HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-04-18 ~t an adjourned meeting ef the ~oard of ~upervisers of
Albemarle County held at the Court House of said County ~pril 17th 192~. Present:
Hollis Hinehart,~ Cheirmn, ~.A.oalhoun, J.~.Pitts, ~,M,mrsy, C.Purcell mcCue and
O.~ ,Miller.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
in the matter ef Carters Bridge, on motion of O,Purcell~ m¢Oue
and seconded by ~.m.~'ray it is ordered that a committee consisting of messers Hinehart,
Pitts and Lee be appointed in the name and on behalf of the County to receive bids for
the steel for Carters ~ridge upon condition that at least three bids are submitted.
In the matter of the ~eechums River Bridge, On motion of
O.Purcell mc0ue and seconded by O,A,~iller it is ordered that the bt~ of the Champion
~ridge Oo. it being the lowest bidder, be aDcepted at the price of $1780.00 ~.O,B,
E.~.~ee, ~upt. of Roads is instructed to re~urne $140. to
~,~,~larrtmmn ~ Co for owerpaid accrue~ interest on the bonds for ~amuel ~iller ~istriet,
~t a regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of ~l~emarle
Oounty held at the 0curt House of sa id Oounty April 18th 192~. ~resent: Hollis ~inekg:
chairmen, ~,~.0alhoun, ~,L,Pitts, J.m.~ray., O.Purcell ~cOue and o,~,~iller.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
't ,
The Beard proceeding to lay the 0ounty levy for the year 192J
~ 1924, doth order that the .~easurer of the County of ~lbemarle shell collect on all
real and tangible property, exclusive cf incomes, etc. on henri the let day of ~ebruary
19E~, w~ether belonging to individuals, corporations or companies, including railroads~
~except rolling stock of railroads operate~ by steam~ and telegraph and telephone
companies, tangible personal property, but exclusive ef sba.res of stock in banks,
banking associations and' other institutions enumerated in ~eotion 17 ~chedwle D, of
~¢ts approved tPril the 16th 190S. and tots amendatory thereof.
~or general Oounty purposes sixty cents I~.60) en every o~e h~rei
~!lars worth of sa i~ preper~y.
~er County school p~poses~y ee~ts ~.~0) on every eno h~d~e~.
~ollars worth of said property, an~ for pension f~ds ~der ~c~s approve~ ~rch 14th
1908, five cents {$.05~ on every one h~re~ ~ollars worth of said p~operty,
~n~ he s~tl further eelte~t en all of sai~ property' for ~istrict
school purposes ss follo~: to-wit:--
ia the Ivy District forty cents ~.4~) on. every one h~dred dollars
worth off ss i~ property.
In the White Hall District forty cents {$-.40) en every one h~dre~
~ollers worth of sat~ property.
in.the ~amuel Miller ~ist'r~et 'forty, five cents {$,48) en every eno
hu~re~ ~ellsrs worth of said property.
~ln the ~cottsville District thirty-five ($,35) on every one h~dre~
dollars worth of said property.
~n~ for district road p~poses and .interest and sinking fun~s for
district bon~s he s~tl collect on all ef said pr~erty except that in incorporate~
towns that ~intain their oE streets and ~oa~s, ss follows, to-wit:
In the O~rlottesville ~is:trict for interest and sinking ~s
~e for ~istriet ros~-~ bon~s one ~ellsr and eightffeents (.$1.80) en every one h~re~
~ollars worth of said p~eperty,
In the ivy District thirty-five cents {$.35) on every one hundre~
dollars worth of sai~ property, an~ for interest and sinking funds for d~trict roa~
bon~s one ~otlsr and thirty cents ($1.30) on every one h~dred dollars worth of ssi~
In the ~hite ~11 ~istriet thirty-.~n~s {$.30) en every eno
hun~re~ dollars worth of said property, an~ interest a~ simking f~s for ~istrict
ros~ ~onds one ~ellar an~ fiffty-five cents i$1.55) on ever2 one h~dred dollars worth
cf said property.
.In the Samuel ~illsr ~istriet thirty cents {$,30) on every one
h~re~ ~otlars worth of said property, and interest sn~ sinking ff~ds for ~t~ict
~os~ bon~s one ~ollar and twenty cents ($1.20) on every one h~d. red ~oll~s worth of
ssi~ property,
In the ~cottsville Distriot twenty cents ($.20) on every one h~-
8red d~llsrs worth of sai~ property, and for interest and sinking fund on district
roa~ bonds one dollar and seventy cents ($1.~0) on every one h~dre~ dollars worth
of sa i~ property.
in the ~iva~a District ten cents {$.,10) on every one h~dre~
deltars worth of ssi~ property, and for interest and sinking f~d o~ district ros~
bonds si~ty cents ($,60) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property.
And he shall further collect under the Acts approved at
%he special session of 1915 and ~cts amendatory thereof, for district road .purposes
under the Acts of the General ~sembly approved ~eby 20th 1892, and acts amendatory
thereof, on all intangible personal property eEclusive of incomes, but including all
solvent bonds, demands, and claims not otherwise taxed for Comnty or District
purposes, by whosoever held on ~ebrUmry let 192~ whether belonging to individuals or
o. orporations, including railroad, telegraph and telephone companies amd banks in
the mivanna, ivy, Scottsville, ~amuel miller, white Hall and 0harlottesvtlle ~istrict:
twenty cents _i$.20) on every one hundred dollars worth of such last named pre, perry,
in each of said districts respectively,
And he shall further collect on all shares of stock in
banks, banking associations and other institutions enumerated in Sec, l~, Schedule D,
of acts approved ~pr, 6th 190~, and acts amendatory thereof, other than upon the
stocks of banks, located in incorporated towms; ~for District ~oad purposes eighty~'
five cents ~$.8~) on every one hundred dollars worth of said prOPerty.'
~nd he shall further collect on the Stock of banks, located
in incorporated towns for general Co~nty purposes twenty cents i$,20) on every one
hundred dollars ~orth of such ~tock, which latter, however shall be expended in the
district in which is is levied.
~nd he also shall collect for d~s trier road purposes on all
Goods, ~ares, merchandise ~ capital of merchants on hand the let day of ~ebrumry
192~, whether belonging to individuals corporstions or companies, thirty cents
i$.~0) on every one hundred dollars worth of such property.
On the application of ~.E.Lee for a change or relocation
of the otony Point ~oad through the lands of ~,~,0rickenbarger it is ordered that
~,~.~Duke, ~oods otockton, w.~Haley, ~,B.Oolthurst and ~,H.Gentry be appointed
viewers, after being first duly sworn, to view the ground, and report~ to the
the conveniences and inconveniences that will result as we~l to individuals as to
the public, if such road change shell be as proposed, and especially whether any
yar~, g~rden, orchard, or any p~rt thereof will in such c~se, have to be t~ken; and
the said viewers shall also ascertain and report to ~oard, whether the said road
will be one of such mere private convenience, as to make it proper that it should be
opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired
~he viewers, acting ei~her under the precedings section or section nine hundred
and firty-five, shall particluarly report the facts and circumstances in their opinio~
useful in enabling the Board to determine the expediency of establishing or altering
~he road or landing. They m~y examine other routes then that proposed for any road,
and report in favor of the one they prefer with the reasons for their preference.
They shall report the names of the land-owners on such route, and state which of them
require compensation, the probable amount, in the o~pinion of the viewers, to w~ch
such party may be antitled, and auy other matter which they may deem pertinent. A
map~ or diagram of such route shall be returned with their report, if no one of the
viewers be s surveyor they may employ one if necessary.
Report to the Board 16th day of may 192Z,
On the application cf E,E.Lee for a change or relocation of' the
White Hall ~oad through the lands of d.~.~laughter, it is ordered that ~.~E.Duke,
Woods S~ockten, W.A,Haley, ,~,~.Colthur~t and P.H. Gentry be appointed viewers, a~ter
being first duly sworn, to view the ground, mhd report to the Beard the conveniences
and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to ~he public, if such
road change shall be as propos~ and expecially whether any yard, garden, orchard,
or any part thereof will in-such case, have to be taken; and the said viewers shall
also ascertain and report to ~oard, whether the said ~osd will be one of such mere
private convenience, as to make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order
by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. The shall particularly
report the facts and circumstances in their opinion useful in enabling the Bo2rd to
determine the expediency of establishing or altering the road or landing. They
may examine other reutes than that proposed for any road, and report in favor of the
one they prefer with the re~sons for their preference. They shall report the names
of the land-owners on such ~oute, ~nd state Which of them req~ire compensation,
the probable amount, in the opinion ef the viewers, to which such party may be entitled,
and any other mstter which they may deem pertinent. ~ map or diagram of such route shall
be returned with their report, if no one of the viewers be ~ surveyor they m~y employ
one, if necessary.
Report Zo the ~oard 16th day of may 192~.
Whereas additional funds will be necessary for the surfacing of
three miles of the orozet-White Hall road, the sale of $20,000.00 of bonds is hereby
ordered; these bonds to be issued by the County of Albemarle in behalf of White Hall
District on the 1st day of ~my, bearing ~ interest and maturing in 1948, as authorized
at an election held on the 26th day of April 1921,
The bonds shall be numbered from 801 to ~£0 inc.
The bond form shall ~e as fellows:
C0~,~0NWE~TH 0~ ViRGiNIA
$1,000.00 ~o. ~
Twenty-five years after dete the 0ounty of Albemarle Virginia, promises and obliges
itself to pay to the bearer hereof One Thousand ($1,000.00) with'.interest at t~he rate
of five per cent' i5%) per annum from date until paid, principal and interest payable
at the hank of America, 257, ~roadway, i~ew ~ork Oity, i~ew iork, interest being repre,
sented by coupons hereto attached, payable on-the 1st day of may and the 1st day of
~ovember in each year, until paid.
This bond is a portion of $205 ,900.00 authorized to be
issued in White Hall ~gisterial ~istrict under the leection held on the 26th day
of April 1921 and duly authorized by the Court. The ~osrd of oupervisors, at their
meeting of the 2nd day of January 192£, by a resolution directed, $96,900.00 of
these bonds to be presently issued; of this amount, fifteen bonds for ,1,O00.O0 each
were issued oh j~nuary 15th 1922, ~nd fifty bonds for ~l,000.O0 each were issu~ed on
January 1st, 1923. Of the remaining unissued bonds, this bond is one of twenty
bonds for ~l,O00.O0 each, issued under the ~ection and resolution aforesaid. These
bonds are issued for road improvement in ~hite Hall ~lagisterial District, but the
full faith and credit of the entire Company of Albemarle ~s hereby pledged for their
payment, and s tax is to be levied upon the property is said District to pay the
interest on them and to create a sinking fund in sufficient amount to pay them at
mm tur it y.
I~ is hereby certified recited and declared~ that all acts
conditions and things required to exist, happen or be performed precedent to and
in the issuance of. this bond have existed, have h~ppened and h~ve been performed in
due t~m~e from and manner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond,
together with all other bonds issued on behalf of the ~hite Hall ~agisterial District
does not exceed fifteen per cent (15%! of the assessed value of the taxable property
of the said district according to the assessment l~st completed prior to the issuanc~
of this bond, nor does it exceed any other limitation prescribed by the constitution
or statuZes of the ~t~te of ¥irginia.
By ~rder of the ~oard of ~upervisors this bond is exempted
from all local taxation during the period for which it is iAsued.
±n testimony whereof the Oounty of Albemarle has caused
this bond to be signed by the Chairman of the ~oard of ~upervisors and countersigned
by the Clerk thereof, and under· the seal of the hoard this 1st day of may 19EJ.
( counters igned ~ Clerk
Porto of Ooupon
$2,5.00 ~o. 1
On the 1st day of ~ovember, 192J, the County of ~lben~rle
~bliges itself to pay to bearer the sum of Twenty-fiVe Dollars ~$~5.00) at the
Bank of America, ~57 Broadway, mew ~ork, i~.~~. , semi-annual interest on Bond ~o.
of the County of ~lbemarle.
On motion of O,Purcell ~cOue duly seconded the following resolution
was unanimously adopted, i J,L.Pitts not voting thereont to?wit:
Be it resolved that: Whereas John L,Pitts heretofore platted and
subdivided and laid off into lots and streets and alleys a certain tract of land si~ated
in Albemarle 0aunty, Virginia lying about one mile from ~cottsville, and fronting on
what is known as the 01d Plank Road leading from ~cottsville te Charlottesville by
Glendower, and caused a plat thereof shewing such subdivisions, lots, streets and S~leys
to be recorded in the clerks office of sa id county along with and as a part of a deed
from said John L,Pit~s to ~rs. ~arah ~,Dorrier bearing date on the l~th day ef~ ~une 1922
which deed is recorded in deed book ~o. 1~9 at page 468, and whereas said Joh~ L.Pit~s
heretofore dedicated as public streets and alleys and highways of said county, all of
the streets and alleys so laid off and shown on said plat; and whereas by a certain deed
bearing date on the 16th day of ~pril 1923 and recorded in said Olerk's Office in Deed
~ook ~o. ~ ..... st page --- said ~chn L.Pitts and wife and ~,~.Paulette and wife dedicated
a certain street or road forty feet wide located and running as s~.~ forth in said last
mentioned deed; as and for a public road and highway,
Now therefore be it resolved that the said dedications of said streets
and slleys and roads herein above set forth and mentioned be and the same are hereby
accepted and that the same be end ~hey ere hereby established as public highways and
roads of this county and the streets, alleys otc to be worked and kept. in order by the
lands owners on~ said reads, alleys etc.
~ delegation of citizens appeared and requested an appropriation
ef ~l§0,00 for the entertainment of the ~est who attended the exercises at monticello
whose mission it was to purchase ~onticello, therefore on motion duly seconded it is
ordered that the sum of $1~0.00 be appropriated.
Polled vote, unsmimous,
~ delegation ef citizens appeared before the board and requested an
appropriation of $1~00.00 for the Oonfederate Exercises te be hald a~ the unveiling
of General 2.~.Lee's statute, therefore on motion of J.~.~'~ray and seconded by o,£urcell
mcOue it is ordered that the sum of ~l~0G,00 be sppropriated for the above named purpose~
Polled vote, unamimeus.
The board proceeded to discuss the pay of the Oemmissioners ef the
Eevenue and after a thorough d~scussi, on of the case on motion of J.-L.Pitts and seconded
by S.~.Oalhoun it is ordered that 2~ per cent be allowed said commissioners.
.~ll voting in the affirmative except ~,~.~ray who voted ~o allow
the commissioners a rate that would net them the same amount that they received 1sst
year, ~
During the cerise, ruction ef the Free 0nion-Boonesville road
there was a private out-let made by the contractors for the Dr. T,~i. Dunn Estate on
the east side of Buck ~t. Creek ridge a short time afterwards the Estate was divided
between ~iiss ~essie Dn~ and ~rs. ~has A miller, In the diviS, ion it so happened that
the former was given the upper portion of the farm which took in the outlet above
mentioned leaving mrs, Miller without any outlet whatever as is usual practice, in
consideration a valuable right of way about 3/8 of mile and no charge for same. the
Beard gladly orders the construction of a convenient and complete oUtlet for mrs.
~iller and the same be charged to the ~hite Hall District road fund~
The report ef the Oemmissioners en the road from J,~,meltons
place through the lands ef ~amuel ~.Woods and W,W~A~apier having been continued to
this day, the ~ttys. for ~oods and ~apier moved to quash the whole proceedings which
was over-ruled by the board, but as the report ef Wingfiled amd others being erregula~
it is ordered that ~oods ~tockton. ~,~,Ruke, ~.~,Haley, w,B.Oolthurst and ~.H.Gentry
be appointed commissioners whose duty it shall be to meed at Oovesville ~ ~.S,~elton~s
place t and g~over the proposed road asked for through the lands of B.B.Woods & W~.W,
~apier as per report of viewers and blue print filed by the viewers, and assess the
Aammges, if any, to the lands that will result to them if said road is opened,
They shall meet at ll A.M. on the ~th day of ~may 19E$, and
shall make their report to the Board on the 16th day of may 19E~.
On May 3rd bids were received for the surfacing with sand cia
o2 approximately three miles of the road between Orozet and White Hall. Two bi~s
w~ere received; the mmloney Paving Oempany was the low bidder. ~ delegation of citizen
appeared req. uesting that one mile of this road be macadamized; these ~ittzens guar-
antying a sum to supplement the bond is~sue funds sufficient to pay for this macadam.
~fter due ¢on~tderatien, it is decided to award at once a
contract to the ~mloney Pa~lng Company for approximately two miles of sa~d clay
and as soon as an issue of bonds dated ~ay 1st, 192J are sold to request the ~tate
H~ghw~y Department to advertise for bids for the paving with bituminous macadmm~
beginning at the ~tate Highway in Crozet.
Nessers, G,M,~c~utt and ~,~llan Perkins appeared before the
Board and requested that permission be granted to them and to others owning preper~y
along or near the portion of the Eugby or HYdraulic ~oad which lies between the corpo~
ate limits and the residence of Dr. Phillip Alexander Bruce, to pa~ in said Eosd water
an~ g~s mains te be connected to' the system of the Oity of Charlottesville, it being
explained by these gentlement that it might be necessary to lay $ w~ter main along
'one side of the road and a gss main along th~ other side, thus necessitating two ditch
and it being expressly stated that the work was to be done at the expense of said
property owners and no proportion thereof requested of the County.
The following settlement of the Pinance Oemmittee with J.W,
Hopkins Supt. of County Home was adopted and ordered to be spread,
Settlement of Pinance O~mmittee with J,~.Hopkims, ~upt. of. county
Home from July l, 1921 to july 1, 1922,
Amount received from Ce
Amount received from veal .sold
Amount received from pigs sold
Amount received from veal sold
Amount received from veal sold
Amount received from veal sold
Amount received free pigs Aold
Amount received from stock sold
Amount received ~rom veal sold
Amount received from Airs. Bash~ws Bosrd
Amount received from Teachers ~oard
Amount of disbursements
See p~ge 185
See page
See page 167
zee page
See page 1~9
88~. 5S
~0. O0
24. O0
~89, O0
~40. O0
$ 177,50
Balance due j.W.Hopkins $ 17~.50
~e the finance committee have examined books and vouchers showing receipts and
disbursements of ~upt' of Oounty Home from july l., 1921 to ~uly l, 1922, showing
a balance of $1V7,60 due j,~.Hopkins.
~he above disbursements ~re all shown by proper vouchers which ~ve been cancelled.
~.M. Frs y
~inmnoe Oe~ittee
o .~. Calhe~ ..
E.~.Lee, ~uperintendent of ~oads' statement of expenditures w~e presented and the
Board after carefully examining the S~me approved and ordered it to be filed.
The following claims were presented, examined and ~!owed to be certified to the
treasurer for payment, viz:---
Albemarle Tel. Co
Albemarle Home mutual Fire
ins uranoe ~o
Olerk~s office
Tres. office
Assessment for CO. .t~rs. Jones
Bls o k O. P · 145.50
Bstesvilte Printing 0o
Dr. ~.O.Ooulter
Chamber of 0ommerce
henry Gibbs
E, T.~ leander
~.N~ ~reekenborough
~. ~. merr is
R. ~,Fellmrd
E. ~. 9eddy
Dr, ~.~. Dickinson
Dr. n.T ,i~elson
~.~ .~ncock
G, ~, ~ughe s
0. P. Gsrth
~her~n morris
'~. ~ .~Is rEh
· .~. Ms rs hs ll
~ent Lsmb
~sr~n ~eok
Lacy ~ Bmrnet~
Jo~ ~.minor
Dr. L.~.noberts
Surfer-Arc. dale Oo.
~.~ bbott ~mith
~.~son ~mith
m.i~imberla ke
~nde~ood T~ew~iter Oo
~.H. ~ingfie ld Jr.
J.S .morris
Envelopes for Tres.
Examining body of ward
Oounty subset iption
" 2 cl~ ires
0ol ~arm demonstrstro ~ mos
0or. otc
Tr es s. ~ff ice
~epairs Clerk's Office
~ury ~o~issioner
~y Oo~iss ioner
Att end ing ~s. Jones
J elai~ Clerk~s Office
S s u~ons
tasking ticks for ~il
~ coffins & burying p~upers
Toilet psper ~eurt house
11 s
T~ewriter ribbons
~ d~ys V~ewers ~nd I ~d~y cern.
10. O0
10. O0
1. O0
20. O0