HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-08-16 B$a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alben~ rte Oounty Virginia, held at the Court mouse of said County on the 16th day of August !.~gg.i: Fresent :nollis Rinehart, Ohairman, moA.0alhoun', j.~.~ray, 0~,L.Pitts, O.Purcell ~icOue and 0,B .~iller. The minutes of the last meeting ~ere read and app~o veal. OR motion of 0oPurcell l~icOue and seconded by ~:.L.Pitts, it is unanimously ordered tint the health Department of Albemarle Oounty be conmolidated with the health Departments of the City of~ Oharlottesville and 'bniversity of Virginia under .the management o£ Dr. z~eister until the ex~p_iration of the fiscal year. it appearing to the Board tha~ Albemarle County ought to have a county exhibit at the State ~air in Richmond, therefore on motion of O.Purcell ~cOue and seconded by j.L.Pitts, it is ordered that the sum of ~T~hree ~iundred Dollars t$~00~} be appropriated for the above n~med exhibit. ~olled vote unanimous. it appearing to the board that the County h~s settled ~i th all the owners o±' offices within the 0o~ Square excep~ judge d.T.,s,Duke, 0~r., with ~hom the Board could not agree upon; therefore on motion of j.i~.~,rmy ~d seconded by C;Purcell hicOue it is ordered ~h~t a final offer of ~1600.00 be made to judge for the purchmm~ of all of his property within the Court Sqo~re and if this offer is-not accepted to proceed at once ~o hmve the property condemned. The 19gE Virginia ~egistmturs authorized the Oh~rlottesville and ~cottsville ~gisterial Districts of Albemarle Oounty to issue bonds no~ exceedng ~00,000.00 for the construction of the road from Cha'rlottesville to ~cottsville, ~H~Am the said Charlottesville and mcottsville Districts have issued the, said $~00,000.00 oi~ said bonds and required treasurer, (~.Stuart ~immm, ~o give ~n additional bond of $100 , 000 , 00 for the proper expenditure of the fund~ and ¥~hereas the said sum o£ ~00,000.00 has been properly expended, as shown by vouchers; ~in the construction o,£ the said road and the fund now being exhausted; W~n~0=E on motion of j.L.Fitts mud seconded by ~.m.~ray i~ ~is un2nimously ordered that W.Stuart Harem, .zreasurer of Albenmrle County, be relieved of the said ~100,O00.00 bond. in the matter of the Oarters ~ridge. The oounty not hm~ing ~he necessary ~mount at present to build the bridge over the Hardware River at 0arters Bridge and it being the utmost importance that said bridge be constructed as soon as possible, therefore, on motion of j.~i.~ray and seconded by O.Purcell mcOue it is unanimously ordered that the County of Albemarle O0 issue nego~a~ble notes in the amount ~.= ~ach payable on or before five years after date at 5% rate of interest. ~he regular monthly pay-roll off ~.E.~ee, ~upt oi' Aeads, wss presented, examined and ~pprove~ by the Board and ordered to be filed. The following claims were presented, ~xsmined, allowed and ordersd to be certified to the treasurer for pm~nent, viz:--- ~llen & ~alsh ~lbemrle Tel~ 0o. ~lbemarle Home ~utuml ~ire. 0o. Burroughs ~d&ing ~chine 0o. Oonw~ y ~rint lng Ooli~ial Aotel Oh~ville ~dwe 0o. ~ .E .Ell ingt on ~it zhugh BrOS.r ~.~.Geddy Dr. ~.B.Dickinson A.~. jackson ~. m. ~twis tie ~.~,~inn ~. h.~eeks 2.~,'Bu!lock a.~.Gibson O. i. ~ll z.T.Woodson ~ .0.9!ssS W.~ ,Gibson ~.~. ~oles ~ .gar!and Dr. ~.~.Oo!es Dr~ ~.~.~l!l~sms ~ · R. i~ or ve 11 j.~..~opki~ B,~te~ 9srth ~.h. Glesson & Eel~,. County in tax case for ~res. Clerk & Home. Dem. ~ns ufa ilo e ~dding machine for Tres. Printing ballots ~ights for june & auly Juries Gourt House ja il, 3 cla vaccine mo. Ocr. ~c 3 claims' Ocr. inq. Ocr. inq. Ocr. Inq. Cor. jury Ocr. Jtiry O or. jut y ¢or. jury Ocr. Ocr. jury Ocr. ~ury Ocr. ~ury Ocr, jury ~or. ~ury Ocr .. Jury ~,unacy,. 3 els ires Lunacy, ~ elm Las ~una cy, 3 cla ires ~unacy; 2 claims ~xtending 0o. ~evy O.P. to ~Uly 1st Ool. sara Dem. ~250.00. 40.80 56.92 318.50 18.00 22.09 6.00 6.35 9.55 E5 .Zt 6.50 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. O0 1.00 3.00 1.oo 1.00 1.O0 1.00 1.O0 1.00 8.20 17.65 16.8~ 8.20' 2.00 1463.17 29,40 50.00 . Sufi'ma n .~udges .Wood .Gillism 0.D. Pritchezz ¥irgil Prit che!l .Prit chetZ S.O. Prit chet~ ~rmsn Book ~tore ~elt on ~ones 0.B. Sones ~.P.i~els on ~.~. ~O~eS ~ussell Bsrgsmin 9.~,~upin 0hsp Wood J.$.Gsrber ~. Bls c~,ell W.B.Bibb w.~.~eng ~.L.~upin ~ichie 0o. ,E, ~ up in Dr. L,G.aober~s ,~. ~'erne yho ugh 9~.i~.Pstterson O.~ .~sck J. Thomss' .~. Jones aebt. Desn P.W.sandridge So. S~smp ~ Otstionery . ms s on Smith ~.G.Thomss i~ · VanVoo this ~s. Fringing ~o. J.W'.~olfe Dr. $.~.}~el.t on Dr. T~.P,i~els on ~,a~$ones O.R. ~mrdley ~.~ms on Smith Posting notices Ocr &c Ocr jury Cer Jury Ocr Jury Ocr jury Cot ~ury Ocr jury Tress msreh, April Cor Ocr inq.- Gor inq. Ocr jury Cot jury Ocr jury O or jury Cor jury C0r jury ~slsry ss ~upervisor Copying & certii'ying voting lisZ Printing cspitation 0or. Cor inq. 0or ~nq. Cor ~nq. 0or jury Ocr jury Ocr jury 0or jut y 0or ~nq ~t~mps Posting notices serving notice 5 ts t ionery Psper towls Lun~ cy Lunacy Luna cy Lunm cy Lun~ cy ~un2 cy 3.00' 4.~0 1.00 1.00 ~1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.60 100.00 3.00 6.20 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.00 188.&0 189.00 3.00 5 · 00 1 ..00 1.00 !.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 6.~0 6.50 t.00 20.65 10.00 2.00 5. O0 5.00 2.00 6.00 4.50 Dr. Dr. Dr. 'Frank Mc0uthhin Dr. P.K.Pierce Dr. Luria c y l0. O0 Aun,a cy 5.00 ~,una cy 5, O0 i,una cy 5. O0 hunm c y 5 o O0 ~H~ ~,~,~ee, h~s charge of all road and Bridge work in the Oounty:-- Be i~ resolved that he is hereby appointed road ~uperintendent. ~e shall qualii'y l'or o~fice with a bond. of ~lO00.O0 as prescribed by law. salary stall be the same a~ that which he now receive~. 6.Stuart ~mmm, Treasurer, presented to ~he Board a statement, together with the ~ouchers of all warrants p~id by him d2r~ng the month of ~uly 1922. The Board ~i'ter examining all the warrants ~dered the s~atement ~o be l'iled and the following amounts spread: 0ounty warrants ps id 0harlottesville District warrants paid ~ivanna District WarranZs paid ~amuel ~iiller DistricZ ~arrants Paid ~hite imll DistricZ warrants paid Scot~sville District ~arrant~ paid ~V ,368.06 5~5.99 3,282.06 i ,973.24 40~ .07 506.61