HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-04-19 At ~ regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemarle Countyl
held at the Court house of said County on the 19th day of April 192B. ~resent:
Holtis Rinehart, Chairman, S,A.0alhoun, C.Purcell i~icOue, ~,~,. Pitts, ~.~.~ray and
C. ~ .l~{ille r.
The. minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Eesolved- That pursuant to provisions of an ~ct Concerning P ~blzc
Service Oorporations, Code of ¥~. of 1919 Section 4037; the Charlottesville and
Albemarle Emilwsy Company, a corporation chartered l~ovember 18th, 1903, mhd doing
business' under the laws of the° State of Virginia, be, ~nd hereby is authorized and
empowered to occupy and use the public r~sds and highways of ~lbem~rle Oounty for the
purpose of laying conduits, or electrict posts or poles along, over or under the same,
to contain or carry the wires, cables and fixtures necessary for conducting and distri~
electric current in such quantities as may be necessary for the general commercial pur~
of supplying light, power and host to customers thereof, it being expressly understood
that this authority is given said Company subject to all the provisions, restrictions.,
limitstions and conditions set out in Section 403~ & 4038 of the Code of Virgini~ of
1919, and also subject to the following terms, regulations and restrictions hereby
imposed by this Board, that all posts or poles erected under the foregoing authority
shall be so located as in no way to interfere with the safety and convenience of
persons trsveling over 'and along said public roads; the said posts or poles or conduit~
s.b~ll be placed as nearly as practicable on the outside edge of the right of ~ray of
such road,~ outsid~ .the drains of such road, as not to ir~terfere with the free mhd
proper working mhd repmir'~ng ~ Such rsmds and drsins. Moreover, all wires or c~bles
fastened upon posts or poles or other wires located overhead as aforesaid shall be
securely placed st the height of not less than 20 feet above all roads crossed and 23
feet ab~e railroads crossings at grade~ and in case of change of any location in any
public road said poles, wires &c shall be moved to such new location mhd the County
under no circumstances to be st any expenoe.
ut lng
in the matter of the relocation of the county road from ~oodson's
Store to Boonesville through the. lands of J.J. Thomas, P,Eiley, and Geo. ~.Douglms
the viewers report filed this d~y was adopted and ordered to be spread, viz':--
Viewers' Eeport
~TA?~ 0~ ViR$iN!~
OOUNT'~ 0~~ ,~LBg~i~ELE TO ~IT:~2
I, ~¢.L',~upin, Jr. a Deputy Clerk in and for said County in said
State do certify that 0.E.~tarkweslther, Ray W.~,mrrick, C.2.Green, ~.B.Olsrk and
Bsker appointed by the Board of Supervisors of ~lbem2rle Oounty at the meeting held on
the 31st day of f~arch 1922 upon the qaestion and expediency of relocatin~ ~ cou2ty
leading from ~oodson's store to Boonesville through the lands of ~as Thomas, ~,. ~iley,
~ George Douglas personally sppeared before me in, my sm id county mhd beingl
duly sworn made oath that they would fsit.hful!y and impsrtia!ly discharged their
duties ss such viewers.
~iven under my hand this llth day of April 192~.
~.Y,.i~supin; or. Deputy Clerk.
i~'o the Honorable Board of Oupervisors of the County of Albemarle:--
The undersigned viewers appointed by your order nmde on the Jlst day
of ~,mrch 1922, respectfully report that we met upon the lands proposed to be taken
for a public road running through the lands of Jas Thomas, Z~.i~iley end 6eo, Douglas
on llth day of April 1922 and report thereupon ss follo~:--
1st. The convenience or inconvenience that will result as well to
individuals ~s to the public is ss follows: The Board unanimously approved the
line projected by the County h~ngineer through James Thomas and approved of a new line
through property of ~'.~iley, date for which is in the hands of the ~ngineer, elimina-
ting the proposed road through Luda ~alker and furthermore unani~ously approved
proposed change through Geo. Douglas ss reccomended by Ooungy Eu~gineer. ~
2nd. The said ro~d will not be one of such mere private convenience
ss to make it proper that it shoed be opened and kept in order by the person or
persons for whose convenience-it is desired.
The Board unanio~ously decided that no damages were sustained by any
o~ these property owners invol~ed.
Jrd. z~o yard, garden or orchard will have to te ta.ken. Excepting
apple trees on property of ~'.Eiley who released the 0ounty from ~ll obligation,
through the distruction of Zhese -trees..
4th The n~mes of the land owners on such route are as follows:
Mr. ~ames Thomas
~. ~.*~iley
~,~ George Douglas.
5th The following ?amed of said l~nd owners required compensation:
Unanimously decided no compensation wsranted in the cases, of James
Thomas, F.Riley and Geo. Douglas.
6th. A ~ust compensstion to the lend owners requiring compensation
for the said lend so taken end for the damage to the residue of the tract beyo~d
the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road or
landing to be established are as follows:
Unanimously decided the benefits over balance any theoretical danmbe.
cth. The following are the other facts and circumstances ~hi~h in the
opinion of yomr viewers ere useful in enabling your Board to determine the expediency
of establishing o.r altering the said road.
In ability to get.s proper~ grade.along old road bed.
They herewith return s map of the proposed route, map in possession
of County Engineer.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
Clarence E,Stsrk~,~esther
Ray ~. Warrick
J.J,Thomas and Geo. ~.Doug!as apo~ared in person and ~.Eile by
counsel an objected to the Viewers report and requested that commissioners be
appointed to assess the damage if any. Therefore on motion duly seconded it is
ordered that Harry Allen, H.~, Bowen, H.O.~mmeson, C.D.L,Perk~s end E.E.Tu~er be
~ppointed commissioners whose d'uty sh~ll be to meet ~t ~¥eedson's ~ ~nd go over
the proposed ro~d ~sked for from Woodson's Store to Bo~nesville through the lands
of J.J.Tho~s, ~',Riley, ~eo. ~.Doug!~s, ~,E.~¥~upin, H.O.~supin snd H.O.~iller ss per
report of viewers and blue print filed by the viewers, snd sssess ~he d~ges, if any
to 1snds that willres~t to them if said road is opened.
THey shall meet st ll A.M. on the 4th dsy of ~y 1922 ~nd ~ $~sll m~k
their report to the Board on the lVth d8y of l~y 1922.
In the mstter of ~he relocstion of the co~ty~osd from Woedson~s
store to Boonesville thro~h the lsnds of ~.R.i¥Iaupin, H.O.~iller and H.O.~%isupin,
the viewers report filed this day vms sdopted ~nd ordered to be spresd, viz:--
Viewers' Eeport.
i, W.L.~upin, Jr. Deputy Clerk in smd for smmd Oounty in said State
do certify that C.E.~tar~eether, i~y W.Werrick, O.A.Sreene, ~.B.O18rk and B.O.Baker,
appointed by the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemsrle cowry at the meeting held on the
Slst day of ~rch 19SS upon the question 8nd ekpediency of relocstlnE s county roed
leading from Woodson's ~tore to Boonesville, t~ough the lends of ~.E.l~Isupin, H.C.
5~iller mhd H.O.~mupin perso~lly appeared before me in my said cowry and being duly
sworn m~de oath t~t~ they wo~d feithfully end impertislly discharge their dutes as
such viewers.
Given ~der my ~nd this llth day of April 19SE.
w,L.~,~isup in, Jr.
TO the Honorable so, rd of Supervisors of the Oounty of ~tbemarle:
The undersigned viewers appointed by ~our order made on the Zlst
day of ~rch 19SE respectfully report that we met upon the lands proposed to be taken
for ~ public ro~d running through the lands of j.i~.~aupin, H.C.~iaupin on llth day
of April 19~B and report thereupon as follows:
1st. The convenience or inconvenience that will result as well to
individuals as to the public is a follows:
The board spproved a route through property of $.i~.i~mupin in front
of schook,conserving ss much school yards ss possible and st same time nmke possible
curves. D~ts for which route is in possession of Engineer. ~ contribut~nE factor to
this decision was that a route to rear of school would involve the old roed in front
of school remaining open, increasing msintainance cost ~ ~endanger lives of school ohi]
£nd The said road will no~ be one of such mere~'ivmte convenience
ss to make it proper tl~t it should be opened and kept in order by the l~,~rson or
oersons for whose convenience it is desired. Board unanimously approved rou~e through
the lands Of H~.O.~iller and H.C.~upin.
Jrd. No yard, ~arden or orchard will have to be taken.
~th the names of the land owners on such route are as follows:
~¥Lro J.~.~upin
~. H.0.~il!er
i~r. H. ~. ~!~ upin
8th The following named of said land owners require compensation:
lInmnimously decide~ n~o compens~tilon ws,rr~nted in the c~mses ~of j.E.
~¢~supin, ii.C.~Iiller mhd H,O.~aupin.
6th. ~ Just compensation to the land owners requiring compensation
for the sm id trend' so taken and for the dan~ge~ to the residue of the tract beyond
the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road~ or
landing to be established- are ss follows:
~nanimousty decided the benefits over~bslance any theoretics1 d~mage.
?th. The fotlowin~ mrs the other facts an~,~r,~umstances which in
the opinion o£ your viewers are useful in enabling Y6J~r~So~,rdt~ determine- the ex-
pediency of establishing or altering~ the sai~ road.
Inability to ~et proper grade along old road bed.
They herewith return a map of the proposed route. ~ap in possession
of County ~gineer.
A!I of which is res~pe?ti~ully submitted,
O1srence ~.Starkwea thor
~ay ~. ~mrriok,
C.~ .Greene.,
J.E.~upin ~i.O.~aupin and H.O.~iller appeared in person or by counsel
and ob je~cted to the above ¥~eWers report and requested that ~k~ commissioners be
appointed to ~ssess the damage if any, Therefore on motion duly seconded it is
o~.dered that ~rry ~llen, H.~-.~owen, H,O.~ameson, O.D.L,Perkins
appointed commissioners whose duty sh~ll be to meet at ~oodson~s Store and go over
the proposed road asked for from ~oodson~s~tore to Boonesville through the l~nds~
of ~.H.~'~aupin, H.O.~h~in mhd H.O.~iller ms per report of viewers and blue print filed
by the viewers, and assess the dan~ge, if any, to land that will result to them
if sm id road if opened.
They sh~ll meet st ll ~.~. on the &th day of ~iay 19~2, and shall m~ke
their report'~to~he Bo~rd on the l~th da.y of ~ay 19~2.
On the applfcstion of ~.~.Lee for m change of the public road from
Charlottesville to Orange County ~ine through the lands of ~;.T.l~orford, ~rs. S.~-.
~gruder, T.AD~rsh~ll. J.T.&ntrum and W.O.~'kackelford it is ordered thm. t C.E'.
~tmrkv,~eslther, ~ay ~.~rrick, B.O.Bmker, z~.~.Olerke ~nd O.~.~reene be mppointed
viewers, after being first duly sworn, to view the ground, and report to the Bo~rd
the Convenience .and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals ss to
the public, if such road change sh~ll be as proposed, mhd especially whether-any
yard, garden, orchsr~d, or any part thereof will in such case, have to be taken; and th~
said 'viewers shall also ascertain and report to Board, whether the said road will be
one of such mere private convenience, as to make it proper that if should be opened
and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desire°
They shall p~rticluarly report the facts and circumstances in their
opinion useful in en2bling the Board to determine the expediency of establishing or
altering the road. They may examine other routes than that proposed for any road,
and report in favor of the one they prefer with the reasons for their preference.
They stall report the~names of the hnd owners on such route, and state which of them
require compensation, the probable amount, in the opinion of the viewers to which such
party may be entitled, .and any other matter which they may deem pertinent, snd report
back to the ~oard on the lVth day of ~my 192~2. ~ map or 'diagram of such route shall b~
returned with their report.
On the Spplic~!on of ~:~.~,Lee for a change of the public road from
ChsrlozZesville to Hydraulic thro'ugh the lands of ~¥illism ~yers, ~rchie ~enderson
and ~ucy ~enderson it is ordered that C.~.~tarkweather, z~ay ~.~srrick, B.O.i~ker, ~J.B.
Clarke & O.A.~reene be appointed view:ers, after being first duly sworn, to view the
ground, and report to the Board the conveniences and inconvenie.snces that will result
as well to individuals as to the phblic, if such road change shall be as proposed,
and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof will in such
c~se, have to be taken; and the said viewers shall also ascertain mhd report to Board,
whether the. said road will be one oi' such mere private convenience, as to make it prope
thst it should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose--conveniez
it is desired.
They shall particularly report the facts and circu~stances in their
opini, on useful in enabling the Board to determine the expediency of establishing or
alterin the road. They may examine other routes' than tint proposed for any road, and
.report in favor of the one they prefer with the reasons for their preference. They
shall report the na-u~es of the land-o~ners on such route,~ and sate which of them requir,
compensation, the probable amount, in the opinion of the viewers to which such party
may be entitled, and shy ortner matter which they may deem pertinent, and report ba~k
to the Board on the 17th day of ~my 1922. ~ map or diagram of such route shell be
returned with their report.
On motion and by a unanimous vote of the J~oard the following resoluti~
~s adopted: ResolVed:--- That the Greenwood ~lectric Company be and it is hereby
authorized to erect and maintain an electric powers and light lines, consisting of
poles and wires a28ng 'the County road right-of-way from Woodson's Shop to about the
north-east corner of the ~chool lot for the purpose of transmitting, distributing
and. supplying electricity for. light, heat or power, provided howev~r that such poles
'and wires shall so erected 2nd mmintmined that they will not obstruct the use o~
_pass,ge on said road or roads or proper drainage of~.-~ame when completed, and provided
further that this authorization shall be subject to all the provision, restrictions
and limitations of sections, 4035, 4037, 40~8 and ~041 Of the Code of Virginia,
edition, of 1919,and of the Act of f~rch 16, 1918, being Ohap,. 28.2 of the Acts of
Assembly of 1918, and with the district understanding that whenever in the judgement
of this ~oard or the proper Eoad Authorities o£ this COunty or State that the s?id
poles, wires, etc. shall be shifted or removed to such places ~s this Board or
i~oad Authorities ~f0resaid sh~ll direbt, :- it shall be done at the entire cost of
said Greenwood Flectrict Company.
On motion Of J.A.~ray and seconded by 0,~,D~iller it is ordered that the
resolutioh in regard to State Aid ~oney passed at a ~ecial meeting of the Board on
~rch Jlst 19~2 be amended, as reenacted as follows:--
On motion of J.}¥i. Pr~y and seconded by j.L.Pitts -it is ordered that the
entire 19~2 State ~id i~oney be appropriated to the completion of the ro~d from
Scottsville to Charlottesville, the followin~ two years the State Aid t~oney be appropri-
ated to the completion of the road from Charlottesville to Sreene Oo'~u~ty line by way
of Hydraulic, Earlysville and ~dwnce ~illS ~nd the following year the ~tate Aid money
be given the ~hite Hall ~±agisterial District.
On motion of g.A.~'~ry and seconded .by J.L,Pitts it is ordered that m sum
'not exceeding ~500.00 be appropriated by the County to build two small bridges at
Crozet, Va. and that if the costs of building s~id bridges exceeds ,500.00 the excess,
to be p~id by the citizens of Orozet.
Polled ~ote unanimous.
On motion of C.Purcell ~cOue and seconded by j.~,~.i~ray it is ordered that
a sum. not exceeding ~500.00 be mppropriated by the 0ounty build a bridge at C~mpbells
Pord over Stockt°n's 0reek and if the costs of building said bridge, exceeds ~500.00
the excess to be paid by the citizens.
Polled bote unanimous.
On motion of j.L.Pitts and seconded by S.A,.Oalhoun it is ordered tl~'t
bids be asked for the publisiting of the':nex.t County ~penses.
in the m~tter of relocating the Red Hill road through the lands of ~rs.
j.G.~ite the board after a thorough discussion is of the opinion that s~id raod w~s
ordered to be build in 1918 and for sUme reason or another was not relocated, therefore
on motion duly seconded it is ordered that said road be relocated mc¢ordi~g to the
plat made by Hugh ~.Simms, ~.~.C.
Ar. C.E.St~rkv]eather ~ppeared before the Board and stated that-~.~e
contractor building the road from Orozet to ~rmmns Gap which is pmrlty in ~hite
Hall District and partly in ~amuel ~iller District, stated tl~t he would put down the
penetratrom treatment instead of the w~ter bound .u~aoadam which the contri~ct called
for, at ~ very little additional cost, therefore on motion of C.Purcell ~cOue and
seconded by j.L.Pi~{:-ts it is ordered that the supervisors of the two districts may elect
if they see fit, to ~dopt the penetra~rom treatment instead of the v~ter bound trea~-
~. Charles ~'~!oney of the i~.mloney Pa~ing 0o. appeared before the board
and requested thst no secruity be required on his bond for the completion of the
Concrete road in Scottsville District, therefore on motion of 0.A.~£iller and seconded
by $.~.Calhoun it is ordered that no security be req~uired of the ~aloney Paving ~o.
for the completion of the aforesaid work.
On motion of C,Purcell ~¥~c0ue and seconded by S.A.0alhoun it is ordered
that the ~artin~s ~rdware Co. bill be paid.
5~ road bonds.
In the matter of the commissions for the sale of the ~530,000.00-25yea~
On motion duly seconded it is ordered that a 2~ commission be allowed
the brokers for the sale of the said bonds, said amount to be pro-rated among the
several districts.
The Board proceeding to lay the County levy for the years 1922 & 192Z,
doth order that the Treasurer of the 0ounty of Albemarle ~hmll collect on all real
and tangible property, exclusive of incomes, but including all goods, wares, merchan-
, , ~ r 1922 whether
~ise and capital of manufactures etc. oh hand the 1st day of ~,ebrua y, ,
belonging to individuals, corporations or companies, including railroads, ( except
rolling stock of railroads operated by steam) and telegraph snd telephone companies,
tangible personal property, but exclusive of shares of stock in banks, banking
associations and others institutions enumberated in Section 1V Schedule D. of Acts
approved April the 16th 1903, and Acts amendatory thereof.
~or general Comuty purposes 50 cents ~.50) on every one hundred dollars
worth of said property,
For county ~chool purposes forty cents ~$.40) on every one hurKired
dollars worth of said property, and for pension funds under Acts approved ~iarch 14th
1908, five cents ~.05) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property.
2nd he stall further collect on all of said property for district
school pu~.poses as follows: to-wit :---
In the Charlottesville District twenty cents ($.20) on every one
hundred dollars worth .of said property.
in the ivy District seventy-five cents ($.~5) on every one hundred dol-
lars worth of said property.
In the ~hite Hall District fifty-five ($..55) on every o'ne hundred
dollars worth of said property.
In the ~amuel-~iiller District ~ixty cents ($.60) on every one hundred
dollars-worth of said property.
In the ~cottsville District fifty cents ($.50~ on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property.
In the Rivanna District fifty cents ~$.50) on every one hur~dred dollars
worth of said property.
And for district road purposes and interest and sinking funds for dis-
trict bonds he shall collect on all of said property except t~,t in incorporated
to,ms that m~intain their own streets and roads, as follows: to-wit:---
In the 0harlottesville ~istrict twenty cents (~.20) on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property end for interest and sinking funds for district road
bonds one dollar (~l.O0) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property.
In the ivy District thirty-five cents ($.35) on every one hundred
dollars worth of'said property, and for interest and sinking funds for district
road bonds sixty cents ($.60) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property,
In the W~hite ~all District thirty-five cents (~.35) on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property, and interest and sinking-funds for district road bonds
fifty cents ~.50) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property.
In the oamuel Miller District fifty cents ($.50) on every one hundred'
dollars worth of said property, and interest and sinking funds for district road bonds
ten ~ents (~.10) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property.
In the Ocottsville District thirty cents $,30) on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property, and for interest and sinking fund on district road
bonds eighty cents (~.80) on every one hundred worth of s~id property.
In the ~ivanna District forty cents ($.40) on every one hundred dollars
worth of said property, and for interest ~nd sinking fund on district road bonds
thirty cents (~.30) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property.
And he shall further collect under the Acts approved at the special
session of 1915 and Acts amendatory thereof, for district road purposes under the
Acts of the General Assembly ~pproved Peby 20th 1892, and ~acts amenda~ory thereof,
on all intangible personal property exclusive of incomes, but including all solvent
bonds, demands, and claims not otherwise taxed for County or District purposes, by
whosoever held on Feby 1st 1922 which whether belonging to individuals or corporations,
including railroad, telegraph and telephone comPanies and banks in the ~ivanna, ivy,
ScotZsville, Samuel ~iller, ~hite ~mll and Charlottesville Distrists, twenty cents
I$.20) on every one hundred dollars worth o£ such last named property, in each of
said districts respectively.
~nd he shall f~'ther collect on all sh~res ef stock in banks, banking
associations and other institutions enumberated'in Sec. 17 ~chedule D. of acts
approved April 6th 1903, and Acts amendatory th~er~o~, ~ther~th~n upon the stocks
of banks, loc~te~ in incorporated to~s, for vc=n~y ~u~p_~,s~ eighty-five cents on
(~.85) every one hundred dollars worth,-o£ said prteperty.
~nd he shall further collect on the stock of banks, loca.ted in incor-
porated towns for general Oounty purposes twenty cents tS.SO) on every one hundred
dollars worth of such stock, which latter, however si~ll be expended in the district
in which it is levied.
And he also shall collect for District road purposes on all goods,-wares,
merchandise ~ capital of merchants ,on h~nd the, tat d~y of ~eby 192~, whether belong-
ing to individuals corporations or companies, thirty cents t~.30) on every one
hundred dollars worth of such property,
In the matter locating the road from J.~.i~el$on~s to the Public Hoad
through the lands of ~oW.i~apier ~ S.~.~oods ,the ~Viewers nel~ort this day filed was
adopted and ordered to be spread viz:
Viewers ~ iieport.
I, ~ewis Dudley, Alex ~,~unda~y, n..l~.Pugh and walton Dong viewers in
and for said Coo~aty in said ~tate dO certify that we have been appointed by the ~oard
of oupervisors of ~lbemarle Oounty at the meeting held on the 9th day of September
1921 upon~'~the ~uestion and expediency of viewering m road leading from the property
of 'j,~.~elton through the lands of ~amuel ~oods and ~.~.~apier to the public road
pers-onally appeared before me in my said county and being duly sworn made oath that
they would faithfully and impartially discharge their duities as such viewers.
Given ,,under my hand this 24th d~y of October 1921.
~iy commission expires ~larch 'Sth 1922
~-,E,i~errifisld, hOt~ry Public,
To The Honorable ~oard of Supervisors of the County of Blbe~marle:
The undersigned viewers appointed by your order made on the 9th day
of September 1921, respectfully report that we met upon the lends proposed to be
taken for a road from J.S.~¢ieltons to Oounty noad on the 26th day of October 1921, and
report thereupon as follows:
1st. The convenience or inconvenience that will result as well to
individuals as to the oublic is ms follows:
No inconvenience will result us the present ro~d has been in use for
r~any years.
2nd. The said road will be one of mere private convenience as to make
it proper t'hat it should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for
whose convenience it is desired.
I~]eltons~ priva e use.
~rd. i{o yard, ~arden or orchard will have to be taken.
&th. The names of the land owners on such route are as follows:
Samuel~ ~oods ~nd W.W,i~apier.
6th. B j~st compensation to the land owners requiring compensation for
the said land so taken and for the damage to the rest due of the tract heyo~l the pec-
uliar benefits to be derived in.respect to such residue from the road or landing to
be e.stablished are as follows:
Twenty ISgO.00) dollars to ~.W.i~apisr.
Twenty (~gO.O0) dollars to Samuel Woods.
Fth. The following are the other facts and circom~stances which in the
opinion of your veiwers are useful in enabling your Board to determine the expediency
The present road which h~s been in use for several years decided the
most practical.
They herewith return a wp of the proposed route. All of which is
respectfully submitted
~. C. ~unda y
W.B .gong
V~.W,~apier and S.B.~oods appeared in person and Objected to the viewers
report and ree~uested th~-t commissioners be appointed to assess the damage if any.
Therefore on motion duly seconded it is ordered tha~
H'~Bewen &~Perkihs~ appointed commissioners whose duty s~hall be bo meet at ~elton~s
place and go over the proposed road asked for from ~elton~s place to the Public
Road through the la'nde of Samuel ¥~oods and W.W,i~apier as per report of ~ewers and
blue print filed by the viewers, and assess the damages, if any, to lands that
will result to them if said road is opened.
They s_h~ll meet at ll ~.~. on the ~th day of ~ay 19SS, and shall make
their report to the Boar~ on the l~th day of ~ay 1922.
In accordance with sec. 2120 of the Code of Virginia of 1919 in the matter
of electing the 0ounty ~agineer.
On motion d~ly seconded, Seth Burnley is elected County E~gineer.
The ~eneral gssembly of the State of Virginia having passed an act
approved ~rch 2~th 1922, and authorized the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemarle
to negotiate a loan and to issue bonds of said County to the maximum extent of
$~0,000.00 for the purpose of improving the public highways in Bamuel ~iller ~agister-
ial District of said County, and ~o levey a special district tax in said 'district to
pay said bonds, and the interest thereon.
TH~E~0RE ~B~ iT RE~0LVFD by the ~esrd of Bupervisors of Al~en~rle Oounty
that the proper officers of this ~oard are hereby a~thorized, ordered and directed to
issue an aggregate amount of fifty thousand dollars ~$~0,000.00) of the bonds of sai~
County to be used in the permanent improvement and maintenance ef the pu~l~ic roads
in Samuel ~iller ~gisterial District of s~id County, leading from ~tate Highway ~umber
9 at Brownsville to the ~iller School in ~amuel ~iller District. These bonds shall
be of the denomination of one thousand dollars ($1000.00), sh~ll bear interest at the
rate of not mere than five per cent ~8%$ per annum, l~yable semi-annually, shall be
dated the -----d~y of ....... 1922, and shall be signed by the Ohairm~n of the Board
of Supervisors and have the seal of said Board attached and attested by the 01erk of
said Boar~. Said bonds and the interest on the same sh~ll be payable at the ~ational
Bank of Charlottesville, in the City of Charlottesville, ~irginia, and the coupons
on said bonds shall be stamped with the signature of the Chairman of this Board.
Said bonds sh~ll be p~yable twenty-five years after date at said bank and~ shall not
be sold at less than par.' Each of said bonds shall have ~nted on the face thereof,
WT'his bond mhd the interest thereon is to be paid by the special tax levied in the
distriot of the County of Albemarle known as ~amuel Miller Magisterial District;
and there shall be printed upon the face of said bonds the following. By order of
the Board of Superv is ors "this bond is exempted from all local taxation during
the peroid for ~hich it is issued", the ~oard hereby resolving and ordering that said
bonds be exempt from all local taxation d~ing the period for which they are issued.
And the Board will hereafter provide for a levy, sinking fo~d, etc. in accordance wit~
At-a regular meeting of the Board of OUl0ervisors of A!bemmrle County held
~ t
at the ~ourt House of said Court y on the 1Vth day of ~ay 1922: Present: Hoilis
Rinehart, Chairman, ~.~.Calhoun, O.Purcell mcOue, ~.L.Pitts, ~.~,~.~r~y and O.~.Miller.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted.
~eso!ved: That the. followino/~bid of the ~,~ational ~ank off charlottesville
Virginia, for ,~50 ,000. 00 of 5~;~--g5 year ~amuel miller District Road bonds is hereby,
~ay 17, 1922
1Fir .. ~.,~.~ee
~an.~ger A!benmrle County,
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Sir:--
P~0r the legally issued ~50,000.00. Aiben,mrle Oounty ¥irginia oameel ~iller
District ~7: Eoad Bohds.
Dated ~une l,
Denominat ion ~lO00.
Due £~ years after date
~rincipal and interest june and December !st.
~ayab!e in i~ew ~ork uity
¥~e offer par i.e. ~50,000.00 plus accured interest to date of delivery of
bor,~ds to us in Charlottesville Virginia.
Bonds to be legally issued in proper form and prior to delivery we are to
be furnished with such documentary evidence as may be necessary to establish
validity to the satisfaction of our ~ttorneys, together with authority showing
levy ~nd collection of ta~_es sufficient in amount to pay interest and principal
of the bonds at maturity, and that said bonds are direct obligations of the
entire district.
it is understood that the proceeds derived form the sale of these bonds be
~eposited with us and that on said deposit we will allow you 4Fo on the daily
bslance~ -