HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-06-13 At a Regula~ ~eeting of the Boa~d of ~Upexviso~s of Albema=le County Virginia, held and the 0ou~t House of said ~oun~y on the ~I~th day .of June 19£5. P~esent: Hollis Chairman, J.E,~ay, J.L'.Pitts, S.~oCalhoun, C. Purcell and C.~.U_ille~, ~The minutes of the last meeting were mead and approved. On motion of J.M.F~ky and seconded ~ 0.Purcell ~O:ue the following · e so!ution was unanimously adopted. In the mattex of the contxact with Batte~shill & Cootie fez the eon- st~uction of the Fxee Union Road, the xough ~xading of this xoad is completed and a laxge pa~t of it has been ~oad ma'chined to a p~ope~ cxoss-section by the contxacto~. 0the~ paxts have neve~ been put to the p~ope~ czoss-section.. Now aftex the spzing ~ains, the enti~e ~oad needs to be shaped with a ~oad machine. It is agreed between I{~. J.J.Batte~.shill~ fo~ the cont~actox, and ~;~. O,A.Mille~ and R.E.Lee, fo~ the County, that this wo~k shall be~ done by the Di.~xict xoad fozce and tha~ Bat-re, shill and Goode shall pay ~500.00 to the District fox such pa~t of this wo~k as they should do to fullfill theiz contract; this ~500.00 to be deducted f~om thei~ Pinal Estimate. In considezation of this agxeement, the above mentioned contzact fox the construction of the~ee Union Road is declared completed. The above agreement made the 23z~ day of ~fay 1923 is hezeby ~onfi~med. On motion of J.~L~xay and seconded ~y O.Pu~cell McOue the 'following zesolution was unanimously adopted. !~EPORT 07 COi~ITTEi~: To the Boa~d of Supexvisoxs:-- In the ~tte~ of the ~le of $20,000.00 Albemarle County Bonds issued in behalf off ~ite Hall Eagiste~ial Dist~i~t, bids weze invited by ci~c~az lette~ to ten bond bzoke~s a~ an advertisement ~s placed in the Oha~lotte~ille Daily P~og~ess. In zesponse, two bids were ~eceived and opened at noon on ~ay 28th. These bids were as follows: ~ede~ick E.l~otting & C~paw--$20,~l. O0 and acc~.ued interest . B~ay B~othezs & Co~y ........ $20,230.00 and accrued intezest. The bid of ~edexick E.l~olting & C~pany, being the highest, is accepted. 0o~ittee of the Boa~d of Supe~visozs. O~s A.Mille~ S · A. Ca~_ cnn R.E.Lee On motion of J,M,~ay and seconded by C. Pu~cell Mc0ue the following ~esolutinn was unanimously adopted. In the ~atte~ of the ~elocation of the Stony Point xoad at Pxiddy,s Hill it appeaxiug that the majority of citizens desire a straight zoad ove~ the top, of the hill as at pzesent, ~athe~ than a zelocation, this dizeet ~.oute is hereby adopted. Th~ ~zice fixed by the State Highway Go~nissione~ of ~l.10 pez cubic yard fo~ this wo~k is approved and a ~oad is ~eco~ded built at an eight percent gzade. It ~ppeazing to the Board that it will be necessazy to some money with~which to pay County expenses between now and the collect~ion of 19S~ taxes. It is ozde~ed that the T~easu~e~ of this Gounty be, and he is -hezeby autho~ixed in the name, and on behalf of the ~ounty of ~&l~bema~le, to make aggzegements with some bank o~ banks fo~ them to advance the necessazy amounts, not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollazs ¢~E5,000.00) and to execute such obliga- tion o~ obligations in the name, and on behalf of said County as may be necessary to secuze such advancement oz advancements, and also by such obligation oz obligations pledge 19~ taxes fo~ same. Ca~ t ez s B~ idge. On may lOth bids weze zeceived fo~ the steel supez-stzuctu~e foz ~ive bids weze zeoeived. The pu~posal of the Champion Bzidge ~omPany of ~Vilmington, Ohio, to furnish all the steel including zeinfo~cing ~ods and a~ched floo~ plates fo~ $~91.00 delivered ~t ~ha~lottesville being the lowest fo~ the material to be furnished, is hereby mccepted. On Apzil ~Sth bids weze zeceived foz the ¢onstzuction of the Batesville Road f~om Eillez School to ~t. Ed. fou~ bids were ~eceived. A.W.~cClay of~ Richmond Va. was low bidde~. Ou~ ~-l-£Z bids were ~eaeived £o~ the construction of the He~zds Road and a section of the Red Hill Road. Three bids were ~eceived on each. A.~,~gcClay of Richmond, Va. was low bidde~ on each. The award of contracts to the above r~amed low bidde~ is hereby confizmed. On motion of J,L.Pitts and seconded by O.Pu~cell ~IcOue the following ~esolution ~as unanimously adopted. Up to ~ay 10th five bids were ~eceived fo~ the fabricated steel complete delivered at Charlottesville, Va. fo~ Ca~te~s B~idge. On the ~ecommendation of the Counties Engineers the design of the Champian B~idge Co was accepted at a cos~ of ~91.00. The placing of this o~de~ by a con~nittee of the Board is hereby c o nfix me d. Om motion of J.L.Pitts and seconded by J.~,~zay the following zesolution ~a~ unani~nously adopted. E,O,~ille= & Company, contractors fo~ the paving of one mile of the ScottsvilIe Road, have applied foz a partial payment foz the matez~ial on the job' p~io~ to actual construction. .~s this cont~actoz is putting all the material on the job before any wozk is begun in o~de~ that the ~oad may be kept open as long as possible,, it is o~de~ed that he be given a monthly estimate to ~ove~ not ovez 50~o of the value of the material on'~the job. On the application of R.E.Zee foz a change cz zelocation of the Go~donsville Road between Cismont and Louisa County line .through the lands of .&.T. Oa~ve~, Witt Cazvez, R,G.Downez and ~s. Hope Edwards, it is o~de~ed that J.B. ~i~ino~, P,C,l~ino~, W.D,Holladay, S,T.~Vhite and .~.P._~i~tley be appointed viewers, afte~ being first duly swozn, to view the g~ound, a~d zepo~t to the Board the conveniences and inconveniences that will ~esult as well t~ individuals as to the Public, if such ~oad change shall be as p~oposed, and especially whethe~ any yard, garden, o~cha~d, o~ any pa~t thereof will in such case, ~ve to be taken; and the said Viewers shall also ascertain and ~epo~t to Board, whethe~ the said ~oad will be one of such me~e ~.~ivate convenience, as to make it p~ope~ that it should be opened and kept in o~de~ by the person o~ ps, sons for whose convenience it is desired. They shall particularly ~epo~t the facts and circumstances in thei~ opinion useful in enabling the Board to determine the expediemcy of establishing o~ altering the · oad o~ landing~. They may examine othe~ ~outes then that p~pp~sed fo~ a~y ~oad, and ~epo~t in favo~ of the one they p~efe~ with the ~easons fo~ thei~ pe~fe~ence. They s~ll ~epo~t the ~mes of the land-owners on such ~eute, and state which of them ~equi~e compensation, the p~obable amount, in the opinion of the viewers, to which such pa~ty may be entitled, and any othe~ matte~ which they may deem pertinent. A map o~ diagram of such ~oute shall be ~etu~ned with thei~ report. If no one of the viewers be a surveyor they may employ one if necessary. They shall ~epo~t back to the Board the 18th day of July 19~5. A~oo~nittee of citizens f~om ~hite Hall appea~ed and ~equested that the resolution of the 18th day of April 19S~ in wo~d and figures as follows to-wit: "On ~ay G~ bids were ~eoeived fo~ the surfacing with sand-olay of app.~o~imately three miles of the ~oad between C~o~et and White Hall. Two bids were · eoeived; the Ealoney Paving Oompany was the low bidde~. ~& delegation of citizens appea~ed ~equesting that one mile of this ~oad be macadamized; these citizens guara- ntying a sum to supplement the bond issue funds sufficient to pay fo~ this macadam. Afte~ due consideration, it is decided to award at once a contract to the ~aloney Paving Company fo~ approximately two miles of sand-clay and as soon as a~ issue of bonds dated }~ay let, 19~ a~e sold to ~equest the State Highway Department to advertise fo~ bids fo~ the ~aving with bituminous macadam, beginning at the State Highway in C~ozet.w be ~epeal~d and the question be opened and said committee further ~equesting that definite action upon them and ~equest be taken by the B~d and such o~de~ spread upon the minutes as would anable them to appeal to the 0i~cuit gou~t of ~lbe~le County. No ~esolution was offered by any membe~ of the Board and thereupon the matte~ the ~equest was not acted up~.n. To th~s action of the Board in letting this coat,act certain citizens of Whi.te Hall District appea~ing by Counsel objected, and asked that the cont~aet be not let and the Boazd having passed the ~esolution letting the contract and appeal was noted f~om this action of the Board. In the matte~ of purchasing coal for the County Home. On motion of O,Pu~cell NcCue and seconded by C,A.~ille~ it is 0~de~ed that R.E,~ee purchase the necemsa~y coal fo~ the Oounty Home, On motion duly seconded it is o~de~ed that the money a~ising f~om the dog tax be a~op~iated amo~ the several diet,nets according to the ~epozt of the t~easu~e~. On motion of C.Pu~cell !~cCue an seconded by S.~(~Calhoun be it unanimously ~esolved that R,E.Lee get in touch with the State High%~y Comn~issione~ in ~ega~d to the commencement of the wozk on State Highv~y ~E8 as the bonds having been sold and the money is on deposit in Bank. The following claims were pr~eSS~ted, e~mined ~ allowed and ordered to be certified th the t~easu~e~ of payment, viz:--- Albemarle Tele. Co. Tel. Tree. Office W,B. Bibb & Son Ba2timore ~Office Supply Batesville P~inting Oo Covington & Peyton Colonial Hotel Ch'ville Hdwe. Oo C.&.A. Ry 0o Daily P~ o~ess .~, Gar land J .~¥.Hopkins D~. H.~. Wi 1! iams D~. J.E. Ea~ ly E .~. Ge tidy D~. J,B, Di cke~ son O.P.Ohiles J.~,~hite ~V. E, Smith J .R. O~ i s se nge ~ ~lemmim~M Hawley ~.0 ,Robinson J,S.Gent~y ~,~f. Entwistle Rule ~ahaues O.E.Guiff C. G, G~ e e~ G.A.Hughes C.B.White Asa R,Hall D~. J, S,Hit chcock E.~f. Ethe~ton C,B.Lewis W.B .Lewis E. L. Geddy D~. J.B.Di ck~son Dr. H,W, Jackson R.~felto n Jones 15.05~ Coffin fo~ Paupez I0.00~ Stationery t~es. Office Z6.90~ Stationery t~es. office ~.50~ S Board fo~ Ju~y Via smd Shiflett Lawn ~fowe~ Lights Apr. & ~fay Ads Lunacy Co~. etc. Jackson & Byrd Inquest, E case Co~. Ju~y Co~. Ju~y 0o~. Ju~y Co~. Ju~y Co~. Ju~y Co~. Ju~y Co~. Ju=y Co~. Ju~y Co~. Ju~y Co~. Ju~y Col. ~a~m Demonst~at Co~ etc C o~ Ju~y ~o~. Ju~y Co~. Ju~y Co~. Ju~y 0o~. Ju~y Co~. Ju~y ~unacy Lunacy Lunacy Salary Ap~ & 3gay 18.00~ 22.50% 26.10~ 24.78~ 6.65 3.05 '2. O0 5 ."/0 5,50~, 12 · O0 10.00 ~ 2.00~ 2.00- 1.00~ 1.00 ~ 1.00~ 1.00 ~ 1.00~, 1.00 ~ 1.00~ 1.O0 60.00~ 1.00~ t.00 ~' 1.00 ~ 1.00 1.00 ~ ~. ~0 5. SO, 5.50 66.66 ~ Izving-Way-Hill Co Suzve~ Azundale J.~!as on Smith Va.. St ationezy Va. P~inting Co J.~. Vfhit e Co B.I.Wood A, D. P~ay J .D. Smith Election Caz foz committee in Shiflett t~ial Lunacy ~ Jones) Lunacy Lunacy Lunacy Recozdi.ng lease ~tc. ~,!a~zia~e Book etc Lunacy Lunacy Lunacy Supplies etc. T~es. & Clerks Offices 01ezk's 0ffioe Summoning Road Oon~n. Stationery T~es. Office Legml ~o~ms 0.P. Q~a~t e~ Viewers Viewe~ Viewe~ 5. O0 8.50 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 99.11 2.00 5.00~ 5.00~ S. 00~ 8.50 ~ 2.16,~ 4.75~ 40.50 ~ 2.00~ £.00 ~ 2.00 ~ R,E,Lee, Supexintendent of Roads' statement of expenditures were p~esented and the Board afte~ carefully axamining the same approved aDxl o~de~ed it to be filed, On ~.sy 28th bids w.,~.r~e&~d for the m~c_~dsmizing of spprox- imstely one mile of tlue Orozet-White H~!l Rosd. Fou~ bids were received. Ellis Brooks& 0o. ~tsumton, Vs. were the low bidders, smd sre i~reby awarded the contract with the m~derstsnding t?~t the work from Ststion ~l st 0rozet to Ststion ~2 be completed first .~and that the Be~rd of Supervisor s have the privilege to omit the b~lsnce of the work.