HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-12-05At sn adjourned meeting of the Board of oupervisors held st the Oou_~r,t
House on the 16th day of ~ov. 1922. Fre~ent; nollis Rinehart, Ohs'irmsn, S.AoOslhoun
~.N~.~r~y and C.A.Miller.
The minutes of the lost meeting were read and approved.
The board after inspecting the building and farm, and giving general
e~sminstion of conditions found matters in ss good s condition ss could reasonably
be expected and therefore doth approve of the acts of the Supt. of said Home and,
BE IT resolved, that the th~nks of this Board are given to mrs. liopkins,
the wife of the Supt. for her efficient work ~nd services rendered and for her
kind treatment of the Board st the tiN~e of their visit.
· t
~t s call meeting of the board of Supervisors of Albemarle Court y st the
Court House December ~th 19£~. Fresent. j,N.~rsy, Temporary Chairman, ~.A.Cslhoun
C.A.Miller. ~.L.Pitts ~nd ~.Purcell mcCue.
The bo2rd ~vss called to order by the Temporary Chairmsn to discuss sn
s~e~ma~ previously made with ~,M.V~slker in reg2rd to getting sand or gravel from
his place to surface the road beginning st mscmdsm road near mr. Cslhouns and lead-
ing to~srds ?~hite hall in both ivy and ~hite Hall districts.
It seems that no surfacing has been done in ivy District on account of
Bridge and rock work but that considerable sand has been used from i~2. ~slkers pl2ce
on the ro~d in White iisll District.
~Ir. ~slker confirms his agreement that sand may be gotten from his place
to go on this road in both districts but feeling thst the supply will run short
he insists that the dirt part in ivy District ~which ro~d he is of course most
interested in) shall be prepared and surfsced before continueing on the ~hite tisll
~n~[Qm except that it is agreed that the trucks may continue hauling for the ~hite
hlmll end untill Thursday night the 7th inst. mhd may lead from both beds so that
-more trucks can operate.
it is also sgreed that Ehile surfscing the ±vy District end trucks may
load from both beds and that after surfacing his -end of the road ~so called), further
sand rosy be gotten for the '~¥hite ~isll end with the priviledge of loading from both
beds the same ss when surfscing the ivy end.
There was considersble, discussion and difference of opinion in regsrd
to available msterisl on the lend of one Sprouse in ~hite nsll District, and it wss
ordered that the Engineer together with Mr. ~iller a-r--~-.k.~ investigate this
at once and if found s~itabel and in~u~tlf~sble quantity_ it would be cheaper to
b~y and use it in. White ~all district rater:$ha~n have free sand from mr. walker's place,
Cha irma n
At ~ regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia
held at the Court House of said 0ounty on the E0th day of Dec. 192~. -Present,
Hollis Hinehart, Chairmmn, S,~.Omlhoun, J.i~.Pray, ~.L.Pi~ts, O.Purcell .~cCue mhd
~.A .~iller.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and appr. oved.
~t s Circuit Court continued and held for the 0ounty of Atbenmrle on December
8th 1922.
Present: Hon.- john W.l~ishbu~ne, Judge.
In the Matter of the Issue of Bonds for the Purpose of ~onstructim~, Niacadsmizing,
or Otherwise Permanently Improving the Public Roads in the Samuel ~iller District of
sa id 0oUnty.
I~ appearing to the Court from the report of the Cormmissioners of the election
held on the 7th day of November, 1922, that a majority of the qualified voters upon the
question in favor of issuing bonds for the purposes mentioned in the above caption,
have voted in favor of the issuing of such bonds for the purposes aforesaid, in the
Samuel ~iller District of said ~ounty, a duplicate of which report of said Commission-
ers is filed with this order, the Court hereby enters~ of record the result of the
vote ~pon the euestien aforesaid, ss certified by the report of the Commissioners
aforesaid,, and doth order and require the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Albemarle to proceed st their next meeting to carry out the wishes of the voters
· as expressed at said election, in the District aforesaid.
And the Clerk ef this Court shall certify a copy of this orde~ to the said
Board of Supervisors.
~ Copy~Teste: C.~.Moran D.~.
On motion duly seconded the following _resolution was unanimously adopted, the
following X~$~SS~_~~XEEE members of 'the Board voting in %he affirmative: Hollis
Einehart, J.i~.Pitts, C.Purcell McOue, S.A.Calhoun, O.A.~iller mhd
~agative - none.
"it appearing ~o the Board of Superwisors that the Circuit Oourt of Albemarle