HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-10-17 On motion of C.~.Miller snd seconded by CoPurcell MeOue, it is ordered thst the
~rsy's Mountain ~oad be build by County !~unds not to exceed Two Thousand Dollers
On ,motion of 0.Puree!l Mc0ue end seconded by $.~.C~lhoun i't 'is 'unsnimously
ordered that .the 01erk purctmse s new typwwriter for the Clerk's Office:
R.E.Lee, Buperintendent of Romds' statement of expenditures were
presented snd the Board after caref~lly examining ~he ssme ~pproved ordered to be
At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
held at the Court House of said County on the 17th day of October 19~.
PRESENT: Hollis Rinehart, Chairman, J,L. Pitts, J.M.Fray, C. Purcell EcCue,
S.A,C~lhoun and C.AoMiller.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A committee appointed at a largely attended meeting of citizens held
at Scottsville, Virginia on the lst'day of October 19S3 appeared before the Board
of Supervisors and requested the said board to take some action in regard to having
Route #19 extended to Scottsville, V~ and after a thorough discussion of the m~tter
on motion of J,L.Pitts and seconded by J,E.Fray it is unanimously resolved that
the Virginia State Highway Co~nission be requested to extend Route $19 beginning
at Dixin, Virginia, thence by way of Fork Union and Central Plains to a connection
of the new Scottsville-Charlottesville Concreate Road at Scottsville.
WHEREAS the City of Ch~r!ottesville has requested from this Board
permission to construct and lay an eighteen or twenty inch cast iron water pipe
across and adjacent to, and in certain sections of the County roads of this County,
in accordance with a sketch this day laid before this Board;
Ti~P~UPON the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
RES0I~ That the aforesaid permission is hereby granted ihe City of
Charlottesville to l~y the said eighteen or twenty inch cast iron water pipes across
and adjacent to ~nd in certain sections of the County roads, approximately in accor-
dance with a sketch filed with this Board. But with the following conditions which
are a part and parcel of this permission, and are to be accepted by the proper author-
ities of the City of Charlottesville in wiriting and properly passed by thief govern-
ing body before any work is commenced:
First: The construction of the work of laying the pipes heretofore
men%toned, and ~ll work done in connection therewith, must be carried on in such a
manner as to p~t the ~rav$limg public and~users ~f said roads to the least possible
inconvenience. ~ ......
Third: The back fill over and around the pi'pD shall be tamped and the
road left in as good condition as it was before the beginning of the construction.
Fourth: romk
must be replaced and the a
manner acceptable to the Superintendent of Roads in Albemarle County.
Fifth: After the construction is completed, in case the back fill
or tremch is settled, the City shall renew the fill and said trenches without any
cost whatever to the County, and in case the County is obliged to refill the tremch
or repair the road because of any excavation made by the said City in said work,
the oun~y sb~!l be reimbursed by the City for the cost of such fill and repair
and right is given the County, in case such back fills or treaches are not promptly
filled and renewed, after three days notice to the Eayor of the City-of Cb~rlottezvi
the said County shall do the necessary work and the City obligates itself to reimbur
the County for any amount thus expended by said County for the cost- of such fill and
Sixth: If, at a~y time, the pipe line shall be found~ to be in the
way of grading or ~econstruction any of the roads or the maintenance~ of the roads, ti
C'~ oarm of Supervisors remove the pipe or lower
· ,y sb~ll upon written notice of the B
the pipe w_~hout cost to the County.
Seventh: The water pipe line shall be laid in such a depth as not
tp interfere with necessary culverts or cross drains now in place,~or to be installe~
in the future across the said roads for the drainage or surz~ce water
Eight: Proper care shall be taken in ~nsure the safety of the
traveling public and users of the oublic roads during this constr~ction. Suitable
danger signmls sl~all be maintained and the City.of Charlottesville~doth hereby
asst~e the entire reapons_bzl~y for accidents or property damage that may occur as
a result of~this construction.
And the Board of ~upervisors hereby grants this permission and the
City of harlo~tesv~lle accepts the same with the conditions aforesaid as a consid-
eration for~ the permission hereby granted. The County of Albemarle in no way, shape
or form to be held responsible for the defence of any suits, either for damage by
accident in. said construction or otherwise the city hereby binding~and obligating
itself to defend any such suit and to pay any recovery which may be properly
obtained in, any of the Courts of this Coz~on~ealth for any damage growing out of any
accident or injury to property which may occur as a result of the construction by
the City aforesaid ~f the pipe line aforesaid.
A Copy of the resolution shall be laid before the proper authoritiea
of the City of Charlottesville and signed by them and placed on file both on the
records of the City ax Charlottesville and the records of this board.
G,Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement
together with all warrants paid by him during the month of September 19~. The
Board after examining the ~arrants ordered the statement to be filed.
R.E.Lee S ' '
, uperzntenaent of RoadS' report was presented to the
Board for examination, after carefuly examining the same it was ordered to be filed.
On motion of J.L, Pitts and seconded by S.A. Calhoun, Mrs. Bessie
~unn Eill~r was appointed Home Demonstrator for the next year at the same salary.
Om motion of J.MoFray and seconded by C.Purcell ~cCue it is ordered
tb~t C.A.Miller, Supervisor of White Hall District be allowed to expen~ the sum of
Two Thousand Dpllars and make the necessary levy in 1924 to take care of said amount.
It is ordered that the next ~eeting of the Board be held at the
County Home and the Clerk is requested to notify Er. Hopkins, Superintendent,
The following claims were presented, axamined and ordered to
be certified to-the treasurer of payment, viz:--
Albemarle Home Mu~ial Fire ins.Co.
C,R. Anderson
Dr. Percy Harris
Dr. T.E,Patteson
C. & A, Ry Co.
Dr. B.L.Dillard
T. H.Childress
Dr. J.B. Dickinmon
Dr. H.L.Baptish
Dr. W.~.Haden
E~erett Waddey Co'.
G. Stuard Hamm
B,g, Irving
Dr. J.C.Coulter
R.A. Edwards
Geo. W. Smith
J.H. Jones
J.H. Jones
Jarman Book Store
C,R. Yardley
Albemarle Tel. Co.
Everett Waddey Co
Percy Hudson
W. H. Sut her land
J. B. Payne
F. Toms
A. Toms
W.H.Sutherland Jr.
Irving-Wa~-Hill Co.
The New Piedmont Garage
The Scottsville News
Com. of Va.
J.Mason Smith
Var.-Western Power Co.
Conway Printing Co
Virginia Printing Co
Insurance $ 39.45
Election 3.00
Reporting in
Cedar rust matter 15.00
Lunacy 2.00
" 5.00
" 5.00
Ct. House & J~il 23.04
Lunacy 5.00
~ 2.00
" 11.60
" 5.10
" 5.00
" 5.00
Clerk's & Tres. 25.25
Cedar Rus~
(Sam Eiller & Ivy) 2~2o35
Postim~ notices 6.00
~ad~ing voting list 123.4~
Cot Jury 2.5~
Cot Jury ~.00-
Cot Jury 1.00
Cot Jury 1.00
Cot Jury 1.00
Cot Jury 1.00
Cot Jury 1.00
Cot Jury 1.00
Lunacy 5.00
Posting notices etc. 14.00
Stationery etc. 2.10
Commr. 2.00
Cor. 3.00
Clerk's Office etc. 28.25
Warrant book 25.19
Cot. 3.00
Cot 1.50
Cor. 1.00
Ocr. 1.00
Cot 1.00
Cot 1.00
Cor. 1.00
Ocr 1.00
Farm Demon. 30.00
Auto for Sheriff 12.00
Reinbursement 4.50
Auto for Sheriff 22.50
Pub. finance state- 84.00
Forms 2.97
Posting voting list 14.05
Jail & Ct. House 37.57
Cards for sheriff 2.25
4 items for Tres. 142.75