HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-07-19O.h. ~iardley Dr. ~.~.Davis Dr. J.T.~l~ppen J.o'.Dattle J.D.Tilman ~.~.Tilman ~r. ~a j. J.S.~raves Duna cy ~tty Land Damages Land Damages ~pp. for ~merican ~eg. 2.00 fi. O0 5.00 25.00 500.00 ~0.00 ~00.00 ~t a regular meeting of the Board of Bupervisors of ~lbem~rle 0ounty, he~d at the Oourt House of said Ootuaty on the 19th day of july 192~; Present:--- Hollis ~inehart; 0hairman, ~.~ .Calhoun, d.~.~ray, J~.~.~itts ,~ O.,~urcell ~cOue & O.~.~'iiller & V~.~.Long. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On the motion of O.A.~iller ~uly seconded it was unanimously ~,esotved that the Ooard hereby declares it requisite, necessary and suitable for the proper location, reconstruction and maintenance of that portion of the Oounty and District road from 0~ensville to ~oonesville to ~cquire that portion of the property ~real estate~' hereinafter mentioned, and the ~o~rd having m~de a bona fide effert Zo agree with the owher of said property "real estate~' and all interested therein to purchase said property "real estate" but h~ve been unable to do so by reason of the refusal of the owner of Said property and of those interested therein end entitled thereto to agree upon a ~ori~ce .or terms for the vurchase thereof, the ~ttorney for the Oommonwealth is hereby ordere~d and directed to proceed to-condemn the same under 0hapter 1~6 o£ the ¥irginia Oode of 1919. The property to be so condemued is as follows:-- So much of the property of j.R.Maupi~ in ~lben~rle' 0ounty as is to be taken by the proposed right of way or public road, bounded as follows:-- Beginning at a stake marked 85-50 in the ~,ree ~nion ~oad, being approximately 8550 feet from ~ree 0~nion, ~unning 30 'ft. wide throughout; thence ~ 15 degrees ~ 450 ft; thence N 37 E 800 ft; thence ~ 32 degrees F 300 ft; thence~£~ 23 degrees E 100 ft; thence l~ 15 degrees E 100 fi; thence ll E 525 ft. back to the present road. It appearing to the Board that it will he necessary to borrow some money With which to pay Cotu~ty expenses between now and the collection of 1922 taxes. it is therefore ordered that the Chariman of the t~oard be, and he is ~ereby authorized in the name, and on behalf of the Oounty of ~lbemarle, to make arangements with some bank or banks for them to advance the necessary amounts, not to exceed ~20,000.00 and to execute such obligation or obligations in the name, and on behalf of said County as may be necessary to secure such advancement o~ advancements, and also by such obligation or obligations pledge 1922 taxes for same. The following of the justices of the Peace appeared in person and are entitled to the amounts opposite their respective names. £~.Gartand ~2.50; ~.~lannagan ~2.50; ~.W.V~o~fe ~2.90; T.H.Ohildress ~.50; ~.B. ~orthington ~2.20; Henry ~ibbs ~.50; a,~.~ bson ~2.20; ~',R,~aupin ~2.90;- J.B.Wood ~2.90; C.~.Y~rdiey ~1.60; O.BiJones ~2.90; B.Z.Irving ~1.~60; Jackson ~eal ~3.50. ~ll the rest of the j~tiees had the~ fine books before the Board. On motion of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by $.~.Calhoun it is ordered that the sum o-f ~00.00 be appropriated to the Library ~'und of mcImtire Library of Polled vote unanimous. On motion of OoPurcell ~,.icCue and seconded by S.~.Oalhoun it is ordered that Ocs'ton and Davis the contractors on the road from Owensville to White Hall m~y give a personal bond for the completion of their contract with the county. In the matter of the bids for the construction of the Oratm~ Road. The bids being opened and Hunter-Lessley ~ Co. appearing to be the lowest bidders therefore on motion of O.Purcell ~'~eCue and seconded by J.L.Pitts it is ordere~ that the contract be let to the said Hunter-Lessley ~ 0o. ~fr. ~'ray recuested the ~oard to allow him to build the road from Spring Hill to Burnleys with district funds to be afterwards reimbursed from the Oounty ~und therefore on motion duly seconded. At the regular June meeting of the ~oard of ~upervisors of 21bemarle Oounty va. a tie vote resulted on the motion made and duly seconded that the county of Albemarle enter inte~~ a contract with State HighWay Commission to anticipate the construction of the State Highway from Oharlotesville to' £~elson Oounty Line and to issue bonds according to lsw for the sum of ~00,000.0:~"to be refunded by the state .and the question was continued to the regular O~uly 1922 meeting of the smid ~oard Therefore in compliance with section £~lV of the Code of ¥irginia of 1919 in reg~rd~ to ~ tie vote, ~.~.Long the Commissioner de~lg~eds' ~ by the Court to e~st the deciding vote appeared this day and ~fter hearing the evidence, voted On motion of O.~.Miller duly seconded it is unanimously ordere~ that the report of ~he commissioners %heretofore appointed te assess the dsm~ge if any. f~r a change or re~o'~stion of the road from 0wensville to Boonesville through the lands of J,R.~auptn. H.O.~upin and H.O.Eiller is hereby rejected. On motion of J. L. Pitts and seconded by S. A. Calhoun, it is ordered that R. E. Lee ask for bids for the, construction of the road from Charlottesville to Over- ton with the understanding that the road must be completed this year and that said bids meet the approval of the Board. On motion duly seconded, it is ordered that the bridge over ~oorman s River in White Hall District be the next new bridge constructed by the County. ~ne statement of R. E. Lee of expenditures was submitted and the board after carefully examining the same approved and order it to be filed. G. Stuart Harem, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement, toge2her with the vouchers of all warrants paid by him during the month of June, !922, The Board after examining all the warrants ordered)the statement to be filed and the fol- lowing amoUnts spread ~ County warrants paid, Charlottesville District Warrants paid, Rivanna District Warrants paid, Samuel ~iller District Warrants paid, ~$~ite Hall Distriot Warrant/s paid, Scottsville District Warrants paid, ~5,064.4t 985.~2 950.!V ~,184,27 ~59.52 484.55