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At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~ibe~wr!e County held at the Court ~ouse of said Ootzuty on the 15th day of February 1922, Present: Hollis r~inehsrt, Chairman, ~.2~t.~ray, ~.~.Oslho~m, O.Purcell ~cCue and ¢.2.~iller The minutes of the lsat meeting~were res~ and approved. Upon motion of ~.m.~;ray, duly seconded, by unanimous vote of all present, the following preamble and resolution were adopted, Whereas, it is deei~d'~sdvisable and for the best interests of the Oounty that the value of the offices on Court ~ouse ~quare, owned by the several gentle- men named below, respectively, erected under resolutions as set out below, be fixed by mmtual agreement at the sums set out below, payable by the ooun" ty as below provided, rather than by arbitration, which course also said gentlemen lave indicated they prefelr, desiring to avoid controversy, ms~OLYgD, That the amounts to be paid to. the several owners of offices named below, for said offices pursuant to resolution of this Board passed April 29th 1921, be fixed as follows, payable by note of the 0ounty to said gentlemen, respactiv- ely, o~e year after this date, bearing six per cent interest, viz: To ~r W..~llan Perkins, ovmer of ~h~ offices built by watson m Perkins under agreement with the ~oard embodied in resolution of the ~o~srd entered ~ovem- ber 19th 18V8, and in resolution of the Board en- tered ~eptember 30, 1892, ~800.00 To -~. ~.~i.~ic~utt, o~er of offices built by ~assie under resolution of the ~oard entered ~ovem- her 19, 18~8, end by 0Ohn:-B.~ioon ~mder resolution of the ~oard entered ~eptember 30, 1892, 800.00 To Horn j~ohn ~.rishburne, owner of the ground floor office built by J~mes D.0ones under re- solutions of the ~oard entered june 29, 1874, and ~.~ovember 19th 1~8. 500.00 In consideration of sa id sums, evidenced by notes as aforesaid, the Oounzy shall acsuire the buildings aforesaid, and all rights of the aforesaid gentle- men under the resolutions aforesaid or otherwise in the Court ~io~use oqusre shall be ext~a~u~shed and discharged bu the heating p~ants and lighting fixtures, piping end wiring shell be excepted mhd reserved to the respective owners, nor shell the right of said gentlemen; respectively, to remove additions built by them to said buildings ur~der other p~mission of the Board be affected by said agreement. ~iothing herein contained shall affect the obligation of said gentlemen '~to p~y rent so long as they, or their lessees, have been, or may be in occupation of said offices respectively; possession of said o£'fices, sh~ll be delivered forthwith upon del. ivery of said notes. Hesolved ~ther, 'that the Chairman be and he is a~thorised to enter into contract, in such form as by him may be approved, with said ge~tlemen, respectivel: settling said values at said sams, respectively, and szipulating in respect to said offices to the foregoing effect. b~on motion of j.l~.rray, duly seconded, by unanimous vote of all present, the following preambel and resolution was adopted w~i~z~, it is deemed wise to compromise and settle the ri£~hts of ~eerge ~ilmer as assignee of ~.~'.~arly and Drury ~ood u~u~er n~~~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ......... entered ~ovember 6th, 1855, in respect to construction of an office on Court House S~m~re, by payment hereinafter provided. EESOLV~D, .~.~mt in consideration of the release by said George Gilmer of all right or claim under said reBolution of the 0ounty Court or otherwise, in said building ~except the heating plant and lighting fixtures, piping and wiring, therein or other improvements made by ~T:~nk Gilmer and George Gilmer), the O0unty pay to said George Gilmer the sum of ~800.00 to be evidenced by note of the Oounty payable one year after this dat~ for said sum end bearing six per cent interest. But such release by said Gilmer shall nob affect his right to remove additions to said building erected under permission of this board; and said Gilmer shall pay the amounts stipulated in said order of the Oounty Court of ~ovember 6th, 1855, and in the order of this Board whereby sa id addition wes erected, to December 3lst 1921, so far as in arresr. RFSOL]~D FURTP~R, That the Chairman of this Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Ootmty, no~e as above provided and to exec. ute on behalf of this Board contract with said George Gilmer, in form approved by him, to the foregoing effect. Resolved, That C.E,Btarkv~eather be ~nd' he is hereby appointed a.rbitrstor to fix the value of the office building on Oourt House Square now owned by O.D. ShsckeIford, being the second story of th~ building erected under resolution of this Board entered June 29, 18V4, as modiffied by 'resolution ~ntered l~ovember 19th 1874. And th~ Clerk of the Board is directed to notify said Shackelfored of said appointment arid request 'that said ~h~ckelford shall forthwith appoint sn arbitrator that the arbitration contemplated and required under said resolutions may be had. In the matter of an appropriation for ~'orest ~ire Prot~ctioh for ~lbem~rle on motion duly seconded it is ordered that the sum o£ ~00.00 be appropriated as the County~'~,s cart for said protection. The following c!aim, s weme presented examinted allowed and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment, viz:--- Albemarle Telephone Oo. ~lbemarle Home Hutu~l z~ire ins. 0o, Dr. Batesville Printing 0o. Oolonisl Hotel Chamber of Commerce S. ~,. Ca lhoun Chville ice 0o. Dr. j~.S .Davis Daily Progress Bess ie Dunn Treasurers office tee.. Assessment 3 ~ 4 Luna cy Stationery Juries in ~,ockett & Sparks Five memberships Expenses to Richmond Ice ~c. ~una cy ~ds. Hom~ Demon ~ov, Dec and ~an 43.20 77.90 5.00 2 27.00 125.00 1t .65 SS. 60 5.00 15.50 175.02 W .~. Ei! ingt on Frick Bros £~I. ~*a rland ~. ~a rla nd J.W .~opkins Dr. J,E.Esrly H.R. ~ orve I! E,W, Oo!es J. S. Cr~ in ~oodloe Outhsrland C.~.~trange H.B.wooddey ira ~cC8 ry Richard ~ry Houchens Dr. H. ~{.Wi!!i~ms G.W .Smith ~.'Y,~utherland G ,.W .White W, E, ~ hepherd E,R.S~therland Duck James ~ orvell joe ~rry mowyer J.H.~rooks 0.W.Simpson ~ rtin Flessants walker 0srter Hobert Bra ckett ~ndrew Tompkins ~?.~ .Kinney Oeorge ~efferson Sidney ~srne tt L, ¥, rounds y Andrew ~ or yell Jail, ~ claims Jail, Lamps Luna cy Cor. I 6 Special Lunacy .Luna cy ~ una cy Corners Cor. Jury Ocr. ~ury Cor~ ~ury Cot. ~ury Ocr. J~y Cor. jury O or jury Cor,. jury Cor. jury Ocr. Jury Cor. ~ury Ocr. ~ury Cor. jury- Cot. jUry Ocr. Jury Ocr. jury Cot. -~ury Cor. ~ury C or. ~ury Cot. Jury Cor. jury O or. Jury Ocr. ~mry Cot. jury Ocr. Jury Cor. Jury Cor. ~ury 0 or. ~ur y ocr, ~ury C or. Jury u or.~ Jury Ocr. jury Ocr. oury Ocr. ~uiry Ocr. Jury Ocr. ~ury Ocr. Jury Cor. J~ry c!a ins ~ 0onstable inquest 7.05 1 3.05 18.00 2.00 5.75 5.65 5il0 4.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 !. 50 1.00 1.00 1 .~00 I.~© 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0~0 i.00 1.00 !.~00 t.00 !.00 1.00 1. O0 1.00 ! .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 !.00 1.00 1.00 !.00 i 1.00 ! .,OO t.00 t.00 1. O0 1.00 H.L .I~orvell Sam Csry Dr. H.~.Wiili~ms O.G.'~reer H.~.Gleason & 0o. A..~.Hasting, ~sst St. Porester Z .M.Harrington ~. ~.H~rlow g~s F. Houchems O~rm~n ~ook ~tore wm. M~nn Co. S ~b er-~n~mda!e 0o. O. Purcell ~cC ue J. ~i. ~rm y Hollis nineh~rt ~.C.Tho~s F~. Co. o .~,¢.Thoma s Virgini~ St~t ionery Virgini~ Frimtimg i. N.~en Voorhis J.~.White 0o. Shepherd ¥~oods on Wood, Vest ~ ~o. Cl~e H. z~rdley Olsude ~.~ardley W. ~bbott ~mith E. ~' · Ga rth Euss ell Bradford ;no. T.Wis e D. ~. ~'owle r F .H. 0a lhoun 'T .E. wa tt s A. ~. ~surne t t P. V~. t~orvell m. z~. ~l~ nna gan ~i~; J. ;ohnson G. ~.Bishop 0 .T. ~ lle n ~)d. Parrott G.W.Smith L.z~ .Tripple tt C.~.D~ett Oh~s T.Pmge ~.T, Ho uchens E.E.Nay Cor. Jury . . Oor. jury Cor. Jury Cot. i~quest Col ~ome Demon. ~2 mos.) 0uteside ~aipers etc, ~'orest Fire protection ~egistrar ~epairing voting booth ~ail etc. Ststionery L~w order book Bonds etc. E~penses to Richnm~d ~efund for blood hounds Tree. Oapation Book Ststionery ~or Tree. Ststionery of Clerk's office Outside psupers Gusrding Lockett S~ Sparks Kindling wood Lun~ cy Cot. Inquest Cor. jury Cor jury Oor. jury Cor. jury Oor. ~ury Cot. ~ury Oor. ~ury Oor ~ Jury Cot. J~mry cot. ~ury Cot.. Jury Cot. ~ury Oor. Jury C o r. Otu~ y C o r. Jut y Cot. Jury Outside p~ upers 0utside p~upers Outside pa upers Outs ide psupers Outside paupers 1. O0 1.00 1.00 5. O0 60. O0 101 .VO 29J.00 8.90 2.50 9.00 ~i .70 ~!.Vt 115,25 21.08 23,4:1 23,41 22.50 40.45 50.2V 12,00 16,75 44. O0 8.00 2,00 21.00 $.00 D..O0 2.00 2,00 2. O0 2,00. 2.00 2,00 2. O0 2, O0 2,00 2,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 !.00 JO. O0 52.50 tS .00 ~.60 12.00 C. 0 .~-o ods on Oovesv~!!e Supply Co J. ~.Sprouse Smith pros Outs ids ps upe rs Outs ids paupers OBtsids paupers Outs ids pa upe rs !3, 50 56.00 43, 50 59.50 On motion of ~.A.Oalhoun and seconded by J._~{.~ray the following res oltut ion was adopted: Be it resolved that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle, virginia, unanimously recommended to the Hon. ~cDonald ~,ee, Game ~ ~ish Commissioner, the re- appointment of ~_elton jones as Game ~arden. At a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemsrte. County,~ held at the Oourt House 0f said County on the 23~ day of February 1922, Fresent: Hollis ~<inehart, Chi~rman, j.~l.~ray, S.B,Oalhoun, C.Purcell ~icOue. The minutes of the last meeting were read ~nd approved, On motion of O.Purcell ~cOue and seconded by B.A,Oa~houn the following ~esolution was unanimously ~dopted. ~n ~ct to authorize the Board of ~upervisors of ~lbemarle County to negoti~ ~ loan and issue bonds of said County for the purpose of improving the public highways in Samuel -~ailler magisterial district o£ said County, ~nd to levy a special district tax in said district to p~y said bonds and the interest thereon. (1) Be it enacted hy the,~genera! assembly of ¥ifginia, that the boa rd of ~ ' ~ ~uperv~sors of ~lbemarle County be, and is hereby authorized to negotiate a can from time to time and issue bonds of said County therefor, for an aggregate amount no~ exceeding fifty thousand dollars ~50,000.00) to be used in the permanent improve- ment and msint'enance of the public roads in Samuel Miller magisterial district of said Oounty, leading from oSste Highway l~umber l~ine ~9) at ~Srownsville to the ~iller School in ~smuel k£iller Dis trier. i2) That the bonds to be issued hereunder shall bear interest at the rate of not more than five per .oentum ~5~ per annum., payable semi-annually, shall be issued by the board of SupervisOrs of such County and shall be signed by the Chairman~ of said board of Supervisors and h~ve the seal of said Board attached and attested by the clerk of said board, and shall be in such denomination and payable at such time or times as the board of ~upervisors may elect, and said bonds shall not be sold st less than par, and each of said bonds issued hereunder shall here oritten or printed on