HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-12-20ordered that the Engineer together with Air. ~itler a~ ~,~-..- ~ ,- - investigate this at once and if four~d suitabel and injust,ifi~ble quantity it would be che~per to buy and use it in White ~atl district rater ~ha~n have free sand from ~r, Walker's place, AND THiS IS ~0 0ED~D. Chs irma n At s regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albe~rle County, Virginia held mt the ~ourt House of said 0ounty on the BOth day of Dec, 19~2. -Present, Hollis Einehart, Chairman, S,A,Cmlhoun, J.~.~ray, ~.L.Pibts, O.Purcell h~_cOue mhd ¢.A.Siller. The minutes of the 1sst meeting were read and mppr~oved. At a ~ircuit Court continued and held for the Oounty of ~lbemSrle on December 8th 1922. Present: Hon. john W.~ishburne, Judge. In the Nmtter of the Issue of Bonds for the Purpose of Gonstructin~, N~cadamizing, or Otherwise Pern~nently Improving the Public Roads in the Samuel-~iller District of sa id 0oUnty. - I~ appearing to the 0curt from the report of the Commissioners of the election held on the 7th day of November, 1922, that $ majority of the qualified voters upon the question in favor of issuing bonds for the purposes mentioned in the shove caption, h~ve voted in favor of the issuing of such bonds for the purposes aforesaid, in the Samuel ~iller District of said Gounty, s duplicate of which report of said Commission- ers is filed with this order, the Court hereby enters of record the result of the vote ~pon the cuestion aforesaid, ~s certified by the report of the Commissioners aforesaid, and doth order and require the Board of Supervisors of the County of ~lbemsrle to proceed st their next meeting to carry out the wishes of the voters as expressed st said election, in the District aforesaid. And the 01erk of this Court shsll certify m~ copy of this order to the said Board of Supervisors. A ~opy~Teste: C.E.Noran D.O. On motion duly ~econded the following ~resolution was unanimously adopted, the following ~$~$~z~~x~ members of ~the Board voting in the affirmative: Hollis Rinehart, J.L.Pitts, O.Purcell N~cOue, $.~,Calhoun, C,~.Niiller and ~agative - none. "it appearing to the Board of Superwisors tl~t the Circuit Oourt of Albemarle County, at its December Term, 7'192£ certified to this ~Board that at an election held on the 7th day of ~ovember 192E, a rna jority of the voters in the Samuel siller Magtsterzal'~Dlstrzc voted in favor of a bond issue for permanent rood improvement there in a s fo ll ows :- A. Blairs Park Hoed, between Gills Store end jarmsns Gap Rood. Lenght: l½ miles, width of roedway: 22 ft. Fstimeted cost $~0,600.00 Jordan Road, between 0rtmans and ~iltiams Lenght: t.~ miles. Width of read- way: 22 ft. Estimeted cost S! ,600.00 O. 0rtman Hoed, between State Highway ~9 and orr- hens. Lenght: 2.1 miles. ~idth of roadway: 22 ft. Fstimet ed cost 2~, 000, 00 D. Ba.tesville Road, between Miller School and foot of Sill, near ~it. Ed. Church Lenght: 2.6 miles. Fidth of road- w~y: 22 ft. Est imet ed cost 66 ,~00.00 E. Batesville Road, between ~stesville and Garlands. Lenght: 9,S miles, width of road- way: 22 ft. ~stimated cost 8O ,Er4. O0 P. Ho~Tshesd Hoed, between State 'Highway ~28 and Hogs- head. Length 1 mile. Width of roedway: E2 ft. Est imeted cost 600.00 G. Hoards Road, Red Hill Road, between State liighway ~28 end foot of Heards I~ounta in. Lenght: 2.25 miles. Width of rosd- ~ y: 22 ft. Estimated cost 1 mile east of Red Hill to Ivy Dis- tri ct Line Lenght: 6.~ miles. Fst im~t ed cost 47,500.00 49 ,J?J .00 I. ~oorland Church Hoed, between State Highwey ~28 at Red Hill School and ~ioorland. Lenght: I mile. ¥~idth of roadway: 22 ft. Est inet ed cost 2,7~0. O0 It is hereby entered of record that the said amount~of $~J~,94~.00 of bonds shell presently be issued and th~.t the said bonds shell be sold so es to net the 0ounty not less than par. The said bonds to be framed and issued in accordance.: with an Act approved ~arch 28th 1922, Otmpter 5lJ, ~cts of Assembly of Virginia of 1922, page 888. Ssid bonds shall have coupons attached and shall be printed in ink with the following sentence: "These bonds ~re iss_ued for road improvement Ssmuel ~¢~iller l~gis~terial District, but the full faith end credit of the entire Ooumty of ~lbemarle is hereby pledged for their pe2m]ent ~nd a tax is to be levied upon the property in said Samuel miller ~agzsoerzal District to pay the interest on them end to create a sinking fund sufficient in emount to pay them upon maturity." All '~bonds shall be signed by the Chairman and oountersi, gned by the Clerk of the ]3card, under the sesl of the Boerd. They shall be in denominations of one thousand~dollams ($1~000.00) each; shall bear interest ~t the rets of five peroentum (5%) per annu~j, payable semi-annually at the office of the Treasurer of said oounty; sh~ll bear date on the 15th day of Januery, 192~, and shell be payable twenty-five (25) years after date. · ~hen thus framed the bonds shall be dlivered to the Treasurer of this ~ounty and by him delivered to the purchaser, or its order, upon pap~ent of the purchase price therefor, and shall be accounted for by him in accordance with the law. ~nd it is hereby ordered that these bonds shall each contain a provision exemptimg them from all local taxation through the period for which said bonds are made payable, and tee Board of Supervisors does hereby certify and order that the bonds shall contain a certificate that the total amount of bonds issued for ~amuel Eiller ~mgisterial District sh~ll not exceed fifteen percentum (18%~ of the total taxible value of all the property, not including intangible personalty,, in said District for the year 19E~." On motion of G.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by J.~.~ray the following report of the Jail ~ommittee was unanimously ordered to be spread. Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbem~rle County: Tour Ohairmmn appointed two members from your body, B.~.Ca~houn mhd Charles A.~iller, to examine the condition of our ~mil and to recommend such improvement in the m~nagement thereof as was deemed wise for the welfare of the prisoners. Tour committee hms gone into this matter very thorougly and, in ~ddition to visiting the jail mhd studying the needs mhd control of the pri~sn~rs, h~ve made m visit to the St~unton ~nd Harrisonb~g and ~uray jails in company with ~r. Smith, the ~heriff, and N~r. Bennett, the ~ity manager. .We found that our jail compared f~vorably with the jails ~t t'hese points except there was a slightly~ better equipment mt Stmunton and ~arrisonburg and we are of the opinion that when the plumbing ordere~d by the Board of ~upervisors has been installed, that our jail will rank possibly ms one of the best ~ails in this section of the ~l~eanl~i~e~s: Ne would recon~nend that an effort ~e m~de on the part of the Sheriff ~nd ~iler to see thorough cleaning once a day, provided t~t these men in charge can use their prisoners to clean the interiro of the ~ail, ms was found to be the practice in other jails.- ~e would recon~nend f~ther that the oresent practice of purchasing expensive m~ttresses, which we observe are soon soliled, torn and are unsanitary, be abolished and in place thereof good heavy ducking be made up into ticks and filled with baled straw, which can be washed mt each filling. ~e found this to be prmtic- ulmrly ~ good practice at several of these jails. -Exercise: The handling of the prinsoners from a standpoint of exercise, which is so much desired on the part of lady visitors before the Board, w~s the most difficult problem we had to consider. To t~rn prinsoners loose in the jail y~rd was m dangerous undertaking and was so stated by all the jailers with whom it was o~ privilege to discuss this subject. The life of a guard would be endangered; to keep several guards would be too expensive. Your con~nitte~ hms made a tentative arrangement with the City ~n~ger "by which prisoners, ~fter conviction and~ serving a term, be worked on the Streets of Charlottesville by the City of Chsrlottesville on suitmble drays for outdoor work; mhd for which time the .City would pay the amount of ~5 cents each per dray for their services. This would not only give them exercise, but considermbly lessen the cost of keeping these prisoners to the County. Of course, we mpprecimte thmt those prisoners wmiting for trial could not be utilized mhd it remains for some future system to give these people exercise. ~oo~ ks to the question of food for the prisoners, we found that prisoners were receiving as good rand well cooked mn~ prepmred food ss thmt of tony ~mil thmt we visited mhd in this connection, we would only suggest that the chmrmcte~ of the food now being served would be varied from day to day ss much ~s prmcticable. In concluding, we wish to state thst we rare l~mving with the sheriff ~miler rules mhd regulmtions formulmted by the Stmte authorities and used in the lmr~ger prisons, recommending thmt th~yuse them as far as they will apply to locml conditions st this plmce. We should stay mlso thmt it is our desire thst the prisoner- be m~de confortable and well fed~ but, we do not feel beyond thmt it is necessary to hmve hotel mccommodations provided ~or lmw breakers. iour Co~itte hms been gremtly plemsed with the splendid spirted of cooperation shown by the Commissioners of the City of Charlottesville and the City ~m na ger. Your Committee recommends thmt m hot water heater be instmlled in order thmt the prisoners tomy hmve hot water. nespectfully submitted: Ohms ~ .~iller S .~. C~lhoun On motion of J.~.~rmy and seconded by C.A.k~iller the following resolution was unmnimously mdopted. Wher~ms Ellis-Brooks & Company hsve deposited with the County Treasurer ~l~,000.00 in Liberty Bonds in lieu of Surety Bond for the ~iller School roads mhd ~herems ~unter-Lessley ~ompmny hmve deposited~ with the County Tremsurer $~,~00.00 in Liberty Sonds in lieu of a Surety Bond for the construction of ~rtmmn road, be it resolved that a Surety Bon~ signed by Ellis-Brooks ~ Company, ~untsr- Lessley Compmny and the Agusta ~onstruction Company be ~ccepted with a further deposit of Liberty Bonds to the remount of ~Z,SS0.00 to insure the faithf~l performm~ of the contrmct for the construction of the Stony Point romd. All the abo~e mentioned Liberty bonds to the left on deposit with the Treasurer until released by this Bom rd. On motion of j.!~t.~rmy snd seconded by J.L.Pitts the following resolution wes ~nanimouSly mdopted. Resolved that this Board hereby make application to the orate i~ighwmy Con~nission in accordance with the lmw providing ~tate ~loney Aid, for its spportion- merit of staid fund for the yemr beginning ~rch 1st, 192Z, the whole amount mvai~mble being hereby applied for, .~650.00 to be used for the n~intenance cf the 0w.ensville i~oad, County Road ~9 in ivy District, the balance to be for the construction of the Earlysville Road, Cornnty goad ~l in ~tivanna District. Ctmrlottesville, Y'm. December 8th 19gE. County Bonds for road imorovements having been issued by this 'Board on january End, 19gE for Eivanna ~gisterial District and for ~hite Hall ~agisterial District, and on December gOth 19£g for Samuel ~liller ~mgisterial District, it is-hereby resoved to offer five hundred ~00) ~l,O00.00 Bonds for ssls ss follows: llS Bonds for Riv~nna District ~0 Bonds for %~hite hall District ~? BondR for samuel ~iller District end the Superintendent of aoads ig hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the purchase of all or any part of these bonds. The Board at their meeting january 1Yth 19g~ to accept or re~ect these biRS~ This Board reserves the right to reject all bids. On motion of O.Purcell ~c0ue end seconded by S.A.Oalhoun S.S.Teel the ~ esent encumbent was unanimously elected White ~'arm Demonstrator for Albemarle Oounty for one year mt a salary of ~900.00 per year ss the County's pert with an office appropriation 8s follows: Rent of roon by So. @ $9.00 per month StenograPher ~ot exceeding Telephone not exceeding $108. O0 ~ 80.00 ~o.00 On motion of O.Purcell l~cOue and seconded by $.A.Oalhoun O.G,Greem, the present encumbent, was unanimously elected Oolored ~rm Demonstrator for AlBemarle County for one year at a salary of $~60.00 per year ~s the Oounty~,s part. In the matter of the Health Department. A delegation of Doctors and citizens appeared before the Board with the proposition that the Health Boards of the City of Charlottesville, Oniversity of Vs. and 0ounty of Albemarle be combined under the management of Dr, Keister and timt the 0ounty of Albemarle appropriate $~00.00 as set out in the contract presented to the Board. After ~ thorough descussion of the matter ON MOTION of S.A.Oalhoun and seconded by O,Purcell ~c0ue the following resolution was adopted. BE iT RESOZVED that the County of Albemarle ,enter into the contract presenter to the board and appropriate the sum of $~600.00 as its part of the Joint fund of the combind health Boards of the City of Charlottesville, University of Virginia and Oounty of ~lbemsrle end that its Ohairmsn, ~ollis Rinehart, be' ~nd he is here~y authorized in the name and on the behalf of the County of Albemarle to sign said contract upon condition that the ~ttorney for the Commonwealth pass upon the legality of.sa id contra ct. Polled Vo~e: Bye: Holt~ Rinehart, Chairman, Total $628,00 On motion of J.E.Pitts and seconded by ~,A.~Si!ler be it resolved that Hollis Einehsrt, J.M.'Pray mud C.Purcell ~cCue be and they sro hereby appointed s committee to pass upon the fee of the Attorney who examines into the legality of the bonds to be issued January 15th 19~. R.E.Lee, Superintendent of Eosds, statement of expenditures was submitted and the board after carefully examining the same spproved and ordered it to 'be filea At s regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemarle Oounty, ¥irginia held at the Court House of said County on the lCth day of ~anusry 1~2~. Present, Hollis Rinehart, Chmirm~n, S.~.Calhoun, ~.~.~,ray, g~L.Pitts, and O.~.~iller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of $..~.Calhoun and seconded by O.A.~iiller the following resolutio~ was unanimously adopted. in accordance with a resolution ef~ this Board, bids were invited for the purchmse'~ef $500,000.00 ~lbem~rle Oounty road improvement bonds; the following b~~ being received: ~ewis ~ Rosenstiel 0o. for $100 and $103,90 and accrued ,interest Amount for total issue ' Weil, noth and irving 0o. for $100 bid 102.60 and accrued interest ~mount for total issue $519,500.00 513,000, O0 ~ational Bank of Oh'ville)for $100 bid 104.537 and accraed interest & ~.~.Harriman & Co. )Amount for total issue 522,685.3'7 Tucker o~son & Co for $100 bid 100.84 and accrued interest ~e~nt for ~otal issue 504,200.00 Pred'k ~.z~olting & Co.) Scott & Stringfellow ) H~rris ~o. rbes ~ 0o. ) ~taey ~-~raun for ~100 bid 104.122 and accrued interest Amount for total issue £ for $100 bid 192.135 and accrued interest Amount for total issue 520,612.50 510,6'7'7.00 5o, bt Gsrratt & Sons for $100 bid 103.20 and accrued interest Amount 'for to~al issue 516,000.00 B. Hansford ~ills irregular (no certified check) R.A~.Gra~t & Co. ) Peoples ~at. Bank) Irregular ( no certified check) Be it resolved that the following bid, being the highest received, of the Natiorml Bank of ~hsrlottesville and W.A.H~rri~ & Ce. for the total of $50'0.000.00