HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-05-19 At an adjourned meeting of the Board ef Supervisers_.of. Albemarle 0ounty, Vs. held at the Oourt House of said Oounty on the 19th day of ~sy 1922: Present- Hellis iiinehart, Ohairmsn, S.A.Oalhoun, j,M.Fray, ~.~.Pitts, O.Purcell ~cCue &~C.A,Miller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. htr. oamuel ~.~oods moved the Board to quash the report of the Oommissioners adopted ~ay 17th 1922.,-and report the matter which motion was overruled therefore S.2,~oods and ~.W.i~apier by their sttorney~cepted to the Oommissioners report'and noted an~appeal to the Oircuit Oourt of ~lbem~rle Oounty, Va. In the matter of the veewers report on the ro~d changes from 0harlottesville to Orange 0ounty line vis Stony Po'in~ all parties interested having been duty summoned, the Board unanimously adopts the following report with the exceptions or compromises made St the meeting held ~ay 17th 19£2.. ¥iewers ' Report ST~TF~ 0~' VIRGINL~ CO'U~TY OE ~LBB%i~RLE TO ~lT: I* Wm.L.l~aLlpin, ~r. s 'Deputy Olerk in and for said Oounty in said ~tate do certify that O.E. Btarku~eslther, i~ay Narriok, O.A.Green, fl.~.¢lsrk and B.C.!raker, appointed by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle O0unty at the meeting~ held on the 19th day of April 1922 upon the ~uestion and expendiency of relocating s county road leading from Oharlottesville .to Orange Oounty line vis St, ony Point personally appeared before me in my said county and being duly sworn made oath that they would faithfully and impartially discharge their duties ss such Viewers. Given under my hand this 6th dsy of ~sy 192~. ~.]~.~aupin, ~r. DepUty ~lerk. TO TH~ HONORABLE B0~HD 0P SUPER~iSORS 0P THE EOOi~TY 0P ALB~RLE: The undersigned viewers appointed by your order made on the 19th day of April 19~2 respectfully report that we met upon the lands proposed to be tsken for a public rosd from oharlotte~ville to Orange County on the 6th day of ~ay 19~2 and report thereupon as follows: 1. in case of W.O.Shackelford proposed line of Oounty Engineers approved with the suggestion that the line of road entering the ~hsckelfor'd property on the Wayland end coincide with the change suggested in Wsyland line, and furthermore that centre of proposed road passing thru the orchard be shifted to one s~ide so as to only necessitate removal of only one row of trees, E~sme being inferior mow of the two. in view of the conditions existing which your board gave fullest considera, tion $500.00 hms been set as the damage sustained by this property. 2. in cass of ~isher ~ayland he accepted ss satisfactory a compromise line uggested which also meets with approval of the County ~ngineers. This line to follow m right~ of way through ~ayla~d property to a point opPosite the narrow neck of a bottom cutting across said bottom to the ShsmckeTford property. ~nanimously decided no damaEe sustained. 9. in case of Wm. Land. Route ~s laid out by Engineer approved no damages allowed. 4. in case of T.A.~Srshall unamimously decided no damages sustained. ~. in the case of Thurmond. They accept ms perfectly satisfactory to them the following proposal. Road line to follow far side of d~itch which leaves ram on orchard side, and engineers be directed to grade an entrance to road connecting up with old entrance, tan old fence removed from old road to new road on both sides t. 6. in case of E,T.~orford. it is recommended that the line ef new far end be so rum ss to bring it near the branch so that 'this property on building s short lane siad i~orford can ~ave water in the field cut off by the roadS, Damages in'this case placed s't ~600~.00. 7. in the case of J;T.~ntrim, ~nan.imously decided no damages so far as road line is concerned, in the matter of wuary Eights Damages assessed at $~0.00, Oontractors to be required to fence out quarry and a lane leading from same to road. ~aid fence to be removed when quarry is abandoned. They herewith return a m,~p of the proposed rotate. All of which is 0,~.~tarkweather, 0hairman respe ct fully submitted. ~ay ~,Wsrrick,~ecty in the matter of the viewers report on the road changes from 0h~rlott- esville to Green 0ounty line via Hydraulic all parties interested, being summoned, the board unanimously adopts the following report with the conzp~omises~- agreed UpOn following said report. Viewers ' tteport. O0UZ~TY 0~ ALBemaRLE TO ~iT: I, W.L.~supin, jr. a Deputy Olerk in end for said County in said ~tate do certify that 0.E,~tarkwealther, i~ay ~arrick, C.A.~reen, ii.B.Clsrk and B.O,Bsker, appointed by the Board of ~upervisors of Albe~rle Oounty at the meeting held on the 1 day of April 1922, upon the ~uestion and expediency of relocatinE a county road lead- ing from 0harlottesville to Greene Oounty line via Hydraulic, personally appeared before me in my said county and being duly sworn made oath that they would faithfully and impartially discharge their duties as such viewers. Gm en under my hand this 6th day of may 1922. ~ ~4L,~aupin, ~. Deputy Clerk. TO TH~ H01~OE~E BO~kD OF dUP~HViS0i~ 0~ TH~' O0Ui~T~ 0~ ~LB~i~LE. The under$igned viewers appointed by your order made on the 19th dsy of ~pril 1922, respecCfully report that we met upon the lands of Archie & Lucy Henderson and.~illiam ~yers on the Hydraulic ~oad on the 6th day of ~sy 1922 and report therel ~th 1,~ The ~conve~ience or incomvenience that will res~lt~as~ well to individus,ls as to the public is as follows: It is necessary that roa~ sh~ll paEs~ through these properties~ in'~the interest of the Public. 2. The said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as te make it proper~that it should be opened and~ kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. 3. ~b yard, garden or~ orchard will have to be-taken. 4~.~The names cf the land owners on such route sre ss follows: Archie & ~uch tienderson ~immial Byers. 8. The following named ef said land owners require compensation: In the case of Archie & Luch Henderson we recommend that old r.osd-'be plowed in snd mm~e as nea'rly tillable ss possible and~a~fence supplied and erected~by Oounty together with necessary gates, in as much as this is second time 0ounty has opened a road through this property. In case of ~m. Byers no damages allowed. 6. A just compensation te the lsnd owners requireing compensation for the said land so taken and for the damage to the residu~e of the tract beyond the peculiar ben~fits to be derived in re~pect to such residue from the read or landing te be established are as follows: 7. The following are the other facts and circumstances which in the opinion of your viewers are useful in enabling your Board to determine the expediency of establishing or altering the said road. ~bove changes necessary in order to secure good grade and ~oute. They herewith return ~ map of the proposed route. ~ll of which' is ~espectfully submitted. 0.~.~'tarkwea!ther, Ohsirm~n Eay ~.wsrrick, ~ecty. Archie ~ ~ucy Henderson appeared an accepted the compromise of ~100,00 for land damages. The Board was ~usble to sscertatn whether William Byers owned any lsnd or not. ~ohn T.~ntrim, E.T,~erford, T.A.Marshsll and ~isher ~aylsnd appeared before the board snd requested that 0emmissieners be appointed, therefore en motion duly seconded it is ordered that ~.R.Wingfield, ~r. O.~,Garnett, L.R. Gordon, L.Deyerle Geo. T. Csrr be appointed commissioners whose duty shall be to meet at John T. ~trim landge the proposed read asked for from 0hsrlot~esvitle to Orange County line via ~tony ~oint through the lands of john T.Antrim, ~.T,Norford, T.A,~arshmll and ~isher ~ayland ans per report of v~ewers anti-blue print filed by the viewers, and assess the d~m~ges1, 'if any, to the-lands that will result to them iff said road is opened,. That shall meet at ll A.Mo cn the 2~th day ef May 1922 and shall make their report to, the Board on the 21st day of June 1922. The Olerk is ordered to notify John w,Hopkins, Supt. of the Oounty Home to bring .all his cows except eight and horses except three to ~h~rlottesville to be sold at June Court. HESOLVED tlmt all warrants heretofore issued to R.E~,Lee are approved and ratified, and expenditure of the money so paid is confirmed as having been formerly from time to time approved, confirmation and approval is now entered of record. At a special meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, ~a. held at the Oourt House of said_ 0eunty on the 21st day of June 1922: Present, Hellis Rinehart, Chairman, ~.~.0alhoun, ~.~ .~ray, ~-.L.Pitts, 0.Purcell ~ic0ue & O.A.~iiller, The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Es jot ~.S.~raves and mr. C.W.Allen appeared 'before ~the Board and asked for an appropriatie~n for the American ~egeon Oonvention to be held in Ohmrlottesville, Vs. and the .Board after considering the matter is of opinion that the Oounty shoul~ help this cause.~therefore on motion of ~.,M.Fray and seconded by. O,A.~miller it is ordered that the .sum of $800.00 be appropriated. Polled vote unanimoua~. A delegation of citizens from Samuel~iiler District appeared before the Board and requested that the County enter into a contract with the ~tate Highway Oommissiener to anticipate the 0onstruction of the State Highway from 0harlottesville to Nelson 0ounty ~ine and to issue bonds according to law for the sum of ~00,000.00 to be refunded by the state; therefore o~ the motion of O.Purcell ~c0ue and seconded S.A.0alhoun that said contract be entered into resulted in the following tie, Aye: ¢,Purcell ~cOue, S.A.0alhoun and Hollis Rinehart. NO. J,~.~ray, j.~.Pitts ~and C.A.~iller. All the member~ of the Board were present and voting and it being the desire of some member~ that the tie be broken therefore it is ordered that at the next regular,July 1922 meeting of the Board the Oon~nissioner designated by the ~dge to cast the decid- ing. vote in case of a tie be present and that the tie be broken in conformity to section 2Vl~ of the Oode of ~a. of 1919. Y