HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-01-14 At' an adjourned meeting of the ~oard of SuDervisors of ~tbemsrle County
held at The Court House of said Oounty on the 17th day of January 19~2, _~resent'~:
Holtis ~inehart1, Chairman ~ ~, ~a
The minutes of the last meeting were and approved.
The following of the Justice of the Peace appeared in person.and are
entitled to the amounts o~ their respective names.
g.~.Wolfe, ~2.90; R.B.~orthington, ~2.~0; B.Z.Irving ~1.60; O.E.zardley ~1.60;
~rth ~i~2.50; j,B.~oo.d ~2.90; T.H.Maupin ;~2.90; ~.Gar!and :~2.50; ~.S.~,~lann~gan ~2.50;
0.B.~ones ~2.90; ~.A.Hughes ~2'.30; T.H.Ohildress ~3.50; ~ckson Beal ~5.50; ~enry
~ibbs ~3.50; and K.L.Josslyn ~2.90. ~ll the rest of the justices of peace h~d their
fine books before the Board
.~r. i~.B~.Lee
County ~ngine e r
Charlottesville, Ya.
Dear Bit.
Richmond, VS.
~an 4, 1922.
We hereby submit ~ bid for the total issue of ~420,000.00 of 2!be~rle
County, twenty-five year, 5-~ Eoad ~on~s'st par, less a commission of two percent~, the-
money to be deposited in the z~stionsl~B~nk of Chsr!ottesvi!!e without interest subject
to check by the CoUnty ss needed.
Ver~ truly yeurs,
~cott m otringfellow
~'.E.~otting ~ 0o.
january 4, 192-2.
~±'0 the Honors'hie moard of Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia,
0harlottesvml~e ;' Virginia.
~or the ~20,000.00 of 2iber~r!e County, Virginia, 57~ i~osd Bonds to be
issued for the various Districts of your Oounty, we are pleased to bid .you Far and
~.cerued interest to date of delivery, subject to the legality of the issue and sale
of the bonds being apporved by our ~ttorney.
if this bid is accepted, we will be pleased to have the total amount of
bonds increased by ~100(;000.00, which increase is to come to us a~ the same price and
under the same conditions.
~ours very truly,
~rederick E.~ol~ing & Oo'.
~cott ~ ~tringfellow
The following resolution was adopted confirming sale to Scott ~ ~,tring-
fellow and ~',.~.~olting ~ Oompany for ~5~0,000.00 worth of r~sd bonds st par and accure~
interest, less a commission of 2~. Said bonds to be in ~1000.O0 denominations and~ to
bear interest st the rate of 5~ per annum, interest payable semi-annually; Said bonds
%e be dated january 15th 1922, and to n~ture ~nuary 15th 1947.
The bonds hereby sold and to be issued being a part of bonds authorized'
by election of April 26th ,!921, in Charlottesville, White ~a!!, ivy and ~iv~nna }~sgiste~-
and by the election of i~ovember 8th, 1921, in Scottsville I~lagister~al Dm~trict
ial District, and are tom be issued on behalf of the mgisteris-1 districts are follows:
white '~all
205 bonds Or
150 bonds or
85 bonds or
75 bonds or
15 bonds or
~205,000. O0
150,000. O0
85,000 o00
,.. _
530 bonds or
The following bond form~ to be Used:---
Twenty'five years after date the Ootznty of ~lbemsrle Virginia ,_promises
end .obliges itself to pay to the bearer hereof
one Thousand Dolls rs
with interest at the r~te of five p~r cent ~5T0) per mnnum from date until p~id, princi-
pal end interest payable ~t the County Treasurer's Office Charlottesville, V~ginis,
or ~rris, ~orbes ~ ~om~n,~, corner 0f ~ine m ~illism ~treets, ~ew ~ork Oity,
z0rk, interest-being represented by coupons hereto attached, payable on the 15th day
of January ~nd 15th d~y off 0~zly in each year, until paid.
This bond is a portion of the bond authorized to be issued in White
~gisteri~l District ~der the election held on the 26th day of ~pril 1921, and duly
~ approved hy the Oourt ~nd by the Board of ~oervisors which st their meeting held on
the 2nd day of Omnusry 1922, by s resolution, directed,, the present issue of bonds to
-be made this bond being one of 15 bonds for one thousand dollars each ~s~ued ~der
_. th~ election and resolution aforesaid. These bonds are issued for road impro, vement
' Whitg. ~al~ ~mgisterial District, but the full fait2 and credit of the entire Oo~ty
off ~lb~mr!e imS hereby pledged for their pa~ent, and a tax is to be levied upon the
p ooSr{y in s~d ~str~c~ to pa the ~nterest on them and to create ~ s~n~no fund
~ in-sUfficient.amo~t to p~y them on maturity.
it is hereby c~tified recited and declared tha~ all acts conditions
things required to exist, ~ppen or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of
this bond have existed, have ~ppenea and have been performed in due time f~a and
manner as required by law, and that the amo~t of this bond, together with all other
bonds issued on behalf of the ~hite nell z~agisterial District does not exceed fifteen
:(15~ per cent' of the assessed value of the taxable property of the said district accor-
ding to the assessment ~ast completed prior to the issuance of this bond, nor does it
'exceed an~ other l~m~ta. ~on prescribed by the constTtution or statutes of the ~tate of
.~¥irgini~ ~.
By order of the. Board of oupervisors this bond is exe~oted from. ell
10es! t~x~tion d~ing the period for which it is issued.
in Testimony ~hereof the County of ~lber~rte has caused this bond to be
signed by the 0hsirm~n of the Board of Supervisors ~nd countersigned by the Clerk
thereof, ~nd under the se~l of the ~omrd this l~th d~y of january 1922.
........... ~ .......... C~ ir~ n
~ counters igned ~ ........... ~ ..... Clerk
Form of On, pon
~25.00 ~:,~ o.
On the 15th day of july 1922, the Oo~mty of ~lbemsrie obliges itself
to pay to bearer the sum of twenty-five dollars ~25.00~ st the County Treasurer's
Office charlottesville, virginia or harris, ~orbes ~ CompanY, Corner Fine & ~illism
~treets, ~ew ~ork City, ~ew York, semi-annual interest on Bond z~o.
of Albemarle
o'f the Oo~ty
,~1000. O0 i~ o. =- ~-
Twenty-ffive years sffte~ date the Co~iy off Albemarle, Virginia, promises
and obliges itsetf to pay lo lhe be~er he.coif
one ~honssn8 Dollars
¥~iih inle~est a.i the r~te off ffive pe~ cent {~) ~e~ snn~ f~om dale until paid,
Ozz~c~. Charlottesville,
principal ~nd interest psy~b!e st the Co~ty -~-re~surer~s .... ~
'Virginia or Harris, ~orbes ~ Oompmny, Oorner of Fine ~ William otreets, ~ew fork Oity
z~ew zork, interest being represented by coupons hereto attached, paysble on the 15th
day of ~nusry ~nd 15th day of july in e~ch year, mutil paid.
This bond is ~ portion of the bonds authorized to be issued in Charlott-
esville ~gisterial District, ~der the election held on the 26th day of ~pril 1921,
mhd duly ~pproved by the Court mhd by the Board of Supervisors which at their meeting
held on the 2nd dsy of ~nusry 1922, by ~ resolution, d~ected the present issue of
bonds to be made; this bond being one of 150 bonds for one thousand dollars esch
issued. ~der the election and resolution sforessid. These bonds ~re issued for road
improvement in 0~mrlottesville m~gisterisl District, but the full faith and credit-'
of the entire County of ~lbe~rle iS hereby pledged for their oay~ent and is to be
levied upon the property in said District, to p~y the interest on them and to create
a sinking fund in sufficient smoot to DaY them on m~t~ity.-~
it is hereby certified recited and declared t~t sll acts conditions s~
things required to exist, happen or be ~rformed precedent to ~nd in the issuance of
this bond h~ve existed, ~ve ~ppened and have been performe~ in due time f$6m mhd
~nner ~s required by l~w, ~nd t~t the mmount of this bond, together with all other
bonds issued on be~lf of the O~rlottesville ~agisterisl District does not e~eeed
fifteen ~t5~ per cent of the assessed value of the taxable property of said district
according to the assessment last completed prior to the isstmnce of this bond, nor does
it e~ceed ~ny other limitation prescribed.~by the Constitution or statutes of the
Irate of Virginia.
By order of the Board of ~up~rvisor~-this. bond .is exempted from all
local taxation d~m~in§ the period for which it is issued.
In testimony whereof the Oonnty of Albemarle has caused this bond to
be signed by the Oimirman of the Board of ~upervisors and countersigned by the Olerk
thereof, and zmder the seal o~ the Board this 15th &ay of Oanusry 1922.
Ohs irm~s n
( counters i6ned
Porto of Ooupon
~25'.00 ~o....
On the !Sth day of July 1922, the Oounty of Albemarle obliges itself
to pay to bearer the sum of twenty-five dollars (-$25.00) at the county Treasurer's
Office, 0harlottesville, ~irginia or ~.arris, Porbes ~ Company, Corner Fine ~ Will,am
Streets, z~ew ~ork Oity, Z~ew ~ork, smmi-annual interest on bond No. of the
County of Albemarle.
Otto irman
l~ i~IAGIS?~t~L ~TRiCT
$1oo0.oo ~o.
Twenty-five years ~'fter date the Oounty of Albemarle, Virginia,
promises end obliges itself to pay to the bearer hereof
One Thonmand DolI~rs.
with interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum from date ~til paid,
principal end interest p~yable st the cowry Treasurer's Office, O~rlottesville,
Virginia, 0r ~arris, Forbes ~ Comspny, Corner of Pine & William ~treets, ~ew ~ork
City, f~ew xork, interest being represented by coupons hereto attached, payable ~on
the 15th day of Jan~ry and 15th day of ~uly in each year, ~til paid.
This bond is a portion of the bonds muthorized to be issued in ivy
l~gisterial District under 'the election held on the 26th day of April 1921, and duly
approved by the Court and by the Board of Supervisors which at their meeting held on
the 2nd day 0f Jsm~ry 1922, by ~ resolution, directed, the present issue of bonds
to be m~de; this bond being one of 75 bonds for one tho~nd dollars each issued under
the election and resolution aforesaid. These bonds are issued for road improvement
~ ivy ~mgisterial District, but the full faith ~nd credit off the entire Oounty of
2lbe~rle im hereby pledged for their pa~ent, and a tax is to be levied upon the
property in said District, to pay the interest on them mhd to create a sinki~ f~d
in sufficient smoomt to pay them on maturity.
It is hereby certified recited and declared that ell acts conditions
end things reouired to exist, happen or be performed precedent to and in the issuance
of this bond ~ve existed, have happened and have been performed in due time f~
end ~mnner as resuired by Raw, end that the ascot of this bond, together with all
other bonds issued on behalf of the ivy ~gagistsrisl District does not exceed fifteen
~15) per cent of the assessed value ~of the taxable property of said district according
to the ~sssssment last completed prior to the issuance off this bond, nor does it
exceed any other limitation prescribed by the 0onstitution or statutes of the ~tete
of Virgini~.
By order of the Bosrd of Supervisors this bond is exempted from all
local taxation during the period fo~ which it is issued.
In testimony whereof the County of-Albem~rle has caused this bond to be
signed by the 0hairnmn of the Board of ~upervi,sors and countersigned by the. Olerk
thereof, ~nd under the seal of the Board this 15th dsy of jsnuary 1922.
( counters igned ~ ____ 0lark
Form of Coupon
~25.00 ,z~o.
On the 15th day of july 1922, the County of ~lbemsrle obliges itself
to psy to bearer the s~ of twenty-five dollars ~-~25.00) at the County ~reasurer's
Office Ohsrlottesville, Virginia or ~srris, ~orbes ~ Oor~pany, Oorner Pine & willia~
streets, z~ew ~Ork City, ~ew ~ork, semi-~nnual interest on Bond ~,~o. ~ of the County
of Albemarle
0 h~ irma n
Uz~iT,~D oT2T~ O~'
C O~O~W~ L~i' ~ O~~
· EOAD B0i~9S
~1000. O0 i~ o.~.
Twenty-five yo~rs ~fter d~te tho ~ounty of Aibem~rle, VirgUle, promises ~nd obliges
itself to pay to the bs~rer hereof
One Thousand Dollars
with interest ~t the r~te of ~ive per cent ~%) per ~n~ from d~te ~-ltii p~id,
principal ~nd interest p~ble ~t the Oo~ty Tre~surer'~s Office, Charlottesville,
Virginia, or ~rris, ~orbes &Oompmny, corner of Pine & William Ztreets, ~ew ~ork
Oity, ~ew ~ork,~intorest being represented by coupo~ hereto attached, p~y~bie on
the l~th d~y of Omnuary ~nd 18th ~y of ~y in each year, ur~tit p~id.
This bond is ~ portion of the bonds ~uthorized to be issued in Rivmnn~
~gistorial District ~der the election held on the ~6th d~y of ~prii ig~l, ~nd
duly ~pproved by the ~ourt mhd by the Bo~rd of Supervisors which ~t their meeting
held on the ~nd d~y of ~mn~ry 19S~, by ~ resolution, directed, the present issue
of bonds ~o be m~de; this bond being one of 8~ bonds for one thousand ~oli~rs e~ch
issued under the election ~nd rosoiution aforesaid. These bonds ~re issued for ro~d
improwment ~ ~iva~.m m~gisterimi District, but the f~l f~ith ~nd credit~ of the
entire County of ~ibemarie is hereby pledged for their p~ent, ~nd ~ t~ is to be
levied upon the property in s~id District, to p~y the interest on them mhd to create
~ sinking fund in sufficient ~mo~t to p~y them on ~t~ity..
it is hereby certified recited ~nd de~i~r~d that ~ii acts conditions ~nd
things required to exist, h~ppen or be performed precedent to ~nd in the ~s~nce
of this bond have existed, have ~ppened ~nd h~ve been p~rfOrmed in due time
and manner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all
other bonds issued on behalf of the nivanna i~iagisterial District does not exceed fif-
teen (15~ per cent of the assessed value of the taxable property of said district
according to the assessment last completed prior to the issuance of this bond, nor
does it exceed any other limitation prescribed by the constitution or statutes of
the ~tat. e of Virginia.
By order of the' Board of ~upervisors this bond is exemoted from all
local taxation during the period for which it is issued.
in testimony whereof the county of ~lbemsrle has csused this bond to b
signed by the Oh~irm~n of the Board of Supervisors and countersigned by the 01erk ther
of, and under the seal of the Board this 15th day of ~anuary 1922.
~ ×ounters igned) ........
C ha irma n
Form of Ouupon
~25.00 No.
On the 15th day of July 1922, the OoUnty of ~lbemarie obliges itself
to pay ~o bearer the sum of Twenty-five dollars ~25.00)at the Oounty Treasurer's
Office Charlottesville, ¥irginia or ~arris, Porbes ~ Oompsny, Oorner Pine s: William
of the Oounty
Ohs irman
~1000.00 f~o.
~ t
Twenty-five years affter date the ~o~ y of Albemarle, Virginia,
promises and obliges itself to pay the hearer hereof
One Tho~and Dol!srs
with interest st the rate off five ~r cent ~5%) per mnn~ from d~te until p~id,
principal end interest psyable st the 0o~ty '~.reasurer's Office 0hsrlottesville,
ginis, or ffsrris, ~orbes ~ Company, 0orner of Fine m William mtreets, z~ew kork
Oity, ~ew zork, interest being re-oreaented by Ooupons hereto attached, psysble on the
15th day of January and 15th day of july in e~ch year, until paid,
This bond. is a portion of the bonds authorized to be issued ~ ~cott-
sville ~agisterial District under the election held on the 8th day of ~ovember 1921,
and duly ~pproved by the oo~t and by the .Oosrd off mupervisors which st their meeting
held on the2n~ day of january 1922, by ~ resolution, directed, theo~resenb~ issue
of bonds to be mede,' this bond being one of 205 bonds for one thousand dolJ~sro~ ~ each
issued muder the election and resolution aforesaid. These bonds ere issued for ro~d
improvement in ~cottsvilie m~gisterial District, but the full f~ith ~nd credit of
the en~i~e Oo-~ty of ~lbemsrle is hereby pledged for their p~ent, end a tax is to
b'e levied ~on the property in said District, to pay the interest on them and to crest
~ sinking fund in sufficient smoot to p~y them on ~turity.
It is hereby certified recited end de~sred that ail acts conditions
and things recruited to exist, happen or be perfo_medr precedent to and in the issuanc,e
of this bond have existed, have happened an8 have been performed in due time f~rm
and m~nner as reauired by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all
other bonds issued on behalf of the ~cottsville ~agisterial District does not exceed
fifteen ~15~ per cent of the assessed value of the taxable property of said district
according to the assessment last completed prior to the issuance of this bond, nor does
it exceed any other lin~itation prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of the
State of Virginia.
By order of the Board of oupervisors this. bond is exempted from all local
taxation during the pariod for which it is issued.
In Testi~ony Whereof the County of ~!bem~rle has caused this bond to be
signed by the Chairman of the ~oard of ~upervisors and countersigned by the Clerk
thereof, and under the seal of the ~osrd this 15th day of ~snusry 192E.
Ohs irman
( counters igned ~ ~lerk
~'orm of Coupon
.:.~ ~ 5.00 ~o,
On the 15th day of ~uly 1922, the 0ounty of ~lben~rle obliges itself to
pay to bearer the s'oa~n of tv~enty-five dollars ~25,00) at the .County Treasurer's
Office Ob~rlottesville, Virginia or ~arris, ~orbes m Uompany, corner Pine m William
Streets, ~;ew York City, ~ew k-ork, semi-annual interest on Bond ~oo
County of ~lbemarle.
of the
In the matte_ of appropriation for the County ~_esl~h Board.
On motion of O.P~rcell ~cOue and seconded by ~.A.Oalhoun it is ordered
that the sum of ~ be appropriated for the ~ealth Board o£ the County of
Polled vote: Aye, O.Pu~cell ~,~cOue, ~,~.Oa~ho~n, and l~oliis Xinehsrt
~o. ~'.~.Fray and O.~.~_ler