HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-07-18 At a Regular 5~eeting o£ the Board off., 5u4~ervisors ~f ~tbeme. rle
0ounty held 'at the 0curt House of said 0ounty on the 18th day of July 192J,
Present: Hollis Rinehart, Ohs irman, 5,~.Oalhoun, J.~.~rsy,
J.L.Pitts, O..Purcell McOue and ~.CoEiller.
The minutes of the last meeting were read ~nd approved.
}~r. ~c0ue called the attention of the Board to the fact that
there was sn om~.sion made in copying the minutes of the 21st day of Feby 192~ in
this, that on the question of voting on the sale of County Bonds the 0hairm~n,
~. Rinehart lef_t the chair and ~Er. John L,Pitts was called to the ~hair, M~.
Rinehart and i~. Fray not voting, The bid of the National Bank of $harIot~tesville
wes not for that Bank, which was acting only as the representative £or out af
Town buyers Who were the actual purchasers. On motion of ~r. Purcell .}~cCue, duly
seconded ~.~. Rinehar~ and ~. ~rsy not voting, the minutes were ordered to be correc!
W.L,l~upin, 01erk of the Circuit Court of 2tbemarle County,
appeared before the Bosrd and stated to the Board that the condition of his office
was such as to demand immediate attention on the part of the Board.
The office is not fireproof and there ere ~ lot of wooden
cases in which papers are kept which are a menance to the other records in the
office from their inflammability. The present shelf room is absolutely inadeqm~te
to take care of the book~ and the office is in such an over-orow~ed condition that
v~ usble record books have to be kept upon the floor.
The Clerk wishes to inform the Bosrd of this: great smd immediate
danger of loss and injury to the books, and p~pers in his office. He has asked for
plans and specifications and has finally obt2ined plaus, ~?pecificstions and a bid
from The E. rt Metal Compsny which he herewith shbmits to the Board. He hms made
a careful examin~ation and as the t~'esent bidder for this work in the .office has
done work which was eminently satisfactory he begs l~ave to suggest to the Board that
his bid be accepted and thw work completed st an early a dste as possible ss each
day adds to the menace of the v~lasble papers and records.
Thereupon upon motion of S.~,Calhoun snd seconded by JoM..~rsy
it was unanimously resolved that the plans and s~ecifications~ of The Art ~aetal'~
Company for the work to be done in the Clerk's Office as filed before this Board
be 2nd the same are hereby accepted and the attorney for the Commonwealth is a~ked t(
examine the contract reGuested by the 0ontractors and if tt~ sanB is approved by
him that the ~hsirmsn of this Board on behalf of the Beard is authorized to s~gn the
same, this Board entering into the con~raet sccording to plans and specifications,
the amount to be paid for the work to be $2956.65 !~ ~ble December let 1924, without
Whereas, an important sect ion of road in ~l~emarle County had
previously not been included in the Ooa_nty system o£ highways be it resolved that,
in accordance with Section l:iof the State Money ~id Road i~sw, approved }~t~rch 27th
1918, the following road be added to the 0ounty system of highways.
It is or'doted that the Treasurer off this Oounty be, ar~, he is
hereby a~uthorized in the name, and on behalf of t~e County off~ ~lB_emsrle, to ~ke
agreements with some bank or banks for them to advance the necessary amounts., not
to exeeed thirty-five thousand dollars (~35,000[;O0) and to execute such obligations
or obligation in the name, and on betm. lf of Said ,~ounty as may be necessary to secure
such advancement or sdvane~emrnts, and ~lso by s~ch obligation or obligations
and pledge 1923 taxes for same.
The committee from the ~;~cIntire Public Library in ~harlottesville
appeared before the Board end requested am appropriation for the said Library,
the Oounty being short of funds, on motion of ~,~.Miller and seconded by J.M.~r~y.
it is ordered ttmt sn appropriation be not-bade because of lack o£ Funds.
in the matter of land dsnmges to ~Ms. Lucrena Treviilisn.
~he Board after thoroughly discussing the questinn of l~ nd damages
to ~Ms. Lucrena' Trevillian for a relocation of the Stony Point Road thromgh her l~nds
is of opinion that the said l!~rs. Trevillian is entitled to damages and ~. L.~.Smith
attorney for ~s. Trevillian accepted an offer of ;~50.00 in full for all damages,
therefc~e on motion of g~,~ray and seconded by C.~.~giller it is unamimously o~ldered
t?~t the sum of J~250.00 be appropriated to the said ~f~s. ~revillisn for lend damages.
Polled ~ote ~nandmous.
The follow~ng claims were presented, axemined ~llowed end ordered
to be certified th the Treasurer of Imyment. viz:--
~!ben~ rle Telephone ~o.
Burnle y Bros
John' J. Lsnd
2. O. Jones
Sol F~ ufma n
S.~ .Cslho~
T.H. 0hildress
Dr. 2. ~[icklen
D~ ily Progress
W. B. Colt huts t
P.H. Gentry
Everett Waddey
Prick Bors.
O. D.Gre~r
.Surver ~rundsle Co
Vs. Printi~ Co.
Tel. Clerk's Office etc.
~oal ~ounty Home
Cot. Ju~y
Cor. jury
Cot. Jury
Cot. Jury
Co r. jury
Service ~ina'nce Com.
Luna cy
Luna cy
2 ds
Vi ewer
Vi ewe r
Vi ewer
Deed Books etc.
Service Finance
Rep~s to Flee. Fan
Colored Farm Dem.
O.P. to July 1st 1923
S tat ionery
~egsl forms
394. OV
3. O0
5. O0
.6. O0
2. O0
The ~ite Store
~ = Yard!ay
Printing voting list 220.00
Ocr. Jury ~ 5.00
1 Broon 1.25
Ocr $. O0
R.E,Lee, Superintendent of Eosds' statement ~ expenditures
were !~esented end the Bo,_~rd sfter~carefully ex, mining the same approved ~nd
ordered 10 be filed.
At ~ Regu!~r Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~ibem~r!e
0ounty held mt the ~ourt House of said 0ounty on the l~th day of ~ugust 192~o
Present: Hollis Rinehart, 0heirmen, S.~.Celhoun, J.N,.~ray~ .J.L.Pitts, ~.Puroell NcOu~
and 0-~ .Miller.
The minutes of the last were 'read and .approved.
A ~eleg~tion of citizens sppesred before the Board ~nd requested an
appropriation for the County Service League ~nd after a thorough discussion of the
m~ter mhd Of the legality of such an appropormtion on motion of 0.~.Miller ~n~
seconded by J.M.~ray it is ~o~nimously ordered that the m~tter be continued until
~ written opinion from the Attorney for the Commonwealth ss to the right of the
Bo~rd to make such mn ~pproprimtion,
In the matter of m public road from Orozet to ~hite H~tt by the way o~
the school :--
~f~er a thorough discussion of the m~nner of a public road from OrozeJ
to White F~ll by the w~y of the High School on motion of O.Purcell McOue seconded
l~y S.~.Oathoun it is mu~ni~ously ordered that ssid rosd be build by Oounty ~unds.
~r. R,E.Lee, Supt. of Oounty Roads appeared before the board and
stated that ~ new automebile w~s needed in order to complete the engerneering work
on the ~ond issue roads therefore on motien of J. LoPitts and seconded by 0.Purcell
McOue it is unanimously ordered that R.E.Lee purchase a new
On motion of 0.Purcell Mc0ue and seconded by J.M.l~ray it is ordered
that G,St~rt Harem, Treasurer, t~rn over tS the State Highway Commission the b~l~nce
of the money for the construction of the Sta~e Highway Number 28.