HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-01-17 On motion of J.E.Pitts and seconded by E.~.~iller be it resolved that Hollis Rinehart, J.M,Pray and O.Purcell ~?~¢0ue be and they are hereby appointed a committee to p~ss upon the fee of the Attorney who examines in~o the legality of the bonds to be issued January 15th 192-Z. R.E.Lee, ~uperintendent of F, osds, statement of expenditures was .submitted and the board after carefully examining the same approved and ordered it to be filedi. ~% a regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemarle Oounty, ¥irginia held st the Court House ef said County on the l?th day off ~anusry 1923. Present, mollie Rinehart, Chairman, S.A.Oalhoun, J.~ray, ~L.Pitts, and 0.A.l~iller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of $.A.Calhoun and seconded by O.A.~iller the following resolutio~ was unanimously adopted. in accordance with $ resolution of'-this Board, bids were invited for the purchase of $~00,000.00 Albemarle County road improvement bonds; the follo~dng being received: Lewis ~ Rosenstiel 0o. for $100 and $10~.90 and accrued-interest Amount for total issue ' Weil, noth and irving 0o. for $100 bid 102.60 and accrued interest Amount for total issue ~ations1 Bank of Ch'ville)for $100 bid 104.537 and sccrued interest ~ ~.A.Harriman & Co. )~mount for tots1 issue Tucker i~obison & ~o for $100 bid 100.84 and sccrue~ interest Am_'eunt for tots1 issue ~red'k ~.~olting ~ 0e.~ Scott & Stringfellow ) Harris Po~rbes ,~ 0o. ) Stacy ~ ~raun for $!00 bid 104.122 and accrued interest ~mount for total issue for ,lO0 ~id 1~2.135 and accrued interest Amount for total issue ~obt Garratt & Sons B. Hansford ~ills for $100 bid 103.20 ~nd Amount 'for to~al issue £rregular ~no certified accrued interest the ck ) $519,500.00 51~, 000. O0 522,685.37 504, ,200.00 520,61E.50 510,6 ?"/.00 516,000. O0 E.g..Grant & Co. ) Peeples'~t. Bank) irregular ( no certified Be it resolved tlmt 'the following ~id, N~tion~l ~ank of Charlottesville and W.A.iiarrimsm check) being the highest received, of the & 0o. for the total of ,~500.OO0.00 of Albemarle Oounty five per cent 18~%), twenty-five year bonds, is hereby accepted: "For tB00,000.O0 par value Albemarle 0ounty, Virginia, twenty-five year ~ ~oupon bonds, said Bonds to be general obligations of said ~ounty, princip~l mhd semi-~nn~l interest psy~ble st County Tressurer's Office, or mt County's fiscal agency in l~ew '~ork City, we will pay yom upon delivery of the bonds to us sccompsined by ~ir. Jo~ O.Tho~on~s unq~lified opinion as to their legslity, mt the rate of $1~.5~ for each ~100 par v~lue ef said bonds er ~ to~t~ s~ of $~2,685.~ plus accrued interest. ~$e enclose herewith certified cheek for $10,000 which, in the event this bid, which .is for i~edi~te acceptance, is not ~ccepted is to be ret~ned to us~fort~ith.'~' ~signe~) The ~ational Bank of Charlottesville By ~.T.~inor, ~r. V.P. ~signed~ ~.A.Hsrriman ~ 0o. inc. ~y ~.D.~mermsn. The bonds hereby sold snd to be issue~, being ~ p2rt of bonds suthorized by the election ~pril 26, 1921 in ~hite Hsll and ~ivsn~ ~gisterisl Districts mhd by the election of~i~ovember 7~, 1922 in Samuel ~iller ~sgisteris1 DiStrict and sro to be issued on behslf of the ~gisteris1 Districts ss follows: Bonds ~io. I to ll3 inclusive for rosd improvement in nivsnns ~sgisteris1 District. Bonds ~o. ll4 to 16~ inclusive for rosd improvement in ~hite Hall ~sgisteris1 District. Bonds ~o. 164 te 800 incl~ive for rosd improvement ~ ssmuel ~iller ~sgisterisl District. The following bonds forms to be used: ~NIT~ STATES 0F ~ERIC~ O 0~0~;E~LTH 0~ VL~G ~I~ 00~TY OF ~LBE~RLE RIV~NNA ~GISTERI~L DISTRICT RO.~D BONDS $1, ooo. 00 N o. Twenty-five years after ds~e ~he County of ~lhemsrle Virginis, promises and obliges itself to pay te the bearer hereof One Tho~snd ($1000.00} Dollars with interest at the rate of five per cent ~%) per s~ from date ~il paid, principal and interest payable mt ~he Bank cf Americs, 2B~ Broadway, ~ew York City, New ~brk, interest being represente~ by coupons hereto attached, payable om the 1st day of July and the 1st day ef january in each year, ~til paid. This bond is s portion of two hundred smd thirty,four bonds ~uthorized to be issued in ~ivsnna ~sgisteri~l District ~de~ the election held on the 26th day of April 1921 and duly approve~ by the Oo~t. The Bo~rd of Supervisors, ~t their meeting held on the End day of january, 1922, by a resolution, directed, these bonds to be presently issued. ~ighty-five of these bonds were issued Jsn~ry 1Bth 1922. Of the remaining unissued bonds, this bond is one of one h~dred and thirteen bonds for ,l,000.00 each issued ~der the election and resolution aforesaid. These bonds sro issued for rued improvement in Eivanns ~mgisteri~l District, but the full f~ith and credit of the entire County 0f ~lbem~rle is hereby pledged for their ps~ent, and ~ tax is to be levied upon the property ~said District to pay the interest on them and to create s sinking fund in sufficient amo~t to pay them mt ~turity. It is hereby eertifie~ recited and declared that all acts conditions and things~ required $o exist, ~ppen or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, have happened and have been performed in due time from -manner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other bonds issued on behalf of the ~ivanna ~iiagisterial District does not exceed fifteen (15) per ~ent of the assess'ed value of the taxable property of the said district according to the assessment last completed prior ~,o the issuance of this bond, nor does it exceed any other limitation prescribed by the constitution or statutes of the State of Virginia. By order of the B~d of S~per¥isors this bond is exempted from all local taxation during the period for which it is issued. In_testimony Whereof the Oounty of Albemarle has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Borad of Supervisors and countersigned by the Olerk thereof, and under the seal of the Board this first day of Janu2ry 1923. Ohm irm~ n ( counters igned ) Clerk UNITED STATES OP AMERICA OOM~IONWE~LTH OP VIRGINIA COUNTY O~ ALBEMARLE WHITE ~L~LL M~GISTERLIL DISTRICT RO~ D BONDS $1,000. O0 no. Twenty-five years after date the Oounty of ~lbemarle Virginia, promises and obliges itself to pay to ~he bearer hereof One '2housand [$1000.) with interest at the rate of five per cent (,5%) per annum from date un~il paid, principal and interest payable st the Bank of '~ica 257 ~rosdway, ~ew York City, ~ew ~ork, -interest being represented by compels hereto attached, payable on the 1st day of july and the 1st day of January in each year, until paid. This bond is a portion of ~205 ,900. 00 authorized to be issued in ~ihite Hall Magisterial District under the leetion held on the 26th day of April 1921 and duly authorized by the Oourt. The ~oard of Supervisors, at their meeting on the 2nd day of ~anuary, 1922, by a resolution directed, $96,900.00 of these bonds to be present issued; of this amount, fifteen bonds for $1,000.00 each were issued on January 15th 19 Of the remaining unissued bonds, this bond is one of fifty bonds for $1,000.00 each, issued under the ~lection and resolution aforesaid. ~hese bonds are issued for road improvement in White ~sll ~agisterlal District, but the full faith and-credit of the entire Oounty of Albemsrle is hereby pledged for their payment, and a tax is to be levied upon the property in said District to pay the interest on them and to create a 'sinking fund in sufficient amo~_nt te pay them at maturity. It is hereby certified recited and declared that all sets conditions and things requ~ed to exist, happen or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, have happened and have been perfozmed in due time from and ma.nner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other bonds issued on behalf of the White Hall iagisterial District does not exceed fifteen per cent ~'15%) of the assessed value of the taxable property of the said district according to the assessment last completed prior to the issuance of this bond, $or does it exceed any other limitation prescribed by the constitution or statutes of the ~tate of Virginia. By order of the Board of 3upervisors this bond is exempted from all local ly' 22. 20' In testimony whereof the ~ounty of Albe, mar.le i~s ca.used this bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Board ef Supervisors and countersigned by the ~lerk thereof, and ~ndar the seal of the Board this 1st day of january 192~. Ch~t~rmsn counters igned ) Clerk UNITED STATES ON AMERICA O0MMON~¥E~LTH 0N VIRGiNI~ COUNTY 0N ALBEt~ RLE SA~UELA MILLER M~ GISTB~RIAL DISTRICT ROAD BONDS $1,000.00 N o. Twenty-five years after date the 0ounty of Albemarle Virginia, ~promises~ md obliges itself to pay to the bearer hereof one Thousand ($1000.00) with interest~ at the rs're of five per cent (5%) per annum from date until paid, principal and int- erest payable at the Bank of ~merica, 257 BroadWay, ~ew Y-ori 0ity, ~ew ~ork, interest being represented by coupons hereto sttae~ed~' , payable on the 1st day of July and the 1st day of january in em ch year, until pa id. This bond is a portion of the bonds authorized to be issued in Samuel ~iller i~sgisteris1 District under the election held on the duly approved by the Oourt. The Board of Supervisors, at their meeting held on the 20th day of December 1922, by a resolution directed, the present issue of bonds $o be made; this bond being one of three huhdred and thirty-seven bonds for $1,000.00 each issued under the election and resolution aforesaid. These bon~s are issued for ~osd improvement in Samuel miller ~sgisterial District, but the full fsi~.h and credit of the entire ~ompany of Albemarle is hereby pledged for their payment, and a tax is to be levied upon the property in said District amount to pay them at maturity, It is hereby certified recited and declared that all acts condi~ions and things required to exist, happen or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of t~is bond have existed, have happened and have been performed in due time from and manner as required by law, and thst the amount of this bond, together with all other bonds issued on behalf of the ~amuel ~iller ~Sgisterial District does not exceed fifteen 115%) per cent of the assessed value of the taxable property of the said district accrod~i.~mg to the assessment last completed prior to the issuance of this bond, ncr does it exceed any other limitation prescribed by the constitution or statutes of the State of Virginia. - By order of the Board of Supervisors this bond is exempted from all ~ocal taxa- tion during the period for which it is issued. in testimony whereof the County of Albemarle has cause~ this bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and countersigned by the Clerk thereof, and under the seal of the Board this 1st day of ~anuary 19~S.. Ohs i rman ( counters igned $ Clerk ~orm of Ooupon ~25'o O0 On the 1st day of Ouly, 1923, the County of Albemarle obliges itself to pay the bearer the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ~$25.00) at the Bank of America 25? Broad~Jmy mew '~ork, ~.Y. semi-annual interest on ~ond ~o. ...... of the county of Albemarle Ohs irma n Nr. R. Ortman having advanced tO this ~oard i~25,000.00 for the couatruction of the ~rtman road i4 Samuel ~!iller District, on motion of mr. ~.N.h~ray, seconded bymr. S.A.Calhoun, the Oounty Treasurer is instruction to refund this amount with in~erest st five percent ~5%) from Osnusry 1st, 192~ to ~. R.0rtmmn as soon~as the cash from the-sale of Samuel miller District bonds is ~ailable. On motion of O.ia. Frsy ~nd seconded by O.L.Pitts the following resolution was a~opted. Whereas ~r. 9.B.Wallace has granted a right-of-way for a relocation of the public ro~ through his property between ~imeon an~ Over'ton, be i~ resolved ths~ ~he present road through his property be closed ss soon as prsctivable after the new roa~ is. completed and an order closing same is 'hereby entered provided that there is no objections from any of the land owners on said old roa~. Hollis Hinehart, Chairman ~ece_~ted the chair and J.~.Pitts was elected temporary Chsirmsn and upon motion of ~.S$.~alhoun and seconded by ~.Miller the following resolution was unanimously adopted. In the Natter of the sale of $5~0,000.00 of ~ounty Bonds of ~.E. Nolting & 0o. on Nsrch l~th 192E, it has come to the atten~ion of this Board Shat the complete terms of this sale aire not set forth in the minutes of the meeting of Nsreh 18th ~2E. By the terms of this sale the broker was to be paid a commission of two per cent for the sale of the Bonds and the $8~0,000.00 was to ~e deposited with the itation~l Bank of OhsrlottesVille without interest du~i~g 1922. This commission has been paid and the deposit~with the ~ational B~nk made and this record of same is ordered spread upon the minutes of the meeting of ~arch 18th 192~ ~nder date of January l?th 192~. On motion of S.A.Oaihoun and seconded by ~.~.Pitts the following resolution was adopted. Whereas this Board has entered into s contract with the State Highway commission to finance the improvement of orate Highway i~o. 28 in this 0ounty tc the eEtent of $300,000.00 and have o~ligated themselves to provided this amount when needed and ~ereas the Highway Department is now preparing plans and estimates for this constrict~ion and will need this fund soon, be it resolved that sealed bids be advertised for the purchase of these bonds. Bids to be received in time that this Board may act on same i~ its n~xt regular meeting. Aye. H~llis Rinehart, S.A.Calhoun and j.L.Pit-ts. Ilo. C.~..miller and J.M.~ray. Absent. C.Purcell NcOue. A delegation of citizens appeared before the board and requeste~d 'the County to open a public road connecting the CharlotteSville and Gordonsville road with 'the Barboursville and Standardsville-Road passing through the propertSes of james Wood, Geo. H.Dovell, mammie ~.Goodloe, J.C.Goodlee, ~.O.Goodloe, ~r. P,D.May, H.L.Estes, ~r. and others commencing at Mail Boxes at Oorner of W.-~,Whiteheurst property and thence through the above named properties therefore on motion of J.~.Pray and seconded by S .A .Calhoun it is ordered that the County pay for the fences upon condition that the citizens open the read. in ~he 'matter of James H. jones and wife. On motion of 0.~.Eiller and seconded by S .A .Calhoun it is ordered that.the Board pay to James H. jones and wife $10.00 per month and $200.00 for sickness during their lives upon condition that they deed to the County of Albemarle all of their property and the Attorney for the Commonwealth is instructed to draw up the necessary papers. On motion ef ~.~.~ray and seconded, by J.L.Pitts it is ordered that Dr. W,M. Keister make sn inspection of~ the jail at least once a month and it is further ordered. that the accounts of the joint health board be kept by the city. On motion of j.~.~rsy and seconde~d by ~.~,~iller it is ordered that the members ef the Board addtend the Good Roads Convention st R~ahoke, Va. in the interes% of the County. On motion of ~.~l.?ray and seconded by j.L.Pitts it is ordered that Hot water be installed at the Jail. The following claims were presented, examined, allowed and ordered to be certified to the treasurer for payment, Viz: J.W.A us t in albemarle Tel. Co J.P. Bell Co ~.&.A. Ry Co T.H.Childress Dr. B.H.Early Dr. Percy Harris 0h'ville ine 0o. 0crt Printing & ind. ¢o. Oonwsy Pringint Oo Everett Waddey ~o W.E. Garrison Geo. A.Gibson N.Gerland H.R.~ orvell Dr, R.D.Pa ge Re g. 8.00 Tel for 'Olerks Office & Treas. office 4~.85 Binding 1922 books 21,8~ ~igh~s. 34.60 luna cy 3. O0 " 5.60 " 5.60 Ice 60.00 2 books 69.18 Ballots 15.60 deed books '"/9.'75 Re g 8. ~0 Building Booth 2.~0 Auna cy 2.25 " 3.50 " 5.80 con. ) Dr. H,~i, Williams O. G. ~reer Irving Way Hill 0o ~.Stumrt Hmmm ~etton Jones ,Jarman Book Store ~s cy ~ Barn e~t Wm. ~nn 0o P, H. Nm~eney W. L. MS,up i~ ~o B.Miner Ohs s A .~ille r Maple ~ill Dairy Dr. J.O. ~mnd~ y Rine~.-& Dennis S ~ber-lr~d~le ~o W. B. S cr~ber J. ~.S mi~h Treas Vs. ~ry 0o ~ Hull Va. Oo D.E. waddell R.B,~orthingt on 0.W~Bailey H~G.Nhite E.D. Oramwell J.R,A dams Jr J.T .Wood A .~.Gibson D. G.Whi~e J. ~.Welfe R.L.Sne~d Dr. ~.P. ~e!son Dr. H.L.Page O, H.Y~rdley The ~ew Piedmont~ Gmrage University ef V~. ~un~cy 0o. P~rm Dem. ~0.00 0off in O.P. ~.00 Typewriter repairs ?,80 Sap. Oct £~ov ~ Dee Stationery I.~0 Repairs at 0t. House 1.lO Bo oks 36 Re gis trmW~~ 8.20 S tamps ~3.04 Re g. 4.00 Jail 0ommittee 39.20 l~ilk ef prisoner 8.12 Inq. 5.00 Tel. 0all for Co .90 Dockets &c 269.85 Reg 10.20 At~.' for Board &e J1.20 Reg 4. ~or~st ~ire protection 228.00 Towels l0.00 Goal 12.00 S ts t lone ry 61. O0 Rag 8.00 0or 3.00 0or 1. 0or ~ 1.00 0or 1.00 Oor 1.00 Ocr 1. O0 Ocr 1.00 0or 1,00 0or 2.00 Luna cy 5 ~ 50 Luna ey 5. O0 Luna cy 5.80 Ocr 3.00 Oar for Ocr &.00 Hosp~ta 1 1000. O0 R.E.Aee, Superintendent of Roads, statement of expendiutres was presented and the bosrd after carefully examining the same~ ~.~.--. ~ ~.~-~---__ . mt filed At a regular meeting of ~he Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty, Virginia, held a~ the Oourt HOUSe of said ~o,unt.y on the 21st day of ~ebrusry 21st 1923. Present. Hollis Rinehart, 0hairman, S,~.Calhoun, ~.N.~ray, O.Purcell ~cOue, and O .A ~. Mill er. ~he ~linutes of the last were read and approved. Supervisor J.M.~ray intruduced the following resolution which was seconded by Supervisor S.A.0alhoun. Whereas, the immediate construction of the p~'tion of 'the ~orther. n and Southern orate goad, running from Oh~rlottesville to the i~elson 0ounty Line is of the utmost .importance to the Oounty of Albemarle and the inhabitants 1;hereof, and Whereas, it is decided to construct said highway under the supervision of the state Highway 0ommissioner and ~o b.o~rrow for tls~ purpose on the bonds of the County the sum of $~00,000 under the provision of Otmpter 429 of ~he Laws of Virginia 1920, and