HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-02-22o .¢ .~'o ods on Oovesvil!e ~upply Co j.~.Sprouse Smith ~ros Outside paupers Outside paupers Outside paupers Outs ide pa upe rs 15.50 56.00 45.50 59.50 On motion of $.A.Oalhoun and seconded by j.~.Pray the following res oltut ion was adopted: Be it resolved that the Board of Supervisors of Albe~mrle, ~irginia, unanimously recommended to the Hon. £~cDonald ~ee, ~ame m ~ish Commissioner, the re- appointment of ~elton ~ones as Game ~arden. ~t a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~'ibemarle. Oounty,~ held at the Court House Of said County on the 23r~ day o£ February 1922, Fresent: Hollis minehart, Chi~r-n~n, j.~/~.~ray, ~.A.Oalhoun, C.Purcell ~cCue. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved., On motion of C.Purcell mcOue and seconded by $.A.Oa~hoUn the following ~esolution was unanimously adopted. An Act to authorize the Board off Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty to negotia~te s loan and issue bonds of said County for the purpose of improving the public hio~hways in Samuel miller magisterial district of said Coomty, ~nd to levy a special district tax in said district to pay said bonds and the interest thereon. (1) Be it enacted hy the,, gene ral assembly of virginia, that the board of Supervisors of ~lbemsrle County be. and is hereby authorized to negotiate a ~ from time to time and issue bonds of said County therefor, for an aggregate amount nol exceeding fifty thousand dollars ~50,000.00) to be used in the permanent improve- ment and maint'enance of the public roads in Samuel ~Iiller magisterial district of said Oounty, leading from ~2~te Highway l~umber ~ine ~91 at Brownsville to the ~-~iller School in Samuel A~iller District. I2) That the bonds to be issued heretuuder shall bear interest at the rate of not more than five per c~ntum ~5~$) per annum, payabl~e semi-annually, shall be issued by the board of ~upervis~rs of such Oounty and shall be signed by the Chairmen of said board of Supervisors and have the seal of said Board attached and attested by the clerk of said board, and shall be in such denomination and payable at such time or times as the bo~_rd of ~upervisors may elect, and said bonds shall not be sold at less than par, and each of said bonds issued hereunder shall h~ve qritten or printed on oa n the face thereof the following words, to-wit: "This _bondland the'interest thereon is to b~ paid by a special tax $o be leviad on-the district in the Oo~nty of Albemarle known ss Samuel ~ill.e.r ~iagisterial District.'~- (~ T'he-bosrd of Supervisors of~lbe~m~rle County, after daid lo~n has been noegti_~ted and the bonds issued, when the county levey is mede or imposed in said County, shall levy s t~x on all property now or hereafter liable to levy in that part of ssi~ county known as ~amuel ~iller ~agisterial District, s~£ficient to meet the interest on said bonds as it natures, and to create a sinking fund to pay the principal thereof, the amount of said sinking fund to be fi~ed by said Board, and to be invested by the Treasurer of ss id County, under the supervision and direction of said ~oard of Supervisors in such manner as said ~oard may direct, until the same ~hall be needed to pay the principa'l of said bonds and shall then be used for that purpose, and from year to year said levy or assessment stall be mede es long as it m~y be necessary to meet said interest ~nd to provide for the payment of the principal of said bonds, and r~o ta~'~shsll be levied for the p~pose of paying any bonds ~mo~,~der this act nor the interest thereon in any other part of said Oountyo (~) ~or the reason that an emergency exists in this d, istrict, this shall be in force from its passage. On motion of j.z~.£-ray and Seconded by SoA.Oelhoun the following resolution wes unani~ously adopted: -- .~N f~OT to authorize the board of Supervisors of ~lbemarle County to negotiate a loan and issue bonds of said Oouht~~ for the purpose of improving the. Court ~o~e of said County, and to levy s special County tax in said County to pay said bonds end the interest thereon. (l~ Be it enacted by the g~n'eral assembly of Virginia, that the Board off Supervisors of 21bemarle County, ~e and is hereby authorized to negotiate a loan from time to time and issue bonds of said county therefor, for an aggregate ~m~.o~mut not exceeding ~,_zteen Thousand Dollars ~!o,000.00), to be used in the improvement o£ the Oourt Mouse of ss id County.. (2~ That~the ~onds to be issued hereunder shall bear interest at the rate of not more th~n five per centum ~5?~-per annum, payable' semi-annually, shall be issued by the board of supervisors of such county and shall be signed by the ctmirman of said board of supervisors ~nd have the seal of said board attached and attested by the Clerk of said board, and shall be i~ such denomination and payable st such time or times ss the board of supervisors may elect, and said bonds s~mll not be sold at less than par, and each of said bonds issued hereunder shall have written or printed on the face thereof the following words, to-wit: "This bond ~nd the iht-- crest thereon is to be paid by a special -tax to be levied in the County of Albemarle-. ~-3~ The board of ~upervisors of ~lbemarle County, after said loan has been negotiated and the bonds issued, when the county levy is :nsde or imposed in said 0ot, mty, hhsll levy s tax on all property now or hereafter liable to levy in said Co~z~ty sufficient to meet the interest on said bonds ~s they mature, and to create a sinking fund to pay the principal thereof, the amount of said sinking fund to be fi~ed by said Board, and to be invested by the Treasurer of said 0o~m~y, under the supervision and direction of said Board of Sup ervi~ ors in,such manner as said Board may direct,-until the same shall be needed to-pay the principal of said bonds and shall then be used for that purpose, and from year to year said levy or assessment shall be made as long as it may be necessary to uueet said interest and t.o provide for the pa~nent 'of the principal of said bonds. (41 For the reason that an emergency exists this act shall be in force from its passage. At a regular meeting of the Board of ~,upervisors of ~lbemsrle Country held at the Court House of said County on the 15th day of ~mrch 1922. Present: I~oi!is ~ineha~t Chairman, ~.A Calhoun, O Purcell ~,,~cOue, j.L.Pitts and O,A,l~i!ler The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following resolution was unanimously adopted. Eesolved: That all resolutions previously adopted by this Board with reference to the sale of ~$0,000~00 of 5% ~8 year Albemarle County Road Bonds are her.eby recinded and that the following bid of ~,E~i~olting & Co~.pany for the total issue of ~SZ0,O00.O0 of Albemarle County ~% S~ year Bonds is hereby accepted. Richmond Vi~ ginia. ~ebru~ry ES, !gEE. The Board of S~ervisors of Albemarle County, Ghariottesville Virginia. Gentlemen :-- Pot the ~e£O,O00.00 of Albera~rle County, Virginia 5~ Ro~d Bonds to be issued for the various Districts of your county, we are pleased to bid you par and accrued interest to date of delivery, subject to the i~ga!ity of the issue and sale ' of the bonds b~ing approved by our Attorney. If this bid is accepted, we will be pleased to have the to,al amount 'of bonds iacreased by ~t10,000,00 which increase is to come to us at the s~me price and under the same conditions making a torsi o~ ~530,000.00. Very t~u±y yours, ~.E.i~olting & Oo~pany.