HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-06-21SPECIALdammges~, if any,. t.o the~ lands that will result to them. if said road is opened.
That shall meet at ll A.M. on the 24th day of May 1922 and shall make their
report to, the, Board on the gist day of June 19P~2~.
The 01erk is ordered to notify ~-ohn W.Hopkins, Supt. of the County Home
to bring ~all his cows except might and horses except three to Oh~rlottesville to be
sold at June Oourt.
HESOLVED that all warrants heretofore issued to R.E,Lee are aPProved and
ratified, and expenditure of the money so paid is confirmed as having been formerly
from time to time approved, confirmation and approval is now entered of recoE1.
At a special~ meeting of the Board of supervisors of Albemarle Oo~tuty,
held at the Oourt House of said County on the 21st day of June 1922: Present, Hellis
Rinehart, Chairman, ~.A.Oalhoun, J.~ .~ray, j.L.Pitts, O.Puroell ~c0ue ~ 0.A.Miller.
The minutes of the 1sst meeting were read and approved.
Major ~-.S.Grsves and mr. C.W,Allen appeared before l~he Board and msked for
an appropriatio~ for the American Legeon Convention to be held in 0hmrlottesville,
and the ~Board after considering the matter is of opinion that the 0ounty should help
this cause~therefore on motion of j.M.,~ray and seconded by. 0.~A.~i~iller it is ordered
that the sum of $500.00 be appropriated.
Polled vote unanimoum.
A delegation of citizens from Samuel ~iiller District appeared before the
Board and requested that the County enter into a contract with the State Highway
Oommissioner to anticipate the Construction of the State Highway from Charlottesville
to Nelso~ Oounty ~ine and to issue bonds according to law for the sum of ~00,000.00
to be refunded by the state; therefore o~ the motion of O,Purcell ~c0ue and seconded
S.A.0slhoun that said contract be entered into resulted in the following tie,
Aye: 0..Purcell mcOue, S.A.0alhoun and Hollis Rinehart.
NO. J.M.~ray, j.~.Pitts 'and O.A.~iiller.
All the members of the Board were present and voting and it being the desire of some
member~' that the tie be broken therefore it is ordered that at the next regular,July
1922 m~eting of the Board the Commissioner designated by the judge to cast the decid-
ing vote in case of a tie be present and that the tie be broken in conformity to
sec$ion 2~1~ of the 0ode of Va. of 1919.
A delegation of citizens appeared before the Beard and requested that the
road from 01mrlottesville to A~ontiCello, which~ i~,~ one of the bond issue ~e~ds be built
as soon ss' poss~ible, the board after d~scus~ing~the matter thoroughly is of opinion
that ~t present the co~mty ~annot undertake any new work but it is ordered that-as
soon as possible the county engine make the necessary surveys etc. and ask for bids for
this ro~d.
~tr. nandotph Urtman appeared before the ~oard and n~ade s proposition to advance
the money to build ~he road from ~iir~dcr to the 0rtman place in anticepstion that the
bond issue for roads i~ Ssmuel-~iller Dist. be carried at the i~ov. Election 1922 snd the
Oounty to refund to the said Ortm~n if said bond issue passes.
The board considering this an excellent pr~oposition it _is ordered that tbs
same be and is hereby accepted and the Coumty Engineer begin at once to carry out thee
sa id proposal.
On motion of J.~.Frsy and seconded by 0,Purcell ~c~ue it ~is ordered that a
sum not exceeding $-2000.00 be appropriated to relocate the road from the bridge over.the
iiivanns ~{iver nesr Shmdwell to the new highway.
In the matter of the relocating of the 0ounty road from Cross Roads to ~ohn
Da.vis' Shop it is ordered ttmt R.E,Lee go over ~he proposed change and report back to
the Board Bt its next regular meeting and estim~e the cost etc.
in the matter of land damages on the road from Oreze~ to Browmsville.
The County of Albemarle contracted with the ~tate Highway Commission to p2.y
sll l~nd damages on the road between 0rozet to ]~roWnSville snd the road having been
compleged the dan~ged land ovmers W,B.Tilman jr. and J. Desn Tilman Admr, of ?~.B,Tolmsn,
deceased, appeared before the bosrd and presented, sn order from the ~tate Highway Com-
mission setting forth the damsges~as follows: ~;.B.Ti~msn ~r. $250.00 and ~.Dene Tilman
Admr.' of N,B.Tilman, Deceased, $500,00~
Therefore on motion of j.a.~rsy and seconded by J.L.Pitts it is ordered that
a warrant be drawn in favor of the said psrties for the above named amounts.
The Boards' attention was called to two colored persons, ~nd~rson Green 80
years old and his daughter Sis Green in the last stage of consumption, who are in
needed ~ircumstances therefore on motion of ~.~.~ray and seconded ~by ¢.~urcell ~COue
it is ordered that the 0ounty pay ~ll.00 per month and the District ~4,00 per month for
three months to these needy persons.
Re~ort of Oommissioners on the ro~d from 0hariettesville to Orange 0ouuiy
~ine_ via Stony Foint v~as taken up and adopted with the Following exceptions agreed by
all parties viz: E,T.~orford ~1000.00 damage instead of $800.00; T.A,~arshall $150.00
damage and fence on one side imstead of ~150.00, and the road not to go through the
property of ~isher ~ayland.
Oommis sioner s' Eeport
I, W.~.~¢aupin, jr. e Deputy Olerk in and for the 0ounty aforesaid do
certify that ~.R.¥~ingfield, ~r. Geo. 0art, L.Deyerle, L.R.Gordon and ~,RoGernett, have
~this day made oath before me that they will faithfully end imperially ascertain w!mt w~
be e just compensation for such land ~or for such interest or estate in the len~) of
the f~reehold ~hereof Jno T.Antrim, ~W.~,.~aershell, E.T~£~orford & ~isher waylend tenant,
and for such other property as is proposed to be taken by the Oounty of Albemarle for
a pub'lie road, ewar~d the damages, if any, resulting to the adjacent end other property
of said tenant or owner and to the p~0perty of any other person, beyond the peculiar
benefits that will accrue to such properties respectively from %he construction end
operation of ~a public road from Oherlottesville to Orange 0o. Line and will properly
certify the same.
· iven under my hand this. 24th day of ~my 19SB.
~.~.~aupin, ~r. Deputy Olerk.
To the honorable Board of mupervisors of the 0ounty of Albemarle:
V~e, J.R.~ingfield Jr. Geo. T,Oarr, L.Deyerle, L,E.~ordon and O.~,Garnett
Cemmissionere appointed by your ~onoreble ~edy to ascertain whet will be ~ Just com-
pensation for such part of the land ~or for such interest er estate in the lead) of
the fr~eehold whereof ~no T.Antrim, T.A.marstmll, E.T.l~ordord and ~'isher ~aylend tenant.,
and for such other property as i~ proposed to be taken by the 0ounty of ~lbemerle for
a public road from Oharlottesville to Orange Oounty line to assess the damages, if any
resulting to the adjacent or other property of said tenant or owner, beyond the
peculiar benefits that will acoure to said properties respectively from the construct-
ion~anR operation of the said public road, do certify that on the g& day of ~ay 19SE,
the day designated in the said order, we met gogether on the said pert of the lend
of ~ohn T.Antrim, T.A.~arshall, E.'~.i~or%ord and ~isher ~aytend the limits of which
part were then and there described to us-as follows; to wit;
StOne query~on john T.Antrim.; 80 feet through jehu T.Antrim 1600. ft. approximately
80 feet through T.A.~ershell 1800. ft. ,,
80 feet road through E.'~.~or~ord ~240. ft.
$0 ft. road through ~isher wayland &00. ft.
and after being duly sworn, upon a review o£ the pe~t aforesaid end of the adjacent
other property of sa id owner who would be damaged in their pr~:erty by the ¢onstrictu¢
and operation of the said road; and upo~n such evidence as wes before, us we ere of
opinion and do ascertain that for the said pert (or for the interest or estate in thg
part) and for the other pr operty so taken.
will be a Just compensation. ~nd the d~nmges to the ~dja~net~ er ether property of
said tenant or owner by reason of the Construction and operation of the said re~d,
beyond the peculiar benefits that will'accru~e te'~said properties respectively from
the constrictuon and operation ef such read are ne d~nmge to adjoining proper~y.
~iven under our hands this 2&th day of ~ay 1922;
j,~. ~ingf~ield j~.
L. ~{. ~erd on
~ .Deyerle
~eo. T.Oarr
in the m~tter of the Commissioners report in the ~illiam Byers c~se 'it is
continued to a future meeting of the Bs~rd.
Nessrs' ~.~loyd and Douglas .~orsyth ~ppeared before the Bo'~rd ~nd requested
the Oounty to repla~e their fences which will trove to be taken down on the.road
between nowardsville and ~eene, which .the beard deemed to be j~s~t, therefore on
motion dulysecon~ed it is ordered ttmt the OountY replace the fences in as good
condition as they are now.
~r, P.H.Gentry appeared before the Bo~rd and asked for land damages and damages~
te adjacent property for an,~'nnlawful entry upon~his land by the Oounty road forces
and after a discussion of the m~tter it w~s deceded to settle it by'arbritraters,
the 0hairn~n to select one arbritrator, Mr. Gentry one and if ~he two can not settle,
the arbritrators to select a third person.
On motion of C.Purcell Mc0ue mhd seconded by j.M,~'ray it is ordered that the
enterance to the Horse Show Grounds caused by the grading and relocation of the public
road, be fLxed by the county.
G.~tusry nsmm, Treasurer, presented to the Board s statement, together with
the ~ouchers of all warrants paid by him during the month of ~ay 1922. The Board
after examining all the warrants ordered the statement to be filed and the following
s mounts spread.
0omuty warrants paid during
0harlottesville Dist. Read ~arrants Paid
Samuel ~ill er
R ivanna
White hall
Dist. head ~¢arrants Paid
Dist. l~o~d Warrants Paid
Dist. ixoad Warrants Fa id
Dist. Head ~arrants Paid
Dist. Road ~arrants Paid
4:'74:. 34:
In the m~tter of' painting the inside of the Oourt House ~i$ .is ordered
that the inside of the Oourt .House_, except the jury ~oom and the adjacent Room, be
painte& and the contract let .to the ~.lowest bidder,
~. Homer ~ichey~, ~ttorney, appeared before the ~oard. of ~upervisors
on behalf of numbrous tax papers from the iv~ ~ ~hite hall Districts and petitioned
the Boerd to make the Owensville tO ~hite ~all a sm~d-clay toed instead of a top-soil
road, thereupon after ~ full discussion of the matter, ~. ~iller the supervisor
from White ~all District requested ~hat the road be made a shad-clay road in his
District and ~r. Oalho~u, the supervisor from ivy District signified his willingness t~
the send-clay .road be constructed in his district, therefore on motion duly seccnded
it unani$ously o~deree that the road I'rom Owensville to ~'hite ~all be a send-clay road
The undersigned, a ma jority of the Bo~rd of Supervisors of ~!bemarle
Oounty, do hereby petition and request your Honor to make an Order requiring the
.~udges of .Election in the ocott$~ille i~mgisteria! District, at some time not !ess
than thirty days from the date of this Order, to-wit on the ~th day of ~ovember 1922,
to open ~ poll and take the sense of the qualified vo~ers of the ooottsville
~m~isterial District whether the Board' of' ~upervisors of ~his County shall issue bonds
for the purpose of macadamizing or otherwise permanently improving the public roads
of said magisterial District, under ~he provisions o±' the Act of ~arch £8th 19E£.
The approximate loc~tion ~of the ro~ds is as follows:---
ia) Prom ~erm~ns C~ap ~oad t~ ~ilts~ store Bit~ '~¥_~acadam~ ~
~ength ~ost
i b ;~ ~rom ~r. ~rtman~ s extending ~'ordam ~oad
to ~ir. Percy ~illiam~s ~'ork
B~t ~ae~dam
!.~ mi £~,000.
~ c) ~rom ~irador widening ~ resurfacing
to~ ~. Ortman~s place
Bit ma ca dam
l.V5 22,000.
~d) Prom ~liller~chool through Batesville
to foot of ~ilt beyond i~it. Ed, Church
oit ~ cadam
£.T5 44,000.
Prom Oetesville
to horth Sarden
oit ~m cadam
V .0 !1£ ,000.
(f) Prom ~orth Garden
to '~ar!and~s (Dulce)
Soil ~urfa ced
B.O 9,000,
(g) ~rom Lynchburg ~oad
to Hogsheads
1.0 2,000.
(h) ~rom Lynchburg ~oad
to foot neards ~t. Hudson Oreck
Bit ~ cadam
2.25 ~6,000.
( i ) Prom Lynchburg ~,oa d
to ~cottsville E. at S.G~rden Oh,
Soil Outfaced
4.75 20,000.
(j) Prom Bed Hill
to point One ~ile ~ast
Soil surfaced
1.0 5,000.
(k) Prom Red Hill
to ~ross roads $ mile west
~it m~ cadam
O.V5 1£,000.
(1) ~rom uross roads ~ mile W, of meal alii
to ivy District Line
$'~!! ~urfaced
4.5 24,000.
(m) Prom ned Hkl! School
to ft. Hill below ~iooreland Church
~oi! Surfaced
1.0 4,000,
35.25~¥~i ~380,000.
21,00 ~iles Bitu3minous ~cedam
13.25 ~iles soil surfaced
1.00 miles Graded
2 ,00o ,
The said Board of ~upervisors have submitted the location of the roads in
said District to the State Highway commissioner end he hms made a report thereon.
which report is filed with this petition.
~nd es in duty bound petitioners will ever prey.
J. ~. ~re y
C.Purcell ~cOue
~ .~. Oa ibc ~
Ohas ~ .~i!ler
The following claims were presented, ~xamined and allowed and ordered to be
certified tb~~ the ~reasurer for payment.
~tty for Oom $600.00
O,M.Thomas salary 135.34
Sheriff 466.66
Clerk 600.00
Ss1sry as Auditor 75.00
~slsry for Board 28.00
S~lsry 221.00
Salary 79.00
Salary VS.~0
S~l~ry 66.00
$~lsry 88.00
S~lsr y 80.20
S~lmry 0.P. 20~00
Sslsry 0.P. ~0.00
Salary O.P. ~0.00
$slmry O.P. 20.00
Smlsry O.P. E0.O0
Salary O.P. ~0.00
L~ey 2.90
L~scy 5.60
uo~ty Jail ~.61
Demons t rs t or l~ 5. O0
L~soy 2.00
L~8 cy 5.00
Lun~ ey 5.00
E.L. Geddy
Dr. j,B.Dickinson
E,~ ,Sims jr.
ii, 0. PLsll
~,W,~isrsh2 ll
James R. Br own
A. j.~vis
E. H ,S o~er ville
D.O. Jseks on
Kee Lox
Wm. ~nn Oo.
Surber Ar~dsle 0o.
J, ~ s on Smith
~sy ~rrick
C .~. ~r e en
R.~.Tu~e r
~rry ~llen
~.~, ~ingfield
0. i~.Gsrnett
Geo. O~rr
L .~. ~ord on
Dr. J,m.melt on
C,W.ha iley
J. ~.~olfe
~. ~rint lng 0o.
Col. h~srm Dem. 30.00
O orner 6.00
0orn~e r 5.00
Corn~ r 3.00
0orn~ r 2.00
Oor~rer 2.00
0orn~er 1.00
0orff~ r 1.00
~orner 1.0 0
" 1.00
" 1.00
" 1,00
" 1.00
" 1.00
Typewriting ribbons 10,00
Deed i~ookm 93.52
0 .~ 5. O0
binding books !65.~5
Jail 1V.42
witnesses 10.00
" '~.50
Viewers 6. O0
" 6.00
" 6.00
" 6.00
" 6.00
Oornner 2,00
" 2. O0
" 2.00
" 2.00
" 2.00
~ 2.00
" 2 · O0
" 2.00
" 2.00
" 2.00
Luna cy 5. O0
Lunacy 5.60
Luna c y 5. ! 2
Luna c y 2.00
Legal forms 4.75
Cornner 6.00
C.A. ~ardley
Dr. J,~.Davis
Dr. J.T.~l~ppen
J. D,T ilman
~.~.,ilman Jr.
ma j. J.S,Graves
Land Dan~ ges
Land Dams gee
App. for American Leg.
5. O0
~t a regular meeting of the Soard of Bupervisors o£ ~lbemarle County,
he~d at the Oourt House of s~id County on the 19th day of july 1922; ~resent:---
Hollis ~ineh~rt; Oh~irnmn, ~.~.Oalhoun, j.~.~rmy, j.D.Pitts. O..~urcell ~cOue &
C.~.~iller & W.~.Long,
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
On the motion of 0.2.Miller ~uly seconded it was unsnimously ~esolved that
the Board hereby declares it requisite, necessary ~nd suitable for the proper location,
reconstruction and maintenance of that portion of the county and District ro~d from
0wensville to Boonesville ~o acquire-that portion of the property "real estate"
hereinafter mentioned, and the Boord h~ving made a bona fide effort to agree with
the owher of said property "real estate'' and all interested therein to purchase
said property "real estate~' but h~ve been unable to do so by reason of the refusal
of the owner of said property and of those interested therein and entit~led thereto to
agree upon m orice or terms for the ourchase thereof, the ~ttorney for the Commonwealth
is hereby ordere~d and directed to proceed to condemn the same under Chapter 1V6 of
the Virginia oode of 1919. The property to be so condemned is as follows:--
So much of the property of j.R.i~aupi~i in ~lbemarle"~Oounty ss is to be taken
by the proposed right of way or public road, bounded ss follows:--
Beginning Bt a stake marked 85-50 in the ~ree onion ilosd, being approximately
8550 feet from ~'ree -onion, ~unning ~0 ft. wide throughout; thence ~ 15 degrees E' &50
ft; thence E' 37 ~ 800 ft; thence z~ ~2 degrees F ~00 ft; thence~ 2~ degrees ~ 100
ft; thence ~ 15 degrees E 100 £t; thence ll E 52~ ft. back to the present road.