HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-05-17be sold at less titan par.' Each of said. bonds sh~ll have ~nted on the face thereof, ~This bond end the interest thereon is to be paid by the special tax levied in the district of the County of Albemarle knov~m as ~amuel Miller Magisterial District; and there shall be printed upon the face of said bonds the following. By order of the Board of Supervisors~this bond is e'xempted from all local taxation during the peroid for ~hich it is issued'", the ~oard hereby resolving and ordering that s~id bonds be exempt from all local tax~tion during the period for which they are issued. ~nd the Board will hereafter provide for a levy, sinking f~md, etc, in accordance wit~ At a regular meeting of the Board of Oupervisors of ~lber~mrle County held ~ t at the ~ourt House of said Uoun y on the 17tk day of ~ay 192~: Present: Hollis Rinehart, Chairman, O.~.Oalhoun, O.Purcell ~icOue, ~.L.Pitts, ~.~I.~ray and O,~.Miller The minutes of the last meeting were read amd approved. The following resolution was maanimously adopted. ~esolved: That the foltowino~bid of the ~ational Bank of ¢~lottesville Virginia, for ~50,000.00 of 5To--25 year mamuel ~iilier District Road bonds is hereby excepted. May !V, 1922. ~ian~ager ~ibemarle County, Charlottesville, Virginia Dear ~ir :-- ~for the legally issued ~50,000.00. ~lbe~r!e Ooun~y Virginia Oam~del ~iller District 5¥~ Road Bohds. Dated june l, 19S2 Denon[nat ion $1000. Due $5 years after date Frincipal and interest june and December 1st. Fayable in Eew ~ork Oity ¥¥e offer par i.e. :~50,000.00 plus accured interest to date of delivery of bonds to tzs in Charlottesville Virginia. Bonds to be legally issued in proper form smd prior to delivery we are to be furnished with such documentary evidence as may be necessary to establish validity to the satisfaction of our Attorneys, together with authority showing levy and collection of ta;.:es sufficient in amount to pay interest and principal of the bonds at maturity, and that said bonds are direct obligations of the entire district. it is understood that the proceeds derived form the sale of these bonds be ~eposited with us sn.d that on said deposit we will allow you 4vo on the daily ba!ance~ very respect~u!!y submitted. ~ational Bank of uharlotoesvll_e, i~. ~£~ .i~£inor ~r. Vi ce-i~r e s ident. ~y 17, 1922. '~2Tanager OoOmty of ~tbemarle Charlottesville, Va. Dear Sir:-- Supplemental proposal dated ~iay !7, 192~ for the ~0,000.00 Blbemarle County Sam~l ~iller District ~ ~oad Bonds, of which this supplement is a part thezeof, said proposal is made with a stipulation that coincidental with the date of delivery of bonds to us, we ~re to be allowed for broksrage, ~006.~0. The i~ational Bank of Ohsr!ottesvilte ,~inor, ~r. ice-~res ide mt. B delegation of citizens appeared before the Board and requested that a bridge be built on the road from Brovnasville to B. jarmans and the Board after thorough~y discussing the matter is of opinion that~ said bridge is necessary therefore on motion .duly seconded it is ordered that a sum not exceeding ~&00.O0 be appropriated by the County towards building said 'bridge upon conditions that any amoun$ over ,~&00.O0 be taken care of by the citizens benefited. Polled vote unanimous. In the matter of appropriation for the Confederate Veterans. On motion of ~.L.~itts and seconded by O.Furcell ~cOue it is ordered ~that ~ sum of ~200,00 be appropriated towards paying the expense of Oongederate Veterans attending the ~eunion in hichmond, Polled vote unanimous. ~iessrs T.~,Marshall and ~isher Way!and appeared before the Board without being summoned ~nd objecte~ to the v~ewers report this day filed in reg~ard to a change of the i~oad ~'rom Charlottesville to Orange County line via Otony Foint and requested that Commissioners be appointed to assess the damage, if any, caused by the said change The ~oard directed the Olerk to su~mon ~.T.~orford and j.,~,.gntrim to appear before the board on the 19th day of ~'~ay 192£ at~l~:O0 ~ and show cause,if any, why the report of viewers, this day ~iled should not be accepted in the matter of the Change of the road from Oharlottesville to orange County line via Otony ~oint through their lands. The ~oard directed the O~erk to smmmon Ducy henderson, ~rchie ~enderson and ~illiam Byers to appear before the board on the 19th day of and show cause ~f any, why the report o~f viewers, this day filed should not be accepted in the matter of the change of the road from Charlottesville to Advance ~6ills by way ef ~-ydr~ulic through their lands. The following conUmissioners report was unanimausly adopted. STA'£ff O~~ 'V~RG ±i~ ±~ C-OU-.~TY O~ ALB~R~g TO i, ~.L.A(aupin, ~..a ~eputy Clerk in and ~or the Cowry afforesaid do certiff that H.C. jameson, ~.m. Bow~n, ~enry ~llen, k.~.T~ner and O.D.L.Perkins have this day m~de oath before me that thsy~will faithfully ~nd impartially ascertain w~t will be a just compensation for such l~nd ~or for such interest or estate in the l~nd) of the freehold whereof ~.W.~apier ~nd ~.B.~$ods tenant, ~nd for such other property ms is prposed to be taken by the Oo~ty of Albemarle for m public road, award the d~ges, if any, resulting to the adjacent and other property o~ said tenant or ovmer ~nd to the property of any other person, beyond the peculiar benefits that will accrue to suc~ properties respectively from the construction mhd operation of ~ public road le~dimg from Oamuel melton~s place to the public road and will properly certify the s~me, Given ~der my hand this &th day of ~ay 19SE. ~.L.~upin, ~r. Deputy O!erk.. TO TH H~NOEABL~ BOA±~D 0~~ SUPF~v±S0~x~ O~~ TP~' O0~Y O~~ ~e, B~arry ~llen, E.Z. Turner ~nd n.C. Jameson Commissioners appointed by your Honorable Body to ascertain wh~t will be a jsut compensation for such o~rt of the l~nd (or for such interest or est~t~ in the l~nd) of the freehold whereof W.W.~apier Woods tenant, and for such other property as is proposed to be t~ken by the Cowry of ~lbem~rle for a oublic ro~d from S~muel i~elton s place to puc_lc ro~d smd to assess the d~m~ges, if ~ny, resulting to the ~dj~cent or other property of said tenant or beyond the peculiar benefits tb~t will ~ccure t0 said properties respectively from the construction and operation of the said public ro~d, d0 certify t~t on the 8t~ dsy of ~,~y !9~, the d~y designated in the s~id order~ we met ~'ogether on~the said p~rt of the ~land the limits of which p~rt were then and there described to ~ ~as follows to-wit: ~n old road used for many my~r~ ~s ~ right of way from the $~muel ~elton place to the public road, the ro~d passes t~ough the lend of ~.W.h~pier and S.B.V~o~ds~ the width of the right of way being stated as twenty ~0~ feet but the exact lenght of the road wes not m~e known to~ us this old road has been obstructed b~ , .? two wire fences crossing it~ end after being duly sworn, upon s review of the part aforesaid and off the adjacent and other property of said o~mer who would be de.ged in their .p~perty by the construe ion ~nd ooer~tion~_~ of the s~id road,- and upon such evidence ~s was before ~, we are of ~pinion end do ascert~i~ that for the said part ~or for the interest off eat~te in the pert) end for the other property so .taken W.W.z~spier, road way 20 feet wide by feet long at the rate of ~50.00 per a'cre. W.B.~oods roadway 20 feet wide by ~ feet long at the rate of ~50.00 per acre~ will be a just compensation. ~nd the d~ma~es to the adjacent or other property of said tenant or o~mer by reason of the construction and operation peculiar benefits t~t will accrue to said properties end operation of such ~Oad are of the said ro~d, beyond the respectively from the oonstructi n Given under our ~nds this 5th day of ~ay 1922. ~rry ~llen ~.-~. ~'ur ncr ~.~.Jameson In the matter of the change of the r0ad:ffrom Charlottesville to orange County line via ~tony Foint through the lands of ;~.O.Sb~ckelford, the board after s thorough consideration accepted the offer of the said ~.O.Sb~ckeI~ord tlmt the County !my. five hundred dollars and fence both sides of the right of way with a 'gate on each side. ~r. j. 0..zhtzrm~n appeared before the board-and accepted the report of viewers in the m~tter of a clo~nge of the road from Oharlottesville to Orange County line via Stony Point through his lend. ~r. ~.C.~,iinor ~ppe~red 'before the board and requested that he be paid for the removal of the fences caused by the grading.through his property which the board agreed to do. in the matter of the iqeport of the Commissioners he~retofore appointed to assess the damages if any, c~used by a relocation of the road from 0wensville to Boonesville through the lands of j.R.Maupin it is continued until ~,~.Lee can get instructions from the highway Oommiss ion. G.Stu~rt Harem, Treasurer presented to the Board a statement, together with the vouchers, of all w~rrants paid by him-during the month of April 1922. ~he Board after examining all the warrants ordered the statement of be filed and the following amounts spread. Oounty ,vsrrants paid during April 0harlottesville Dist._.Road Warrants paid ivy Dist. Aoad Warrants paid Samuel Miller Road Warrants paid. Rivanna Dist. Boad ~arrsnts laid White Hall D2e~. Aoad Warrants paid: V50.23 1,827.6~ 329.86 ~t9.28 Scottsville Dist. ~o~d warrants paid Total 653.8V $8,165.45 The bids for the Buck Mtn. 0reek Bridge were opened and the 0hsmpion Bridge 0o. being the lowest biddes it is ordered that the contract for the said Bridge he let to the above n~med Company. In the m~tter of the Court House janitor, On motion of O.Purcell Mc0ue and seconded by j,M.~ray it is ordered tlmt the janitor of the Court House be under the charge and supervision of the Otmirman of the Board, The bids for the road from Owensville to White Hall were opened and 0orson and Davis being the lowest biddes it is ordered tint the contract for s~id road be 'let The 0ommissioners appointed at a for~er meeting of the board to go over the proposed changes on the road from ~oodson~s Store to Boonsville through the lands of ~.J. Thom~s, Geo. W.Dougl~s, ~.Riley, ~,R~mupin, ~i.C.~mupin mhd H.C.~Miller rand assess d~m~ges if any, that tomy be c~used by the staid chmnge, this dray filed their report and on consent of roll pmrties it is ordered that the matter be deferred until May 19th 192~ in order that the Board may go over the s~id changes and try to effect ~ compromise with the p~rties ~nt~rested. On motion of J,N.~ray and seconded by 0.Purcell ~eGue it is ord~ered that the 01erk. issue wmrr~nts for the romd construction whether the chairnmn is present to sign t~hem ~r not. There being no further business the Board adjourned to meet again ~y 19th l~ ,at l~:~0 P.m.