HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-03-21 Whereas the Judge of the smid Cour~m'~reE~nded the case back to the Board because the sai~ Board has not ente~red:final judgment upon the Commissioners report therefore on request of w.E.Duke, attorney for ~elton for a new CommissiOner. it is Ordered by the Board of BUPervis~'s that H.G.F~addel'l, J.E.Wingfield, Jr Geo. Oarr, Y~.Deyerle and j.B.Norris he appointed Commissioners, whose duty it s~all be to meet at J.~.~elton's and go over the proposed road asked for through the lands of Sam'l N.~oods end W.V~.Napier as per report of viewers and blue print filed by the viewers, and assess the damages, if any to ~he lands that will result to them if said road is opened. Th · ey shall.maeS at ll ~.~. on the Vth day .of ~arch 1923 and s~ll make their report to the Board on the 21 day of ~arch 19~. ~r. R.W.B,Hart about two years ~go gave to the Oounty the right-of-way for the ~ed Hill road through his lend upon condition Z~t he woald be allowed in the future to construct his mill race across said road if he saw fit. Therefore on mot'ion duly seconded° Be It ~esolve~ that the: s~d n.W.B.Hart be a~.thorized to construct said mill race any time in the future ~mder said road upon conditions that he do so without any cost to the county or damage to the road. .~m~. O.B.t~%iller gave to the County the land d~mages on the road from Pres Union to Boonesvitls snR he wishes to be al!~wsd to carry his mill race under the road i£ he sees fi~ so Bo do in the future. Therefore on motion duly ssconded. Be It Resolved: that the ~iller bs authorized to construct said mill r~cs under said road way any time in the furture upon condition that he do so without cost to the county or d~mage to the road. ~t a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemarle County held at the Court 'House of said County on the 21st day of ~arch 1923. Present: Hollis i~ineh~rt, C~irman, S.2.Calhoun, j.~.Fra~, J.L.Pitts, C.Purce. ll ~Ic0ue and C.~.Mitl~r. The minutes of the last meeting were read amd approved. on ~arch l~th, bids were rece~ived for the construction of the Blair's Park road and the ~ordmn road in Samuel ~iller District. Three bids ere received for the Oordan road; Nllis Brooks,& ~o. of ~aunton was the low bidder. ~onr bids ~w~e received for the construction of the Blair's Park ~oad; ~.P.~erry & Oo. was the low bidder. Oontracts are hereby awarded to the above named low bidders, but same are not to be e~ecuted until the money is in the ~z~nds of the Treasurer. On ~ilarch BOth, bid~s were received for the construction of the ~onticello Road, for one mile of the Scottsville road ~nd for the Woolen ~ills road. ~ive bids were received for the ~onticellO Eoad, ~ohn T._~cZinney of Lynchburg was low bidder ~our bids were received for the ~cottsville road; ~.O.~iller & ~O.~of Stm~mton were the low bidders. Four bids were received for the ~ooten ~ills Road; Ellis-Brooks & ~o. of~.~t~unton ware the low bidders. ~t a meeting of the Board held on the 2nd day of ~mnumry 1922 the Beard unanimously adopted the cedar rust law for ~he Ohsrlottesville, ivy, 6mmuel Killer mhd ~hits hall Districts ~fter givi~ due notice but there w~s no polled vo~e taken. z~ow therefore on motion of O.Purcell ~cGu~ mhd seconded by O,~.~iller it is unanimously ordered that the csdsr rust l~w be ~dopted for the Charlottesville, ivy. ~mmuel Willer mhd ~hite ~mll Districts. Polled vote: ~ye: Hollis minehmrt, ~.A.Omlho~, ~,M.~rmy, ~.~.Pitts O.P~cell ~cOue ~nd O.A.~il~r it appearing to the Board that the Bridge over ~oorman's River at ftillington is absolutely necessary and that the Bridge over hardware ~iver, kmo~m ss 'Carter's Bridge is unsafe and dangerous, be i~ R~WBOEVFD: That m sum sufficient to build these two bridges be borrowed to be 1,m id out of the current revenues from time to time ~nd the Chairman of the Board is-~uthorized to execute note for such amount ss may be necessary for the said bridges mhd renew the same from time to time when necessary. Polled votes: Unanimously adopted. in the mmtter~of opening a public road from the Bridge at Proffit station to the Road J~ed through the lands of Wash Plannagan, the report of viewers appointed l~ovember 15th 19E2 w~s filed Pebruary 21st 1923 and the clerk of the was ordered ~o notify the said Wash Plann~gan to appear mt the meeting of the Board ~mrch 21st 192~ to show cause, if any, why the said report should not be adopted bherems the said summons was duly e~ecuted upon the said W~sh mhd he being-called mhd failed to answer; therefore on motion of ~.~.~mmy mhd seconde by ~.~.Oalhomu it is unanimously ordered that the following report of viev~ers be adopted end sp.~mm~ upon the ~inutes. ~T~T]~ O~ ViRGINI~ CO~.~-~ OF .~., Bm~R~,.~E TO Wi~T:~ I, W.B.Scribner, s i~otsry Public ir~ mhd for said County in said ~,tmte do certify that B.i. Wood. A.D.Fray and J.D.Smith appointed by the Board of ~upervisors of ~lBe~mrle 0om~ty at the meeting held on the 15th day of t~'ovember 1922 upon the question mhd expediency of m county rosd leading from Bridge mt Proffit Station to Road Bed personally sppemred before me in my ssid county and being duly sworn mede that they' would faithfully mhd impartially dischsrge their duties ss such viewers. Given under my hand this 25th day of l~ovember 1922. Commiss ion expires march 22, 1923. ~.B.ocribner, N.P. TO Tt~J HONORABLF BOARD OP SUPERVISORS OP TZE~ "COUNTY OP .s~BEHARi~F,--~'T '~,~ . . The uz~ders~oned viewers appointed by your order made on Zhe i5th day of i~ovember 1922, respectfully report that we met upon the lands proposed to be taken public road from E.i~. Sridge at Proffit to o~d road st Proffit on the 25~h d~y.of l~ovemb.er 1922 and report thereupon ss follows: 1. the convenience or inconvenience that will resuld ss well to [~indivi, dumls ms to the public is ms follows: The proposed ro~d will take the place of s road which is almost un'o~ss~ble. 2. The said rosd'will not be one of such mere private convenience ss to make it proper that it should be opened mhd kept in order by'.the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. ' ~o. S. z~o yard, garden or orchard will have to be t~ken. names of the land~.owners on such route are ms follows- ¥~ash ~lanna gan 5. The following named of said land owners require compensation: 6. ~ just compensation to the land owners requiring compensation for the said lend ~o taken and for the damage to the residue of the tract beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road or la, riding to be established are ss follows: Wash ~lannagsn ~50,00 V. The following are-the 0t'her fa6ts and circumstances which in the opinion of your viewers sro useful in enabling your Board to determine the expediency of establishing or s!tering the said road: The proposed new road is of no benefit to }~ash plannagan. They herewith, return a m~p of the proposed route. 211 of w}}ich is respectfully submitted B.i. ~oo~ w. B.Scr ibner J.D,~mith 2 ,D.~ray On motion of J.~.Fray and seconded by S.2.~alhoun the following resolution wms unanimously adopted. ~;~oved by Dr, Smith, duly seconded and carried, that inasmuch as the Oounty of .~lbemarle desires permission to construct ~ road, known as the ~aonticello Road, through a portion of the property of the Sanatorium snd has agreed, through ~,~r. re.ff. Dee, their ~uperintendent of Nosds, that the Cour~ty will recIify as far as possible the damages done by the cor~truction of this road in the following manner: ~ good, substantial 10-~7 American hog-proof, wire fence along the right of way of said road and agrees ~o constr~.ct within the hog ~ot a ~ x 4 concrete culvert in order to give the hogs access to water and outside of the hog lot s 4 x 6 concrete ct~f[vert conecting the pasture field with the field below where running water is to be gotten by the live stock. The fence is to be. connected with the wing walls of this culvert in such a way ss to permit the passage of stock beneath the road. The ~oumty in the meantime to maintsin a fence at all t~mes until the permanent-fence is completed as that stock belonging to the ~anstorium cannot stray out of the pasture fields. Inasmuch as ~ bill has been introduced in the ~egislat~e by ~. L.~.Smith, representative for 21bemsrle County, which im effect gives the ~t~te ~osrd of Health the right to give the County o£ Albemarle permission to construct said road through the property of the ~anatorium which i.s owned by the co~uonwealth:- tlmt permission shall be given by the Blue E~ctg~ Sanatorium' ~ommittee to the County of ~lbemarle to construct this road in ~ccordance with. the above mentioned dst~ and blue print, provided said bill is approved by the hegislature of Virginia and becomes a law, and !rovided further ttmt the work shall be completed in one year from tt~is date. ~ ~elegstion of citizens from the Eivanna District appeared before the Board and requested tlmt the action of the Bosrd'Pebru~ry 21st 192~ in adoptihg the ~edar rust law £,6r.:Elvanna District be reconsidered and after a full d~scussion of the c~se it appearing to the Board tint a ma~[ority of the citizens of nivmnnm f~agisterial District. are opposed to the cedar rust law be enacted in said district therefore on motion of g._~.~rsy and. seconded 'by C.A.~iller it is ordered that the resoluti'0n of the Board pass.ed ~ebruary £is$ tgE~ enacting the cedar rust Imw for Eivsnna Ristrict be and i~ is hereby recinded. Polled vote: Aye. Hollis ~inehart, ~.~!.~ray C.~.~iller, B.~.C~lhoun, C.Purcell ~c0ue and J.L.Fitts. ~o. ~one. The report of the State Auditors who audited the Treasurers~ Books recommended that the Bo2rd designate who should extend the tax on Public ~ervice Corporations and ~£ter s thorough descussion of the case and upon the opinion of the ~ttormey for the Commonwealth on motion of O.Fo~cell mcOue and seconded by ~.L.~itts it is unanimously ordered that the commissioners of the revenue extend sai~ tax in their respective districts at the same rate of commissions as 2re allowed them for extending the other county levies. The report of the 0ommissioners appeared _~ebruary 21st 19~3' to assess the dsmmges, if any,. to the lands of Samuel B.Woods and $~.N.~sp.ier for the opening of a public ro~d through the lands of the said Woods and i~apier ss ~ r report of viewers heretofore 2dopted was this day filed and according to the agreement made by ~.~elton to pay all costs incident to the adoption of said Fublic Eo~d therefore~ on motion of ~.E.~rsy and seconded by C.~.~iller it is ordered that the s2id report of co~nissioners be continued ~nd that the Board t~ke no further sction in the matte~ until the said 0~.S.~ielton rei~burse the county of ~lbem~rle in the amount of ~Z0.00 for costs hereto ex~pended by said County. It ~ppering to the Board that it is of the utmost importance to the county that the unfinished mete of the concrete road from ocottsville ~o Oharlottesv~ be completed. Therefore be it Eesol~d: Ths~ the sum of ~8000.00 be borrowad and that the Chairman of the Board be smd hs is hereby authorized in the anme and on behalf of th~ County of ~lbemarle to execute notes payable ~2000.00 each ~md every year after dare,st the ~ste of 5~ for the completion of the said one mile of road. ~ ~ ,,,~' P~ol~ed vote unanimous. On motion of O.~a.~'ray ~nd seconded by ~.~.Oalhoun it is ordered that the county reinburse the ~hite ~ll District for :~100.00 for money expended on the ~d fund. White n~ll to n~rris' ~iil. ~ lle In the m~tter of the Division of the Dog tax money among the Districts for road purposes. On motion of J.~.Pray and seconded by O,.~.Eiller that the money be divided among the several districts according to the number of dogs. psid ~n in the several districts resulted in the following tie. ~ye: 0.~.Prsy, 0.~.~iller and o.~.Cslhoun ~11 the members of the Board were present and young mhd it being the desire of some members ~h~t the~e be broken, therefore it is ordered th~ ~t?~th~ next regular ~pril meeting of the Board the Commissioner designated by the Judge to c~st t'he ~ec~iding vo~ in~ c~sse of ~ tie be ~re~ent and that the tie be broken in conformity to section E~l~ of the Code of Virgini~ of 1919. R.F.Lee, B'uperintendent of Eo~ds, statement of ex~enditures were presented and the board ~fter carefully ex, mining the s~me ~pproVed mhd ordered it to be filed. G.Stu~rt H~mm, Treasurer, presented ~o the Board a statement, together with the vouchers of all warrants paid by him during the month of ~ebru~ry 19S'~. The Bosrd after examining all the warrants ordered the statement to be filed'~nd the following amounts spread. 0ounty warrants p~id during Febraary Ch~rlotteSville~District N~rants pa id ivy District ¥~rrants p~id ~ivann~ District w~rrants paid Ssmuel ~iiller ~istrict v~arrants ps id ~h~te H~il District w~rrants p~id Scottsville District wsrrants paid $2,805.45 :~2,805.45 tlt .Jt 1,57.22 2J0.~5 114 .JO 1t9.08 140. ~9 852 , 95