HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-08-15Printing voting list 220.00 Ocr. Jt~ry ~ 5.00 1 Br con 1.25 Cot ~. 00 R.F.Lee, Superintenlent of Roads' statement. 4' exl~enditures were presented and the Board sfter.csre£ut!y ex,mining the same approved and o~de_e~ i0 be filed At s Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbem~rte County held at the ~ourt House of said 0ounty on the 15th day of ~ugust 1923. Present: Hollis Rinehart, 0hairman, S.~,Cathomn, J,M,.~ray, _J.L.Pitts, 0,Purcell McOu~ and 0~2 .Miller, The minutes of the last were read and approved. ~ ~elegetion of citizens appeared before the Boerd end requested an appropriation for the ~o~muty Service League and after a thorough discussion of the matter en~ Of the legality of such an ~pproporation on motion cf 0.~,Miller sn~ seconded By J.M.~ray it is unenimously ordered that the matter be continued m~til e written opinion from the Attorney for the Commonwealth as to the right of the Board to make such an eppropristion. In the matter efa public road from Orozet to ~hite H~lt by the way o~ the school:-- After a thorough discussion of the manner of a public road from Oroze' to White H~ll by the way of the High School on motion of O.Purcell Mc0ue seconded ~y S,2.0alhoun it is unanimously ordered that s~id rosd be build by 0ounty ~unds. Er. R.E,Lee, Supt. of 0'ounty Roads ~ppeared before the Board and stated that ~ new automobile was ~eeded in order to complete the engerneering work on the ~ond issue roads therefore on motion of JcL.Pitts and seconded By Oopurcell McOue it is unanimously ordered that R,E.Lee purchase a new ~ord Oar. On motion of C.P~roetl Mc0ue and seconded by J.M.Pray it is ordered that G,Stu~rt Hamm, Treasurer, t~rn over ts the State Highway Commission the b~l~nce of the money for the construction of the State Highway N~mber 28, The Oh~rlottesville Noolen Mills h~ving deposited with the Trmas~nver of Albemarle Oounty $~,360.00, the estimated cost of extendt~ the Woolen Mills road from the point where the p~ved re~d was te end, ~der ce~tr~ct recently let ~y the Supervisors. to the end of their office building, ~n ~pprexim~te distance of eight hundred feet, i~ is hereby ~greed t~ if Ellis-~oo~ & Oe~mny, the con- tr~cter, is willing to de this work t~t the Board of Supervisors will have the re~d eo~tructed ~der their contract. This money is not ~ le~n to ~lbemarle Oe~m~ m~ the Bo~rd of Supervisors do net bind the~elves in any w~y $0 ret~n this m~ney, but ~my.money not required for the co. traction of this road will he ret~ned ~ sho~d the work not be' done mt all, the entire 8mount will be returned. On ~ugust loth bids were received for the surfacing wigh s~nd ef two miles of the Owensviile-White Hall Road. Two bids w. ere received: Bowen and Ballmrd was the low bidder end is hereby ~w~rded the In the matter ef the public ro~d from Oismont to Louise County line through the l~nds of t~.G.Downer ~.i~oC~rver ~.nd N~s M~ry Hope ~dw~rds who were summons to appear before the Bo~rd and show cause why the Report of Viewers this day filed should not be confirmed. The said parties appeared before the Bo~rd in person or ~y. agent and objected to the Re. pqrt ef Viewers. The Board ~fter a thouough disscussion of the Report of se id Viewers, on motioned duly seconded~ it is unanimo'~sly ordered that the report be ~dopted ~nd spread upon the minutes. The said t~.G.Downer, ~.J.O~rvsr end Mrs. Nsry ~ope Edwards requested that commissioners be ~ppointed to assess the d~m~ge. It is ordered that Moods Stockton, W.R.D~ke. W,B. Ool~hurst, Joh~ Dawson ar~l P.H. Gentry ~r~appoin ted commissioners whose duty i~% sha'll~ ~fter first being duly sworn,.to meet ~t R.G.Downe~'~ and go over the proposed ~oa~ through the lends of R.G.Downer. ~JoOarver mud Mrs. M~ry Hope Edwards, as Der, report of Viewers and assess the d~mage, if ~ny. to the l~nds .that Will result to them, sa id road is open. They shall meet at ll:O0 o'clock on the £8th day Of ~ugust 19£8 and shsll make their report to the Board the lgth d~ of September Viewers' Report. OOUNTY OP ~BEM~RtlE TO I, E.L,Geddy~ a ~ot~ry Bublio in ~nd for said Oounty im s~id State do certify that S.T.White, ~oP.Kirtley, and P.O.Ninor ~ppointed by the Boerd of Super- visors of ~ibemarie 0ounty at the meeting held on the t~th d~y of J~ne 192~ upon the- question ~nd expediency of location of ~ county ro~d le~ding from Oismont to Louisa Oounty line, personally eppe~red before me in my s~id country-and being duly sworn m~de o~th t~mt they would f~thf~lly ~nd imp~rti~!ly discharge their duties ~s such viewers. Given under my h~nd this 10th day of July E.L.Geddy, N.P. TO THE HONOR.~BLE BOARD O~ STL~ERV!BOR~ O~ THE OOUNTT The undersigned viewers appointed by your order made on the 13th day of June 1923, respect, fully report t~mt we met upon the lands proposed ~o be taken for a public road from Cismont to Lo~isa County Line on the 10th day of July I923, and report thereupon as follows: let. The convenience or inconvenience that will result as well to individuals ss to the public is as follows: Public conv)~enle ncc 2nd. The said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by the Derson or persons for whose convenience it is ~sired, No. ~rd, No y~rd, gmrden or orclmrd will 'have to ~e t~ken, Through ~. J.O~rver, yes., ~th The mamas of the land owners on such route are ss follows: E.G.Downer, Mrs. M~ry Hope Edwards Patton Estate and ~,J. CarYer, 5th. The follewing named of said land owners require comper~tion: E,G.Downer, Mrs. Mary Hope Edwsrds and ~,J.Oarl~er, 5th, ~ just compens2tion te the land owners requiring compens2tion for the s~id lsnd So taken and £or the damage to the residue of the tract beyond the peculiar bene_~ts to be derived in respect to such residue from the road or landing to be estsblished are as follows:~- ' R,GoDowner ....~ Nfs° Nary Hope Edwards ~ · ~Y ° Cs rver $25.00 and reserve present fe~nce co 150,00 ~th, ~The following ere the other f~cts and circumstances which in the spinion of your viewers are useful in enabling your Board to determine the expediency~of, establishing or altering the s~id road: Locstlon as laid o~t by Engineers, Recom~end a 30 ft. Bridge at 0~rver's ~ill. They herewith return a map of' the proposed route, ~Alt of which is respectfully submitted, S .T .White B.C.Min~r ) Viewers ~.P .Kirtley) !~.E.Le~e, S~perintendent of Roads' statement of expenditures were presented and the Board after carefully ex, mining the s~me approved end ordered to be filed° The following clmim~ were t~esented, examined allowed snd or'tiered to be certified to the Treasurer of payment, viz:-- ~ .2 ustln Election $idney Barnett " ~, 00 ~ ,L. Bls ir " 3,00 L uc ie n Br own " 3,00 Elmer 'Batten " ~,O0 J. C. B ing " ~. 00 C °~w ,Be llard " 5,90 Russell ~rgsmln. " I, O0 $ ,L, B~ks " ~,00 R.G ,Birokhe~d " W,H,Birc~es d " 1.00 E, J. BoW~n " ~. 00 J. 0 .B owcock " ~ .00 N, B~n!e y " 9,30 Geo, ~,Burgess " W.~. Cmrpenter " 8 ~o .,~ .Calhoun E.L. Oatho ~u E.D.Oox T.I.Ooles Ndwerd Coles. W.W.Dr~= coil j.P.Dorr ier Oscer Davis R.E.D~ H~gh Es tea W.G,~s~ish G.T .We edwin W.E.Goodwin T .L .G ia nnini W, J.Gsy H.L.Gsrth G.A ,~ibs on J.E.Gibson H.~ .Harris H.~shby Hmrr is M.O.Hsrris L. N. H~ rr ingt on R,~ .H~er J.A .Hancock R. O.Hsl! J.W. H~ s k~s O. S. Huff~ n R .R, Howard I,ewis Huff J.B. Jsrmm n T .H. J~r~n Z.~. Jones J. H. Jones K~g Solomon Lodge W. H. La ngho rne John Minor P. 0 .Mino~ ~ ~E. Minor 0 ,E.M~ nes W.H.Emrtin $. J. Miehie John M~yo Euge E~rsh~ll O.W.McGee J.T. 0 ' Ne ill ~. K. Ps ge E.E.Pugh E.N.Pugh H. J.-Proffit W.M.P~yne J-~, Ps~e E.B,Psrrott W,H.Roge, rs J.E.Rivercomb J. M.Es ms ey Dr. L.G,Eoberts W.H.Smith J.E.Smith G.W.Smith M. Y.$ uther ls nd O,O.Shsckelford ~ .L.Stevens W,H.St2rgell R,E.T~ner A .N .White S .T .White Harry G.~hite Lin Webb O.L.Wsyls~ I.L.Wo odson J.N. Wilkersen H.G.Wsddell Oonws y Printon Oorbett and Rine~rt Colonial Hotel JUdge Dabney P.M.Elltott H.L.Bing B. B. B~r~ H, i .Day ls Chss Hsll Br ice Walton Jsks Hall O. G. Greet Henry J. G.Morr is Daniel ~rris Edw. Herndon Sam Butler Edw Dunoon Election Printing bsllots Printing ballots -Office rent etc. Board of Presiding for Judge Co.r Cot o Ocr. OOr, Colored ~rm. Dem. ~oro~s~ eto 1.00 7.80 1.00 3.10 6.10 S. O0 6.50 3.00 3.00 S.O0 8.40 3.00 4.00 3. O0 3.00 3.00 12. O0 ~ .&O V.40 3.00 10.00 - 1.00 9.20 12. O0 4. O0 5~00 9i00 3,00 3.00 3,00 10.00 5.00 3.00 8.80 i.00 3.00 8.00 5 .VO 3.00 3.00 3.00 5. O0 i0 · 60 9.50 3.00 6.10 2.90 ~,~00 3.00 J. 00 8.80 ~. 60 3.00 J.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1. O0 6.20 10.00 1.00 3.00 5.70 i.00 3~00 3,00 3.00 1.O0 '3. O0 3.00 3.00 $.00 3.00 6.90 6.90 15. ?5 50. O0 12.00 i~ishburne20. O0 3. O0 5.00 ! .00 !o00 1.00 1.00 1.00 i.00 30. O0 4.50 t.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 N,Gariand HoH,Norvell Dr. R.~.Ps ge Dr. H.M.Williams B,Z. Irving Dr~ J,P.Willism~ Dr. M.L,Ree J.M~s on Smith C. B, Jones J.H, Jones Dr. L, G.Roberts Dr. ~.P.Nelson W. L. ~$ up i~ J~son Smith Watts Broon & Matt ~g. Co I~.U~s Cy 8 cla ir~.,s copy~ug e to. Posting notices etc. Repairing stool 2,80 3,00 5,90 5,50 2,00 5,00 5,00 2,00 2,50 2,50 5,50 86.58 27,35 2,00 ~t a regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemarle 0ounty held et the Court Hoese of said 0ounty on the 19th dey of September 19P~. Present: Hollis Rinehart, Chairman, S,~.0alhoun, J.M. Pray, J.~. Pitts, O.Purcell Mo0ue and 0.~.Miller. The minutes ef the 1sst meeting were read and spprovedo It is ordered that the Treasurer of this County be, and he is hereby authorized in the name, and on behalf of the Oo~uty of ~lbem~rle, to make aggreement~ with some bank or bsnk~ for them to .advance the necessary amounts, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000500) and to.execute such obligstio~ or obligyttons in the name, snd on behalf of ss id 0ounty as may be necessary to secure such advance merit or ~dvsncementE, and also by such obligation or obligations pledge l~$J taxes for same. IN THE ~TTFE 0t~ THE HEALTH DEP~ET~NT. ~ delegation of Doctors and citizens appeared before-the Board with the proposition that the Health Boards of the 0ity of 0h~rlottesville, University of Vs. and 0ounty of ~lbemarle be combined under the m~n~gement of Dr. Keister anti-that the 0aunty ef ~lbemsrle appropriate $7500°00 ss set out in the contract presented to She Board~ ~fter a thorough descussion of them~tter On Motion of J.L.Pit~s and seconded by S.~.Oalhoun the following resolution wys adopted. BE IT RESOLVB~D. that the 0ounty of Albemsrie enter into the contra'ct presented to the board $'nd appropriate the sum of $7500.00 ~s its part of the joint fund ef the combind health Bo~rds of the City of Oh~rlottesville, University of virginia and County of ~lbemarle and that its 0h~irn~n, Hollis Rinehsrt, ~e mhd he is hereby authorized in the nsme and on the behalf of the 0ounty cf Albemarle to sign said contract, Polled Vote: ~.ye: Hollis Eine~rt, 0hairm~n, S,~.O~lhoun, J.L.Pitts and 0.P~rcell N O~e. No. J.M, Pray ~nd C.N.Miller