HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-12-18 At a m~eting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle C~u~.~ty, Vir- g nia., .~.eld at the Court House of said County on the 18th day of Decembe~ 1923, Present~ Hollis Rinehart, Cha~irman, S.A, Calhoun, J.L~?itts, J.~!?Fray, ~.~urcell McCue ~.~d C.A.~iller. T-he minutes of the last were read and approved.. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the Bridge ~ Lickinghole Creek b~ build at a cost not exceeding $1200.00. Aye: Rinehart, EcCue, Calhoun & Eiller. No: Fray and Pitts. On motion of S~A, Calhoun and seconded by J.L.Pitts it is ~rdered that T.~.Woelen be reimbursed $250.00 for money spent on County Roads. Polled vote unanimous. On motion'?of J.L.Pitts and seconded by J.~l. Fray it is o_~d_~red that a stenographer be employed by C.E.Eoran for court work at a salary of $~0.00 per upon condition that the City contribute the same amount. On motion of J.L.Pitts smd seconded by C.Purcell ~cC~e be_ it r ~ esolvec that a cormuittee consisting of Messers Fray and' Lee be appointed to confer With the City authorities in the matter of settlement and adjustment between City ~n~ County. J.H. Jones, jailor, appeared before the Board and requested some repairs, painting etc. at the ja~l and after a thorough discussion of tho matter it is ordered that a sum not exceeding ~llS.00 be approporated for sai~ ~orks. WHERE~ the County of Albemarle, with the aid of various ¢itizemns of-the County, who contributed largely towa~rd~ the undertedcing, built a macads~ road fr~m the Jefferson Highway at a point S~out four miles fr°m C~lo~tesville aroung ~o Ivy Depot, by way of what is known as the Garth Road about e~ght miles in length; smd, Vf~[EREAS the State Highway Co~um~ission in proceeding to build the ~effers~n Highway from the point where the Garth Road left the said ~ighway to Ivy, proceeded to use this Garth ROad as a detour, in consequence ~f~w2iGh a tremendous amount of traffic was. thrown upon the Garth Road for abo~t te~ months, said traffic being probably the largest in Albemarle ~ County, in consequence of which traffic the said Garth Road was badly cut up and injured and practically will have to be re-~urfaced-in m~y parts: The Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County deem it no more than fair and just that the State Highway Commissio~ should repair this Garth Road as they compelled its use to a large extent~by the traveling public far in excess'~f what would have been the ordinary use and wear and tear had it not been used as a detour. The Board of Supervisors., therefore, think that the Stmte Highway Con~ission' should repair the said Road and they appeal to them in a sense of justice and fair- ness to restore the said Road as fair as possible to wl~at its condition would have been had it not been used by the State Highway Co~-~ission as a d6tour. V,~AS, Samuel, Eiller District, voted $49,3?3.00 for the con- struction of the Red Hill Road, between a point one mile East of Red ~Hill and the Ivy District line, a distnace of 6 and 2/10 miles, and, WHEREAS, a section of the road from the Red Hill Station wast is under contract. BE IT ~SOLVED that the one mile E. of Red Hill Stat~o.n be graded by. the Sssauel ]~iiller Distruct Force, at a cost not to exceed the. approximate Estimate of the County Engineer. Resolved that application be and is hereby made to the State Highway Con~issioner in accordance with the law, providing State Aid money for for Albemarle County's total allotment of said fund for 1924. This fund to be used, for 'the construction of the Earlysville RoAd, being County Road #1 in Rivsmna District. The following claims were presented, axamined and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer ~01~. payment, viz:-- Hugh L.Estes E,J Ballard Jarmau ~,~.Pa~e J~. Thompson Burroughs Adding l~achine Co Batesville Print i~ S jA. C~houn C.G.Greer Remington T~ewriter Co. Surb~run~a~e C o Virgini. a-Western Power Co Va. Prin~ing Co Dr. L.G.Roberts Dr. W.A. ~Kyger P.E.Elliott P. T. Dunn Ns~_ i e !~aupi n Dr. F.Page Nelson Dr. H.EcCory J.W.Wolfe J. H. Jone z C .F, Ball ard E.R. Graves E. L. Geddy R. I,. Jacks on E.E.Ward F,E.Entwisle W.E. H~.~aphr ey C. R. Herring ~. J.DaVis. J.%~.~olfe Dr. H.L. Baptish Dr. F.Page Nelson J.H. Jones B. Z. trging JJ~ason Smith Dr. T.H.Daniel J.~las on Smith C .R.Tardley Dr. J.E.Early Dr. W.W.Waddell J.B.Brice L.N. Triplett E. B. Gianniny Duey Scrugg s ti. Ashby Iiarri s S .~. Harris Irging-Way-Hill Co Dr. F. Page Nelson ~. ~¥. ~701f e J.H. Jonem J.R. Thur s~on Gordon Thurst on Waveley Thur st on J. B. Grasty ~R. Jones W.M. Luff erty J.R.~iaupin B. ~. Irvin~ Registrar Tres. supplies Printing ballots November Salary Typewriter for Clerk. Office supplies for Clerk, Ct. Hous~ & Jail Sup. for Clerk & Tres, Lunacy Cot. Inq. Lunacy Cot. inq. Lunacy Cot. Jury Auto for Jury Car. Jury Auto for Jury ~or Jury 5.20 13.7O 9.00 8.00 ~8.00 2.32 13.00 6.90 30.00 112.50 .65 1~. 32 24.50 5.70 5.80 2.00 .50 .50 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 .80 .50 '4.50 l. O0 1.00 1.00 !.00 !. O0 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 4.95 6.00 1.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. O0 1. O0 15.00 5.00 3.od 2.00 1. O0 1.00 1.00 1'. O0 lfOO 1.00 '5.00 3.00 Roy V~.~heeler Harry Lane ~04 C. Shackelf or~ T.V~.~,dward~ ~.N. Tre¥~llian Rufus Chewni~ John He~uo~ Mowbray. N. Garland g.'g. Hopkins Dr. H. ~[.~illiams Dr. J.E.Early N. Garland J.W, Hopkins Dr. H.E.Williams Dr. J.E,E~rly Jury 1.00 1,00 1.00 !.00 1,00 Witnesm .50 .80 .50' Ltmacy 3.05 2.00 5.70 6.70 3.05 2.00 5.70 5.70 C ha i rman At a ea~j~dD'meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ~lbema~:!e County held at the Court House of said County on the 7th day of January 1924, Present: J.E.Fray, Chairman, g.L.Pitts, C.Purcell EcCue, C..~.Mi~ler, P.H.Gentry an~.J. E,Abell. ~ The minutes of the last meeting were read amd approved, Bn motion of C, Purcell ~cCue, seconded by J.L.Pitts., R,E,Lee was~re-appointed Supt. of Roads, at the smue salary and bond. On motion of C.Purcell l~cCue amd seconded by ~.L.Pitts the fol- lowing resolution was adopted. WHERF~E, a short section of road on the Free Un~o.n-Boonesville, White Hall District, highway through the J,R.~,iaapin Farm has no% be~n graded or improved, due to the fact that the said ~Laupin opposed all efforts made by the ~En~neers and Board to secure a ozact.cal route, such as the public were aski~ng ~or and entitled to have and failed. The case was carried ~to the Court for adjudication, which action was directed by the Board ef~ uper~v~sors in ~922. There being a lack of funds in the District Treasury to '!~aY land damages .and for construction of same. Therefore in order to avoid any further delay, the Boa'rd of Supervisors appropriate the necessary fund for the land dams;~es and completion of the work, when said decision has been rendered along the 'lines of the present Engineers survey, it being understood t~hat t~ais is an advancement to the White Hall District, which is to be returned ~to the County when funds are available. # The Board was called ~o order and on motion duly seconded C.P~arcell McCue was elected temporary Chairman. Mr. EcCue then called for a election of a Chairman and vice-Chairman for the year 1924 and On Eotion of C.A,Miller and seconded by J.L;Pitts, lit. J.N.Fray was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board and ,Er.,P.H. Gentry was elected vice-Chai~uan. j.~Fr~v. Chairman. aooointed-C.Purce!l MaOue. C.A.~51]ar