HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-03-31]!l.0.~Thon~s Pur. Co. Va. Printing 0o. Dr. Dr. j. Page l~elson J.W. Wolfe ~.L.Snead Leg. al Forms 18.50 !,una cy ~. O0 Lunacy 5.00 Lunscy ~. O0 Luna cy ~. 50 Bt a special' meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of ~Blbem~ris County held at the Court House of said County on the ~lst day of ~Iarch 19gE, Present: Hollis Rinehart, Ohsirman, B.A.Oalhoun, J.t{.Fray, C.Purcell ~lcOue, J,~.Pitts and C .B .}fill er. The minutes of the last meeting were read an approved On motion of O.Purcell ~IcCue and seconded by j.L.Pitts i~ is ordered that the 19~ State Aid money be appropriated to the Completion of the road from Seottsville to Oharlottesville, the following two years of the State Bid money be appropriated to the comoletion of the road from ~hsrlottesville to ereene County line by way of Hydra,ulic, s~arlysville and Bdvance ~ills. ~ll voting in the affirmative except .~.B.~iiller. Be it ordained by. the Board of ~upsrvisors of the County of ~lbemarle that it shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, driving vehicles on the road Plown ss the '~Scottsville Eoad", leading fron~ 0harlottesvml_e to Scotts- villa, to drive to the right or left off of the concrete road, ~for the purpose of scotching' or bm~ea~ing said vehicles, or for any purpose other than the purpose of sdoiding an accident or passing a vehicle. Any person violating this r~le and regulation, adopted by the Board of Supervisors, shall be deep, ed guildy of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than five dollars ~8.00) or more than fifty dollars {~80.0©), for each offence within the .discretion of the justice, or Justices, court trying the case. On the application of R,E.~ee for a c~n~z.~ge or relocation of the Free Union Ro~d between ~oodson's Store and Boonesviile through the lend of James Thomas, ~mUd~ ~'~lker, ~iley, Joe i~supin, H.C.~,~[iller snd ~ougl~s, it is ordered that Stsr~e~!ther, H.E.Olsrke, ~.O.B~ker, O.A.Green ~nd Hay ~.~sr ~ck be ~ppo~nt~ viewers,, after being first duly sworn, to view the gro~d, and report to the Board the conven- iences and ~conveniences t~t will result as well to individuals ss to t~ public, if such road change shall be ss proposed, and especially whether ~y yes~, garden, orchard, or any part thereof L~ill in such case, h~ve to be taken; end the s~id viewers shall ~lso ascertain and report to Board, whether the said road will be one of such mere private convenience, as to make it proper t~t it shoed be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it-is desireed.- They s~ll particularly reDort the facts and circumstances in their opinion t~eful in enabling the Board to deter~ine the expendiency of establishing or altering the road or lending. They may exstuine other routes than that proposed for .any road, ~nd report in favor of the one ~hey prefer ~.~h the reasons for their prefference. They shall report the ns~ues of the land owners on such route, and state which of the~ reauire compensation, the probable antount, in the opinion of the vi~weres, to which such party may be entitled, end shy other ~tter which they may deem pertinent. A map or disgrao~ of such reute shmll be returned with their report om the 19th day of April. On motion of ~.l[.~ray end seconded by O.Purcell ~,~icOue it is ordered that R.E.Lee, County t~_anager be instructed to -get bids for the painting and repairing df the County Oourt House