HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-11-15 On motion of J.]~.Pltts and seconded By C.Purcell ~cCue it is ordered that the County employ a matron mt the County home at $25.00 per month. Polled vote unanimous. In the ~iatter of election and salary of the County Home Demonstrmtor. On motion of 0.A.Miller and seconded by C.Purcell Mc~ue, Miss Bessie Dunn was elected i~ome Demonstrator at a salary of ~800.00 per year as the Gounty's part with an assistant at $300.00. Aye: Hollis Rinehart, ~.A.Oalhoun, J,l~-.Pitts, C.Pnrcell mcCue, and ~s to increase of Salary No. j.~.Fray. - The Board being of the opinion that it is necessary to alter the loca- tion of the Public Road known ss the Eree ~nion i!oad between ~'ree bnion and Boones- ville through tI~e lends of ~.R.!~upin, doth direct i~.E.~ee~ the Oounty Superintendent of roads for this County, to examine said road and report upon the expediency of altering the location of said road through the lands of ~',R.~mupin. The Board adjourned to ~eet again Oct. 24th 1922. Oha irma n ~t an sdjourned meeting of the Oosrd of oupervisors of Albemarle Oounty, Va. held st the Court iiouse of said County on the 24th day of Oct 1922: Present: Hollis Rinel~srt, Chairman, ~.A.Calhoun, j.~I.~ray and C.A.Miller. The minutes of the lest meeting were read end approved. The Board examined the delinquent returns and finding them to be corrent it is ordered that the supervisors sign the necessary certificates. R.E.Lee, County Superintendent of iloads for Albemarle Cou~!ty in pursusance of the order of this Board entered on~ the 18th day of October 1922, filed a written report, with a map, in regard to s proposed change and alteration in the location of the County Road leading from ~ree ~nion to Boonesville in s~aid County, through the lands of J.R.Maupin and thereupon this Board doth direct the said E.~.~ee, County Superintendent of Roads, to enter into negotiations with the said i~mupin to make proper efforts to acquire the necessary land or right of way through the land of the said j.R.~iaupin, by purchsser, as per map filed with the said report of the said ~ee, and make report in writing to this Board st its next meeting. ler. At a regular meeting Of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia held at the ~ou~_t ~ouse of said county on the 15th day of ~ov. 19S2. Present, i~ollis Rinehart Chairman, ~.A.Celhoun, J.~.Frey, ~.Y~.Pitts and o.~.~iller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The jail committee appointed at ~ former meeting of the Board requested that they be allowed to make their report at the Dec. 1922 meeting which was accordingly done. City manager Bennett of 0hsrlottesville appeared before the ~oard and asked that the City p~upers be allowed to enter the County ~ome, at a just price, THEREFORE, on motion of J.M.~'ray and seconded by ~.~a. Pit'ts, it is ordered that the County accept the !~aupers from the 0ity of Charlottesville at the same rate that it requires to feed, clothe ~c the county paupers. In the matter of heating the Court House and Clerk's 0ffioe. The bids for heating the Court house &o were this day opened and as there was some confusion as to what plans the bids were based upon, on motion of Pitts and seconded by ~.M.~ray, it is ordered that E.M,Lee employ a mechanical architect to draw the necessary plans and specifications of the hea~ing platn and that new bids be e~ked for based upen said plans and speoificstions. The monthly pay roll of E.E.Lee, ~upt. of ~o~ds was presented, exemined, approved and ordered to be filed. Before the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle. On the application of ~.~.~rmy for a change or relocation of the road overhead bridge at ~roffits to the old railroad bed through the land of Wash Flannagan, it is ordered that ~.D.~ray, ~.i,Wood, A~drew Brown, ~.B.Scribner and ~.D.Smith be appointed viewers, after being first duly sworn, to view the grounds, and report to the Board the conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to the public, if such road clangs shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, ordhard, or any part thereof will in such case, have to be taken; mhd the said viewers shall also ascertain and report to Board, whether the said road will be-one of such mere private convenience, aS to make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. They shall ~~ particularly report the facts and circumstances in their opinion useful in enabling the Board to determine the expediency of establishing or altering the road or landing. 'They may examine other routes than that proposed for any road, and report in favor of the one they prefer with the reasons for their preference. They shall report the names of the land owners on such reute, and state which of them require compensstion, the probable amount, in the opinion of the viewers, to which such party may be entitled, and shy other matter which they m~y deem pertinent. A map or diagram of such route shall be ret'urned with their report, if no one of the viewers be surveyor they may employ one if necessary, be certified The following claims were presented, examined, allowed and to the treasurer for payment, Viz:--- E.A.Hamner Election $ 13.20 C.W. Burnley ocr. jury 2.00 .~.C.~ones Ocr. Jnry 2.00 T.W.Edwards Cot. ~ury 2.00 ~llen, Welsh & ~ichie Legal services 100.00 P. ~.~ lexand~r ~'le ct ion 3.00 ~ohn I.~lex~nder " 3.00 C .R. ~nde rs on " ~-3,00 Lucian Brown " 3.00 ~. j..~alla rd . ll .~0 O-.S. ~s timan . 3.00 E.B.Bowden " ~.00 Sidney Barnett " Z.00 i{. L. Bla c kb urn " ~. 00 i~uss ell Ba rgamin " 1.00 D~. H.L.i~apt ist " 1.O0 J.S.Boston " ~.00 L. S. Burks " 4. O0 A. ¥. Burks " 3. O0 F.G.Batten " 3.00 W .h. Bir ckhea d " 1.00 A .L.Blair " 3.00 J. 0. B owc o c k " 6. S0 T. ii. Childr es s " ~. 00 Cliff 0hildress " ~.00 3~.L.Calho un . ~ .80 $.~. Oslhoun ~ 1.00 J.~. Cas kie " Z .00 Ambler Omskie " 5.00 E.D. 0ox " 1.00 ~.A.Oarpenter " 12.60 ~d. Coles " 6.00 W.A.Olsrk " 3.00 E.~,.Oarro!l " 3.00 Ernest Oranwell " ~.00 wm. ~'.Carter Jr. " ~.00 C.O.Oook " 3.00 il. J.'Orenshsw " 3. O0 Dr. ~.m.~elton ~un~cy ~ inquest &c 10.00 Chville H~we Co Election 5,00 ~'. warren Dsvis " 4.10 h.i.Davis " 3.00 W.H.Davis " 8.80 E. ~'. D~n " J. 00 v~. w .Dr is co 11 " 3.00 j.L.Downer " ~.00 James P.Dorrier ~' 10.00 H. C. a's t~s " V. 00 R .~. H. ~o s t er " 3.00 ~. ~. Ps rr is h ,, 8.40 £.H.Gentry - ~.00 john ~'e ntry - J.00 W.E.~oodwin - ~.00 G.¢-. ~o odwin - ~.00 g.~. Gault " ~.00 G.~ .Gibson - 10.O0 J. ~. G ihs on - ~ .&0 J.ti. Grins te~d " D. O0 ~. J.Gay " J.O0 H.h~.Gsrth - 3.00 ~ .~i. Gi!lum " 3. O0 i~ .L. Gi~ nninie " ~ .00 P. Y. Hall " 3. O0 ~{. 0. Hall " 7.40 H.Ashby Harris - S.O0 Milton A. H~ rr is " 7.40 J.W.HenSley - S.00 ~.~. Hubba rd " 3.00 Sam nudges - ~.00 ~. ~. ifs rr ingt on - 1 o 00 J.W.Haskins " 3.00 W.D. Holl ode y - 5.50 ~. ~. huff man ,, ~. 00 C.~ .Huffm~n - 1~ .00 H.~ .~ .Hamilton - 3.00 ~ewis huff - J,00 F~ ri ~ead ,, 3. O0 J.L. Humb ert - 3. O0 J.H. jones - 3.00 T.Woods Ga rman - 3.00 a.B. ja rman - 10.00 T.H. ~a rman - ~. 00 Z_ing Solomon Lodge '" 1.00 w. n. ~anghorne - ~. 00 W. E. ~undy ,, 3. O0 ~. J.l~ichie - 10.60 Ordered to [!0 O. W. ~¢oWee '~le ct ion J. O0 W.D.~supin. 6r " 8.90 F. C. i~in or " J. O0 P. 3~. i~in o r ~ 3. O0 John ~iinor " 8.00 ~. H. ~via rt in " 3.00 H. ~ · ~ rt in " 3. O0 ~'~. B. ~urp hy " J. O0 H.O.mitler " J .00 W. ~.~i~h~nes " J.O0 O,J~.~a hanes " 10. O0 ~ohn ~yo " J. O0 H. ~. roes ns rd " J. 00 H .E. mcr yell " S. 00 J.T. O'neill " 8.80 ~. H.Pugh " J.00 R. z~. Pngh " ~. 00 j. P.Fa yne " 6. Walter Pmyne " ~.00 j.W.~s tterson " '~ ~ ~. 00 H.P.Porter " 6.20 F.B. Fa trot t " ~ .00 j. ~. Ps ge " 8.00 ~. ~. Philt ips " ~. 00 Riverside L, ibr~ ry " 1.O0 j.m.Hams ey " j. ~. Hive rcomb " ~. 00 ~.H.~ogers " J. 00 O.~. noberts " ~,00 Dr. ~.G. noberts " 1.00 j.mason ~mith " 2.90 J.D .~ mith " Z. O0 G.~.Smith " ~ .00 o. C. ~h~ ckelf ord " ~. 60 D,~.oandridge ~ 3.00 ~verett mandridge " ~.00 m. i-.S uthe rla nd " 3.00 s.W.ocott ~r. " $.00 ~.n.ot~srgell " lO.00 Silas ~helbourne " ~.00 j. 0 .T hurm~ n " ~. 80 ~own of ocottsville ~' 1.00 0.B.~rice ~: ~.00 w .~i. ¥i~ " ~. 00 j.i~., ilkers on " J .00 i .~. Woods on " ~. 00 H.W. wsddell " 6.90 £. ~. ~hite ~ 8.90 o.~. White " 1.O0 H.G.White " J.00 C.P.Zitzer " ~.00 ~lbemsrle Tel. Co ~elephone for Treas. l&.F~ C & B. Ry ~o Lights 32.12 Batesvills Printing Co Stationery for Tress 1J.00 P.T.Dunn Electoral Board 96.9~ H.~.Gleason & Co. 0.P. to Oct. let O.]~.H~rris Electoral Bosrd ~i. 00 H.L. Josselyn Cor. J.00 T .B. Campbell " 1.00 J.T.0'Neil " 1.00 J.D. ~a up in " 1.00 J.~i. Ellis on " 1,00 F. P. Ha rr is " 1. O0 E.L.S~ndridge " 1.00 J.H. jones Posting notices 2.00 ~.L.Mmupin Repsirs to typweriter ~2) 20.15 D.L.Smith ~lec. ~oard ~0.80 Surber ~rundale co Legal ~,orms ~2.50 B.Z. Irving Cot. 2 claims 6.00 Geo. ~.'H~rlow Cor jury 2.00 Ohas ~.St~ples Cor Jury 2.00 N'. H, Crawford Cot J~y 2.00 Dr. ~..~. ~ea ~utopsy 15.00 Va. ~rinting Co Treasurer 2~00 J.W. Wol£e Lunacy 2.00 Dr. H./~l.P~ge Zuna cy ~. 00 R.L.Snea d guns cy 1.00 Claude =.Yardley Corner ~.00 Bloyd Plangher Ocr. jury 1.O0 E.T.Garth Cot. jury 1.00 ~.melton Jones Ocr. jury 1.00 ~.~. Yowell Cor. ~ury 1.O0 ~.H.Wi!li~ms Ocr. ~ury 1.00 w,~'.Br~nh~m Cot. ~ury 1.00 The Sosrd a~journed to meet on the 16th dgy of i~ov. 1922. At ~n ~djourned meeting of the Boerd of oupervisors held st the Oou_~,t House on the 16th day of ~ov. 1922. Fresent; nollis Einehart, Chairm~n, S.~.Calhouz~ ~.~t.~rey end O,A.;~iller. The minutes of the last meeting were read end epproved. The board after inspecting the building and form, and giving general ezamination of conditions found metters in as good s condition es could reasonably be expected and therefore doth approve of the acts of the Supt. of said Home and, BF IT resolved, that the thanks of this Board are given to mrs. hopkins, the wife of the Supt. for her efficient work end services rendered and for her kind treatment of the Board et the ti~e of their visit. At a call meeting of the boerd of Supervisors of Albemerle County st the Court House December 5th 19£E. Fresent. j,N.~rey, Temporery Chsirmsn, ~.A.Oelhoun C.A.Niller, ~.L.Pitts end u.Purcell ~cgue. The bosrd was celled to order by the Temporary Chairmen to discuss an a~r~'eeme, n~ previously made with !;.E.Welker in regerd to getting sand or grovel from his place to surface the rood beginning st ~tacadem road near mr. Oalhouns end lead- ing towerds ~hite nell in both ivy and White -Hell districts. it seems that no surfecing has been done in ivy District on account of Bridge and rock work but that considerable sand hes been used from ~r. ~alkers place on the road in White Hell District, ~r. welker confirms his egreement thet sand may be gotten from his place to go on this road in both districts bat feeling thet the supply will run short he insists thet the dirt pert in ivy District (which rood he is of course most interested in} shall be prepared and surfaced before oontinueing on the '~hite h~ll en&Q 'except that it is egreed thst the trucks may continue heuling for the ~¢hite t~e'll end u~¢till Thursday night the ~th inst. and may lead from both beds so thst more trucks con operete, It is also egreed thet ~hile surfecing the .vy District end trucks may losd from both beds end thet after surfecing his end of the rood Iso celled), farther sand may be gotten for the 'white Hell end with the priviledge of loeding from both beds the-same as when surfecing the ivy'end. There was considerable discussion end difference of opinion in regsrd to eveilable meteriel on the lend of one Sprouee in white nell District, end it was