HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-02-21(con.)
Dr. H.~,~illisms
O. G.Greer
Irving Way ~Hill 0o
G.Stuert ~mm
Melton Jones
Jarmsn Book Store
~scy & B~rn e ~t
Wm. ~nn 0o
W. L. ~a up i n
~o B.Miner
0~s ~ .~iller
~ple ~ll Ds iry
Dr. J.O.~undsy
Rine~Z- & Dennis
S ~ber-~r~dsle Oo
W. B. S cr~b er
J. M.Smi~h
V~ [ Hull
Vm · C0
f.D. ~r~mwe 11
J.T .~ood
A .~.Gi~son
J. ~. Wolfe
Dr. ~.P.~elson
Dr. R.L.Pmge
The ~ew Piedmont'
University of V~.
~unqcy 5.25
0o. Perm Dem. 90.00
Ooffin 0.P. 5.00
Typewriter repairs ?.50
Sep. Oct £~ov ~ Dec
Stationery 1.50
Repairs at 0t. House 1.lO
Books 56.45
Re g is t rsw~"" 8.20
Stamps 53.04
Re g. 4.00
Jail 0ommittee
~iilk of prisoner 8.12
Inq. 5.00
Tel. 0all for Co .90
Dockets &c 269.8~
Reg 10.20
Att. for Board &o Zl.£0
~or~st ~ire protection 228.00
Towels l0.00
Ooal 12.00
eta t ione ry 51. O0
Reg 8.00
0or ~ .00
Ocr 1.50
Ocr ~ 1. O0
Cor !.00
Ocr 1.00
Ocr 1.00
Ocr 1.00
Ocr 1.00
Ocr, 2,00
Lunacy 5.50
Luna cy 5.00
V~una cy 5.80
Ocr 5.00
O~r for Cor 4.00
Hosp~ta 1 1000.00
R.E.Lee, Superintendent of Roads, statement of expendiutres was presented
and the board after carefully examining the same-m~mr~~~ it to?~e
At a regular meeting of %he Board of Supervisors of Albemarle ~ounty,
Virginia, held a~ the 0curt House of said ~ount,y on the 21st day of ~ebrumry 21st
t92~~. Present. Holtis Rinehart, Chairman, S.A,Oalhoun, ~.M.Fray, O.Purcell i~c~ue, snd
0. ~ ~.Mi 11 e r.
The ~inutes .of the last were read and approved.
Supervisor J.t~.~ray intruduced the following resolution which was
seconded by Supervisor $.A.0alhoun.
Whereas, the immedis~e construction of the p~tion of °the £~orther. n
and Southern Orate Road, running from Charlottesville to the i~elson 0omnty Line is
of the utmost importance to the County of Albemarle and the inhabitants thereof, and
Whereas, it is decided to construct said highwa'y under the supe rvis~n
of the state Highway Commissioner and to he-trow for t~a~ purpose on the bonds of the
oounty the sum of $500,000 under the provision of 0hspter 429 of the ~aws of Virginia
Whereas, at the meeting of this Board or-Supervisors held on the. 17th day
of January 192~, bids were invited for l~he purchase of $300,000.i of such bonds of
Albemarle Oounty $o be received Prior to the ~ebrusry meeting of this Board,. and
Whereas, the highest bid received was ~hmt of the i~ational Bank of
Oharlottesville, whish is as follows:--
~ebruary 21, 1923,
Board of Bupervisors
Albemarle County,
~er the sum ef $800~,000. of ~lbemarle ~ounty ~T0, Sen
year bonds, callable after two years, to be issued under the
Robinson ~ct, we are pleased to bid you the sum of $800,000. plus
accrued interest from da~e of the ~onds to date of delivery,
subject to approval i~ so'far as their legality is concerned,
by ~ohn C.~homson, Attorney of £~ew ~ork Oity; provided that the
money from the ~.ale of these bonds ~is deposited in the ~atienal
Bank of Oharlottesville, ~hsrlotte~ville, ~a. without interest,
and t~0 be Withdrawn only to pay fo~ the construction of the road,
for the building ~f which these bonds sro authorized to be issued.
~ll expenses, of prin$ing bonds and obtaining legal approvel
be borne by us.
~signed) by R.T.~inor, ~r.
Vice President.
l~OW., therefore, be it resolved tha~ said high bid be and is hereby accepted
and that there be issued by ~lbemsrle Oounty, Virginia $800,,000. of bonds of said
County numbered from I to 800 inclusive of the denominstion of $1,000~ each dated
~rch 1st. 192~. psysble ~sreh,lst, l~3, redeemable st the ep~ on of~ ~lbemsrle
Oo~ty on any interest ps~ent date occurring after the expiation of two years of
the date of said-bonds bearing interest st the rate of five percent $~%$ per snn~,
psysble semt-snn~lly on the firs~ dsy of September end ~rch. ~o~iee by p~blicstion
in some newspaper published in ~he Oity of Ohsrlettesville or in the Oe~ty of
~lbe~rle once s week for four consecutive weeks sh~ll be given of the intention
of said Cowry to redeem shy ef said bonds prior to ~turity. ,~he n~ber of the
bonds se selected for redemp$ion to be determined by lot specified in ssid notice
of redemption. ~mid bonds sh~ll be si~ed ~y the O~ir~n of this Beard and center-
signed by the Clerk of this Bosrd and shall ~ve the corporste seal of said Oo~ty
~ffixed thereto. ~he interest coupons attached ~o ssid bonds s~ll be executed with
the facsimile signature of ssid O~rmsn, and said bonds snd coupons shall be
substantially the following form, to-wit:--
Ne . $1,000.00
CounSy of Albemarle, in the ~t~te ef Virginia, for value received
se~ewledges its indebtedness and promises to pay to bearer $1,000.
en the first day ef ~rch, 19~ ~tegether with interest thereon at
the rste ef five per cent~ per annum, psysble semi-annually en the
firs~ d~ of September and ~$~eh in-each year upon presentation
and surrender of She $~exed interes$ coupe.s as ~hey severally
become d~ue and payable, both principal and interest b~tng payable in
gold coin of the United States of ~merica of the present standard weight
and fineness at the office ef the Bank of America, 25? Broadway, New
~ork, new ~-ork.
~he County of Albemarle .~-sserves the right to redeem this bond on
any i~i~erest payment date after ~areh 1st, 19E~, if the number of this
bond shall be selected by lot £or redemption, upon publication of a
notice stating the numbers of the bonds so selected for redemption, in
some newspaper published in the City of Charlottesville or in the County
of Albemarle for ~t least once a week for four consecutive weeks and in
the event this bond is not presented for payment on the d~te so fixed for
redemption.it sh~ll cease to bear interest from and after said date.
This bond may be regis~ered in the name of the holder in a book te
be kept by the ~ounty Treasurer as to principal only which registration
Sh~ll be noted hereon, and thereafter the principal ~ereof shall be payable
to the registered owner, but this bond may be discharged from registry by
being registered ~s payable te bearer. After registration this ~ond may
be transferred on said hook by the registered owner in person er by attorney
~nd every transfer hereof when registered be valid only when made mpon said
boo~. ~he registration hereof as to principal shall net restrain th~
negotiability of the coupons hereto attached by delivery merely.
~hts bond is issued for ~he purpose of constructing, under the super-
vision of the State Highway ~ommissioner of the portion of the ~orthern
and ~ou~hern State ~omd, running from ~hsrlottesville, to ~he ~elson
~ounty ~tne, under and pursuant to the provisions of the Oons~itutien
and Statutes of the S~te of Virginia, including among o~her Ohapter ~E9
of the Laws of 19~0 and ~cts amend~tory thereof and supplemental thereto
and pursuant ~o ~ resolution ef the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County
adopted on the Blat day of ~ebrusry 19~.
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, ~iT~ ~D B~OL~ii~ that all acts, con-
ditions and things required to exist, happened and to be performed precedent
· o and in the issuance of this bond have existed, have happened and have
been performed in due time from~and manner as required by law and that
the amount of this bond, togethe~ with all other indebtedness of Albemarle
County, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution er
statutes of the State of Virginia and that the full faith, credit and
re?enues of-Albemarle County are hereby irrevocably pledged to~ the
puncual payment of the principal and interest of this bond.
This bond is exempt for taxation by $1bemarle County, Virginl~ ~
in Witness ~hereof the County of Albemarle, Virginia has caused this
bond to be signed by ~he Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, counter-
signed by the Clerk ef said Board and the corporate seal of said Couniy
to be hereunto affixed, and the ~interest coupons hereto annexed to be
signed with the fac-simile signature of said Ohairmsn and Shis bend
be dated the first day ef ~rch 1923.
e£ Supervisors
~lbemarle Oeunty, Virginia~.-
Clerk' ef~ the B0~d' Of SuperviSors
~ lbema rle -Oomnty, Vi.rginia.
(~ORM O~ O0UP~0N)
No. --- $25.00
On the first day ef September 19 .
On the first day ef ~arch l~ the Ooanty of
~lbemmrle in the State of Virgini~ will pay to bearer Twenty
~i~e Dollars ($28.00) in geld coin efthe united States of
~merica at the off, ice of _~he Bank of ~merica~ 25? Broadwa~r,
New York, ~ew York, being six mont~ in~terest then due en its
Road bond dated mm~eh 1, 192~. No.
~hm.ir~n,' Bo~d~-~ Of~ ~'"upervis ors,
~tbemarle Oomnty, Virginia.~
Date of Resistrstien:
Name of Hegis~ered Holder:
~ounty Treasurer.
Be i~ l~urther Resolved tbs1; all State and ~ederal funds received bY "'"
~lbema~!e Oo~n~y in aid o~ the construction of the Eosd for which said bonds are
issued are here~y appropriated and pledged to ~he payment of the princip~l and
interest of said bonds snd for the purposes of supplementing said fund and providing
for the payment of the principal and interest of sS id bonds ss the same become due
and payable, there shall annually be assessed, levied and collec~ upon the propsrty
of said Oounty subject $0 0ounty taxation, a~l:tax sufficient to provide for ~he
payment of the interest on sa id bonds and the principal thereof when the same become
due and payable, and said tax shall annually ~e assessed, levied and collected at
the same $ime and 'in the same manner as other 0oanty Taxes sro assessed, levied and
The foregoing resolution was upon roll ¢~11 adopted by the following votes
Yeas: Hollis Rinehart, Olmirman. S.~.Oalhoun, J.~i.~ray, C.Purcell ~lcOue',
and O.A .Miller.
Nmys: None.
On December 6'~h bids were received for the construction of Section
~l and Sect ion ~2 of the Stony Point Road. ~he Agusta Construction Company were
low bidders on Section ~l and H.P.Baker was low bidder on Section ~2,
On Ja~nuary 23rd bids were received for the constriction of Section
~l and Section ~2 of the Earl~sville~Road. j.R,~ord & Co. were low bidders
Section ~l. and Rhoads & Davis low bidder en Section ~2.
On ~ebrum'ry 1st, bids were received for the construction of the Brown's
0eve Road~ Ellis-Brooks & 0ompany were the low bidders.
Oommit~ees appointed by this Board awarded these contracts to the
above named low bidders. These awards are hereby confirmed and entered of rec~d.
in the m~tter of the construction of a portion of S~ate Highway ~28 in
Albemarle ~ounty te finance which this ~ounty is advancing to the State HighWay
~ommission $300,000, be it resolved that the 0curry Superintendent of Heads is
instructed in behalf of this Board to request the SSate Highway Oemanission to con-
s~ruct one mile north and one mile south from the ~lllage of Oovesville--~nd to
expemd the balance of She funds available beginning at the 0ity~ limits of Charlottes-
ville and extending as far as may be towards the ~elson County li~e.
An ~ct to validate bonds under Chapter 28 of the Acts of 1919 in the
Oounty of Albemarle.
Whereas at an election held in ~he ~sgisterial D~s trier of Samuel
Niller, in the 0ounty of Albemarle, on the ~th day ef November, 1922, a bo~d issue
was carried by a m~Jority of the voters in said District, the proceeds of said
issue te be used for macadamizing and otherwise permanently improving the roads in
s~aid District; and
W-nereas in the orde'r of' court in setting out the location, length,
and width of such roads as were proposed to be macadamized or permanently improved
from the proceeds of the bonds sought to be issued there was inadvertently omitted
from.said description of the "Red Hill Road" the words "Width of roadway 22 feet"; az
Whereas some question has been raised in regard to said width;
· he ref ore,
(1) Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, that the said
issue of .bonds so authorized to be issued by the voters of the said ~iagisterial
District hereinbefore mentioned, notwith-standing any defect or irregularity in the
proceedings or elections authorizing the issuance thereof, or the failure to comply
with any statute of the State, are hereby validated, approved and confirmed and are
declared to be the general obligations of Albenmrle 0ount2 payable ss provided in
Chapter 28 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of 1919.
(2) Inasmuch as questions as to the validity cf said bonds have been
raised, an emergency is ~eclmred to exist and this Ac~ shall be in force from its
It appearing to the Board of Supervisors of ~lbema'rie Oeunty, that by
an order entered in the CirCuit 0curt of ~tbemsrle Oe~y on the 28th day of Septem-
ber, 1922, an election wm~s ~ordered to take the sense ef the quslified voters of
the Samuel ~iller ~sgisteris1 District en the question ef wheSher ~he Bosrd of
Supervisors of ssid ~o~ty sho~d i~sue bonds for the purpose of mscsdsmizing and
otherwise per~nen~ly improving ~he public resds in said District, in which order
it was se~ ou~ the locs~ion, length and width of the severs! re. ds proposed te be
mscsdsmtzed er permanently improved; and.
~eress, it sppesrs thst~ in the setting out 0f the location, length mhd
width ef ~he "Red Hill Resd." ~t it was inadvertently ~mitted From ssid descrip-
tion She words, ~'width of rosAway 22 feet." and it sppeSring to ~he ~osrd of
Supervisors t~t in the other eight descriptions of proposed rosds for improvement set
out in the same order ~he width ef each roadway wes set out ss 22 feet, end the Beard
of Supervisors being ef opinion that 22 fee~ should have been ~dersteod and read ss
applicable ~o each ef said rosds including the Red Hill Rosd;
~eress, some question ~s been rsised in re.rd to ~he validity ef ~he
bonds ~o be issued in accordance with said order; and,
~eress. st said election ~he voters of said D~tri0t in favor of establish
ing said ro~ds veSed by $ ~sjori$y of more t~n four ~o one for establishing said
roads; Now Therefore,
The Board of Supervisors requests the Hon. D.H. Pitts and the Hen. L.~.
Smith, Sheir delegstes ~o the He.se of Delegates te reques$ ssid Legisls~e te e~c~
the fo~oW~ ~ c~:
On motion of j.M. Fra¥ and seconded by 0.Purcell ~o0ue.B~ it~ resolved that
the 0hairman Of the Board be and he is hereby authorized in the name and on behalf
of the 0o~nty of Albemarle the lease with the 0.&.0. RY. Co.
On motion of J.M. Pray and seconded by C.Purcell ~c0ue it is ordered that
the sum of $~00.00 be appropriated for Porrest Pire Protection. Polled vote. unanimous.
On motion of C-.Purcell ~eOue and seconded by ~.M. Pray it is ordered that
bids be asked for on the l~th day of ~rch 19£J for the construction of the first
b~tch of roads in Samuel ~iiller District.
On motion of $.~.Calhoun ~nd seconded by O,A.~iller it is orderSd ttmt the
further sum of $27,~B be ~ppropriated for the rat-killing campaign.
~ ~ delegation of the fruit gro~ers appeared befo~e'~the Board and requested
that the ~tate 0edar Rust Law be adopted in Rivanna ~agisteris1 District. ~lbemarle
Oounty. and ~he Board after careful consideration is of opinion that in ~.ivs~m~ District
the law should be adopted for the protection of tbs fruit growers.
Therefore on motion duly seconded it is ordered that the State OeA~r Rust ~aw
be and it is hereby adopted for the Rivanna Nsgisteriml District.
~he following claims were presented, .examined, allowed and ordered to
be certified to the treasurer for payment, Vim:--
Albemarle Home Mutual Tire Ins. Co
'Albemarle Telephone
~itizens Real Estate & ins. Agency
C.&.A~, Ry~ Co
S.~ .Calhoun.
J. M, Prsy
M. O .Harris
C .H.Patteson
· he Pent%~isry indus~i~l Dept
~brs. 0.R.Trivillisn
Treas. of Va.
~srm & Home Demon 28.00
Pram. on Tress · Bal. 300.00
~fghts 22.40
Experts e to Good
Road ~ ssociation 15.25
Same 18.6~
Co. ~ rm Demom. BO.00
Regis rmr 8.00
Regis r~r 19.6~
Stmti~,nery 12,1~
Coffi~ 0,P. ~.00
~ exp~nses of mudi~ing
Treas Boo~ 1A~
On motion of 0.Purcell Mc~ue and second
that the B~a~rd pro rate $8,000.00 from the dog fund
road purposes.
R.E.Lee Superintendent of Roads, stateme]
and the board after c~refully examining the same appro~
Bef6re %he Board of ~upervisors of the Co~
d by J.M.~ray it is ordered
~g the several districts for
~t of expenditures was pr esent
~d and ordered it to be filed.
~y of ~lbem~rle, on thel
d~y of February 192~.
On the application 0f J.~[4~ray for ~ change or relocation of the road
between Esrtysvilie and ~reene Oounty line through the l~nds of Geo. L.L~m and
~i~lis B~nks ~Bt~te it is orderea that ~m.G.~addell, j.R.Wingfield ~r Geo. ~mrr
Deyerle amd j.S.]~orris be appointed viewers, ~fter being first duly sworn, to view
the ground, ~nd report to the Board the conveniences and inconveniences that will
result ~s well to individuals as to the public, if such road road change sh~il be as
proposed, and especially whether any yard, g~rden, orchard, or any part thereof will
in such ease, have to be taken; and the said viewers sh~ll also ascertain and report
to Board, whether the said road will be one of such mere privmZe convenience, as to
make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons
for whose comvenience it is desired.
They shall particularly report the facts and circumstances in their
opinion useful in enabling the Board to d®termine the expendiency of est~hlishing
or ~ltering the ro~d or l~nding. They m~y ex. mine other routes thar~ that proposed fo
any road, and report in favor of the one they prefer with the re.sons for their
preference. They shall report the names of the land-owners mn such route, ~nd state
which of them require compensation, the probable ~mount, in the opinion of ~he viewer~
to which such p~rty may be entitled, ~nd ~y other m~tte~ which tlhey m~y deem per1~ne~
~ m~p or diagra~ of such re.ute shall be returned with their report, if no one of
the viewers be ~ surveyor they may employ one if necessary.
Report to the Board Elst day of z~rch 19~.
In the :~tter of melton vs. ~¥oods amd ~apier.
Whereas i~am'! B.Woods and W.W.~apier ~pl0ea2ed to the 0~rmCUit Court of
Albemarle County from the decission of tSe Board cg ~upervisors of the aforesaid
county opening ~ public road through their lands and
Wherees the ~udge of the seid Go'ar$~rem~n~ed the cruse back to the Board
because the sai~ B0mrd h~s not ente~red:finel judgment upon the Commissioners report
therefore on request of woE.Duke, ettorney for Melton for s new CommiSsioner.
it is ordered by the Board o£ Bup~rvis~'s timt' H.~G.~eddell, J.E.Wingfield, Jr
Geo. Omrr, L.Deyerte and J.~.~~orris he ~ppointed Commissioners, whose duty it s~mll
be to meet st J.~,..~elton s end. go over the proposed road ssked for through the lands
of Smm'l ~.~oods end W.W.i~apier ss per report of viewers and blue print filed by the
viewers, end assess the duresses, if shy to the lends thst will. result to them if
said road is opened.
They shall m~et st ll ~.~, on the 7th day ~of ~.~r'ch 1923 end sh~ll make
their report to the Bosrd on the 21 dey of Msrch i923.
N~r. R.¥¢,B.Hsrt ~bout two years ago gave to the County the right-o£-way
for the ~ed Hill road throuah his lsnd upon condition that he would be sllowed in
the future to construct his.mill rsee across s~id rosd if he sew fit,
Therefore on motion duly seconded. Be It ~esolve8 that the s~d ~.W.B.Hart
be ~thorized to construct said mi~! rsce ~ny time in the furu.re trader said ro~d
upon conditions thmt he do so without eny cost to the county or damsge to the toed.
~,~r. O.B.~[iller gave to the Oonnty the land damages on the road from Pres
ITnio~ to Boonesville ~nd he wishes to be sliowed to c~rry his mill rsce under the
rosd iff he sees fit so t-o do in the future.
Therefore on motion d~y seconded. Be It Resolved: thst the ss~ O.~,
Miller be suthorized to construct ssid mill rsce under ssid rosd wsy shy time in the
furture upon condition thst he do so without cost to the county or dsmage to the
~t ~ regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemarle County held
at the Court House of ssid County on the 21st day of ~,~erch 1923.
Present: Hollis Einehart, Chairmen, ~.2.Calhoun, j.~.-,g, rS~,m, J,L.Pitts,
C.Purce. ll ~cCue end C~.~.Miller~ ·
The minutes of the lasZ meeting were read mud approved.
on Merch 13th, bids were received for t[he construction of the Blair's Park
rood and the Jorden romd in Bemuel Miller District. Three bids ere received for the
Oordan toed; ~llis Brooks~'& Co. of ~teunton wss the low bidder. ~onr bids w~e received
for the construction of the Blsir's Perk ~oad; ~.P.Terry & Oo. wes the low bidde~.
Contracts are hereby awarded to the above named low bidders, but same are not to be
e~ecuted until the money is in the lmnds of the ~reasurer.
On i~,~arch 20th, bid~ were received for the construction of the ~onticello
Road, for one mile of the Scottsville road and for the ¥~oelen Mills road. Five bids
were received for the Fionticello i~osd; ~ohn ,T.~c&inney of Rynchburg wes low bidder;
~onr bids were received for the ~Scottsville toed; k,O.~iller & Co.~of Sts~mton were
the low bidders.
Four bids were received for the Woolen ~.ills Rood; Ellis-Brooks & ~o.
of ~taunton were the low bidders.