,
smd going in the direction of ~rown's uove, Daftly follow~g the pres.,n%
road, and psr%!y for the purposes of raising the road s~ove the river;
going through the properties of msndridge, T.L.B%riy and
~srly, to a point in the present reid, opposite the mt. ~,air
Office, s distance of ~bout 8~- miles; the width of said road to ~e
not less than 15
~stimated cost 79,~00.00
.tnother road kn~v:w as the "Jarman's ~ap mead~ and begi~ming
at a point in the ~tate and ~edera.! ~ighway amd-rm~ing
westward!y approxin~te!y 2 miles to the ~amuei ~iiier
Dis%riot line; the width o£ said road to be not less than
13 feet.
~st i~a ted Cost
Union mead, between ~aoorman's .~iver and ~oonesvil!e;
lenght 8.4 miles; width of raodway 22 ft.
2~st imm t ed cost
0wensville tload, between ivy Distric~ smd White wall.
L, enght 3.2 miles; width of roadway 20 feet.
~st lasted Oost
Total cost
49 ~700.00
it is hereby e~ered of record that ~,~109.000.00 of said bonds have
already been sold and that -.- _., O0 ~ shall presently be issued artd t_hat the said
bonds shall be sold so as to net the 0ounty not less than par. The said bonds to be
framed and~ssued in accordance with oection Sla~ of the Oode of Virg~inia of 1919~
and the ~ct styled 0hapter ~8 of the ~cts of 1919. ~aid bo~ds shall have Coupons
attached and s~,ll be printed in ink with the following sentence: ~'These bonds are
issued for road improvement in ~hite mall magisterial District. but the f~l fai~oh
and credit of the e~ti~e 0oun.ty of ,albemare is herebi~ pledged for their payment
a tax is to ~e levied upon the property is said White ~all District to-pay the
crest on them and to trieste a sinking fund sufficient in amount to pay them upon
maturity.~' ~ll bonds shall be siened by the Chairn~a and counte~ign~d b the clerk
of the Bo~rd, under the seal of the Board. They s~ll be in denominations of on~
Thousand Dollars i~1000.O0} each; shall bear interest at the rate of five percents'
(5}zo) per azanu~n, payable semi-annually, at the office of the Treasurer of said County;
sh~'i~ bear-date on the 15th.day of ~anu~ry 1922, and shall be payable twenty-five
(~5~ yea~s after d~te.
When thus framed the bonds shall be delivered to the Treasurer of
this County and by hi~ delivered to the purchaser, or its order, upon ps~zent of the
purchase price therefor, and shall be ecco~ted for by him in accordance with the law.
~nd it is hereby ordered that these bonds shall each contain s provision e%empting
them ~rom all !ocs! taxation through the period ~r which said ~omds are
sad the ~osrd o~ Smper~isors does hereby certify ~md order
taim s Eerti~ioste ~hat t~e torsi ame~t o~ bo=ds issued ~,or White ~ail ~agist~rial
~istriot s~l't not exceed ~i~teem peromt t15%) of the tsxible ~alue of all the
property 2n said distric$ ~or the year 1921.
On motion duly seconded the following resolution was urianimous!y
adopted, the following members of the Board voting in the affirmative: 'Hollis ninehart
j~L.£itts, O.Purcell ~acOue, $.~.Oalhoun, 0,A.i~Iiller, .and ~._~.z~ray. ~'~egative - none.
,,it appearing to the 5oard of ~upervisors that the Circuit Court of
~lbemarle 0ounty, at '~ December Term., 1921, certified to this Board that~at an elec-
tion held on the 8th day of f~ovember, 1921, .a majoriZy of the voters in the ~cottsvil~
P~iSterial District robed in favor of a bond issue for permanent road improvement
therein as follows:--
2., woodridge ~osd, betwee~ ~onticello and overton;
o, ~arren s~ z~ort~
~a rden, ~oad,
O. ~io~ardsvilte
~OS d,
D, ~ cottsville
~enght 4 miles; width of roadway
22 f,t. width of macadam 15' ft.
~sta 0 to ~t'a 70)
width of top soil 18 ft.
~Sta ~0 to ~ta 2t0~
Estimated cost
between ~,~orvetl's otore e Alberene'
~enght !2,~ miles; width of
roadway 22 ft. width of top
soil 18 ft.
Sstimat ed cost
between nowsrdsvitle e z~orvetl's
~tore. ~enght 5,8 miles; width of
roadway 20 ft, grading ~ drainage only
~'stimat ed cost
between Ohsrtottesville Dist. ~ine
~ e!endower; length 6.5 miles;
width of roadway 2& ft. width of
bituminoUS ma cada~ 15 ft.
.~'s t ina t e d cost
112.600. O0
e20o ,t00.00
it is. hereby entered-of record tint the said amouht of ~ ~
of bonds she!! presently be issued and that the said boz~ds shall be sold so as to net
the ' ~
o. ount~ not less than par. T~he said bonds to be fremed and issued im accordance
with Section 2!.24 of the code of Virginia of 1919, and the 2ct styled O~pter 28 o£
the ~cts of 1919, ~aid bonds shall have coupons attached and shall be pr~mted Lu
ink with the follo~dng sentecne: "These bonds are issued for road improvement in
ocottsvilte ~tagisterial District, but the full faith and credit of the entire 0ounty
of Alben~rle is her~'by pledged for their payment and a tax is to be levied upon the
property in,s_a~id ocottsville District to pay the i~,terst on them and to create s sink-
lng fund sufficient in amount to pay them upon matur.i~y.~ All bonds sh~l! be signed
by the Chairman and countersigned by the Clerk of the ~oard, under the seal of the
Board. They shall be in denominations 'of One 'i'housand Dollars t~1000.00) each; shall
bear interest at the rate of ~i~e percentum (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually,
at hhe office o£ the Treasurer of said county, shall bear date on the 18 th day of
~anuary 19E~, ~nd shall be payable t~wentyz'five ~£~) years after date.
~¥hen thus framed the bonds shall be delivered to~ the Treasurer of this
County and by hi~ delivered to the purchaser, or its order, upon pa~ent of the
purchase price therefor, and sh~ll be ~ccounted for by him in accordance with the
la~. And it is hereby ordered that these bonds sh~ll e~ch contain a provision exempt-
ing them from all local taxation through the period for which s~id bonds are m~de
p~yabl~ and the Board of ~upervisors does hereby cert'~
, ~ ~ ~nd order t~h~t the bonds
shall contain a certificate that the total sn~oUnt of bonds issued for ~cottsville
~mgisterial District shall not exceed fifteen percent ~15%) of the taxiblge value of
all the property in said district for the year 1921.
Th~ following, viewers report was adopted ~¥~d ordered to be spresad.
i, P,E.;~errifield, s ~ots~ Public in smd for said uo~ty in said
State do certify that Lewis Dudley, ~lex ~¢~unday, k.z~.pugh, and walter Long viewers
appointed by the ~o~rd of dupervisors of Albemarle ~ounty st the. meeting held on
9th day of oeptember 1921 upon the cuestion arzd expendiency of v~ewing s toed lead-
ing from property of ~,S.~elton through the lands of ~smuel ~oods 8md ~¢.~.~apier
to the public road personally spoesred before ~ i~ my said co~ty and being d~y
sworn ~mde oath that they would fait~ully end impsrtielly discharge their duties
ss such view, gets.
~iven ~der my hand this 26th day of October 1921.
~'.~.~¢~errifield, z~otary public.
~y commission e:cpires ~,~srch 8th 1922.
o the _donor~ble ~osrd of oupervisors of the Oounty of ~lbe~rle:--
The undersigned viewers appointed by your order made on the 9th day
of September 19S1, respectfully reported that ~,~e met upon the lands proposed to be
taken for ~;'~rosd from e',S.melton to County _~osd 0n the 26th day of October 1921
md report thereupon ss follows:--
lat. The convenience or inconvenience that will result ss' well
individuals as to the public is ss follows:--
No inconvenience will result as the present road has been in use for
may years.
2nd. ,~-he said road will be one of mere private convenience ss to m~ke'
it proper that it should be opened and kept in order b~ the person or persons for
whose oor~venience it is desired. ~elton's Private
~rd. ~o y~, gs'~den or orchard will h~ve ~o be ~ken,
~h. ~'h9
Samuel ~;oo ds
5th. The following named of said land owners require compensation:
6th. ~ just compensation to the land owners requirin~ compensation
for the said land so taken smd for the:~.amage to the residue of the truer beyond
the pecuiisr benefits to be derived in respec$ 2o such residue from the road or !end-
ing to be established are as follows:~-~
Twenty (~20.00) dollars to W.W.~apier.
Twenty ~$20,00) dollars to ~smuel ~oods.
Vth~. ~:-he following are the other facts smd circumstances which in
the opinion of yo~ viewers are useful in ensbting your Dosrd to determine ~he
expe~dency of establishing or altering the said road:
The present road whfch has been in use for several years deamed
the most pr9ctiesl.
They herewith return s ~p of the proposed route.
Ail of which is respectfully submitted,
R. ~. Fugh