HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-05-16 At m reguler meeting of ~he Bc~rd of Supervisors of ~I~hemmrle Oounty
held mt the Court held at the Oourt House of .~mid County My 18th 19~'.
Present: ~iollis Rinehart, Chalr~mn~ J.~.~r~y, B.A.Oalhoun, C.Purcell
~cOue, J.L.Pitts and ~.~.~iller.
The minutes of the last meeting were rsa~ and ~pproved.
A letter from The Duke Committee investigating Oo~uty sffeirs reques-
ting t, he Board to attend ~ mess meeting of citizens to be held on ~my 2lst 19~8 w-ms
ree~ ~nd on motion J.L, Pitts end seconded by O.Purcell ~c0ue it is unmnimously resolved
that the board accept the invitetion mhd ~ttend the meeting in ~ body.
On motion of C.A.~i!ler end seconded by O.Purcell ~c0ue it is ordered
that H.E.Lee, ~upt of Ho~ds~ be instructed to pey for the rock ~nd hauling of stone
on the road from Charlottesville to Hydraulic mhd the amount so p~id be deducted from
the estA~a~te o£ the Brown-~erry Construction COmpany.
On motion of C.Purcell ~cOue and seconded by O.A.Milier it is ordered
thet the Comuty pay for the fences of Geo. '~.Dougle~ de~mged ~nd removed by the con-
struction of the Pree ~nion Rood.
On motion of O.Purcelt mo06e and seconded by S.~.0~lhoun it is ordered
that the Olerk~ of the Bosrd ~ite end request Hon. E.~ee Trinkle to fowsrd ~s soon ~s
possible e copy of the report of the State ~ccount~nt who w~s sent him to investigete
certain cherges made by the Duke Oommitte~.
In the matter of~the Social ~elfere Leegue.
On motion of J.Z.Pitts ~nd seconded by C.P~rcell ~¢¢ue it is ordered
that the sum of ~S~0.O0 s~l~ry heretofore peid overseers of the poor together witch ~n
sddition~l sum of ~60~00 b~ ~ppropri~ted to c~rry on the work of the ~ocial ~elfmre
Polled vote: ~ys, ~e~srs ~inehmrt, ~slhcun, Pitts ~nd ~c0ue.
The report of viewers heretofore eppointed to view e relocetion of the
Stony Point Eoed through the lands of '~.~.Criokenb~rger wes this day filed and the said
BoF'.Orickenb~rger ~ppeered in person ~nd objected to s~id report and the ~o~rd ~fter a
thorough descuss~on of the c~se offered the following proposition which v~s accepted
by the s~id Orickenbmrger, n~mely:~ ~.~That the County will pay $100.00 per mere for the
l~nd taken for the s~id ro~d ~nd will fence one side of the rood with $ woven wire
fence with post twelve f~et ~p~rt end two mhd one-hell feet in the ground.
On motion of ~.L,Pitts and seconded by O.A.~iller it is ordered tint
no sppropri2tion be made to ivokots ~arms beceuse of ~n appropriation to the Social.
~elfar e League.
in t~e hatter of ~20,000.00 of Albemarle County~ Road Bonds issued
in behalf of White Hall ~L~gisterisi District, on motion of ~. Oh~s A,Eiller,
seconded by ]~r. O.Purcell ~icGue it is resolved that the Ch~ir appoint m committee to
obtain bids for the sale of these bonds with power to sot.
The 0hairman ~ppointed the ~ollowing committee:
~o Oharles A.~iller
mr. S.A.omlhoun, and
~r. ~.~.Lee.
WHEREAS, sections of road, not included in the ~ounty ~ystem of
~]ighw~ys ss ~pproved by resolution of this Board ~ugust 18thi920, have been or
to be improved~ be it resolved that in ~ccordmnce with Section l' of the State
Aid Road Law, approved ~mrch 2?th 1918, the following mlteretions mhd additions
to the county ~ystem of Highways be
To be extended from_ ~ree Union to Boonesvil~le.
To be extended on the south~from ~iorvel's Store
to How~rdsville; betv,~en i~orvel~s Store end ~eene~ this road to be altered to
pass through ~bmont; between Crozet and ~hite }{mll~ this road to be further mitered.,
leering Orozet ~est p~rallel to the 0.~.0. tract 8/10th~s of m mile, thence to
white H~ll
00U~Y ~iiG~_ ~'~.Y F.8. ~o be extended south from the State Highw~y~
m distance of approximately ~½ miles to m ro~d between Batesville mhd Y~elson Court, ye
COU.~TY HIGIT#~? ~9 To be extended south from Ivy past Wagner's
store to Eed ~ill.
in m.ddition to the above, the following new-roads to be ~dded:
between ~tate Highway ~9 st Orozet end Oounty
~oad ~8 near Greenwood. known es the carman's ~p and Biairs P~rk Hoed.
COLE~TY HIGE~AY ~12 from 0ounty Highway ~9 et Owensvill~ to County
Higb~ay ~i st White ~tl, ~uown ss the ~hite ~11 Road.
The following report of ¥imvers laving been core, d/ ~y the ~Ooun~y
and J.W. ~l~ughter w~s hereby adopted and ordered to be spread upon the minutes.
V!EW~-~' $ .RF2ORT
00L~NTY 0~ ~LB~,~RLE TO WIT:--
i, W.L.Maupln, ~r. ~ deputy Clerk in and for said County in said
~tste do certiZ~y thst wm. R.Duke, ~.b. Oolthurst end P.~.~entry ~ppointed by the
Do~rd of Supervisors of 21bemmr!e County at the meeting held on the 18th d~y of April
192~ upon the question mhd expediency of'altering or relocating m county road leading
from White mall through the lands of J.%~.Slmughter personally eppe~red befc~e me in
my said county and being duly sworn mede oath tlast they would faithfully and impartial
discharge the ir duties ss such viewers.
eiven under my hand this 2nd day of ~y 1923.
~v.h.mmupin, jr. Deputy clerk.
Tho undersigned viewers mppointed by your order r~de on the l$~h
:' day of April 1923 respectfu~lly reporg thsg we met upon the lends proposed to be t~ken
1st. The convenience or inconvenience th.~t_will result ms well to
individuals ~s to the public is ms follows:
Public convenience.
2nd~ ~he said rood will not be one of such mere private convenience
ms to m~ke it proper that it shou~Id be opened end kept in order by the person or
persons for whose convenience it is desired.
~o ~rd, g-ard~n or orc~rd will h~ve to be taken.
The n~mes of the land owners on such route are ms follows:
j. ~ .Sl~ ught er
5tho The following named off ssid land owners reGuire compensation.
~-. w. Sl~ ughter
5th. ~ Just compensation to the !and ownern requ-iring compens~z~on
for the se id lend so taken and for the dem~Ee to ~he residue of the tract bsyond the
peculiar benefits i~o be derived in respect to such residue fram ~he ro~d or l~nding
to be estsblished ~re ~s follows:
Award ~wenty-flve do~lars dammges--~laughter to build fence.
Vth. The following are the other f~cts end circumstances which in the
opinion o£ your viewers ~re usei'ul in enabling your Boerd to determine the expediency
of ~stablishing or altering the said road;
~pprove location of ~'ngineer
~hey herewith return ~ n~o of the proposed route.
All of which is respectfully submitted
P. H. Gentry
~. B. Colthurst
On motion of C.Purcell mcOue ~nd seconded by ~.L.Pitts be it unanimously
resolved that the ro~d in the Ohsrlottesville District leading from a point o~ the
Hydraulic ~oad just west or about the property of John ~'yler; thence running south
through what is known ~s ~'errell's field to its intersection with the ~rracks ~{oad
at a point Just opposite the upper end of W.EoDuke~.s Orchard, be ~nd it is hereby
adopted as a county ro~d.
The following settlemenZ of the ~in~nce Committee with ~.~tuart Harem,
~reasurer 21bemarle County wes adopyed end ordered to be spread.
Settlement of ~inance Ocmmittee with X~~x~x~~
~.~tu~.~_~mm, Areesurer ~lbemmrle Oounty from ~'uly l, 1921 to Oct. l, 1922,
21bemarle 0o. Va.
Sept. 30
Oounty Levy
Charlottesville Dist. Roads
Ivy District Roads
&g& .10
G.Stuert Harem, -
$13; 538.17
R ivanna · Dis trio t Rcs ds
White Hall District Roods 1,020.42
Ohsrlottesville Bond Int,
~un~ 16,445.t0
Ivy Rood Bond Int. ~und 2,948.44
Scottsville Road Bond
Int. ~und 13,4?? .13
Sco.ttsv [lle Ooncremte Rond
White Hall to Orozet Rd.
White ~11 Dist 624.75
J~r~ns ~p Rd. W.H. Diet 6,52~.67
~ensville Ro~d W,H. D~ t
~ree Union Road W.H. Diet
0h'ville Diet Road bo~
Rivan~ Dist Road Bond ~d
Ivy District Road Bond P~d
Scottsville Diet Road Bond ~d
Samuel Miller Dist. Ro~d bond F~d
White Hall Dist. Road bond Int.
& ,335.00
Rivmn~ Diet Rosd Bo~ Int.
P~d 2,125.00
0rt~n Road ~d
Dog Tmx ~d
Less Debits
Net County &' Road Balances
59,135-. 31
47,4 O1.90
$5 ,58 ,44 .....
0hsrlottesvit!e Dist. ~ohools
Ivy District Schools
Scottsvills Dist. Schools
Rivann~ Dist Schools
White Hall Dist Schools
Samuel Miller Dist. Schools
Ds ws on ~und
Less Debits
Net County & Road balances
l~et School Bstanees
Balance due by Treasurer
$463 ,740 ,28
Nations1 Bank of Charlottesville:
General ~und ~3,387.0i
Scot tsvil!e Rd.~$ 336.12
Jarmans Gap Rd. 1,969.49
Diet Bond Issue ~50,866,25
Samuel Miller Dis 50,187.50
0rtamn Rd. Eund · 25,000- 07
Peoples National Bank:
General Pund 1,766.95
Grading Dund 489.52
Scotsville Con. R.P.6021.62
" " "oom. 124.62
?Th. H. & Boonesville
Rd 30,99y.&2
$4S1,74 6
Scottsvi!le Nt. Bank
Bank of Crozet
Farmers & Merchants Bank
949 .?8
9 703.25
$474 , 611.4t
~q.E.Lee, Superintendent of Roads' stmSement of expenditures were
presented and the Board after carefully examining the same spproved and ordered it
to be filed.