HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-09-19N.Gsriand H.R. Norveil Dr. !~.L.Ps ge Dr. H.M.Witiiams B.Z. Irving Dr. J.~.Wiliisms Dr. M.L.Rea J. Mas on Smith 0.B. jones J. Ho Jones Dr. L.G.Roberts Dr. P.P.Nelson J.N~son Smith Watts Broon &Mmtt ~g. Oo Duns cy 2.60 " $.00 " 5.90 " 5 " 2.00 " 5.00 " 5.00 " 2.00 " 2.50 " 2.§0 " 5.50 2 clsim~ copying etc. 86.58 Posting notices etc. 2?.38 Repairing stool 2~00 At $ regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemsrle Oounty held st the 0curt House of said 0ounty on the 19th day of September 1923. Present: Hollis Rinehart, ~hairmsn, S.~.0alho~u, J.l~.~ray, J.D. Pitts, C.Purcell McOue and 0.~.Miller. The minutes of the 1sst ,meeting were read and approved. It is ordered that the Treasurer of this Oomnty be, and he is hereby ~uthorized in the name, and on belmlf of the 0ounty of ~lbemsrle, ~o make aggreement, with some bank or bsnk~ for them to .~dvsnce the necessary amounts, not to exceed ~ 0 ten thousand dollars ($1 ,000~00) and to execute such obligation or obligations in the name, and on behalf of said 0ounty ss may be necessary to secure such advance ment or sdvsncementE, snd also by such obligation or obligations pledge 192~ -taxes for same. IN THE ~TTER 01~ THE ~LTH DEP~PSNFNT. ~ delegation of Doctors mhd citizens appeared before .the Bomrd with the proposition that the Health Bo~rds of the Oity of 0harlottesville, University of Vs. and County of ~lbemarle be combined .under the management of Dr. Keister snd~ttmt the 0ounty ef ~lbemarle appropriate $?500.00 ss set out in the contract presented to the Board, ~fter a thorough descussion of themstter On Motion of J.L.Pit~s and seconded by S.~.0alhcun the following resolution wss adopted. BE IT RL~SOLVFD ttmt the 0o.unty of ~lbem~rie enter into the contract presented to the board and appropriate the sum of $7500.00 ss its part of the joint f~ud of the combind health Bosrds of $he City of 0hsrlottesville, University of Virginia ~nd County of Albemarle and that its Ohsirman, Hollis Rinehart, be and he is hereby authorized in the name and on the behalf of the ~ounty ef ~lbemsrle to sign said contract. Polled Vote: ~ye: Hollis Rinehart, 0hsirmsn, S.~.C~lho~u, J.L.Pitts and 0.Purcell No. J.M.~rsy ~nd O.~.Miller. Oue. On motion of ~.~.Miller snd seconded by C.Purcell McOue, it is ordered that the Tray's Nomutain ~oad be build by Oounty ~unds not to exceed Two Thousand Dollsrs ($2,ooo.oo).. On ,motion of 0.Pmrcell Mc0ue and seconded by S.~.Cslhoun ~t ~is unsnimously ordered that the ~lerk purohase ~ new typwwriter for the Clerk's 0ffice.· R.E.Lee, ~uperintendent of Rosds' statement of expendit~es were presented and the Bosrd after carefully examining the same sp'proved ordered to be filed. At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, held at the Court House of said County on the l?th day of October 19~3. PP~SENT: Hollis Rinehart, Chairman, J,L.Pitts, J.~.Fr~~, C. Purcell I~icCue, S.A. Cs[lhoun and C.A,Miller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A committee appointed at a largely attended meeting of citizens held at Scottsville, Virginia on the lst~day of October 19£3 appeared before the Board of Supervisors and requested the said board to take some action in regard to having Route #19 extended to Scottsville, Vm and after a thorough discussion of the matter on motion of J.L.Pitts a~ad seconded by J.E.Fray it is unanimously resolved that the Virginia State Highway Co~nission be requested to extend Route $19 beginning at Dixin, Virginia, thence by way of Fork Union and Central Plains to a connection of the new Scottsville-Cl~rlottesville Concreate Road at Scottsville, WI~REAS the City of Charlottesville has requested from this Board permission to construct and lay an eighteen or twenty inch cast iron water pipe across and adjacent to, and in certain sections of %he County roads of this County, in accordance with a sketch this day laid before this Board; Tt~UPON the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RES0t,~D That the aforesaid permission is hereby granted ~he City of Charlottesville to lay the said eighteen or twenty inch cast iron water pipes across and adjacent to and in certain sections of the County roads, approximately in accor- dance with a sketch filed with this Board. But with the following conditions which are a part and parcel of this permission, and are to be accepted by the proper author- ities of the City of Charlottesville in wiriting and properly passed by thief govern- ing body before any work is cormnenced: First: The construction of the work of laying the pipes heretofore mentioned, and all work done in connection therewith, must be carried on in such a m~nner as to put the ~rav$1ing public and users Of said roads to the least possible inconvenience. Third: The back fill over and around the pi~ shall be tamped and the ~-~ ~Vt ~ as ~ood condition as it was before the beginning of the constructio=.