HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-03-15m~y direct,-until the same shall be needed to pay the principal of said bonds and
shall then be used for that purpose, and from year to year said levy or assessment
shall be made as long ss it may be necessary to meet said interest mhd to provide
for the payment 'of the principal of said bonds.
(4) ~or the reason that an emergency e~ists this act shall be in
force frOm its passage.
At a regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemer].e County
held at the Court House of said County on the 15th day of ~rch 1922. Present: Nollis
z~inehsrt, Chairman, ~.A.Oalhotua, O.Purcell ~,:cOue, j.L.Pitts and O,'~.iffiller.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted.
Resolved: That ell resolutions previously adopted by this Board with
reference to the sale of ~530,000~00 of 5% 25 year Albemarle 0ounty Road ~onds are
hereby recinded and that the following bid of ~.~±~olting & Company for the total
issue of ~5~0,O00.00 of Albemarle Comity 5% 25 year Bonds is hereby accepted.
The Board o£ Supervisors o£ Albemarle County,
Charlottesville ~?irginia.
Richmond Virginia.
~ebruary 25, 1922.
Pot the ~420,000.00 of ~lbe:rs. rle County, ¥irgini~ 5~ Road Bonds to be
issued for the various Districts of your county, we are pleased to bid you par and
accrued interest to date of delivery, subject to the l~gality of the issue and sale
of the bonds b~ing approved by our Attorney.
If this bid is accepted, we will be pleased to have the t0zal amount
of bonds increased by ~ll0,000.00 which increase is to come to us at the same price
and under the same conditions making a total of ~530,000.00.
Very truly yours,
~.~.£~io!ting & oom.pany.
A delegation of citizens appeared before the Board and asked that a bridge
over Stockton's Oreek at Oampbells ford be built and after d.iscussing the matter
thoroughly on motion of C.Pureell a~cOue and seconded by J.I~,Fitts, it is ordered
that the matter be~-continued to 'the next regular meeting of the Board.
~ delegation of citizens from $cottsville appeared and requested the
Board to make an appropriation for s mew High School building at ~cottsville as the
old School building was not large enough to take care of the incressing.mamber of
pupils, and the board after descussing the matter was of opinion that the county revenue
did not j~sti£y an appropriation at this time and continued the matter to a future
meeting of the Board.
In the matter of the calling of an extra session of the Virginia Legislature
to take up the ~uestion of the ~tate issuing ~12,000.000.00 of bonds for good roads,
on motion of C.Purcell ~/icOue and seconded by O.~,~ailler be it ilesolved that the Board
of Supervisors of 21be=~rle Oounty is ~manimously in favor of the aforesaid bond issue
and t?~t the representatives of this County be reeuested to vote for the ~oonds and
the gasoline tax.
in the matter of the iied Hill ROad it is ordered tha~ H.E.Lee, County
Fngineer go over the proposed change and report back ~o the Board st its next abating.
in the m~tter of the pay of~engineerson the vm.rious districts roads, ~e
it resolved that each district pay out of the bond issue fund for engineering work
done within the District and that the salary o£ ~,E.Lee, 0ounty ~gineer, be increased'
~50.00 per month during the encreased work caused by the Building of the various
district roads.
The following claims were presented, exsmined allowed and om~e~e~d,e~o be
certified to the Treasurer for pe,yment, viz:--
J. 0 · Sarks dale
B .I ,~¥o od
C.&.~ .Ry. Co.
~itchs' Pharmacy
Irving-Way-Hill Co,
C .G.Greer
Jarman Book Store
Eelton Jones
Jas. H.Eidd
W. L. lv~a up in
Southern Sanitary 0o.
W,~ .Smith
I~ .B.Parrott
Jury Oommr. ,~
Jury Oommr.
~a il
Draping court House
Col. z~'arm. Dem.
Treas. Office
Sal. Dec. Jan & ~eb.
Outside Pampers
for spreading & indexing
salss to Oom, etc.
s/5 of 6o.5o
~uard at J~il
Guard st Jail
10. O0
50. O0
gzi. O0
5. O0
of Sl.OO lS.6o
Legal ~'orms 18.50
Luna cy 5. O0
5una cy 5.00
~una c y 2. O0
Luna cy 2.50
Bt m special meeting of the Board of.~upervisors of Blbem~rle County
held st the Co~rt Ho.use of said County on the 3lst day of ~fiarch 1922, Present:
Hollis Rinehart, Chairman, ~.~.Oalhoun, J.~.~r~y, O.Purcell ~tcCue, J,L.Pitts end
~ .2 ,~gill er.
The minutes of the last meeting were reed an epproved
On motion of O.Purcell mcCue and seconded by j.L,Pitts it is ordered
t~h~t the 19~S State ~id money be appropriated, to the completion of the road from
Scottsville to Oharlottesville, the following two years of the State Bid money be
appropriated to the completion of the road from ~hsrlottesville to ~reene County
line by way of Hydraulic, n'srlysville and Advance ~ills.
Bll voting Ln the affirmative except ~.B.i~iller.
Be it ordained by the Board of ~uperviso~rs of the County of
~lbemerle that it shall be unlewful for eny.person, or persons, driving vehicles on
the road known as the "Scottsville i~oad", leading from Ob~rlottesville to Scotts-
villa, to drive to the right or left off of the concrete road, for the purpose of
scotching' or bm~ea~ing said vehicles, or for any po~pose other then the purpose of
adoiding an accident or passing a vehicle.
Bny person violating this r~!e and regulation, adopted by the Board
of Supervisors, shall be deemed guildy o£ a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall
be fined not less than five dollars (~8o00) or more than fifty dollars {~80.00),
for each offence within the .discretion o£ the Justice, or Jo~tices, court trying
the case.